Proposal “dashpay-ios-supplemental-1“ (Active)Back

Title:DashPay iOS Supplemental Development
Monthly amount: 350 DASH (9318 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2025-02-06 / 2025-05-07 (added on 2025-02-11)
Final voting deadline: in 26 days
Votes: 350 Yes / 129 No / 4 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 99 Yes votes to become funded.
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Proposal description

This proposal is to fund additional Dash Core Group development of the iOS DashPay wallet.

Development of the Android version of DashPay, Dash (and Dash Evolution)’s flagship product, has significantly outpaced development of the iOS version. The iOS team is currently under capacity and DCG does not have the means to hire additional help at current price levels.

I am requesting a 350 multi-month proposal to fund additional iOS development of DashPay by DCG, paid out to their address. I am also actively engaged in recruitment efforts to locate top developer talent who would be appropriate for filling this need.

This proposal is not an attempt to subvert or compete with any existing proposals. However, since last month the masternodes chose not to pay out about 500 Dash at all, I feel it appropriate to give the network the option to dedicate some of that funding to expedite iOS DashPay development instead.

All funds will be directly held by DCG, and will be dedicated to funding additional development work on the iOS version of DashPay. I will update the community on our progress recruiting developers. Thank you for your consideration.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,1 day ago
I am on android, could someone explain what exactly is wrong with the iOS Dashpay Wallet?
0 points,13 hours ago
There is no iOS DashPay. The current wallet, Dash Wallet, is many months behind Android. Simply put there have been development challenges that haven't been able to be solved, and current developer resources aren't able to solve them.

We would basically recruit additional help to get DashPay released on iOS and feature parity with Android.
3 points,9 days ago
"I am requesting a 350 multi-month proposal to fund additional iOS development of DashPay by DCG, paid out to their address. I am also actively engaged in recruitment efforts to locate top developer talent who would be appropriate for filling this need."

Questions (that you are not going to answer)

1) Is the IOS code opensource?

2) If yes, then who decides what should be coded? Is it you who decide?

3) Do you have the skills to judge the developers?
2 points,9 days ago
4) If you are not a developer or you cannot judge the developers, why trust you in recruiting? You will fail, the same way DCG failed because they are also not IOS developers.
2 points,9 days ago is the code

What exactly do you want to be fixed in this code?

Instead of searching for salary slaves, why dont you give the specs and how much each spec worths, and wait for someone to code it?
4 points,10 days ago
Something has to be done about iOS development and this is likely the first good step. The status quo is unacceptable.
0 points,9 days ago
Whats wrong with it? You have to describe your problem, so that someone may start solving it.
-1 point,10 days ago
Any proof that the payment address of this proposal

belong to the IOS developers?
4 points,9 days ago
The payout address is identical to the one posted by DCG's Quantum Explorer in this other proposal for this month.