Proposal “dashing-trade-wallet-2024-q4“ (Active)Back
Title: | Disregard this proposal |
Owner: | jojobyte |
Monthly amount: | 200 DASH (8624 USD) |
Completed payments: | no payments occurred yet (2 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2024-11-07 / 2025-01-06 (added on 2024-11-10) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 10 Yes / 361 No / 11 Abstain |
Will be funded: | No. This proposal needs additional 649 Yes votes to become funded. |
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole): gobject vote-many 3466221cb178c95f7bd9ac9967a34020b56a7a5ad6a166d741c0d2b492abb5df funding yes Please login or create a new DashCentral account for comfortable one button voting! |
Proposal description
Disregard this proposal. New Proposal(s) meant to start payments next month in December will be posted soon.
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The purpose is to demonstrate the viability of the libraries built under the Dash Incubator and to show alternative methods for accomplishing things, like usernames (we call them aliases in the wallet)
Here is the youtube playlist of me building it.