Proposal “getfreedash4venezuela“ (Closed)Back
Title: | Getfreedash for venezuela - 140,000 sign ups and counting, Dash going Viral in Venezuela , Thanks everyone for your Support !!! |
Owner: | dashmaximalist |
Monthly amount: | 150 DASH (3378 USD) |
Completed payments: | 2 totaling in 300 DASH (1 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-02-17 / 2018-05-17 (added on 2018-02-20) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 659 Yes / 491 No / 46 Abstain |
Proposal description
25000 140,000 Sign-ups and counting, Dash is going Viral in Venezuela , needs your support
Escrow sponsored by Dash core ( link )

40 Dash and counting
i would like to thank all those brave souls who have supported us by donating/loaning dash to our cause , without which i would not be so motivated as i am today.
As you all know we have been stopping/slowing sign ups for the lack of funds , but with the new funds , we can run our sign ups at a good speed.
Dash core has agreed to loan us more dash should this proposal pass, so i request all of you to Vote yes ,so we can run Getfreedash at Rocket Speed.
PRE-PROPOSAL discussion link
hi i am krishna yogi aka dashmaximalist , I am a Dash masternode Owner and a very active member on the dash forum with 100s of posts
as most of you know , i have created getfreedash.com and have even made a proposal for the same , unfortunately it failed to pass though despite getting almost 99% positive comments (some say because the amount requested was high at 250 dash per month others say its was buried deep in the proposal lot

After lot of experimentation and tweaking around, we finally cracked it, we are getting tons of traffic from venezuela, almost 2000-3000 sign ups per day, since sim cards are not free and cost $1 or more to get in Venezuela, most of the sign ups are individual folks ( not hackers ) , we have checked the IP addresses and time stamps all point to unique user behaviour.
one a side note , Owning to the hyperinflation in Venezuela $1 is average weekly pay hence people are still showing lot of interest for the giveaway.
As a testimony to our success has been over 90 youtube videos have been created that are engaged in spreading Getfreedash.com
( now this proves that unique users are claiming free dash instead of just a bunch of hackers )
Merchant adoption in Venezuela
lot of businesses are offering free stuff for the customers once they sign up using their referral https://www.dash.org/forum/posts/168037
we are also seeing some ecommerce merchants using dash for regular business like here https://www.dash.org/forum/posts/169137/
Once we sign up a half million folks , dash will be unstoppable in Venezuela
( more details coming soon )
Budget Split and Milestones
1st month
Monthly Development + Support budget: $15,000 ( back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing , Support, APP development & Explainer Videos )
Develop and maintain a SMS one time password (OTP) system (approximately $5000 per month
of the Term).
Develop and maintain an email mailbox (approximately $100 per month of the Term)
With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
Obtain approximately 50,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
150 dash * $700 ( 30 day average price ) = $125,000
2nd Month
Monthly Development + Support budget: $15,000 ( back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing , Support, APP development & Explainer Videos )
Develop and maintain a SMS one time password (OTP) system (approximately $5000 per month
of the Term).
Develop and maintain an email mailbox (approximately $100 per month of the Term)
With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
Obtain approximately 50,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
150 dash * $700 ( 30 day average price ) = $125,000
3rd Month
Monthly Development + Support budget: $15,000 ( back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing , Support, APP development & Explainer Videos )
Develop and maintain a SMS one time password (OTP) system (approximately $5000 per month
of the Term).
Develop and maintain an email mailbox (approximately $100 per month of the Term)
With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
Obtain approximately 50,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).
150 dash * $700 ( 30 day average price ) = $125,000
Why are we focused on Venezuela ?
Venezuela in under going one of the worst crisis in the world right now, the currency is depreciating 15% a week , people are exiting the country enmasse which resulted in one of the biggest remittane market in the Americas. That's not all Venezuela has pegged currency with an official and unofficial dollar exchange rate , withe the unoffical one being much more attractive for remmittances ... check more details here
The current timing for dash is an absolutely awesome oppurtunity , Maduro has announced cryptocurrency to be used across all businesses in venezuela , as he wants his crypto Petro to spread as well, please check this link to know more why this is an absolutely wonderful opportunity
All this means only one thing , The need for crypto currencies is exploding in this country , so far bitcoin has been a life line for many folks however owing to the high fees and unrealiable speed , many have been forced back to their state currency bolivars unfortunately . Getfreedash aims to change this , we are already one of the biggest crowd pullers for any Dash intiative in Venezuela and we aim to sign up few 100k users as soon as possible. With the big user bases we have, other intitatives like Dash Conferences etc can easily piggy back on userbase.
How do we prevent fraud of same users claiming multiple times ?
Venezuela like many other developing countries have strict regulations when coming to SIM card ownership, they need your ID verification and only allow so many cards per person. There is also a cost of $1 associated with SIM cards , since we are only paying $1 per user , we are eliminating the possibility of single user claiming multiple times , we are other methods like IP address matching etc which act as a second layer protection.
what are our future plans ?
we plan to launch a Getfreedash app very soon ,this should ease out the sign up process greatly and ensure that we are getting mobile savvy users , which is our primary target.
On the user side we want acquire as many users in Venezuela as possible ( more initiatives are being planned ) , having said that , we want extend this pay per sim card model to other developing countries where people are happy to sign up for receiving just $1 , Countries like Nigeria , Kenya , Philippines , India are in the pipeline , These countries also happen to have one of the biggest remittance markets in the world. The future plan is to integrate with some crypto remittance provider in west to let them use dash a payment rail ( players like Arba etc ) . Apart from this we will also partners with local e-commerce players and other businesses ( but we are getting too far now :) )
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Such a sinkhole...
Time to stop the welfare project here...
"Venezuela" programs PAID SO FAR (thanks to dashwatch.org):
#33 Proposals found
AgroCognitive powered by DASH - digital cash - Venezuela & LATAM (month 1) - 3yr DASH Exclusivity! by jesccs
2018-05-28 Final date paid 05/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$42,630 Status In Progress
Proposal for 2 first conferences in SPAIN teaching about Dash as decentralized fintech project by blockchaintech
2018-05-28 First Date paid 05/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$27,195.00 Status In Progress
Dash Merchant Venezuela - Massive Adoption Program (2000 merchants in 3 months) by andrade92
2018-05-28 First Date paid 05/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$35,280.00 Status In Progress
Dash Cripto Latin Fest (Bogota, Colombia) - Reach +2000 people by GComparetto
Final date paid 05/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$13,720.00 Status In Progress
DASH Venezuela - 31 EVENTS = 13 CITIES = 1600 PEOPLE by algodonfranelas
Community Concern Report Dash Venezuela
Final date paid 05/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$162,680.00 Status In Progress
Renewal: Ben Swann’s Reality Check Sponsorship & Ambassador by Ben_Swann
Reality Check: Is Crypto Backed by “Radical Transparency”?
First Date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$267,120.00 Status In Progress
Dash.red Continued Support: April 1 – July 31, 2018 by ec1warc1
Dash.red MNO Report, Mar 13, 2018
First Date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$34,664.00 Status In Progress
DASH Academy: Self-paced Interactive Hosted Training for DASH Users and Merchants - Designed to benefit all DASH projects by Steve1047
Dash Proposals: In Detail - Dash Academy
First Date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$32,186.00 Status In Progress
Dash Maracay - Venezuela
Final date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$31,248.00 Status In Progress
Dash Argentina First Dash-Friendly City (Educational Conferences + reach over 5000 persons) by dashargentina
First Date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$60,270.00 Status In Progress
DASH Youth Venezuela - Lectures for Schools and Universities in Caracas (Exclusively about DASH) by santos_br
First Date paid 04/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Contacts algodonfranelas(+2)
Total combined payout in USD
$18,970.00 Status In Progress
CARACAS - APRIL 2018: 2 EVENTS IN 1 MONTH by algodonfranelas
YouTube channel
Final date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$60,480.00 Status In Progress
Continue Driving Merchant And Consumer Adoption At Scale Through Targeted Advertising & Scientific Landing Page Optimization. Continue Global Translation and Proposal Integrations. (Core Escrow) by feedbands
Dash Informer Ad Campaign April Report Summary
First Date paid 03/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$477,168.00 Status In Progress
YouTube Awareness - Country Expansion (Strike Social Inc. 500 No.17) by pmckenna12
2018-05-28 First Date paid 03/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$114,000.00 Status In Progress
Core Team Advertising (UPDATED) by babygiraffe
Final date paid 03/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$1,023,894.00 Status In Progress
Dash Help Venezuela - Support Center (Exclusively for Dash) by alejandroe
2018-03-16 Final date paid 03/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$68,400.00 Status In Progress
Caracas - Venezuela: 2 big events in 1 month by algodonfranelas
Final date paid 03/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$61,800.00 Status In Progress
Getfreedash for venezuela - 40000 sign ups and counting, Dash going Viral in Venezuela , Thanks everyone for your Support !!! by dashmaximalist
2018-04-28 First Date paid 03/03/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$137,400.00 Status In Progress
DASHOP.IO – Online Shopping Marketplace by InstantKarmaFund
2018-05-28 First Date paid 02/01/18 Final date paid N/A
Total combined payout in USD
$156,014.00 Status In Progress
Colibit: Enabling a free Dash/VEF market in Venezuela by greencandle
2018-03-26 First Date paid 02/01/18 Final date paid 02/01/18
Contacts Rafael Useche(+1)
Total combined payout in USD
$36,787.66 Status In Progress
Dash Adoption Docu Series: Zimbawe ft. KuvaCash by Frame48
2018-03-19 Final date paid 02/01/18
Total combined payout in USD
$21,320.00 Status Completed
2018-02-28 Final date paid 02/01/18
Total combined payout in USD
$34,645.00 Status Completed
Cryptolifex (Venezuela Exchange VEF/Dash - Dash/VEF) by Cryptolifex
Final date paid 02/01/18
Total combined payout in USD
$6,929.00 Status In Progress
ALL ABOUT DASH Resource channel for the creation of a Latin American audience. by All_About_Dash
2018-04-27 First Date paid 02/01/18 Final date paid 04/03/18
Total combined payout in USD
$25,246.00 Status In Progress
Marketing & Communication (Feb 2018) by babygiraffe
Final date paid 02/01/18
Total combined payout in USD
$222,095.77 Status In Progress
Dash Texas by bchamz
2018-02-28 Final date paid 01/01/18
Total combined payout in USD
$14,274.00 Status In Progress
PR Fall Campaign (Aug) by babygiraffe
Final date paid 08/04/16
Total combined payout in USD
$6,212.00 Status Completed
Dash Force: June - September by Mastermined
Final date paid 08/03/17
Total combined payout in USD
$112,370.00 Status Completed
Caracas - Venezuela: 2nd and 3rd conference by algodonfranelas
Final date paid 12/03/17
Total combined payout in USD
$74,298.00 Status Completed
DASH Global Meetups Around the world by JZA
Final date paid 11/02/17
Total combined payout in USD
$30,590.00 Status Unknown
Changing the World Bit By Bit: Revolutionizing the STEM Education System by August
Final date paid
Total combined payout in USD
$37,800.00 Behind Schedule Status In Progress
Caracas - Venezuela 1rst conference reposition by algodonfranelas
Final date paid 10/02/17
Total combined payout in USD $18,900.00 Status Completed
DASH CONFERENCE - VENEZUELA by algodonfranelas
Final date paid 08/04/17
Total combined payout in USD $3,553.00 Status Completed
Getfreedash for venezuela by dashmaximalist
I encourage MNOs to read the thread posted by Macrochip on the dash.org/forum entitled "GetFreeDash campaign must be stopped ASAP" and decide for themselves.
I am happy to inform that, we have frozen all the accounts that we suspected of fraud, rolled back their transaction and the process is now complete.
We have also cleared the transaction back-log, so going forward, payments will be really quick ( the same day as things stand ).
Sorry for all the trouble caused to the people in Venezuela who had to wait while fought the fraudsters.
There have been at least ten red flags regarding the getfreedash proposals:
RED FLAG #1: 150 Dash was more than it needed to be.
RED FLAG #2: An additional 550 Dash was requested two weeks after the first proposal was funded. The request was made too quickly after the success of the first proposal.
RED FLAG #3: A static spreadsheet of transactions was provided as evidence of work done. If no analysis is done, one could conclude that it was a lot of transactions and a great expense. A brief analysis proved otherwise: 57,370 transactions to 48,818 distinct Dash Addresses, for a total of approximately $42,651.50 USD. This was the evidence provided to support the need for 550 additional Dash per month.
RED FLAG #4: This project does all of its accounting in USD, making it impossible to know how much dash has been given away.
RED FLAG #5: Getfreedash.com sends transactions in batches, not one by one. A promise was made to change this.
RED FLAG #6: People have been complaining that they are not getting paid and that the people that they have referred to the program are also not getting paid. This even though the website claims that payments have been made to these members. Numerous complaints sent to the “approved channels of communication” have been ignored by the proposal owner. This has been going on since the project received its second payment of 150 Dash.
RED FLAG #7: Getfreedash.com implements a referral program which pays amounts that are encouraging to fraudsters.
RED FLAG #8: No successes or milestones have been posted by the proposal owner.
RED FLAG #9: You can only sign up for an account on getfreedash.com if you live in particular countries such as Venezuela. You must have a cellphone in one of those countries. This makes it impossible to independently verify that the website is doing what is promises to do.
It is possible that RED FLAG #6 explains why the proposal owner has come forward with news of a “major fraud” estimated by him to have resulted in improper payouts of $10,000 USD. Whatever the case, the event of “major fraud” is RED FLAG #10.
About the payments we have now cleared all pending withdrawals with zero left so from now on things will be super quick
RED FLAG #12: The proposal owner has remained silent since April 19, even though he clearly knows about the concerns of the Dash community posted in the thread in Dash.org/forum
According to the screenshot on https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/getfreedash-campaign-must-be-stopped-asap.36703/ you said
"This incident highlights the necessity for continuous fraud monitoring of data which we lack currently ( owing to the rejection of our second proposal)"
From the very beginning I assumed that people would be taking advantage of this but you were oh so sure that it was impossible because SIM cards are more expensive than the amount you are giving away.
I can give great confidence to the community this time that fraud on a large scale will not repeat as we have even laid some traps to catch fraudsters this time. obviously you can eliminate the fraud completely as every one understands , but we are constantly pushing the limit.
thanks for your understanding
Can you prove that the 140k signups are real people (or at least an overwhelming supermajority)? Can you prove that it increases adoption and usage of Dash?
Because if you can't prove any of that you can't reasonably declare it "cost effective", least of all "one of the most" cost effective when you lack the data to back up such a statement. So far this campagin had no effect on transactions per day nor active wallets per day, despite such an effect is most likely to be expected from this proposal in particular. If you give people Dash you expect them to use. Didn't happen.
Our mandate is pulling in people which we have ...go to YouTube and type getfreedash and tell me if any other proposal has so many videos talking about them
About 140k we already said 40 k are suspected of fraud the rest are mostly genuine, you are welcome to help us in catching fraudsters if you want. But I am guessing you are probably not interested in that ...
I personally think it would be absolutely foolish to stop this project now that we have spent so time and have much more understanding or user behavior and ability to control fraud.
I am already very frustrated with almost the constant hate that I have put with up with absolutely nothing in return, if the project gets defunded, I will get out of DASH once forever ... thanks.
In The second proposal I have requested for 7000 USD salary which failed to pass
So ya I get nothing per se
Can any MNO verify having tried out the site with a compatible phone and it working as advertised?
You are going to lose momentum with your website if you're down too long.
I normally use this but that all traffic:
The Dash Academy proposal will produce ultra high quality interactive training courses for DASH. The DASH academy courses could be hosted on this high traffic site and we would be educating our new users on what DASH is all about. If you have not yet voted MNO take a look at DASH academy proposal. This could compliment this campaign and the DASH HELP Centre campaign.
It looks like this GET FREE DASH and the DASH HELP Venezuela projects are going through and these projects also support each other since the DASH HELP Venezuela project said that they would help promote this campaign. The high quality training also complements both of these projects. We need to see how these different DASH projects can work and support each other. In this way we can get much greater impact on converting people to using DASH and feeling confident about what DASH is all about.
This proposal is fantastic and I can't wait to see how many new DASH user signups we are going to get with this proposal.
As long as you can do your best with fraud vectors. Voting YES
"we have also asked a for selfie to be taken just like you , we plan to use facial recognition to identify unique users , we also do cookie finger printing and ip address matching so roughly speaking we are sure 95% of accounts are unique ,i think thats a good number for our initiative ( you can eliminate 100% fraud but that would make it very very difficult for users to sign up ). Having said that our next goal is to introduce a getfreedash app which would easy up the process greatly." - Great stuff.
Dash.red is also giving away Dash to its members. Dash.red has been online since August 19, 2017. We are supported by the Dash DAO. Our #1 country is Venezuela by a wide margin. Our top 3 counties for Dash.red are: 2052 members from Venezuela, 292 from Brazil, 57 from Colombia.
Dash.red has almost 3000 verified users, and by verified, I mean each user had to create a video and make a statement that he/she would only create one account. We also have exactly 25,033 unverified accounts, almost all of which were created out of Venezuela. Why? Before we implemented video verification, people saw an opportunity to make more Dash by creating more accounts.
Here is what has me skeptical about getfreedash.com:
1) where do you expect to get 50,000 accounts per month? Even when Dash.red had no account verification, we accumulated fewer than 30,000 accounts in our first 5 months and we were giving away roughly $0.30USD of Dash per day to each account, every day with only email verification. It was easy money.
2) From videos I have seen on YouTube, I see you use SMS verification. I looked at SMS verification for Dash.red and found that there are businesses whose sole purpose is to create accounts with SMS to commit fraud. They buy SIM cards in the thousands to create fake facebook accounts and sell services related to SPAM and fraud.
3) SMS verification is also susceptible to those who ask all of their friends to claim an account. There will even be those who make a business out of your website by organizing others to claim accounts. This has certainly already happened. I just found a few in Facebook with a quick search: “venezuela Dash ganar dinero desde casa” - I don't know if that is a problem, but the people who get the dash are not the individuals who claim their accounts. They end up getting paid in Bolivares by the organizer. This is why in Dash.red verification videos a person must state that he manages his own Dash wallet.
You are asking for 150 Dash per month. That is a lot. In three months, you will have collected 450 Dash, much of which you will have given away. However, what if you don't? What if you don't get 50,000 new accounts per month?
Besides SMS verification, have you taken any other steps to ensure that each account is owned by a different individual person?
I have not yet voted on this. I am in favor of spreading Dash in small quantities throughout the world to make it understood and known as money. I want to read your response before I vote. Thank you.
we have also asked a for selfie to be taken just like you , we plan to use facial recognition to identify unique users , we also do cookie finger printing and ip address matching so roughly speaking we are sure 95% of accounts are unique ,i think thats a good number for our initiative ( you can eliminate 100% fraud but that would make it very very difficult for users to sign up ). Having said that our next goal is to introduce a getfreedash app which would easy up the process greatly.
One reason we are getting lot more sign ups than you is probably because our give away is more than yours , we are giving $0,5 for signing up others and $0.5 when you sign up. This means many businesses giving free breakfast for users if you signed up using SIM card
The real proof of pudding is this, there are over 90 youtube videos created to spread getfreedash , which doesnt happen if you think its all a bunch of hackers right.
now if we dont manage to spend our money in venezuela our next target countries are Zimbabwe, Nigeria etc in these places as well the SIM card costs $1.
I think the main reason why users are crazy about getfreedash is this , its relatively simple to claim the free dash and referring others to sign up but the money you earn is reasonably high for venezuelans apparently
Hope this helps , let me know if you have more concerns
I missed out on the pre-proposal for the simple fact that dash.red keeps me really busy. People have asked me about getfreedash.com and I didn't know until today who was behind it.
Feel free to reach out to me for help, ideas, or collaboration. Discord might be the easiest.
Best wishes on great success!
We will always to try to fight fraud as much as we can , thats for sure , once we get the proposal passed , our fraud prevention will be top class for sure
Keep Dash marketing decentralized and into the hands of people who can execute!!!
just waiting for us to get the 12 more votes to get and we are set to grow at rocket speed :)
Go get the Petro scam!
I applaud your enthusiasm by putting your own money in advance.
A very important suggestion!
First of all, the entire portal must be in the Spanish language, since it is the native language of your target audience, the video of the portal is in Spanish, ask me for an MP link if you do not find it.
Ask for help to Dash Venezuelza in the translation of the site that in 1h you would have translated it.
I also think like @deepblue that you should get some metric does not cost anything to them and can serve to make synergies with dash core in the future, with the campaigns that they are organizing.
You have my support.
Thanks for the proposal.
Having said that .the page gets automatically translated into Spanish when it's viewed in Spanish countries courtesy of Google chrome etc ... Having said that we do require proper translation capabilities which we will acquire soon
You bring results, you put your (own!) money where your mouth is. Voting YES.
Let's make Venezuela the first full DASH country!
Best Regards from Germany and good luck
I really like this initiative. One modification to this idea for your consideration. Why not gather a little additional information in the process of giving out the DASH? e.g. you could ask :
are you a merchant or an individual?
If you are a merchant would you be willing to accept DASH for payments for your services? If YES would you be willing to have your details put in a Database online for businesses accepting DASH? If YES then we can register them as merchants willing to accept DASH as payments and gain many more customers in the process. In this way we get something back for our money we are giving out we are building a database of merchants that will accept DASH.
In addition we are helping people find Merchants that are willing to accept DASH for their services. Since we also know who are merchants and who are consumers later one we could also run additional promotional "recharge" campaigns whereby merchants or consumers could be incentivized to spend their additional top up DASH within a specific time frame. If they do they get another recharge as an incentive. Even if it was to buy a loaf of bread or even just a newspaper this is actually starting to get to use DASH as a working currency in Venezuela. If we could do this on a large enough scale we could help Venezuela convert to using DASH as a stable currency alternative in a very short time period. We could carefully think out this later campaign on how to promote USING Dash i.e. during the topups they would need to spend with a DASH registered merchant within 1 month e.g. and then they would receive a second topup. We would know who those Dash registered merchants are and have them online. So we could say if you spend with any of these DASH registered merchants within 30 days you will get an automatic top up of X$ of Dash.
If validation could also be linked to the IMEI number instead of the SIM this would be better than a SIM card validation because then we could safely send larger amounts of Top UP money.
What would be really amazing is if these follow up "top ups" could be automatic for a period of time using the remaining money in the treasury budget at the end of a superblock. Within a very short time we could help Venezuela convert to using DASH as its principal working currency.
Another idea: Maybe the next level would be a lottery type payout to some nominated DASH accounts once per month 10 of these accounts would get $1 whole DASH each. This would create a viral affect of people wanting to get the lottery type payout. This is even more of an incentive to sign up.
I have been working and researching several other concepts for mass adoption for DASH in Venezuela. I had an idea very similar to this one but using an DASH activated Donor app. However this idea using a website is rather ingenious and works really well - I had not thought of that myself.
I am voting YES on this idea. I think it could be developed further later on to have even greater conversion effects but right now it is very good just to have people activating their phones with DASH. If we could also gather some basic info on merchants to post online that would be even better.
I really love this idea. The first stage is to encourage people downloading the DASH wallet and talking about DASH. This campaign achieves that.
Voting YES!
as far as merchant adoption goes, here are the current facts , most of the referrals are being done by merchants already , not normal users , most merchants give like a free breakfast or free grocery for those who sign up.
right now the flow is deisgned towards just one thing , getting as many users as possible , we dont want to ask various questions like are you a merchant etc ? however that is absolutely possible , once we have ground force in venezuela ,we can ask people to refer a merchant or two to us and let the ground force validate that. i suggest you contact me directly on the dash forum or my email getfreedash@gmail.com lets discuss more about these
Thanks a lot for your support again
Credit where credit is due. I voted yet.
Perhaps when you are ready to relaunch, you make it a clean slate. As a way to say 'sorry about that' to Venezuela, make it wide open again, even to those who have already received free dash from your 'beta run'.
Maybe that would restore faith and make everyone there happy.
we are also seeing some ecommerce merchants using dash for regular business like here https://www.dash.org/forum/posts/169137/
Once we sign up a million folks , dash will be unstoppable in Venezuela
2) no pre proposal discussion
3) majority of videos on that link provided have under 1000 views.
Only one video has over 2k
How is that viral?
Please clarify so i can decide how to vote.
Good luck
I guess he needed time to revise it a bit