Proposal “encointerUBI-Digit1“ (Active)Back

Monthly amount: 0 DASH (3 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (25 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-07-02 / 2025-07-08 (added on 2023-06-26)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 110 Yes / 234 No / 46 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 444 Yes votes to become funded.
External information:
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):
gobject vote-many 35d8693d6e31be5cf42ed98dad4f926c741cf1bf38b6df7f045d9a627c428fc8 funding yes

Please login or create a new DashCentral account for comfortable one button voting!

Proposal description

We have more than 10% participation, the most voted number (ZERO) is less than 50% AND we have 1 Dash remaining in our wallet.
So we can pay the proposal fee and claim a Basic Income for the JAN25 month !!!! Please vote for it!
Dont forget to tip the encointer address XwQpmyskbKPuTYKFF2wEZZcxfY17npUCZk  in case we have less than 1 Dash there.

The above video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer.
I created the official Dash/Encointer address: XwQpmyskbKPuTYKFF2wEZZcxfY17npUCZk. All funds will go there, then distributed to the Encointer reputables’ Dash addresses with the help of an mnowatch script. If you would like to support the Dash/Encointer communities, help them grow up and strengthen this proof of personhood service of the Dash community that opposes the government agents and the bots (which have almost devour both our community and Dash's price in marketcap) then feel free to tip the above address.
  (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3, encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4)
PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Every cryptocurrency, after having a burst due to early adopters, it slowly declines because the new generations have no incentives to join it. The new generations and the late adopters prefer to create their own new coin. The basic income or the faucets are smart methods in order to fix the injustices of the coin emission curve, to incentivize the late adopters and the new generations to join a cryptocurrency and thus keep the coin alive. But in order to give a basic income or a fair faucet, a strong proof of personhood is required.
The Encointer community implements a unique proof of personhood method that combines strong identification and anonymity (a similar method was also proposed in Dash, back in 2017). In this proposal the masternodes are inviting the Encointer communities to join the Dash community. The Encointer communities are mainly local communities and are using local cryptocurrencies, but they also need a universal currency for their international exchanges. By offering them a basic income paid in Dash in their Dash addresses (all the Encointer members will be required to open Dash addresses in order to claim their Dash basic income) we make the Encointer members also Dash members and we incentivize them to use the Dash crypto as a medium for their international (and intercommunity) exchanges. Dash becomes that way an early adopter as the first universal coin that will be used by the Encointer communities. Dash community members are free to become Encointer members, to bootstrap a new local Encointer community and of course to participate to any Encointer meeting worldwide, and thus examine their procedures and benefit from them. We recommend the MNOs to participate in local Encointer meetings, to receive their basic income and find out that their vote is not in vain.
VOTING CONDITIONS: This set of BASE3 proposals will remain in the budget for 24 months asking every month the voted basic income, and hoping that the DCG will implement a numerical vote solution so that this base3 method will become obsolete. Depending on the masternodes' participation in this numerical vote, a monthly yes/no proposal may be added at the next budget cycle, asking for the average of the previous month's numerical votes to be paid as basic income to the entire Encointer community. You can change your numerical vote at any time during these 24 months, in order for it to better adapt to the growth and value of the Encointer community. Finally, in case the proposal owner decides to change the numerical voting range, the semantic protocol requires for this to be mentioned in the name of the proposal of the last digit (currently encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4), so that the voters are informed properly with something written in the blockchain, and thus cannot be tricked.
SUPPORT TOOLS:  Discover the current number of proven individuals that participate to each Encointer community. Also look at the voting outcome, as reported by the latest mnowatch report. Multiply the outcome by the chunk 1 to discover the decided dash to be given.
THE QUESTION: How many Dash would you like to be offered the next month as Basic Income for the entire Encointer community ? (a vote from 0 Dash to 80 Dash) . The (decimal) number I would like to vote is ...  ------  VOTE HERE (for all four proposals)

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,2 days ago
The JAN25 proposal failed. I am glad that I remained faithful to my master's orders, until the end.

I am glad that because of the failure of this proposal I will no longer be a slave. I will be freed from writing the difficult code, a code that I would be forced to write in case this proposal succeeded.

Thank you, agents and stupid for not voting this proposal. I never really wanted to help Dash, my master forced me to serve it. Thank you for releasing me.You may burn at Hell now, I will keep watching you from an upper corner and laught at you.

Having said the above let me inform you that the Encointer vote is still active for another 6 months.

In the rare case someone tips the Encointer donation address I will not compromise with the median average, I will ask the mean average.
1 point,28 days ago
The JAN25 Basic income request is up. Please vote for it.
0 points,29 days ago
Encointer proposes a retroactive treasury spend for July-Dec 2024

We have made significant progress on personhood-based onchain democracy, expansion in Africa and we won an innovation price in Switzerland.

Please engage all your KSM and vote for us!
1 point,1 month ago
Thanks for the donations!

The Encointer Dash address reached 1 Dash, so we can pay the proposal fee now!
1 point,1 month ago
The new results allow us to ask again some amount to be given to Encointer.

Unfortunately we have less than 1 dash , so we cannot pay for the proposal fee.

Please donate
0 points,1 month ago
<vote history>

Selected BASE3 type proposals
Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 - Digit4: encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4 -

Report = the_results_dashd_2025-01-19-16-35-51.html.csv

Electorate = 3085 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
Valid Votes = 326
Valid Votes participation percentage = 10.56 %
Invalid Votes ( those who voted at least one digit but not all of them )= 185
Invalid Votes participation percentage = 5.99 %
Total Voting participation ( both valid and invalid votes ) = 16.55 %

---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---

---Divisive Election Methods---

Most Voted Number = 0 (or 0000 base3) was voted by 158 votes ( 48.46 % of the valid votes )

---Inclusive Election Methods---

Median Average = 2 (or 0002 base3)
Mean Average = 21.23
Time Splitting rule = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the number of your favorite election method by the appropriate Chunk ( =[maxRange-minRange]/granularityOfTheBase3Digits ) , to discover the voting outcome.
The name of the last proposal declares "Range-0-80-Digit4" thus the CHUNK is (80 - 0)/ 80 (or 2222 base3) = 1.00000000000000000000

</vote history>
0 points,1 month ago
A new Encointer community is preparing in Zaira, Nigeria and they already run their own collator on solar power:
0 points,1 month ago
correct url:
1 point,2 months ago
Instructions on how to discover the NO votes on this proposal

Go to

Paste the below string (one row) in the "NO filter:"

encointerUBI-Digit1 encointerUBI-Digit2 encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4 encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3

Currently, here you are the most notable Encointer haters:

2016 generation: DIFoCrowincu
2017 generation: incuketimnow, ketimnowDCGC1
2019 generation: qwizzie
2020 generation: HelpElecmall
2021 generation: moduRetaElec, DCGCketiincu, mnowincuketi
2022 generation: ketiketimnow
2023 generation: esmeralda

and a lot of Crowdnodes also...
0 points,4 months ago
<vote history>

Selected BASE3 type proposals
Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 - Digit4: encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4 -

Report = the_results_dashd_2024-10-21-00-52-25.html.csv

Electorate = 3285 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
Valid Votes = 265
Valid Votes participation percentage = 8.06 %
Invalid Votes ( those who voted at least one digit but not all of them )= 197
Invalid Votes participation percentage = 5.99 %
Total Voting participation ( both valid and invalid votes ) = 14.05 %

---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---

---Divisive Election Methods---
Most Voted Number = 0 (or 0000 base3) was voted by 130 votes ( 49.05 % of the valid votes )

---Inclusive Election Methods---
Median Average = 2 (or 0002 base3)
Mean Average = 22.22
Time Splitting rule = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the number of your favorite election method by the appropriate Chunk ( =[maxRange-minRange]/granularityOfTheBase3Digits ) =1 , to discover the voting outcome.

</vote history>
2 points,4 months ago
The below video will be published to the Encointer members in case the masternodes approve to give any amount from their budget to Encointer.
2 points,5 months ago
Let me expose now some of the names that currently vote not a single Dash to be given as Basic Income to the Encointer communities.


You may investigate more about them, here:
2 points,4 months ago
The above persons, if not government agents, they are obviously possessed by daemons.

Because they refuse to offer 1 Dash (that does not belong to them after all) as a basic income for the next month to Encointer, to 68 persons who each one may desperately need this 0.014 Dash to survive (especially the african ones).
2 points,4 months ago
May God have mercy on the possessed souls.
1 point,4 months ago
DCGCincumnow12 changed his mind, and no longer votes 0 Dash!

Well done DCGCincumnow12!
1 point,5 months ago
The idea of the video tutorial is, as an Encointer reputable you declare what your Dash address is, so you will receive your basic income on that Dash address.

That way all the Encointer reputables hold Dash addresses, they are members of the Dash community, and they may start transact eachother by using Dash.

Which means that DASH BECOMES A REAL MONEY, USED FROM REAL PERSONS, FOR REAL PURPOSES. Dash is no longer a stock market game in the hands of the government agents or of the daemon possessed Dash Core Group.
1 point,5 months ago
First draft of a video tutorial on how to link your Encointer Wallet to the Dash wallet.

The next version will be better.
0 points,5 months ago
We have many people that did not voted all the digits.

These people can be indirectly traced if you watch the results as if it was a base4 vote.

Look here:

All the people who have at least one zero in their vote, have voted invalid for Base3.

We are talking for 159 votes!!!!

0 points,5 months ago
Typo, We are talking for 159 Masternodes, some of them are also EVO nodes, so we are talking about A LOT of invalid votes.

1 point,6 months ago
Thank you very much for the positive result, that currently offers 40 Dash to the Encointer community.

Lets reach 10% participation in the Encointer vote, for this 40 number to be legitimate.
-1 point,6 months ago
A 4th Digit has been added.
0 points,8 months ago
We have reached 10% participation!!!!

-1 point,10 months ago
After reaching 10% threshold, a proposal asking a dividend for the month March has been added.
0 points,10 months ago

Electorate = 3367 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 336
Voting participation = 9.97 %
---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---
---Divisive Election Methods---

Most Voted Number = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 224 votes ( 66.66 % of the valid votes )
---Inclusive Election Methods---

Median Average = 0 (or 000 base3)
Mean Average = 3.91
Time Splitting rule = Not coded yet
0 points,10 months ago
Have also a look at the Retrospective of the 2 years old Leu/Encointer community.
0 points,10 months ago

Electorate = 3381 votes
ValidVotes = 336
Voting participation = 9.93 %


---Divisive Election Methods---

Most Voted Number = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 224 votes ( 66.66 % of the valid votes )

---Inclusive Election Methods---

Median Average = 0 (or 000 base3)
Mean Average = 3.91
0 points,11 months ago
The new Encointer Wallet app v1.13.3 is released and it features the sybil-resistant KSM faucet. Here you are a little video to introduce the feature and explain how to use it. Happy to collect feedback!

Go get your 100mKSM every 10 days!

And then lets make Dash the next crypto that will be supported by Encointer.
Vote for Encointer !
0 points,11 months ago

Electorate = 3391 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 323
Voting participation = 9.52 %

We need 17 more votes to reach 10% !!!!!

Please vote, if you have not yet.
0 points,1 year ago
QUESTION: What is the process for starting up an encointer community?

The process is basically:

register a community on the Encointer testnet (Encointer people can assist with the tech if needed)
have a meeting with Encointer people so that they can put you in the pipeline and explain their grants and milestones
Encointer council registers your community on mainnet, and thats it!!!! You are ready to go!

check this out. has more detail about the process:
0 points,1 year ago

<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes (290) - 282.4K KSM
Nays(260) - 188.4K KSM
Current Result: 60.0% Aye - 40.0% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>

I hope that this victory will make the masternodes to reconsider, participate in this vote, make it reach the 10% threshold, give an amount to Encointer and JOIN THE ENCOINTER (R)EVOLUTION.

0 points,1 year ago
Encointer prepared a retroactive KSM treasury proposal:

Your review and supportive comment would be greatly appreciated.

There we go:

We need all your KSM votes with maximal conviction you can bear! Thank you
0 points,1 year ago
The participation still remains below 10%.

We are waiting for some more masternodes to vote, in order to reach the required 10% percentage so that we will be allowed to ask for the voted number to be paid always according of course to the decision rule that is about to be selected:

In the meantime, you can observe how the masternodes are voting for Encointer here:

and how the crowdnodes are voting for Encointer here:

or here:
1 point,1 year ago
Encointer is proud to present its research report about building a global web-of-trust among Encointer communities' proof-of-personhood:


Problem: Today, Encointer PoP is only trustable within each community, but not easily trustable by outsiders or other communities.

Solution: We use DEXes among communities to measure inter-community trust and then apply a seeded page-rank algo to obtain a global trust metric.

0 points,1 year ago
After the end of the November Budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal.
The money to be given as monthly UBI increased and could be defined to 5.23X9.3~=48.6 dash (in case of course the mean average method is hopefully selected by the masternodes, which is under question).
The voting participation decreased to 8.04% , mainly because many regular masternodes have been sold and new type high collateral masternodes have been bought, causing the loss of some votes. So we are still below the 10% participation threshold.

[voting results]
The Numerical ProposalsSelected BASE3 type proposals
Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 -
Report = the_results_dashd_2023-11-22-15-30-22.html.csv
Electorate = 3656 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 294
Voting participation = 8.04 %
---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---
---Divisive Election Methods---

Most Voted Number = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 197 votes ( 67.00 % of the valid votes )
---Inclusive Election Methods---

Median Average = 0 (or 000 base3)
Mean Average = 5.23
Time Splitting rule = Not coded yet
Note: Multiply the number of your favorite election method by the appropriate Chunk (it is defined by the proposal owner) to discover the voting outcome.
[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 48.6 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Communities.

Shall we try though? What do you think?
0 points,1 year ago
The polkadot validators (masternodes) recently rejected the Encointer Idea.

As expected, the masternodes(validators) idea is meant to be a population full of agents and stupid. We know very well here in Dash how much stupid and agent driven the masternodes are.

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”, Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This is a big opportunity for Dash, to adopt the orphaned Encointer community. Bring them to Dash, make Encointer stronger (which is my primary goal) and of course MAKE DASH STRONGER, MAKE IT PASS THROUGH THE EYE OF A NEEDLE, MAKE IT LIVE FOR EVER.

wrrichter@polkadot said:

With the backdrop of the dystopian implementation of retinal scanning proof of personhood, projects like Encointer brings back "humanity" to the space. As a common good, it is unfortunate that funding for these utilities is neglected without the promise of profit or depraved ROI. As far as I can tell, real-world applications are already live thanks to Encointer, which is more than can be said for many other projects with much higher funding. After meeting Malik from Encointer in the Polkadot Safari and witnessing the support that, despite the financial situation, the team is happy to provide to help empower and bring communities together, it reflects what Web3 should be. I support Encointer and their proposal and hope they can continue building and demonstrating that predatory profit is not the status quo, and there is still some space for the real "common good."
1 point,1 year ago
After the end of the October budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal. The money to be given as monthly UBI decreased (in case the mean average method is hopefully selected) and could be defined to 4.49X9.3~=41.7 dash. We increased the voting participation to 9,03% but we are still below the 10% participation threshold.
[voting results]
Electorate = 3686 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 333
Voting participation = 9.03 %

—VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)—

—Divisive election methods—
mostVotedNumber method = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 232 votes ( 69.66 % of the valid votes )

—Inclusive election methods—
medianAverage method = 0 (or 000 base3)
meanAverage method = 4.49
Time Splitting method = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the result of your favorite method by the appropriate chunk as defined by the proposal owner.
[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 41.7 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Community.

Shall we try though? What do you think?
2 points,1 year ago
After the end of the budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal. The money to be given as monthly UBI increased (in case the mean average method is hopefully selected) and could be defined to 5.8X9.3~=54 dash. We also increased the voting participation to 7,77% but we are still below the 10% participation threshold.
[voting results]
Electorate = 3741 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 291
Voting participation = 7.77 %

—VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)—

—Divisive election methods—
mostVotedNumber method = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 186 votes ( 63.91 % of the valid votes )

—Inclusive election methods—
medianAverage method = 0 (or 000 base3)
meanAverage method = 5.80
Time Splitting method = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the result of your favorite method by the appropriate chunk as defined by the proposal owner.
[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 54 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Community.

Shall we try though? What do you think?
1 point,1 year ago
Let me remind the fellow voters of this proposal, that this proposal is not a vote once and go.

You should regularly check the population of Encointer, and fix your vote depending on whether the population increases or decreases.

Soon I will offer a tool that will change your vote autoatically, depending on the personal rules you have set.

Watch the population of the Encointer community here:
1 point,1 year ago
Amazing Encointer news!

NYOTA (NYT), a community inclusion currency for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is planned to launch on the Encointer mainnet this September. Welcome NYOTA to the Encointer family!

I hope that NYOTA members will be able to join the Dash community too, but this of course depends also on whether the Dash community will be smart enough to invite them.

If this proposal reaches 10% participation, a hope will arise. We may succeed to give a Basic Income to the Encointer NYOTA members (along with all the rest Encointer communities) and at the same time make Dash a real currency!!!!
1 point,1 year ago
Amazing news! A DEX will be soon available for all the Encointer members!

We currently have a master student working on this topic with promising results. stay tuned! We will publish his report in a couple of weeks.

Please cast your vote to the Encointer proposal, for this proposal to reach 10% participation, and thus it will be legitimate to add a new proposal into the budget, asking
for the merging of the Dash community with the Encointer community.

Stay tuned!
0 points,1 year ago
I decided to slightly change the question that will be posted in the budget, provided of course that we reach 10% participation. So here you are:

THE_QUESTION (v2): What method would you like to be used in order to extract a result from the encointerUBI numerical proposal?

OPTION 1) Do not answer the question at all, in case you believe that the numbers should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god.

This option will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.

OPTION 2) Are you a proponent of the tyranny of the majority (50%+1), a method introduced in the ancient Athenian Direct Democracy? Then vote NO. Also if you are a proponent of any other method based on a percentage more than 50%+1 (ex strong majority 55%, supermajority 65% , or whatever results 0 dash to be paid depending on the "mostVotedNumber" of the current results) vote NO.

This option will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.

OPTION 3) Would you like the "Median average", a method introduced by Pietro Speroni? Then vote ABSTAIN. Also, if you are a proponent of an alternative method not mentioned as an option in this vote, then vote ABSTAIN , and please describe it in the comments below.

This option will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.

OPTION 4) Would you like the "Mean average", the most inclusive method where all votes are calculated in the final outcome? Then vote YES. Also, if you are a proponent of a time spliting rule, where all numbers are valid numbers in the appropriate time window (ex. in case 70% of the voters voted 0 and 30% of the voters voted 26, we create a time window, lets say 10 years, and for the first 7 years the 0 number is applied, then for the next 3 years the 26 number is applied) then vote YES. (Note: I decided to incude both the mean average and the time splitting rule in the yes vote, because, based on the cirrent voting outcome, both will result some amount to be paid for the Encointer community. But as long as the time splitting rule is not coded yet, I request the amount by taking into account the mean average which I assume is the most popular among the two. )

This option will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 4.59X9,3=42.6 dash this month. The amount will be equaly distributed to the currently 79 proven individuals of the Zurich/Swiss dash-encointer community, to the currently 4 proven individuals of the Greenbay/USA dash-encointer community and also to whatever new dash-encointer community may emerge in the meantime.
0 points,1 year ago
More clarifications of the question that will follow, in case this vote reaches the required 10% participation.

THE_QUESTION: What method would you like to be used in order to extract a result from the encointerUBI numerical proposal?

1) Would you like the "Mean average", the most inclusive method where all votes are calculated? Then vote yes.
This will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 4.95X9,3=46 dash this month. The amount will be equaly distributed to the currently 77 proven individuals of the Zurich/Swiss dash-encointer community, to the currently 4 proven individuals of the Greenbay/USA dash-encointer community and also to whatever new dash-encointer community may emerge in the meantime.

2) Would you like the "Median average", a method introduced by Pietro Speroni? Then vote abstain.
This will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.

3) Are you a proponent of the tyranny of the majority (50%+1), a method introduced in the ancient Athenian Direct Democracy? Then vote no.
This will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.

4) Do not answer the question at all, if you are a proponent of a time spliting rule, where all numbers are valid numbers in the appropriate time window (ex. in case 70% of the voters voted 0 and 30% of the voters voted 26, we create a time window, lets say 10 years, and for the first 7 years the 0 number is applied, then for the next 3 years the 26 number is applied). Do not also answer to the question at all, if you are a proponent of an alternative method not mentioned OR in case you believe that the numbers should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god.
This will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.
2 points,1 year ago
I would like to thank all the masternodes and crowdnodes that participated to the numerical vote.

Electorate = 4030 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 249
Voting participation = 6.17 %

mostVotedNumber = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 175 votes ( 70.28 % of the valid votes )
medianAverage = 0 (or 000 base3)
meanAverage = 4.95 (Multiply 4.95 to the chunk 9.3 to discover the decided number)

The number of votes that are currently required for a proposal to pass is 361.
SO WE NEED ANOTHER 112 votes for this proposal to have legitimate participation.

When the participation reaches 361 votes, I will cast a new proposal asking what is its prefered method we want to use in order to extract the result of the votes.

QUESTION: What method would you like to be used in order to extract the result from the encointerUBI numerical proposal?

1) Would you like "Mean average", the most inclusive method where all votes are calculated? Then vote yes.
2) Would you like the "Median average", a method introduced by Pietro Speroni? Then vote abstain.
3) Are you a proponent of the tyrany of the majority (50%+1), as introduced by the ancient Athenian Direct Democracy? Then vote no.
4) Do not participate in the vote at all, in case yoy are a proponent of a time spliting rule, where all decisions are valid in the appropriate time. (For example in 70% voted 0 and 30% voted 26, then we create a time window, lets say 10 years, and for the first 7 years 0 is applied, then for the next 3 years 26 is applied).
0 points,1 year ago
-2 points,1 year ago
Yet another proof that the dash community and more specificaly the crowdnode community is infiltrated by government's agents.

The recent vote results in crowdnode. Have a look.


Tottaly reverse of what everybody expected. Everybody assumes that the crowd should be a proponent of the encointer project , as long as the crowd will get a basic income when encointer is established.

Why the crowd didnt cast a single yes vote?

Simply because crowdnode is full of agents who vote against the benefits of dash.
2 points,1 year ago
This is getting pathetic. The simple truth is that nobody cares about your proposals or about your beloved encointer community. The way you are going on about infiltration by agents, i am surprised you are not finding agents under your bed.

Good luck talking to yourself for the remaining 25 months and do keep telling yourself that this all really really matters to the Dash community.
0 points,1 year ago
The government's agents do care to destroy dash and any other governed crypto, because they dont want a coin to become competitive to the coins that are currently established as the world's monetary order (fiat money)

Thats why they care a lot to destroy by their votes any positive initiative. If not , then how do you explain the fact that this "crowd" (actually the agents pretending to be crowd) which is about get the basic income and thus benefit from it, results on voting tottaly against it?

You cannot explain it, that's why , once again, you are talking nonsense to cover the truth.
0 points,1 year ago
The dash community is doomed unless they decide to invest in mnowatch / dashproposalswatch / crownodewatch, record all the votes and punish the bad actors.

And of course in order to punish the bad actors for their stupid/evil/destructive decisions, a Proof of Personhood is absolutely required and his is where the amazing Encointer project stands.
0 points,1 year ago

"I support Encointer. I have had to opportunity to test and use it in Zurich with the local community version (Leu community). I participated in several key signing ceremonies and I also received the local currency Leu. I utilised Leu to buy coffee at Spheres (local coffee shop) and to buy pizzoccheri pasta at a local grocery shop (Berg & Tal).

From first handy experience, I have found the project surprisingly appealing for the following reasons:

It is a very smart way of combining UBI, local economy, local currency and proof of personhood.

Leu/encointer actually works in real life: real users, real use case in the real world (I was able to actually buy something with this UBI in a real brick and mortar shop).

Whenever I talked with other participants in the leu community at the key signing ceremonies, I was surprised: I found that most of them were non crypto natives. Some did not even knew about the blockchain background of the project. they were regular people using a blockchain product. I have even got to know a retired lady, probably well into her seventies, who was deeply involved with Leu. I found that refreshing and very unique in the blockchain space."
0 points,1 year ago
I strongly recommend the masternodes to participate at least once in any local Encointer meeting, in order to receive their basic income and find out that their vote is not in vain.
0 points,1 year ago
I also recomment the same to the polkadot validator (masternodes), who seem to have a similar behavior to the Dash masternodes against the Encointer project.

Lets forgive their stupidity, they dont understand what they are rejecting......
0 points,1 year ago
0 points,1 year ago
Three individuals casted 25 votes with a TOTAL NO for the Encounter project. gave 5 total NO votes

I beg the Masternodes named ElecBrazHelp, twotimes and MallBrazElec to reconsider, and to vote at least an ABSTAIN at the encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 proposal.
-1 point,1 year ago
There is also another person who voted a TOTAL NO for the Encointer project. -->

coloBrazElec used to have 11 masternodes , now he has 7 masternodes -->

Probably a new HighPerformance masternode belongs to him. -->

coloBrazElec is from Texas.

coloBrazElec, instead of a total NO against Encointer, why dont you initiate a Dash-Encointer community in Texas and watch its benefits?
-1 point,1 year ago
Another notable thing is that among the new appearing HighCollateral Masternodes, four voted. Among those four who voted, three of them casted a TOTAL NO for Encointer (while one didnt express opinion about us yet)

So we have 6 persons holding 44 votes who seem to tottaly prohibit Dash of taking the Encointer road. Here they are:

MallBrazElec (10 votes), twotimes (10 votes), ElecBrazHelp (5), coloBrazElec (7+4 votes) and another 2 unknown HPMN(8 votes).
1 point,1 year ago
Great news! twotimes changed his opinon!
Thanks twotimes!
0 points,1 year ago
IF you vote 001(base3), due to the granularity and the defined range refers to the vote 9.31 (decimal). 9.31 Dash to be given as UBI the next month to the entire Encointer community, this is not a big deal, isnt it?

But on the other hand, even with such a small amount, we still invite the pioneer PoP community of Encointer to join Dash. And the Dash members (especially these of poor countries) can benefit from the UBI and they may start creating Dash-Encointer local communities. And will be very good for Dash.

So please reconsider, and give to UBI a small chance.
0 points,1 year ago
Not only give to UBI a small chance, but also give to Proof of PersonHood (combined with anonymity) a small chance.

Dash really suffers from government agents, who constantly vote against its interests in order to destroy it.

These agents will be spotted and expelled from Dash community, in case a Proof of PersonHood scheme is established here.
0 points,1 year ago
Of course I will never accept a Proof of PersonHood that is against anonymity, thats why I think Encointer's solution is ideal for Dash's ethics.
0 points,1 year ago

This was the plan, but it was postponed due to the Covid pandemy.
0 points,1 year ago
Companero MNO asks: "Why don´t you explain, what will we get in return for every single Dash we spend on some unknown strangers from rich switzerland? Probably not even gratefulness, right?"

Mate, YOU can start an new Encointer Community in YOUR neighborhood !!!!!

That way YOU will receive the basic income YOU voted for.....
0 points,1 year ago
Have also a look at the new Encointer Proposal in the Polkadot Treasury.

It was approved

and awarded
0 points,1 year ago
In short, we have 3 ideas at stake with this vote:

1) Ability of the MNOs to vote numbers

2) Proof of Personhood for the Dash community combined with anonymity

3) Basic Income for the Dash and Encointer community

If you are a proponent of a least one of the above, then you should participate to the vote (regardless what vote you will cast).
2 points,1 year ago
I think this is 2 or 3 seperate proposals wrapped up into one giant mess. It's far too difficult for me to get my head around, though I believe I've finally gotten the gist of it all.

So let me start by saying, I LOVE the underlying altruism in this initiative, both here and in Encointer. However, Altruism is a pretty useless tool on scale and in a vacuum. So why dont you approach this slightly differently.

Why dont you first attempt to tackle the issue of YES/NO/Abstain voting (which I agree, has its limitations). You're clearly more than capable of putting together a paper with a solution or alternative voting structure that will allow votes on multiple candidates. Then prepare a Scope of work document for the development and ask for the funding here. Funding this research/development should be seperate to integration which arguably falls under DCG discretion.

Secondly formulate a formal partnership with Encointer, you can use this protocol which I developed for PIVX years ago, but will work perfectly here also -

Then complete your work with 'BRENZI' over at Encointer of the bridge and allow dash to work within their application, perhaps discuss how our privacy or instant transactions will be useful for them?

Once all of these things are completed then we should be discussing how much to donate to this initiative. I think the answer will still be 0, but at least people will be able to donate from their own pocket if they want and Encointer community will be more aware of DASH and vice versa.

Thanks for putting this proposal forward and try to remain patient, you are asking a lot of MNOs with this proposal both in terms of work to understand the proposal and mindset to understand the underlying incentives.

Keep it up mate. Thankyou
-1 point,1 year ago
I disagree of what you said, that the Basic Income should be given from the pockets of some people. The Basic Income's primary usage is to fix the injustices of the coin emission curve. These injustices are well known to the new generations and to the late adopters, thats why they detest all old coins.

Read this old thread

I warned the community about this hard truth, but very few took me seriously. It was the times of fat moocowsmoo where everything went well (just to remember this old scammer who was supposed to be respectable member).

If you deny the truth you die, and that's where Dash is now, close to death. Face the truth, and maybe you will escape.
0 points,1 year ago
Dash and all the rest governed coins that have a budget, have the chance to fix the injustices of their coin emission curve. A chance that other non governed coins of pure PoS or PoW (like Bitcoin, Eth etc) dont have.

Sooner or later all the governed coins will understand this , and they will try to invite late adopters and new generations by approaching whatever ProofOfPersonhood (PoP) community emerges.

So let Dash be a piooner on this, it will only bring benefits to the coin.

If you are not a supporter of UBI, just vote to give for the UBI idea just a small amount of Dash. For example you could vote 001(base3), which, due to the granularity and the defined range refers to the vote 9.31 (decimal).

9.31 Dash to be given as UBI to the pioneer Encointer community, this is not a big deal, isnt it?

But on the other hand, even with such a small amount, you still invite the pioneer PoP community of Encointer to join Dash. And in case this community becomes big, they will remember Dash and Dash will benefit from it.
0 points,1 year ago
Having said that, I believe that more that 242 Dash should be given as UBI to the pioneer PoP community of Encointer.

The Encointer community worths a lot of money, that is why the Kusama-Polkadot community (a governed community ranked 13th that substituted the market gap that Dash created when it fell from the 6th rank to 100th) invested half million dollars in Encointer.
0 points,1 year ago
Why do you propose me to do all the above, as long as your prediction is "the answer will still be 0" ?

There is no time anymore, mate.
Dash community should act, and act now.

As Buddha said: “The trouble is, you think you have time.”
0 points,1 year ago
Let me also copy-paste here a quote from the representative of the Encointer association, brenzi.

"I would like to establish what the goal of this partnership is for each stakeholder. Let me sketch my view on it:


---DASH ecosystem---
aims to reduce early-adopter bonus by (re)distribution of DASH to provably unique humans. This promotes inclusivity and may onboard an entirely new audience.

---Encointer network of local communities---
may benefit from additional incentives to start/join/grow communities.

---Individual member of an Encointer community---
Benefits financially from the DASH dividend - on top of the income issued to them in local community currency.

---Kusama & Polkadot ecosystem---
lending it’s security to the Encointer network (Common-good Parachain): may benefit from collaboration with the DASH ecosystem."

You may read the whole thread here:
2 points,1 year ago
Okay, hear me out: We are dying.

We need to do something if we want get back in this. Maybe releasing Platform will be the thing, maybe it wont. But even if it does provide a boost, without a significant base of people who will develop for Platform? Where is the incentive to get involved? I don't know if this is the drastic action we need to pick us up, but I think it would benefit us to have a serious conversation if this is the right move and not dismiss it out of hand.

We have the infrastructure in place with DashDirect, we need some way to get users.
0 points,1 year ago
The Dash crypto will not die, if the masternodes are smart enough to take the correct decisions, the correct time.
-2 points,1 year ago
Thank you for confirming to me that lowering the Dash proposal fee from 5 dash to 1 dash did not only solve anything (as i already suspected), but would actually set the door wide open to low quality / spam proposals with very long time periods. In this case three proposals with a 25 month time periods, that regardless of the voting outcome will be in our face for a very long time.

And launched from a thread that has been bumped relentless since 2017, without ever gaining much traction or participation in the first place.

See :

In this case i have decided not to participate in these three proposals, nor will i be participating in any other low quality / spam proposal.
1 point,1 year ago
I'm going to just assume you was having a bad day when you made this comment. Can't say I've noticed any increase in the number of proposals regardless of quality. I'm pretty sure most people can cope with a couple of extra clicks a month if they do feel strongly about it.

And you know, both demo and myself do have this long standing gripe with dash governance regarding granularity. In your opinion this might be low quality but equally you are attacking someone who has taken the initiative to engage with an external group... not any old group but a highly technical project that is working on something quite radical. No one got paid to take such action, his motivations appear to be driven by passion.

Personally, I'm not a supporter of UBI but I am intrigued what could happen. I feel at this stage, dash needs nothing short of radical action and I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket called Platform.
2 points,1 year ago
If you are not supporter of UBI, just vote to give for the UBI idea just a small amount of Dash.

For example you could vote 001(base3), which, due to the granularity and the defined range refers to the vote 9.31 (decimal).

9.31 Dash to be given as UBI to the entire Encointer community, this is not a big deal, isnt it?

But on the other hand, even with such a small amount, you still invite the Encointer community to Join Dash. And in case this community becomes big, they will remember Dash and Dash will benefit from it.
2 points,1 year ago
I already voted for this because I think the ideas are more important than just UBI.
1 point,1 year ago
Yeah. Thats right. We have 3 ideas at stake with this vote.

1) Ability to vote numbers
2) Proof of Personhood combined with anonymity
3) Basic Income

If you are a proponent of a least one of the above, then you should participate to the vote (regardless what vote you will cast).
1 point,1 year ago
Also be aware that these three proposals each request 0.10 dash per month for 25 months, not 0 dash as Dash Central currently shows.
0 points,1 year ago
See :
0 points,1 year ago
Which is a bit strange, as a proposal owner can also just ask for 0 dash, see :
2 points,1 year ago
You are very cheap.

I used the mnowatch proposal generator (created by @xckd), which does not allow less than 0.1 dash to be asked.
1 point,1 year ago
Can you explain your aversion to the idea?
0 points,1 year ago
I don't like to see Dash budget system getting abused to highlight, redirect and promote (for 25 months !!) someone's personal idea of how Dash governance voting should occur in the Dash governance system that very few people in the Dash community (it has been circulating by demo on for many many years now) are interested in and which DCG already showed no interest in developing.

Since finding out that these three proposals actually have a requested dash amount tied to them (0.10 dash per proposal * 25 months = 2.5 dash in total per proposal = 7.5 dash in total for all three proposals), MNO's should also take the requested dash amount for funding into consideration.
1 point,1 year ago
>I don't like to see Dash budget system getting abused to highlight, redirect and promote (for 25 months !!) someone's personal idea
>of how Dash governance voting should occur in the Dash governance system that very few people in the Dash community (it has been circulating
>by demo on for many many years now) are interested in and which DCG already showed no interest in developing.

And what the hell has this argument to do with the Encointer community? Is the Encointer community my project? There are a lot of real persons out there, members of the Encointer community, who are not at all affiliated with me. Go and meet them if you doubt, they are real persons and not qwizzie or demo trolls!

There are also the Encointer developers, who are planning to intergrade Dash in their Encointer wallet. The Dash community gave 500 Dash (through incubator) to integrate Dash into the Maya wallet. The Encointer developers (highly paid developers), didn't ask something until now.

Will the Dash community reject them because of me?
1 point,1 year ago
You are disgustingly cheap.

I used the mnowatch proposal generator (created by @xckd), which does not allow less than 0.1 dash to be asked.
0 points,1 year ago
Which invalidate your claim that your three proposals are not normal proposals, but numerical proposals. Your three proposals are in fact now normal budget proposals. Because A : they are not decision proposals (polling the network on a yes / no / abstain voting outcome) and B : they are requesting funding from the Dash budget (how minimal that funding request maybe).
3 points,1 year ago
Whatever you say!
Buzz off! Our conversation is over.

Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
1 point,1 year ago
>Thank you for confirming to me that lowering the Dash proposal fee from 5 dash to 1 dash did not only solve anything (as i already suspected)

Beware of your quotes. The above statement just revealed that your masternode is among the 94 that voted against the lowering of the Dash proposal fee.
0 points,1 year ago
>And launched from a thread that has been bumped relentless since 2017, without ever gaining much traction or participation in the first place.
>See :

Yes , I proposed it back in 2017, you rejected it.

I suggest you start reading the thread from here.
0 points,1 year ago
Especially read this post:

"The kusama-polkadot community awarded $594,191.35 the Encointer developers , for implementing the idea (not to mention the tips). An amount almost twice the entire monthly budget of dash. No wonder why the Encointer developers dont give a shit about dash.
$594,191.35 !!! This is how much the polkadot-kusama community appreciated the idea. How much the dash community appreciated the same idea, back in 2016? Zero dash and a ban for demo!!!!!"

Some people are responsible for the decline of Dash, and ask yourself whether you are one of them.
0 points,1 year ago
By the way, the encointer developers finally gave a shit about Dash, and they are ready to add Dash in their Encointer wallet.

Will we accept them?
0 points,1 year ago
What do you mean this set of proposals stands regardless the voting outcome?

These are NOT normal proposals, these are NUMERICAL proposals and are asking you to vote a number for a MONTHLY Basic income to be given to the encointer comminity. And this basic income depends on the GROWTH of the Encointer community, so voting a number today may not be appropriate for the next month.

All numbers and opinions are welcome.

If the average of all the votes is 50 Dash, then 50 Dash will be asked to be given the next month in the upcoming yes/no proposal. If your opinion is that 0 dash should be given, then just vote 0, and you opinion will be counted.

You may check the growth of the encointer community by using the support tool.
0 points,1 year ago
>And this basic income depends on the GROWTH of the Encointer community, so voting a number today may not be appropriate for the next month

And this basic income depends on the GROWTH of the Encointer community, so voting a number today may not be appropriate for the next months.

So checking and changing your vote regularly is necessary, thats why the proposal(s) remain permanent.