Proposal “tenx-dash-debit-card“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April
One-time payment: 305 DASH (6766 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 305 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-03-28 / 2017-04-27 (added on 2017-03-29)
Votes: 490 Yes / 69 No / 40 Abstain

Proposal description

This is a continual of the pre-proposal


Update:  We do not need to wait for the payout to get started, as soon as we have enough YES votes we will hire 1-2 extra developers and get started. We should have a working prototype by the end of the 2nd week of April and everything running by the end of the 3rd week of April.


Hey All

I am the Co-Founder of
Here is the link to our website:

We have a working Bitcoin wallet and are looking for 300 DASH to cover full development and product release for a functional DASH debit card that will be ready by Mid-April 2017.

  • We will develop everything IN-HOUSE.
  • We will be responsible for the debit cards and services - as a user there is NO third party involved. We are the only company offering that.
  • You will not have to worry about 3rd parties - we will take care of everything end-to-end.
  • As a user you can send crypto (Dash) into the wallet and spend it with your debit card. You will not have to store fiat which will make you totally independent.
And here are videos on YouTube using the card already:

  • - You will be able to order the cards straight away!
  • - no payment fees
  • - no fx fees
  • - no markup on exchange rate
  • - order fee of only 15 USD for physical card and 1.5 USD for virtual card

1. You can store Dash on the card as opposed to fiat
2. You have no fees on Dash conversion at the time of swiping the card as opposed to fees on other cards when you convert your Dash to fiat
3. There's no expensive fees when you convert to a local (non-USD) currency from Dash. It's the market exchange rate
4. No KYC paperwork needed until you spend 1k or more per transaction or 3k or more per month
5. no annual fees, as long as you spend more than 250 USD per 12 months (otherwise 3.5 USD per year for physical and 1.5 USD per year for virtual card)

  • You will be able to order the cards straight away!
  • As soon as we see some positive traction of the preproposal we will put 3 of our developers to work to have everything set by mid-April.
  • So you can have the app and card NOW with full Dash integration by mid-April.
We are only asking for 300 DASH (plus 5 DASH for proposal fee), which will cover full development and product release.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
You get a lot of Money!!!
When do you enable Dash?
1 point,7 years ago
TenX is not planning on activate Dash on their cards / wallets for the public. Is this the correct interpretation of this proposal?
0 points,7 years ago
1 point,8 years ago
any updates on this proposal?
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
Everything we can do to make adoption more streamline, YES!
1 point,8 years ago
Thank you all for your support. You will not be disappointed.
1 point,8 years ago
Yes Dash Card!!!!!
2 points,8 years ago
Voting yes and waiting for the card :)
1 point,8 years ago
Thanx for your support. You will be very happy!
2 points,8 years ago
I like this card a lot, you have my votes!
Thanks for taking the time to address everyone's questions. I hope this passes as i will be one of the first to sign up when Dash is added.
4 points,8 years ago
Update: We do not need to wait for the payout to get started, as soon as we have enough YES votes we will hire 1-2 extra developers and get started. We should have a working prototype by the end of the 2nd week of April and everything running by the end of the 3rd week of April.

0 points,8 years ago
please make sure to get iphone apps going as well. im on an iphone and would like to be able to use this myself.
0 points,8 years ago
Yep, we are already working on iOS and the web App
2 points,8 years ago
Quick summary, because we get asked this a lot:

1. You can store Dash on the card as opposed to fiat
2. You have no fees on Dash conversion at the time of swiping the card as opposed to fees on other cards when you convert your Dash to fiat
3. There's no expensive fees when you convert to a local (non-USD) currency from Dash. It's the market exchange rate
4. No KYC paperwork needed until you spend 1k or more per transaction or 3k or more per month
5. no annual fees, as long as you spend more than 250 USD per 12 months (otherwise 3.5 USD per year for physical and 1.5 USD per year for virtual card)

We do NOT rely on a 3rd party provider. So we have everything in house.
5 points,8 years ago
The fact that with Julian's card you can both store actual Dash on the debit card and spend it with zero fees anywhere Mastercard is accepted is a very big selling point in my opinion.

The important difference between Julian and Charlie's card is that with Charlie's Payza card they will not allow you store Dash on the card which is directly available to automatically convert to fiat at the time of spending with no fee like they do with Julian's. To the best of my knowledge, wiith Charlie's card you send your Dash to your Payza account, and then you choose how much of it you want to convert to fiat (at a fee) and then only that fiat is what is actually available to be spent on your card. I think the user experience with Julian's card will be better and it will clearly save the user money. The only disappointment is that we couldn't negotiate getting this card to be Dash-branded as well
3 points,8 years ago
You might be positively surprised with the branding... let's see :-)
2 points,8 years ago
I agree this is a much better card, plus Charlie's Payza card has a bunch of fees.
-2 points,8 years ago
I'm going to have to vote No with my Masternodes on this one myself due to the comments made in the following video:

I believe that these comments would never have been made if you truly believed in Dash, and asking for funding from the treasury after having explained that you do not believe that Dash makes a lot of sense as an investment seems disingenuous to me.
0 points,8 years ago
Please watch the full video and you will see that the point you are referring to is being taken out of context. I never said DASH does not make sense, but I was referring to an investment decision in regards to people who do not have much knowledge about cryptocurrencies in general. If that is the reason why you are voting no, then please reconsider. If it is because you truly do not believe in helping the DASH community with our card, then leave it a no. Thank you for taking a look nevertheless and I hope we will convince you with an outstanding product.
2 points,8 years ago
Please do yes thanks
2 points,8 years ago
(reposting my comments from the slack #proposals channel)

I think we need these fiat gateways implemented, and if the treasury has to pay for the first couple then it's fine with me. 2015-2016 was all about marketing so I was all onboard with any marketing proposals. Now... not so much.

Same with these fiat gateways. A year from now , if another company comes with "hat in hand" I'd vote it down for sure because they'll probably implement it on their own. So the first ones should be supported, but later ones don't need treasury funds because a solution is already in place.

I'm in the US, so I can't use shakepay or any of the other cards right now so I'm keen on getting my hands on both cards.
2 points,8 years ago
As I mentioned in the general forum, I would vote yes for this if I was a Masternode. They have a working product that has been tested by members of the community. They have been willing to use Escrow to ensure payments are made once integration is complete and not before, although I realize if approved here escrow would not be used. Escrow would be a better way to go but if not available for whatever reason, I think we should go ahead and approve this proposal.

Most of the no voters take their position because they think Dash should be implemented at no cost to Dash but what Julian is offering is for Dash to jump to the head of the line and get integrated now and not (maybe) later.

The potential benefits of this card are immense, it vastly improves the utility of Dash and opens the door to using Dash at millions of merchants globally. Doing this at the same time as Shrem's project will make an even bigger splash.

The monetary risk to Dash is very limited (just compute the value of limiting the total supply of Dash by 305 which is what will happen if this month's Treasury is not spent). This is a one time payment and not a long term commitment.

I for one actually want one of these cards and the benefits to Dash are more tangible and immediate than many of the other proposals that have been accepted so far.

We happen to have a treasury flush with cash and these extra funds may not be available (or as valuable) some months from now. The funds we have should be used to advance Dash while we have the momentum.

I think we can overlook the idea that Julian might not have been totally in love with Dash from the beginning, but neither were a lot of people and that is up to us to change. The risk is worth the potential reward in my view, Dash needs to strike while the iron is hot.
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you for your support. I do not understand where the idea comes from, that I do not like DASH. I truly do!
-1 point,8 years ago
Their project is COMIT. They didn't spend all that money just to issue a lousy bitcoin and ethereum debit card. They're going to do all the major cryptos and it's pretty naive think they're going to do all others before dash. The only difference here is that dash will probably be the only one paying them.
1 point,8 years ago
Is it a MasterCard?
0 points,8 years ago
5 points,8 years ago
Can you please verify your identity - i.e. post up on your website, twitter to say you are submitting a proposal to the Dash network.
0 points,8 years ago
I was travelling the past days, so I had limited Internet. We put it into all our Social Media accounts.
1 point,8 years ago
Abstaining until this is answered.
1 point,8 years ago
I was travelling the past days, so I had limited Internet. We put it into all our Social Media accounts.
3 points,8 years ago
2 points,8 years ago
I was initially taken in by this, but the YouTube videos linked in the preproposal don't look convincing, the proposer admits to not having heard of babygiraffe, and they are trying to obtain money from Dash when their business interests would be best served by integrating Dash anyway. They even say they intend to do it without a fee. Voting NO.
1 point,8 years ago
Thank you for taking a look and taking it into consideration. To correct some of your statements: If we do not get the proposal, we do not have the funds in 2017 to integrate DASH. I can guarantee however, that if we get the proposal granted, we will deliver the best possible DASH debit card possible.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I hope you really deliver what you promise. I will be a customer if you do.
0 points,8 years ago
where does your profit come from if there are no fees ?
0 points,8 years ago
Since we actually do not need a third party, we get the kickback from Mastercard. No other company in the crypto space (to my knowledge) actually has that.
3 points,8 years ago
I really hope the MN's do not fund this. I have voted no and encourage all yes votes to reconsider. I was less than impressed by your pre-proposal chat to other community members and this should be all MNs need to see to make their decision:

Go to 18:27. This guy says: "I own a little bit of Dash, I'm not really heavily invested because I just don't think it makes a lot of sense"

Yet here you are using our treasury to fund your business. This guy is a snake.

We have Charlie Shrem's card coming out that's Dash branded and Charlie Shrem actually supports and believes in the Dash project too. The Bitwala card I use already has Dash integrated via Shapeshift. We don't need this guys card or his bullshit.
1 point,8 years ago
I tend to agree. I was less than impressed with the pre-proposal as well and some information came out during that process (this video included) that makes me not want to trust this guy. Call it a hunch.

Voting No.
0 points,8 years ago
We respect your decision and still say thanx for taking us into consideration. Maybe we can offer you something in the future that you will totally love and support.
-2 points,8 years ago
I respect your decision, however you are taking things out of context and confuse a webinar done for a group of people without much knowledge with a business proposal. If you want to attack me personally, then only do that, if you are willing to be public as well, otherwise you are just playing the troll game.
1 point,8 years ago
I don't troll when it comes to voting! It's simple, don't do business with people who's integrity is questionable. There is more than enough evidence to question yours.
1 point,8 years ago
Voting yes. More utility for DASH is always good for the ecosystem, and their wallet is holding crypto and does not sell liquidate crypto immediately – great for crypto.
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you
3 points,8 years ago
Looking at your pre proposal I do not see any reason why this should be funded by Dash. After all you are a for profit business and this is just business expenses for you if you want to integrate Dash or any other crypto. I dont think Dash should get into the habit of paying any service provider to implement Dash. Service providers will want to implement Dash anyway because its one of the increasingly popular cryptos and its in your best self interest. Maybe if you offered something above and beyond the other coins you service such as free cards lower fees until it reaches the sum you requested...
2 points,8 years ago
I don't really care how much they profit from this what really matters is how much do we profit from this. And getting a card with 0 fees now instead of in a year or so seems like a good deal. It increases the momentum of Dash.
Which even if done a bit inefficient is something very important to do in the early stages of a project, because it will pay off significantly in the future.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanx :-)
1 point,8 years ago
Agreed actually it should be the other way around, and contact DASH business development so you can pay them for the technology.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanx nevertheless for taking a look and considering our proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
I can see your point of view, however you have to understand that we raised money specifically for Bitcoin and Ethereum to integrate them. If you read our white paper you can see that we would not integrate any other currency right now. So we offer to integrate DASH right now and not only in a year's time. From a financing standpoint we cannot do it earlier. If that puts you off, fair enough. I can guarantee that our card offered will be the cheapest and easiest to use in the market. Thanx nevertheless for taking a look and considering our proposal. Seeing that you wrote this paragraph, shows me that you truly care and I appreciate that.
-1 point,8 years ago
Especially when they blew $1M investment on other "more important" things. Integrated bitcoin and ethereum without asking them for money yet they feel obliged to ask the #3 crypto for money.
0 points,8 years ago
Personally, I feel this proposal was intentionally submitted at the last minute in the hope of receiving an initial burst of excitement.

Julian Hosp has already said that they were intending to integrate dash later in the year. The question now is, is it worth paying a premium now or simply waiting a few months?

This company is likely to add other cryptos in the future (see their COMIT white paper), yet it is unlikely they will seek money from them, mostly because they don't actually have a funding model like dash. Dash adds value to this company, so why should dash pay a premium for the sake of a few months.
3 points,8 years ago
How would this differ from what Charlie Shrem is doing?
1 point,8 years ago
We charge no currency fees, no transaction fees, our card is in crypto, no/little KYC and we do NOT rely on a third party. We are in charge and can and will therefore offer you the best possible product.
1 point,8 years ago
Disregard, I found the answer. Sorry =)
0 points,8 years ago
1 point,8 years ago
What does Dash get for this over and above the bitcoin or etherum card?
1 point,8 years ago
We raised money specifically for Bitcoin and Ethereum from Investors to integrate them. If you read our white paper you can see that we would not integrate any other currency right now. So we offer to integrate DASH right now and not only in a year's time. From a financing standpoint we cannot do it earlier. If that puts you off, fair enough. I can guarantee that our card offered will be the cheapest and easiest to use in the market.
0 points,8 years ago
As a Dash community I would like to know what we get for the $25000? A previous poster was right, you are a for-profit business and as such I'm sure you would be able to make the integration without treasury funds. How much did Ethereum contribute to be integrated? Perhaps it would be best to strike a deal to provide some level of extra service to the Dash community and also establishing a rapport. Also 25Dash per month ongoing, for what exactly? Please understand I think you have a strong product, one that I may be interested in, but first there are serious concerns to be worked out.
0 points,8 years ago
I can see your point of view, however you have to understand that we raised money specifically for Bitcoin and Ethereum to integrate them. If you read our white paper you can see that we would not integrate any other currency right now. So we offer to integrate DASH right now and not only in a year's time. From a financing standpoint we cannot do it earlier. If that puts you off, fair enough. I can guarantee that our card offered will be the cheapest and easiest to use in the market.
0 points,8 years ago
voting yes. looks great!
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you
0 points,8 years ago
Voting yes, i think this budget proposal fits nicely with our already existing debitcards and at the same time offer something unique here (storage in cryptocurrency and the ability to have multi-currency conversion).
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you