Proposal “the-territory-of-dash-part-2“ (Closed)Back

Title:The Territory of DASH. Part 2. Representation in the CIS countries.
Monthly amount: 57 DASH (1276 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 171 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-06-16 (added on 2018-03-12)
Votes: 675 Yes / 108 No / 18 Abstain

Proposal description

Our pre-proposal discussion link

Hi, I'm Oleg Karimov, the co-founder of and the head of the project "The Territory of DASH". It's been 2 months since the DASH treasury approved our proposal, so we want to talk about what we've done during this time, what we plan to do in the remaining month and show you our plans for the project “The territory of DASH. Part 2”.

In two months the team of 14 people has been formed in two Belarusian cities: Minsk and Vitebsk. These people not only know what DASH is, but they can also talk about it, write articles and teach others.

We have established a partnership with two Belarusian companies "Cryptocode" and "Grizzly", which actively help us with the implementation of "The Territory of DASH" project.
Our partners: "Cryptocode" , "Grizzly" . 

We were written about, we were filmed, we talked about DASH.
Interview of Oleg Karimov for the YouTube channel "Business Focus"
Article about DASH on portal - top 3 among financial websites of Belarus.
Article about DASH on the portal - top-3 among IT news sites in Belarus
Article about DASH on the portal - top-3 among IT news sites in Belarus
Article about DASH on the popular youth portal

We supported intellectuals and held the first lesson of cryptoeconomics at school.
Cryptolotto with DASH

We launched our news site and YouTube channel.
News site
YouTube channel rucrypto

We took part in two conferences (in St. Petersburg and Moscow) where we worked at the stand and I was a speaker.
Conference in St. Petersburg
Conference in Moscow
You can read the report on the conference in St. Petersburg at the dashforcenews and rucrypto - Russian version , English version , Spanish version . You can read the report on the conference in Moscow - English version. 
We opened the DASH office in Vitebsk, where we broadcast, where the team works and makes plans for the future.

What awaits us in March?

- Work on the implementation of the plan on the number of articles on
- Television coverage in the Belarusian program about what is cryptocurunsy and what is DASH?
- 2 meetups in Minsk, which will prepare people for the conference "CryptoForum by DASH"
- Participation in the conference “Digital Thaw-2018” in Nizhny Novgorod, where I will be the main speaker and our team will work at the stand.
- In March our team conducts a cryptoscholl with DASH in inovation center Skolkovo and in the international business school MIRBIS in Moscow.
- Work on the legal registration of the project in the Hi-Tech Park in Minsk, according to the Decree No. 8 of the President of Belarus.

What will DASH get from our proposal from April to June?

1. Participation of "The territory of DASH" team in 5 conferences in the CIS countries:

● Blockchain& Bitcoin Conference in Moscow 17-18.04.2018
● Russian Blockchain Week in Moscow 21-25.05.2018
● CryptoForumby DASH, Minsk 08/06/2018
● Blockchain Conference in Astana 06/14/2018

ー Payment of sponsorship packages and participation in the conference ー 10 DASH,
ー Development and printing of promotional materials (booklets, magnets, bags, pens, etc.) ー 5 DASH,
ー Video reports, photo reports, articles about participation in media ー 2 DASH,
ー Travel, accommodation, meals, wages (for 8 people) ー 5 DASH.

2. Presentation of DASH in the Belarusian media and in the CIS countries

- 20 articles in the media of the CIS countries,
- 5 interviews or participation in TV programs of the CIS countries.

3. Information portal

- Number of unique users per month – 15,000 people
- Number of subscribers on social networks – 6000 people
- Articles ー900
- Articles about DASH ー 100
- Translations from Alex_ruー not limited
- Articles for DashForceNews about the events taking place in the CIS countries - 10

4. RuCrypto YOUTUBE-channel:

- Cryptonews with the commercial "What is DASH?" ー 24 videos
- Cryptoschool including a review of cryptocurrency DASH ー 24 videos
- Report on DASH ー 3 videos
- Subscribers ー 1500 people

5. Deposit for the budget proposal 2 DASH

TOTAL for the project: 57 DASH per month.

Thanks for the support. In Dash we trust. We are waiting for your comments and advice.
News+ Updates the project The Territory of DASH. Part 2. Representationin the CIS countries.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch May 28th 2018 Report on
The Territory of DASH. Part 2. Representation in the CIS countries by ikeaman
0 points,6 years ago

For your convenience here is our latest report on “The Territory of Dash part 2”:

The Dash Watch Team
0 points,7 years ago
voting YES . keep up the great work
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the support. We will try to justify your trust.
0 points,7 years ago
Good luck, Oleg!
Your team are definitely the most resultative Dash promo-team in Russia and in nearest Russian-speaking countries at the moment. We do need such activity here. And it is big luck for Dash network to have such a team onboard in CIS countries!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks, Alex. We will try and continue. The ultimate goal: "Create opportunities for payments using DASH"
1 point,7 years ago
Парни, если вы ещё займётесь установкой PoS, хотя бы даже едииничными, как вон те ребятки в Украине - цены вам не будет.
3 points,7 years ago
Проект "Территория DASH" рассчитан на год и состоит из 4 частей. Сейчас во второй части мы расширили границы и занимаемся продвижением не только в Беларуси, но и в странах СНГ. В третьей и четвертой части кроме рекламы, продвижения и образования будет этап внедрения DASH как альтернативного средства платежа. Сейчас мы ждем двух важных моментов. 1. - 28 марта вступит в действие Декрет Президента Беларуси № 8. 2. Запуск Эволюции, которая судя по описанию позволит упростить подключение мерчантов к платежной системе. Однако уже сейчас в разговорах с представителями бизнеса мы нарабатываем базу контактов, бизнесменов лояльных к криптовалюте и готовых принимать ее в качестве оплаты их товаров и услуг.
The project "Territory DASH" is designed for a year and consists of 4 parts. Now in the second part we have expanded the borders and are engaged in promotion not only in Belarus, but also in the CIS countries. In the third and fourth parts, apart from advertising, promotion and education, there will be a stage of introducing DASH as an alternative means of payment. Now we are waiting for two important points. 1. - On March 28 the Decree of the President of Belarus No. 8 will come into force. 2. The launch of Evolution, which, judging by the description, will make it easier to connect merchants to the payment system. However, already now in conversations with business representatives we are working out a database of contacts, businessmen loyal to the crypto currency and ready to accept it as payment for their goods and services.