Proposal “pshenmic-dev-dfo-website-december-2024“ (Completed)Back DFO Website Funding Proposal December
One-time payment: 175 DASH (4572 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 175 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-11-07 / 2024-12-07 (added on 2024-11-11)
Votes: 524 Yes / 108 No / 5 Abstain

Proposal description DFO Website Funding Proposal December

Last Update 13 November 2024 DFO Website

Hello folks, as I mentioned in the DFO proposal, we are slowly getting ourselves in
the frontend Dash Platform products. We can do nice and modern Web and cross
platform Mobile apps, and we wish to start building something special.

In order to build better apps, we have make a quite research and scratch up approaches
on the best way to interact with platform from the browsers and mobiles. There
are not enough Web SDKs for Dash Platform yet, that hardly limits amount of
things that currently possible to do, thus we don’t see any good Dash DApps yet. DFO Website will act for us as an experimental project that will solve
us a three things at once. First, our developers will be forced to use our frontend
interface to submit tasks and claims (and receive reward their work), thus we will
find out all possible bugs, misses and issues preventing the usage of platform in
the browsers.

Secondly, we will have much better accountability of our dev reserve. Each project,
task and claim will be seen on the website, fully transparent, and it will have a
comments \ upvote sections (similar to DashCentral), that will make decisions on
the ongoing projects more clear and fair.

On the third, it will be one of the firsts platform applications that is actually being
used in production, and regular users will be able to interact with it too, via connecting wallet,
commenting and upvoting / downvoting stuff on the website.

I believe it will give a good start on the future Dash Platform projects.

Another explanation from Discord:

It serves as an example project that will showcase all Dash Platform capabilities in the web
(browsers), like authentication of your identity (with names), querying and submitting documents
(making actions on the website), NFT interactions etc. All the essential features that would be later
used in other DApps, like possible decentralized twitter or others. Thus, it will require creating a
proper frontend architecture, integration approaches and code samples, that we later could reuse
in other DApps. We haven't worked very deeply with Dash Platform in the frontend yet, so its about
starting moving into that direction.

We took it as a first, because this is something that we are going
to use ourselves to manage DFO's budget, post information about projects, tasks and ongoing
updates, and it makes us incentive to make it in the best way possible to use even for a non-coders.
We worked very hard on the designs as well, hopefully it will show people the nice UI/UX experience
that we could and would like to build.

We can do something different as first one though, but this the
only one working idea of actually useful platform dapp I got right now so far. We could do it with a
trustless pooled staking project we though about in the ⁠brainstorm not a long time ago, but it is a mobile
first and I'm afraid would add some quite challenges.


We already have a website basic codebase, but everything is hardcoded for now.
What we need to do is to create a good UX interface on the frontend for connecting your wallet,
creating and broadcasting Dash Platform transactions. We are almost finished with the UX designs
for basic features, so its more matter of implementing features in the frontend. During November,
we will be finishing Transaction details on the Platform Explorer, and after we will switch to this
project (or engage more devs).

For MVP, in the first version, we are going to implement project tasks and claiming workflow for the
developers, so we could finally move all our accountability on the Dash Platform. It will include login
via private key or seed phrase for Platform Identity authentication, and a way to create tasks and su
bmit claims. We will start scratching the project, and get basic scope, time and expectations in the
next proposal.


We have already done a lot of design mockups for the website, so we are going to finish that shortly and
proceed to frontend implementation. 

It includes:
* Authentication via Seed \ Private key
* Project list
* Specific Project
* Task List
* Specific Task
* Task's Claims
* Submitting Claim
* Creating Tasks, Projects (by admin)

You can view the preview of the pages we are plan to implement by this link:


175 Dash reserve will be used to for UX design and Frontend work. We have already done a
lot of of mock ups, so we will proceed to the frontend implementation very shortly.

Approximate split:

Frontend 100
UX 75

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,2 months ago
pshenmic, you are awesome, you have helped me so much but I’m getting confused with how this proposal is written.
“ There are not enough Web SDKs for Dash Platform yet, that hardly
limits amount of things that currently possible to do, thus we don’t see any good
Dash DApps yet. ”
Are you saying that because of the lack of finished SDKs, hardly anything can be done? Or are you trying to say the opposite, that many things still can be done?
“ similar to DashCentral”. Oh you are building out your DAO! Got it.
2 points,2 months ago
Yeah, but it is not slowing us down, we can still build frontend part, while missing SDKs and utilities are not finished yet. After that, it will be quite easy to just replace mock functions with actual SDK calls.