Proposal “mnowatch-hosting-2023“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 1 DASH (22 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (13 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-11-04 / 2023-11-13 (added on 2022-11-04)
Votes: 649 Yes / 32 No / 14 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

The current proposal will help us to pay for hosting fees  of .
We are asking for 1 Dash per cycle, you are free to fund as many or as few cycles as you wish.

About MNOwatch
MNOwatch is a community run website which aims to provide information and services about and for the Dash network. We can be contacted on the forum and subreddit . Our current git repo is available for review and PRs, it has the code for the main reports on the home page, however, the rest of the site is yet to be added to a public repo. Also, much of the code that runs MNOwatch is available at this repo.

How it works

MNOwatch utilises a split system where one server runs the webserver and PHP and cron jobs and another server runs the dashd. This helps to keep content in one place and spread the load across two different severs, it also helps with reducing costs of for storage. Each server costs about $25/month to run.

P.S. We created this proposal with the help of Mnowatch proposal generator.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,1 year ago
I decided to change my vote from YES to NO, due to proposal owner going after other proposal owners who did not comment their support for mnowatch in here and accusing them of being an 'agent'.

It is a sign that itsdemo is getting increasingly more unhinged and paranoid and i do not want to support people that behave like that in their budget proposals .

I only voted YES in the past due to the involvement of xkcd, certainly not because of itsdemo involvement.
1 point,1 year ago
See also :
0 points,1 year ago
This is a terrible reason to vote no, at the present price of Dash the payout doesn't even cover the cost of hosting.
1 point,1 year ago
Dont worry.

Qwizzie has just 8 masternodes voting power, thus he is unable to defund mnowatch.
1 point,1 year ago
Its most likely the same reason why people stopped supporting camosoul years and years ago with his Dash Vending machine. Too unhinged and causing damage to his own project.
1 point,1 year ago
If i remember correctly that was also a two-man operation, where one ruined it for the other.
2 points,1 year ago
Camosoul is a different case, not related to ours.
-1 point,1 year ago
I did not accuse anyone of being an agent.
I asked someone to prove that he is not an agent.
Stop lying !
-1 point,1 year ago
And by the way, be carefull when you state what you are voting.

You reveal yourself.
1 point,1 year ago
Just more proof how unhinged and paranoid you have become. You should not be involved with Dash Governance system in any way and frankly i think you need help, as you obviously are having some mental health problems.

Not only are you targetting proposal owners who have not publicly supported or mentioned mnowatch and are accusing them of being 'agents', you also personally attack anyone that does not share your opinion and use mnowatch voting analytics in some immature way in an useless effort to discredit them.

Here is a newsflash for you demo :

* any MNO that has moved his masternodes into Evonodes is willingly sacrificing his own privacy (as the 4K collateral can not be obscured through PrivateSend and is therefore fully visible to public tracing)

* any MNO that is using the same payout address for his Masternodes / Evonodes (like i did with my Evonodes) is intentionally sacrificing his own privacy.

* any MNO that mention in budget proposals on Dash Central how he is voting, can be more easily tracked.

From the above three bullet points the conclusion can be very simply drawn, that i simply do not care if people can tell how many Masternodes or Evonodes i have.
1 point,1 year ago
So, shall I name QWIZZIE the below masternode operator .....

...and add it into the types ????
-1 point,1 year ago
Do you own 2 HCMN, qwizzie? After arguing so much against them?

The well known irrational qwizzie, the man we all know and love!
-1 point,1 year ago
Not to mention that you stated that you will tottaly ignore the encointerUBI proposal, and you are now being caught voting on it!

That is a pleasent surprise, thank you for voting the encoiterUBI numbers!
-1 point,1 year ago
So what do you propose?

Do you think that @xkcd should throw me out of mnowatch server?
2 points,1 year ago
I think that you can have more reward about this tool, but I think you don't ask for more reward because I think that you think don't need more reward.
(Many votes ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) in your balance) - ;-)
1 point,1 year ago
A human, in order to live, he/she needs fresh air, water, food and shelter. I have all of this, indeed.

Humans who dont have , they need a dividend.

So my plan is to vote the numbers ...

..and the decided number / portion of the budget to be given as a dividend ... all proved individuals.

This will be a reward, to all of us, me included.
-1 point,1 year ago
As promised above, the plan was implemented, and a proposal has been added.

Please vote at it.
3 points,2 years ago
As mentioned...this is worth way more. You should certainly ask for more. This is a very valuable service to the community...yup, thats me pannning for Demo ;) Great work Demo and XK!!! Yes from me.
3 points,2 years ago
Thank you very much for your support bigrcanada!

This proposal is just for the hosting of mnowatch. I think the money asked is pretty fair.

If you imply that we should ask for more in order to accelarate the development of mnowatch, well, this is another proposal. But I have not discuss about it yet with XK....

Finnaly anyone who thinks that mnowatch should include some more features, he is free to
1) offer the code
2) improve our opensource code
3) add a proposal to the budget asking random developers to code the requested feature, and then me and XK we will either approve their code (and add it to our site) or we will enter the competition and code the feature in order to get the bounty offered.
4 points,2 years ago
This is worth 20 times the price. Many thanks to Demo and XK for building and improving this service at virtually no cost to the network. Maybe 100 times the current ask. Demo and XKCD prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Dash community is not an echo chamber. Even if they are scratchy and rude and unconventional in their approach, they are a feature, not a bug.

voting yes if that was not obvious.

plain old Solarguy
3 points,2 years ago
Yes, Dash community is not an echo chamber. I like this community because despite the disagreements, we are all trying to find a common ground.

Thank you very much Solar, both for your vote and for your encouraging words!
5 points,2 years ago
You have my support.

I do agree with 3d1409ae, that MNOwatch UI could use an overhaul. The landingplace is currently just too textual and looks a bit messy. You could think about using headers, sub headers and enclosed sections for key components of with an overal Dash theme throughout the site.

For example you could focus on a layout similar like that on and convert that to or you could use buttons and enclosed sections like Dash Masternode Information (see

Also it would be nice to see some pie charts with regards to whale nodes.
Just some food for thought.
2 points,2 years ago
Hi qwizzie can you have a look at I started work on it earlier this year, but dropped it because Demo wasn't a fan. The [Reports] heading would go to a page that lists all the reports probably similar to the current landing page. TBD.
3 points,2 years ago
Of course I am fan of your solution, as long as the majority of those who are interested in mnowatch's user interface supports it!

Post your UI proposal as a comment in

As long as the likes in your post remain more than the dislikes, your solution will appear in the front page of mnowatch. Provided of course that you, or someone else, will deal with the code required to transform the front page fromthe current condition to the desired one.....
4 points,2 years ago
You could also think about making a one-time budget proposal to hire a web designer for MNOwatch, to overhaul its UI.
3 points,2 years ago
I dont think the landing place is too textual. In contrast, I believe that more things must be explained there in order for the average dash community member (not to mention the average newcomer) to understand what is this all about.

I tend to agree with you, we have to create a layout similar to Further more specific suggestions , ideas , or images regarding how mnowatch UI could be imporved can be posted (and of of course voted) here

In case a proposed mnowatch UI post is upvoted in the aforementioned forum thread, then a one-time budget proposal could be created, asking web designers to implement the most popular UI idea.

Thank you very much for you suggestions and for you support.
4 points,2 years ago
Wow, never thought I'd see demo getting money from the treasury. Happy to vote yes.
4 points,2 years ago
Its not me! It is mnowatch site that gets the money. :-)
Thank you very much for your support!
6 points,2 years ago
Man your site needs some UI work. I will support you though for trying to add utility value and the low ask.
4 points,2 years ago
I cannot imagine an mnowatch UI that can fit to the complexity of the information that the site requires. But I would be glad if someone could send us a screenshot or draft where our UI is improved, always provided that the complexity of the displayed information is not compromised in favor of the simplicity.
3 points,2 years ago
I mean to begin with just some proper labeling would help, forget any fancy formatting.

What does "the distribution 2022-11-24-00-52-24" mean oh I click it and it's about who owns how many masternodes!

Possible changes: (TL;DR: Take inspiration from DashCentral)

1. Make something like your "About" page the landing page (but with better looks and a nav bar) so people are greeted with an explanation and some navigation links, not a full on CSV/xt file dump right off the bat. Sort of like your current front page list of services, but without the massive file dump beneath it and with more explanation about each service.

2. Your solution of splitting up the server loads is very nice, but no non-programmer/people other than you care or need to know about it. Can you imagine if the front page of Facebook was an explanation about their data centers?

3. Related to nr 3, instead in the about page you should go into more detail about what your site/service offers. WHAT kind of MNO information can I find for example? Where do I find it? (Instead of clicking every txt link until I find a file that looks like what I want)

4. You need to have a navigation bar. See how it is here on DashCentral: Everything I need can be found to the side with clear labels.

5. Use plain black text on white or slightly gray backgrounds. Strong colors on black or picture backgrounds are out of style and can be confusing.

6. When the time comes to dump your data it should be clearly explained what it is and on its own page for each table/csv view. Not all together.

7. If you get that far you can consider simple stuff like a wordpress theme or using wordpress themes for inspiration and applying "Bootstrap" (trust me it's pretty easy and good for making a decent web UI).

Anyway just my take, and you get plus points for listing both csv as well as txt/html so I don't have to download files to view your data!
5 points,2 years ago
Have you looked at do you like it?
2 points,2 years ago
Looks like a good start for a navigation bar :D
4 points,2 years ago
Mnowatch was initially created at 2017 as a tool in order to discover whatever information can be discovered. So I primarily focused in raw information, rather than displaying that information in an easy readable way. You may (reasonably) think that our gui is a mess, but it was a worst mess a few years before. XKCD, besides the huge information that his code offers, has also done a lot of working for the gui.

Thank you very much for your suggestions, I agree to most of them. We will continue improving the gui as much as our time and skills allow us, and we will take seriously your helful suggestions.
4 points,2 years ago
Finally you made it!
MNOwatch is rly a good tool. Thnx.
You have my vote guys.
3 points,2 years ago
Thank you for your support!
4 points,2 years ago
Hello world!