Proposal “dn-discord-renewal-06-11“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Nation on Discord Renewal (Expanding To Other Forums)
Monthly amount: 21 DASH (460 USD)
Completed payments: 5 totaling in 105 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-05-19 / 2018-10-15 (added on 2018-05-25)
Votes: 1026 Yes / 157 No / 9 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello, I’m Tao Of Satoshi.

You may know me from my YouTube channel Cash Alternative TV, my Twitter account @CashAlternative, or from my role as the founder of the Dash Nation movement, and owner of the Dash Nation on Discord server.

This proposal seeks renewal funding for me and my team to continue offering a steady collaboration and communication platform with the Dash Nation on Discord channel, as well as assuming moderator duties in other areas such as Reddit and Dash Forum.

Out of the ashes of previous iterations, Dash Nation Slack was a great place for Dashers to hang out, collaborate, and exchange opinions and stories about Dash. Unfortunately, this platform did not want to cater to communities, even successful ones. As such, there did not exist any type of moderation tools with teeth to deal with the inevitable arrival of spammers and scammers.

On October 18th, 2017, Dash Nation moved to its now permanent home on the Discord platform. After taking awhile to hit its stride after being ripped from its former home, Dash Nation is now thriving on Discord. The moderation tools there are more efficient to deal with the problems, and Discord caters to communities. On top of this, Discord also offers their platform free of charge.

A few Dash Nation on Discord stats:

– Members: 4022
– Categories: 17 (General Chat, Markets, Development, Dash Projects, Proposal discussion and more)
– Dash proposals that communicate and collaborate on Dash Nation: 21 known

A community generally does not moderate itself, however, and Dash Nation is no exception to this. After learning from failed experiences, I devised a list of simple rules that need to be in place to have a respectful, semi-professional environment that would be very open and receptive to newcomers. Ever since I became in charge of Dash Nation Slack, I have moderated it and Dash Nation on Discord to the best of my ability.

I will be expanding my role to become a moderator on Reddit and Dash Forum as well, and would submit my name for consideration to become community manager as well. After recent events, I am eager to represent Dash to the best of my ability, and uphold its standards that we should be proud of. Above all, treating everyone with fairness. Rules apply to everyone, including myself and the moderation team. We would also like to ask for a little funding to begin actively engaging in tipping for valuable contributions to Dash Nation on Discord, this budget would be divided among the moderators to distribute.

Please support Dash Nation on Discord, help keep our forums semi-professional, and let’s keep building the movement!

Monthly breakdown of renewal terms: (5 months of services, June-October)

Reimbursement of proposal fee: 1 Dash
Tao Of Satoshi Discord, Reddit and Dash Forum moderation and community engagement services: 15 Dash
Engagement (tipping) budget: 3 Dash
Miscellaneous (hiring new moderators, possible Discord collaborations) 2 Dash

Total monthly amount: 21 Dash

As always, I will maintain a strict accounting of budget funding and will forward unused funds to the following renewal.

Cheers, Tao Of Satoshi

Vote Yes: gobject vote-many 477f52cc73d6c9eaa2aff461052756ee248d71b50e556bc9821146613386a10d funding yes

Vote No: gobject vote-many 477f52cc73d6c9eaa2aff461052756ee248d71b50e556bc9821146613386a10d funding no

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-2 points,6 years ago
In response to queries regarding Dash Nation finances, I have prepared the following response:

I have nothing to hide, my door is always open. Thanks for your continuing support. Cheers.
-2 points,6 years ago
An Official Message From The Dash Nation Moderation Team:
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch September 26th 2018 Report on
Dash Nation on Discord Renewal by TaoOfSatoshi
3 points,6 years ago
This report lists expenditures as 15 Dash in direct compensation for Tao and 1 Dash to Dash Decentral, but 0 Dash is mentioned for his team or for tips, as promised in the proposal description above. Tao, can you shed any light what is stated in the report? Can you comment on whether there has been a departure from the proposal text?
0 points,6 years ago
I am preparing a statement which will be released shortly. Thanks for your continued support of Dash Nation on Discord.
2 points,6 years ago
I don't see anything in your statement that addresses the Dash Watch report. Would it be too much trouble to give an answer here?
-2 points,6 years ago
Each month contains my 15 Dash stipend, 1 to repay the prop fee over 5 months, 2 Dash to pay for mods not paid from DN funds, and 3 Dash for engagement. Any unused funds will be accounted for and rolled-into the next proposal. Hope that helps.
2 points,6 years ago
It does not help, unfortunately. You've merely restated what is already in your proposal. Can you please comment on the expenditures listed in the Dash Watch report? Is the Dash Watch report in error? Have plans changed? Can you lend any clarity to what I've already asked?
-2 points,6 years ago
In response to queries regarding Dash Nation funds, I have prepared a full response here:
4 points,6 years ago
I am voting NO on this proposal, I have seen firsthand the handy work of Theymos, I mean Tao and this moderation is over the top and far reaching. One of the reasons I became disillusioned with Bitcoin is because of the moderation and tribalism and now I am seeing evidence of it in DASH and it is sad. I am not even sure how Tao can apply "speculation as fact" rule correctly; do you know all the facts Tao? I very much doubt it. Until we moderate the moderation, I will continue to vote NO.
-1 point,6 years ago
Sorry I don’t have your support, but like I said to the last person who posted a similar (Theymos) critique, I challenge you to find an instance where I moderated a post based on the opinion contained within, and not because it violated one of the forums posted rules.

It shouldn’t be too difficult for you, considering you “have seen firsthand”.

In the absence of such evidence, I will simply consider your post as “speculation as fact. :-) Have a nice day.
-2 points,6 years ago
In addition, and to be clear, you’re right, I don’t have all the facts. People who are challenged on the speculation as fact rule are given the opportunity to provide factual evidence of their claims, but if they fail to do so, their posts will be deleted, as per the posted rules. This is to provide a defence against grandstanding and controlling the narrative with baseless claims. Hope that helps.
4 points,6 years ago
Hi Tao, thanks for your reply. I have seen you moderate posts in the #dash-markets channel where the post is deleted without any oppurtunity for the OP to adjust it or comment on it further, by the time I read it I could not make a informed decision on if the moderation was justly applied, I have also seen it in the #mno-only channel, again post is removed no questions asked.
-2 points,6 years ago
If the poster who posted the particular message in question has an issue with the way it was handled, they are free to contact me about it. As a third party, you do not and will not have all of the information.

If you find one of your posts deleted and you feel that you are being treated unfairly, feel free to contact me. I don’t take any actions I can’t justify.

I’ve been doing this for a long time and my fairness has been judged by the MNs. I take pride in my work.

The posted rules are all I go by, not personal opinions. They have no place in moderation decisions. Cheers.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch August 27th 2018 Report on
Dash Nation on Discord Renewal (Expanding To Other Forums) by TaoOfSatoshi
0 points,6 years ago
There is no way to enforce rules with perfect objectivity. The moderators on Discord can and in some cases are effectively getting paid to promote their own ideas and ideology and to suppress the ideas of others. The mechanism is selective enforcement and activist interpretation of rules. Is that what the majority of MNOs want? A gang of henchmen hired to prevent them from hearing unpleasant things, even if some of those things happen to be true and important?
Not all moderators are bad, and not all of the censorship is even intentional. It's difficult to discern legitimate worry from concern trolling and some of them just lack the judgement. It takes intelligence to separate trolls and haters from legitimate critics and some of them just don't have it.
TaoOfSatoshi violated his own rules and policy by allowing a non-MNO moderator the_desert_lynx to engage in non-moderator activity repeatedly in the MNO-only chatroom. He continued to do so after it was pointed out. The most plausible explanation is because he didn't like the opposing viewpoint or person in opposition to his views.
So again, is this what MNOs want? paid thugs to plug your ears and shut the mouths of the messengers you can't be bothered to shoot personally?
2 points,6 years ago
Once again, I will reiterate, and thank you again for giving me the opportunity to do this, that people who frequent Dash Nation-moderated forums have to abide by the posted rules. Each individual gets 2 warnings, a temporary ban, one more warning, and then a permanent ban. The rules were explained to you on more than one occasion, and you ran through the whole process. It's not because I don't like you, it's not because I don't agree with you, it's not because I have an agenda, it's because you broke the posted rules. Have some accountability for your own actions, and stop blaming others for what happened.
2 points,6 years ago
As one of the most active moderators, I support everything said here. The mods have had extreme patience and thoroughly enforced the rules. The only moderators to have violated, or selectively enforced, the rules have been relieved of their duties.
-1 point,6 years ago
The only rule I allegedly broke was showing disrespect towards you, who shouldn't have been there in the first place, unless you are masternode owner. Are you?
-1 point,6 years ago
Are you denying that you had a policy that non-MNO moderators were not to post non-moderator comments in the mno-only room and you allowed the_desert_lynx to do so?
0 points,6 years ago
TDL is a verified MN owner, yes.
-2 points,6 years ago
Thank you finally for answering a question I have asked many times. I will point out that he has MNO badge here on Dash Central , and laying traps is not the typical work of impartial moderators.
1 point,6 years ago
I would like to thank the masternodes for your continued support. I’m happy to do what I can to keep Dash’s communication channels respectful and free of speculation-based narratives. Cheers.
1 point,6 years ago
Tao, I came out against kuvacash and you banned me, claiming I made a "personal attack." I made no such attack. Then I find out you are publicly endorsing Kuvacash along with two other moderators. Maybe this is coincidence, but if there is any abuse of power, it should not be subsidized by the treasury. I challenge you to write here what it was I said that was considered a personal attack and let the community decide if your censorship was appropriate.
1 point,6 years ago
Sure, your posts violated Dash Nation rules, as did the comments of the person you were arguing with. You both received a 48 hour ban. Whether or not I support a proposal does not affect how I uphold the posted rules. In addition, you were not banned for personal attacks, you were banned for multiple violations of the speculation as fact rule. Unproven narratives are dangerous, and can lead to bad decisions made from baseless accusations. These have no place in Dash Nation, and the masternodes are supporting me on this. Cheers.
1 point,6 years ago
Who are you talking about? I seriously don't even know. We have discussions and present opposing views. That's the purpose of the forum. What did I say to that person or about that person that was considered a rules violation? I keep asking and have yet to get an answer. If you removed an ostensible ally who was behaving counterproductively towards your cause near the same time you removed a formidable opponent, then that would not mean you acted impartially.
1 point,6 years ago
Wait, so it's now NOT for making a personal attack? The charge is different but the sentence is the same? I have said many times that I believe the "speculation as fact" rule is the one most open to interpretation and abuse, but even still I don't know what the specific alleged rule violation was. I have made the blanket statement that 100% of what I say is speculation to one degree or another, and in my opinion so is what you or anybody else says for that matter, so how could I possibly ever be in violation? Please stop abusing this subjective and arbitrary rule. In my opinion it is doing immeasurable damage to our community.
1 point,6 years ago
It never was about you making a personal attack. Please refer to the direct message I sent you on Discord before you were banned. This is not difficult. You violated Dash Nation rules a number of times and were temp-banned because of it. The rules are applied fairly to all members, and I'm sorry that you can't assert that your opinion is gospel, without supporting facts. You will never be able to do this in Dash Nation-moderated forums. Your ban is now lifted, btw, please observe the rules upon your return.
-3 points,6 years ago
I will spare you a philosophical treatise on the extreme difficulty of knowing almost anything with absolute certainty, but suffice it to say that if almost everything is speculation to an extent, the "speculation as fact" rule and selective enforcement of it gives moderators enormous leeway to throw you weight around in ways not conducive to free and open discourse. Simply claiming that you don't do it in spite of the obvious ability and temptation to do so is not exactly a compelling counterargument. The timing looks bad, Tao.
2 points,6 years ago
Fellow Dash Nation moderator here. I drew attention to your rules violation and stand by the ban, and I completely agreed with your Kuva comments.
1 point,6 years ago
LOL! What are you saying? You agreed with me? Is presenting facts as speculation ALSO against the rules? This is getting rather silly. You need to either find a better pretext to abuse your power or stop doing it.
0 points,6 years ago
How are you even whitelisted to comment here? I'm sorry, but I'm sort of new. Are you Dash Nation's Minister of Propaganda?
-3 points,6 years ago
abuse of power? The MNO's are getting exactly what their whales are voting for, a ripple clone.
0 points,6 years ago
I hope not. Ripple will fail. Math is more reliable than people.
0 points,6 years ago
Just a clarification for those who may not be aware: This proposal does not cover BCT or DashCentral. These forums remain unmoderated. Thank you for your continuing support.
-1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch July 27th 2018 Report on
Dash Nation on Discord Renewal (Expanding To Other Forums)
1 point,6 years ago
All I know is you brought censorship to the subreddit. Thanks a lot /S

Voting no x12.
0 points,6 years ago
While I’m sorry I didn’t get your vote, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Unless ensuring respectful, facts-based arguments classifies as censorship in your opinion. No post has ever been deleted because of an opinion as long as I’ve been moderating on Discord, Dash Forum or the subreddit. Please back up this baseless accusation.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch June 26th 2018 Report on
Dash Nation on Discord Renewal (Expanding To Other Forums) by TaoOfSatoshi
2 points,6 years ago
Project update: The process of unifying the other two forums to Dash Nation rules is going well. There are some who are not happy due to the rules changing and not allowing them to do things they may have gotten used to getting away with, but for the most part the transition has been smooth. Thanks again for your support.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks to all of you for your support. The newly formed Dash Nation Moderation Team, with the help of Tungfa and Fernando, is preparing to implement Dash Nation rules to the three main forums. When this is done, I will be making an announcement. Cheers!
-1 point,6 years ago
Yes. You are a leader by example. Keep up the great work.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your services to the community.
0 points,6 years ago
While I fully support Tao and the work he has done; I think it’s foolish to pay him this much for his moderation. This is over $30 per hour, if he spent 40 hours a week moderating Discord! There are several other mods here that don’t get paid or are being paid via Dash Force News. Why isn’t Tao paying them via this proposal? Tao has done a great job and Discord has been a great place for the community but I feel this is just getting voted in due to Tao’s standing in the community and not based on what it brings to Dash. This proposal should be to pay all the mods on Discord/Reddit/Forums and not just Tao. Let’s not forget about all the other people that make this a great place.
2 points,6 years ago
I’m not forgetting about the other mods that do a lot to make Dash Nation on Discord a great place to communicate and collaborate.

The miscellaneous part of the budget will be used to reward mods that aren’t currently being paid. Next renewal I will streamline everything so as to all be under the same proposal.

As for my remuneration, one needs to look no further than the Bitcoin and BTC Reddits to see the damage that can be done by not having a stable, fair place to communicate based on facts, not influencing opinion based on censorship, and posting baseless speculation as fact. It does irreparable damage to the community, and sets back growth.

Dash Nation, on the Discord, Reddit, and Dash Forum, will provide this positive, stable environment. The benefits of that aspect more than outweigh the ask I have made to the network.

Hope this helps.
0 points,6 years ago
Easy yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support!
2 points,6 years ago
speaking of:
"I will be expanding my role to become a moderator on Reddit and Dash Forum as well, and would submit my name for consideration to become community manager as well"
Fernando and me had multiple conversations with Tao about this , and yes we totally support the efforts , he would be a great help for the Forum Moderation !
God's speed ; )
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks, @tungfa. Appreciate yours and Fernando’s support!
2 points,6 years ago
Wait to be actually involved to know if you really appreciate, it can get really messy :D

Now seriously, it is great to that are willing to step up on this. I'm sure both Reddit and Dash Forum will be a better place to discuss because of your involvement and TroyDash's.
1 point,6 years ago
That's the goal!
2 points,6 years ago
If you can make Dash Reddit a place as stimulating, respectful and open as Discord, I would actually hang out there. Spin your magic Tao!!
1 point,6 years ago
Cheers! I will make every effort for that to happen.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, keep up the good job.
1 point,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
YES. I am a member but hardly use discord. Will start using it more.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you! It’s great for real-time conversations to help with consensus. Looking forward to seeing you there!
0 points,6 years ago
Adjusted the size of the Dash Nation on Discord image, so the beginning of the proposal description is visible. Thanks for the feedback!
0 points,6 years ago
Fighting with the DashCentral API, ATM. For a proposal description, please visit
1 point,6 years ago
Why no proposal description?
1 point,6 years ago
Fixed. I just had to adjust the size of the Dash Nation on Discord image.
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Ok, just appeared :)
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes, good luck.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much, BitcoinTalk warrior!
1 point,6 years ago
With closed eyes, pressing YES from me as well. This is an important place to stay, get the first impression with the community and simply stay around. Tao you do a great work and am definitely supporting it.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks, pal, I’m happy you feel that way. It’s very important to me as Dash Nation founder to have a semi-professional, constructive environment for Dash ideas to be created and grow.
5 points,6 years ago
Hey Tao, what happened to all the Dash from the Slack proposal? Was that all spent? I know Dash Nation cut out from Slack shortly after the funded proposal.

Also are you or DFN currently paying for moderators on Discord Dash?

And yes Dash Nation Discord is awesome!
7 points,6 years ago
Most of the Discord mods are not paid. We/Dash Force pay TroyDash, Agnewpickens and Macrochip $300 each a month to help mod. Macrochip also does lots of mod work on Reddit.

Myself, Joel, Mark, splawik, Triptolemoose, Delta engine, and moocow are unpaid mods.
Myself, Joel, Mark, splawik and moocow are happy to help mod for free and are not seeking any funding to do so.
TroyDash, Agnewpickens and Macrochip are the most active mods so Dash Force pays them on behalf of the community to show our appreciation for their efforts. Moocow is also very active helping run spam bot filters and lots of other work behind the scenes that keep Discord running smoothly.

Arthyron is the latest Discord mod. I have been talking to him for a week or 2 about joining Dash Force and he will officially start next month.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the vote of confidence on Dash Nation on Discord!

Regarding the Slack funds, you will find a detailed report here. The remainder at the end was used to fund my services for April, at a discounted rate.

Currently, DN moderators are paid from Dash Force funds, an arrangement I see no problem with, but could change in the future were it to become one.
0 points,6 years ago
voting yes... of course
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks, wingman! Or is that me...
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. However it's not enough to bring good moderators in, the bad ones have to be kicked out
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your confidence in me.
0 points,6 years ago
I was afraid that when TaoOFSatoshi underwent his image re-branding-cutting off his hair and sharpening his look-that all of us in Dash Nation could possibly suffer. I feared he had sold out and feared any moment he might begin showboating and using his considerable amount of clout to silence any opposition to ideas he didn't support. I expected exorbitant proposal price tags from him and even braced myself for a possible new era of Dash as a TaoTeDictatorship.

And yet this never happened.

He remains the Steven Seagal of Dash. He gets stuff done efficiently without needing praise and glamour. He is the quintessential Dash Ambassador. I also thought his idea for a Dash Dolphin mascot was worth exploring.

IN short-TaoOFSatoshi inspires others to join-FACT.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you so much for those kind words. I will continue to do my best in whatever way I can to see the expansion of Dash Nation and the values it represents throughout the globe. Cheers!
4 points,6 years ago
Dash Nation Discord is the best place for Dash community chat.

If you are a MNO be sure to contact a mod and we will add you to the discord #MNO channels.

Invite link:
3 points,6 years ago
Yes, if you’re not already there, come join us! It’s the premier place for Dash collaboration and communication. I will gladly add any interested MNOs to the separate channel.
2 points,6 years ago
If Dash Core is the heart of the Dash community, then Tao and his team are certainly the soul! I don't think they need my comments to pass, therefore my only reason for posting is to say Thank You! Thank you so very much, you make it a stimulating and pleasant environment to be in Dash! You all have the right vision. Nobody is ever censored, they are only required to be polite and respectful. That is something people should be no matter what, even if they are anonymous. Thank you again!!!
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the kind words, Tante! I will continue to do my best in that role.
1 point,6 years ago
Tao has been a rock solid pillar for our Discord channel and our community in general, and with more help definitely being needed on the forum and on reddit, expanding his role in this way makes a lot of sense in addition to continuing the efforts on Discord. I believe with Tao's assistance this will also move us toward having a more consistent user experience when people are using the different mediums. Also, anything that could take a little weight off of tungfa's plate right now is something that will help. Thanks Tao :)
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the support @TroyDash. You have been an excellent teammate to work with.
0 points,6 years ago
yes of course
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your vote!
1 point,6 years ago
I do not use Discord that often due to time constraints. However I know it is an important part of DASH community. Therefore voting YES
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for this, @DeepBlue! You are always welcome there.
0 points,6 years ago
Definite yes. We need more channels for communication and TaoOfSatoshi has done a stand up job so far. Keep it up!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks. I appreciate your support and kind words.
-2 points,6 years ago
Is Macrochip/Basilpop going to be a part of the mod team? Because I don't think he is fit to be a moderator. Happy to vote yes if he is not a part of this.
0 points,6 years ago
While Macrochip has run into issues with some on Reddit, he observes the rules on Dash Nation on Discord in his duties as moderator there.

If I become moderator on Reddit and Dash Forum, the rules that have made Dash Nation on Discord a great communication environment will be in effect in those forums as well.

Everyone, including moderators, will have to follow these rules. You have my word on that. I consider fairness to be of the utmost importance. Ask my DN mod team, I’ve nodded myself countless times... :-)
0 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
Easy Yes thx for everything TaoOfSatoshi
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, sir. Appreciated.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes! Thank you Tao!
1 point,6 years ago
Cheers, Macno. Haven’t seen you around much lately!
0 points,6 years ago
Easy yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you.
0 points,6 years ago
cool proposal
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
This looks like a great fit to me. Discord has run like a well oiled machine. And certainly the Dash community would benefit from all three forums having consistent rules, even handed moderation and a professional demeanor. Yes for me!

0 points,6 years ago
I’m happy that Dashers are valuing the work that we are doing in Discord. We would like to bring this to the other forums. Thanks for the support!
0 points,6 years ago
I second what schuppdog said. Full support from me.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, quantum. Your support is appreciated!
0 points,6 years ago
Voted YES!
0 points,6 years ago
Gracias, amigo! :-)