Proposal “mnowatch-hosting-2024“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 1 DASH (26 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (14 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-11-05 / 2025-01-07 (added on 2023-11-05)
Votes: 554 Yes / 18 No / 4 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

This proposal is the continuation of the previous proposal to help pay for the hosting of our current run rate is about $50 per month, in June 2023 we spent 8.67 Dash which has us up to date through to Q1 2024.  Upon which we will seek another hosting provider that can provide us more online storage for a similar price.  We ask for just 1 Dash per month, because we are bullish! and we do expect that the Dash price will increase next year, above $50 if not more and at that time we will raise funds to pay for the hosting on the new platform.  We very much thank you for 12 payments to date (12-1= 11 Dash) and this proposal requests the next 14 months which covers us through to the end of 2024.  Please consider funding our costs, you are able to change your vote at any time.

About MNOwatch
MNOwatch is a community run website which aims to provide information and services about and for the Dash network. We can be contacted on the forum and subreddit . Our current git repo is available for review and PRs, it has the code for the main reports on the home page, however, the rest of the site is yet to be added to a public repo. Also, much of the code that runs MNOwatch is available at this repo.

In 2023 we worked hard to bring some new services to the site including the just out of beta Crowdnodewatch site which allows you to see how the crowd is voting and who the whales are !  We are also working on a couple new updated versions of the homepage!  Check out our in beta index2 home page which sports fancy 1990s style CSS only drop down menus, no cookies, no js, no third party assets, just MNOwatch classic design!  An index3 page is currently under consideration that would allow selecting reports for a user specified time period. TBD. Also, check out the new Vote The Numbers! pages, a novel way of voting in the DAO in a more granular way. We have also continued to update the MNOwatch whale designations, tagging new clusters as they emerge on the network and waving goodbye to old clusters, we are also supporting Evonode clusters and will improve this in 2024.

How it works
MNOwatch utilises a split system where one server runs the webserver and PHP and cron jobs and another server runs the dashd. This helps to keep content in one place and spread the load across two different severs, it also helps with reducing costs of for storage. Each server costs about $25/month to run.

P.S. We created this proposal with the help of Mnowatch proposal generator.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,2 months ago
We are pleased to report that today we were able to convert 12 Dash from the hosting fund into 12 months of hosting fees for MNOwatch at a rate of $55. We simply simply refused to sell for less than we needed to cover costs and in the meantime, I paid for the hosting from my own money knowing that eventually, the Dash we saved up would be more than enough to cover our costs!

A new proposal for 2025 is coming soon. It's going to be a great year!
2 points,6 months ago
Yes from me.
2 points,6 months ago
Thank you !
1 point,1 year ago
I've been working on a new index page that has a nifty CSS style menuing system, do check it out and let us know what you think of it !
0 points,1 year ago
The new index page is not smartphone compatible.
3 points,1 year ago
Thanks to everyone supporting this proposal, we are truly humbled to see the support and look forward to another year in Dash !
1 point,1 year ago
1 Dash per month, just to cover the expenses of the site, cannot be considered support.

The masternodes gave to mnowatch the bare minimum to live.

I am not sure whether the masternodes truly support mnowatch, but for sure they dont want mnowatch to die.
1 point,1 year ago
If you truly support something you give money for it, or even you give something more precious, you give time to it. Do you know anyone who gave us money for the development Have a look at our development address:

Our development address is almost empty, while DASH-GROWTH-Q1-2024 recently received 350 Dash in tips. And what about time offering. Do you know anyone who coded for us or spent his time helping us? We are just the two of us, no other cares.

So nobody really support us, the masternodes just appreciate our huge work and let us live out of curiosity, because they wonder how our huge effort will end. They allow us barely live , in order to observe us, like people is doing to wild and exotic animals.
1 point,1 year ago
Yet another typical Masternode operator, that proves how much crazy and irrational the masternode's electorate is.

This guy votes NO for ALL proposals!
1 point,1 year ago
This insane masternode operator casted only ONE YES vote ever, in favor for TREASURY-REALLOCATION-60-20-20
1 point,1 year ago
So he wants the budget to increase from 10% to 20%, so that his TOTAL NO votes for EVERYTHING into the budget to have more (negative) effect!

:P :P :P :P :P
1 point,1 year ago
In conclusion, the masternodes electorate is full of agents and daemons.

No wonder why Dash will soon reach the bottom of coinmarketcap.
1 point,1 year ago
Unless of course you vote for a proof of personhood/individuality, so that these agents/daemons will be exposed and eliminated.
3 points,1 year ago
Obvious yes. Thanks for your service to the network.
2 points,1 year ago
Thanks QE and right back at you !
3 points,1 year ago
Thank you for you support.
0 points,1 year ago
qwizzie casted his 8 NO votes.
1 point,1 year ago
Yep, i dont like very long multi-month budget proposals period. It raises a red flag for me.

I also dont like you constantly attacking everyone that is not using your numerical system. A voting system that has nothing to do with Dash Governance system. Even when people do take the effort to use your numerical system to vote no on something there, you still put pressure on them through Dash Central to vote differently. You don't care about Dash Governance and you dont respect the voters that use your numerical system, when they vote in a way you don't like.
-2 points,1 year ago
>Yep, i dont like very long multi-month budget proposals period. It raises a red flag for me.

For the Dash community to understand how much filthy liar you are, a day after you quoted this, you voted in favor of a multi-month budget proposal (Dash-Italia-SocNetManage-Transl-NOV-JAN)
0 points,1 year ago
>I also dont like you constantly attacking everyone that is not using your numerical system. A voting system that has nothing to do with Dash Governance system.
> Even when people do take the effort to use your numerical system to vote no on something there, you still put pressure on them through Dash Central to vote differently.
> You don't care about Dash Governance and you dont respect the voters that use your numerical system, when they vote in a way you don't like.

off topic.
0 points,1 year ago
After the off topic warning, lets continue the thread.

Are you talking about voting the numbers in general ....
...or about the encointerUBI proposal specifically.

Accusing the general idea of voting by using numbers, because of a specific numerical proposal someone casted, it is silly.

On what it concerns now the encointerUBI proposal, by no means I pressure people who voted for encointerUBI to vote differently. I respect all voters. I will simply ask them , in case a 10% participation is reached for the encointerUBI proposal , to select their preferable election method.
0 points,1 year ago
>I will simply ask them , in case a 10% participation is reached for the encointerUBI proposal , to select their preferable election method.

The question that will be asked, in case 10% participation is reached , is already written:
0 points,1 year ago
>Yep, i dont like very long multi-month budget proposals period. It raises a red flag for me.

So what do you suggest? Every month for us to cast a brand new proposal and ask for 1 dash ? You want us to become filthy spammers, dont you?

Or do you want us to ask all the 14 dash for the rest 14 month in a single proposal? This adds a big risk for us, in case the proposal is rejected. And a big risk for the Dash community, in case we get all the money for the months and then we decide to shut down the site the next month.

So you logic is twisted, once again you are talking nonsenses.
1 point,1 year ago
He asks for 1 Dash each month.
It is a reasonable amount TS.
If Dash hit ATH you always can vote NO ;)
1 point,1 year ago
TBH I'd double the claim ;)
1 point,1 year ago
Thanks for the support, but let's double the price of Dash instead. ;)
-1 point,1 year ago
14 months? You are asking for a 14 month commitment and we gamble on the price of Dash in the future? So do you. I suppose you are asking for so little that paying a Dash to make a proposal more often seems wasteful, but isn’t there another way to do this?
2 points,1 year ago
Yep, it would be wasteful to do this monthly for example, since the ask is so low and, yes, we are bullish on Dash and expect that at some point in the coming months, the Dash we accrue will be cover our hosting fees and at that point we will prepay our next year in advance. Thanks for your consideration!
2 points,1 year ago
If you have a reasonable alternative to propose, I am all ears.
1 point,1 year ago