Proposal “encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4“ (Active)Back
Title: | encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4 |
Owner: | itsdemo |
Monthly amount: | 0 DASH (6 USD) |
Completed payments: | no payments occurred yet (12 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2024-07-30 / 2025-08-02 (added on 2024-07-30) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 69 Yes / 233 No / 40 Abstain |
Will be funded: | No. This proposal needs additional 502 Yes votes to become funded. |
External information: | |
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole): gobject vote-many 62c8ee29deb0131841de870ee28ade857d618e44dcd7b08d1216b1fb0e0d8d60 funding yes Please login or create a new DashCentral account for comfortable one button voting! |
Proposal description
The above video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer.
I created the official Dash/Encointer address: XwQpmyskbKPuTYKFF2wEZZcxfY17npUCZk . All funds will go there, then distributed to the Encointer reputables’ Dash addresses with the help of an mnowatch script. If you would like to support the Dash/Encointer communities, help them grow up and strengthen this proof of personhood service of the Dash community that opposes the government agents and the bots (which have almost devour both our community and Dash's price in marketcap) then feel free to tip the above address.
This is the 4th PART OF A BUNDLE OF 4 PROPOSALS (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3, encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4)
Because of the many zero votes that caused the encointerUBI proposal to stuck, I decided to change the range of the proposal from 0-242 dash to 0-80 dash. Now you have 4 available digits to vote this number, so you can vote more accurately. And to all those zero voters, in case you voted zero because you wanted to vote more than zero but less than 9 dash, you can do it now due to the increased granularity.
In short, an explanation on the procedure: If you have already voted to the previous 3 digits, your previous vote has been proportionally diminished to the one third of its value due to the relevant range diminishment to the one third. Additionaly, due to the chunk being defined now to 1, in case you want to add to your diminished vote 0 dash you just vote NO in this proposal, in case you want to add to your diminished vote 1 dash you just vote ABSTAIN in this proposal and finally in case you want to add to your diminished vote 2 dash you could vote YES in this proposal. Of course you can always change the 3 previous digits too, by voting to the rest 3 digit proposals, and thus redefine the appropriate number of your choice within the 0-80 range. Important note, in case you have already voted the previous 3 digits, you have to vote also the 4th digit for your vote to be valid, because the BASE3 protocol requires all digits to be voted.
THE QUESTION: You are about to decide how many Dash you would like to offer the next month to the (currently 57) proven individuals of the three two Encointer communities (Zurich/Swiss, Greenbay/USA, Dar es Salaam/Tanzania). Your vote can be anything between 0 dash and 80 dash, and the decided amount will be distributed equaly to the proven individuals.
--- CLICK HERE TO VOTE !!!! (for all the four proposals/digits) ---
Important Note: You have to vote on ALL 4 digit proposals (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3, encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4) for your numerical Base3 vote to be valid. This is a 4 digits BASE3 vote. If you vote for just this proposal your vote is not valid.
--- Click here to see the current result of the vote ---
We strongly recommend the masternodes to participate at least once in any local Encointer meeting in order to watch the procedures. receive the basic income as anyone else, and find out that voting for Encointer is not in vain. The below video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer. Encointer personhood for Dash rewards - YouTube
The above video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer.
I created the official Dash/Encointer address: XwQpmyskbKPuTYKFF2wEZZcxfY17npUCZk . All funds will go there, then distributed to the Encointer reputables’ Dash addresses with the help of an mnowatch script. If you would like to support the Dash/Encointer communities, help them grow up and strengthen this proof of personhood service of the Dash community that opposes the government agents and the bots (which have almost devour both our community and Dash's price in marketcap) then feel free to tip the above address.
This is the 4th PART OF A BUNDLE OF 4 PROPOSALS (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3, encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4)
Because of the many zero votes that caused the encointerUBI proposal to stuck, I decided to change the range of the proposal from 0-242 dash to 0-80 dash. Now you have 4 available digits to vote this number, so you can vote more accurately. And to all those zero voters, in case you voted zero because you wanted to vote more than zero but less than 9 dash, you can do it now due to the increased granularity.
In short, an explanation on the procedure: If you have already voted to the previous 3 digits, your previous vote has been proportionally diminished to the one third of its value due to the relevant range diminishment to the one third. Additionaly, due to the chunk being defined now to 1, in case you want to add to your diminished vote 0 dash you just vote NO in this proposal, in case you want to add to your diminished vote 1 dash you just vote ABSTAIN in this proposal and finally in case you want to add to your diminished vote 2 dash you could vote YES in this proposal. Of course you can always change the 3 previous digits too, by voting to the rest 3 digit proposals, and thus redefine the appropriate number of your choice within the 0-80 range. Important note, in case you have already voted the previous 3 digits, you have to vote also the 4th digit for your vote to be valid, because the BASE3 protocol requires all digits to be voted.
THE QUESTION: You are about to decide how many Dash you would like to offer the next month to the (currently 57) proven individuals of the three two Encointer communities (Zurich/Swiss, Greenbay/USA, Dar es Salaam/Tanzania). Your vote can be anything between 0 dash and 80 dash, and the decided amount will be distributed equaly to the proven individuals.
--- CLICK HERE TO VOTE !!!! (for all the four proposals/digits) ---
Important Note: You have to vote on ALL 4 digit proposals (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3, encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4) for your numerical Base3 vote to be valid. This is a 4 digits BASE3 vote. If you vote for just this proposal your vote is not valid.
--- Click here to see the current result of the vote ---
We strongly recommend the masternodes to participate at least once in any local Encointer meeting in order to watch the procedures. receive the basic income as anyone else, and find out that voting for Encointer is not in vain. The below video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer. Encointer personhood for Dash rewards - YouTube
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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Selected BASE3 type proposals
Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 - Digit4: encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4 -
Report = the_results_dashd_2024-10-21-00-52-25.html.csv
Electorate = 3285 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
Valid Votes = 265
Valid Votes participation percentage = 8.06 %
Invalid Votes ( those who voted at least one digit but not all of them )= 197
Invalid Votes participation percentage = 5.99 %
Total Voting participation ( both valid and invalid votes ) = 14.05 %
---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---
---Divisive Election Methods---
Most Voted Number = 0 (or 0000 base3) was voted by 130 votes ( 49.05 % of the valid votes )
---Inclusive Election Methods---
Median Average = 2 (or 0002 base3)
Mean Average = 22.22
Time Splitting rule = Not coded yet
Note: Multiply the number of your favorite election method by the appropriate Chunk ( =[maxRange-minRange]/granularityOfTheBase3Digits ) =1 , to discover the voting outcome.
</vote history>
You may investigate more about them, here:
Because they refuse to offer 1 Dash (that does not belong to them after all) as a basic income for the next month to Encointer, to 68 persons who each one may desperately need this 0.014 Dash to survive (especially the african ones).
Well done DCGCincumnow12!
That way all the Encointer reputables hold Dash addresses, they are members of the Dash community, and they may start transact eachother by using Dash.
Which means that DASH BECOMES A REAL MONEY, USED FROM REAL PERSONS, FOR REAL PURPOSES. Dash is no longer a stock market game in the hands of the government agents or of the daemon possessed Dash Core Group.
The next version will be better.
These people can be indirectly traced if you watch the results as if it was a base4 vote.
Look here:
All the people who have at least one zero in their vote, have voted invalid for Base3.
We are talking for 159 votes!!!!
We are closer to the 10% participation milestone!
Go Dash community, Go! Lets vote the numbers!!!!
Lets reach 10% participation in the Encointer vote, for this 40 number to be legitimate.
Obviously the Dash Core Group is possesed by daemons, and they refuse to allow the masternode owners to vote the numbers since 8 years now.
So why am I doint this, why I dont leave the Dash community and search for another community where its core group is not demonical?
Well, for two reasons:
The first reason is that there is no community worldwide where voting the numbers is allowed. The whole humanity is possessed and constantly refuses to vote numbers since the begining of the history. The pythagorians were burned alive for trying to vote the numbers.
The second reason is that I am doing this as an example. In case someone really wants to drive his/her community through the benevolant road of voting the numbers , he can do this no matter what the deamonical core group decides.
If it is not discovered a method so that the government agents are expleled from its bowels then there is no way for the Dash community to be able to regain its former glory (and price).
The proof of personhood is such a method.
So nobody buys Dash anymore, and it will buy neither in the future no matter Evolution or anything else is advertised for Dash.
Unless the community discovers a way to expel all these agents who (commanded by the goverment and with the help of government money) always vote against Dash's interests here in the budget.
If there is someone who doubts that Dash is really dead, let him reply below and define the bet.
There is only one way to escape Death. Escape from the agents.
The agents would fear that they have lost control over the community, and they will try to buy Dash again in order to get the control back.
So, thats the way for Dash to rise again, it is to coinvince somehow the agents that they have lost the control of Dash, and make them beg their government for money in order to buy masternodes and regain the control.
Thats how Dash rose in the past, thats how Dash will rise again.
For sure the best proposal from the last few cycles, i'm very excited about it.
i wish i still had my vote to neutralize it :(
The only reason is either because he is stupid, or he is an agent who wants to destroy the dash community, or maybe someone commanded by agents to vote as such.