Proposal “dashinformer“ (Completed)Back

Title:Continue Funding: Google Ads / Facebook Ads / Reddit Ads for Dash - Continue #DashNation Global Community Translation
One-time payment: 87 DASH (1896 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 87 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-21)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Full Proposal and Pilot Results Here
Forum Thread Here

Hello Dash Nation!

Please review our pilot results doc to see how we did with 30 dash in funding from last cycle.
  • We designed and built a landing page and brought 47,000 targeted users and educated them about Dash.
  • They completed 3300 engagement goals.
  • Overall Cost-Per-Goal was under $10 and global conversion rate (visitors who complete a goal) was 5.32%.
  • Our remarketing list grew to over 70,000 people and can now be used in an instant to broadcast any Dash messaging across the internet to people already familiar with Dash.
  • Our A/B Split test identified the most effective Dash introduction video through over 50,000 experimental sessions. This video drives more engagement across all goals. Congrats to @Naomi and @TheDesertLynx for your most effective Dash intro video. 
  • We operated with complete transparency with advertising costs, cost per click, cost per impression, conversion rates, cost per conversion, etc. and we kept the entire community updated every step of the way in our forum thread. 
  • Subreddit /r/dashpay gained nearly a thousand reddit subscribers during our Reddit campaign.
  • We identified the top interest of our website visitors as “how to buy dash” through heatmapping
  • We signed up nearly two hundred people to a double opt-in (confirm via email) email list located in the footer of the site
  • Dash Discord members (you guys rock!) began translating the site into Spanish, Dutch, French, Polish, Japanese, Lithuanian, German, Italian, Norwegian and Russian. Contact me on discord @feedbands if you'd like to help with a translation in any language. We pay .023 dash per hour.
  • Our engineers began geofencing the site, so that visitors from spanish speaking countries will automatically see the spanish language site. Visitors from new york will automatically get recommended ways to buy Dash that work in new york, and visitors in India get recommended services that work in India, and so on.

We are working to set up escrow for our full proposal to ramp up our ad spend. We have verbal agreements from both Dash Core and Greencandle to work together to escrow our proposal, but due to January being a very busy month, neither Green Candle or Dash Core were able to set up the legal framework for it this cycle despite our best efforts. So, we are asking for a much smaller non-escrowable amount just to keep the campaign going and hopefully get the full proposal submitted next month with escrow.

We believe we can get 4x the results, or over 12,000 engagement goals and 200k targeted users, for $60,000
From our pilot results, we now know that the most effective ad spend in terms of cost-per-goal is in *Google Search* marketing, which offers just $5 cost per goal. With a spend of just $2,000 per day or $60,000 per month, we can likely achieve 12,000 engagement goals and deliver four times the results of our initial campaign on just twice the budget. These goals are defined as people engaged enough from their visit to continue on to an exchange, the wallet download page, the forum, or Dash central.

Dash Community has been translating the site into many languages:
  • Spanish translation courtesy of @AlejandroE, @Coach Digi, @akeviniron
  • Polish translation courtesy of @AnarchicCluster
  • Lithuanian translation courtesy of @Uppercut
  • French translation courtesy of @RedAstray
  • Dutch translation courtesty of @chinmi, @fuzzyduck, and @ErikFietskop
  • Japanese translation courtesy of @Samurai33

Thanks to these helpful members of the Dash Discord, and with the funding from this proposal, can automatically display in these languages when people from these countries visit the site. Which will also allow us to target these countries in their native languages and pursue and even more effective cost per goal via advertising. This is a community driven global campaign.

We are now automatically deploying location-specific instructions on how to buy Dash for New York, India and Dominican Republic. These locations will expand to include the list of countries above with successful funding.

We have improved the landing page to include animated icons.

We have set up a new experimental split test to try 3 different email collections forms. You can test them at:
Variant 1:
Varient 2:
Variant 3:

By offering a small weekly dash giveaway, we will incentivize people to both join the mailing list and download a wallet in order to enter. Emails from this mailing list will not be used under any circumstances without written or email permission from Core. 

Benefits of our campaign:
  • Transparent: See exactly how much we’re spending and what we’re getting for that. You’ll know exactly how much a click costs us, exactly how much a goal costs us.
  • Goal driven: Every ad dollar we spend is measured across well defined actions. This ensures that no spend is wasted. We should, at any time, be able to tell you exactly how many people are taking further action to download wallets, buy dash, explore proposals, and engage with recent news. 
  • Continually optimizing: We expect to deliver 4x the amount of goals this month on only a 2x budget.
  • Community Powered: Our translators are from Dash Discord. The videos on our site are from community members. The news articles we link to are from treasury funded sites like DashForce News. Our landing page is an amalgam of YOU, Dash community! Because that is the story of Dash. It is the greatest community on earth and the first Decentralized Autonomous Organization on Earth. 
  • Decentralized: We are making every effort to decentralize our campaign every step of the way through conscious choices to use more services independent of each other. For example, we use PerfectAudience to run our remarketing, even though we could do it through Google. This small choice makes a big difference. If there is ever a hiccup with Google, remarketing can continue in full effect. Another example of Reddit. Instead of relying on Reddit for Reddit ads alone, we can decentralize further and display ads on Reddit using Google as well, which gives us more freedom in terms of the destination of traffic. 
  • Data provided to Core: All data provided on-demand to Core. Anything they ask for we give them. Simple as that.

  • 70 Dash - 100% liquidated for verifiable ad spend
  • 10 Dash - to cover this proposal fee and the other proposal fee this cycle
  • 7 Dash - agency fee, to cover engineering, geofencing, ad design, dash community translators, location-specific how to buy dash research and content writing, 24/7 campaign monitoring and optimization and paid services including mailchimp, mouseflow, geoscreenshot, and dash giveaway money. 

Can you explain Goals more in depth?
Goals are definitive actions that allow us to track the effectiveness of a campaign. Spending money to advertise Dash is great, but what if we knew *exactly* how many people took further action to download a wallet, or submit a proposal, or buy some Dash. What if a campaign didn't deliver any goals, we'd want to turn it off instead of wasting money, right? And what if a campaign delivered a staggering number of goals, we'd want to focus on it and figure out why that campaign was so effective. 

This is the very reason we built the landing page instead of simply sending traffic to or a youtube video.  Dashinformer was built from the ground up to allow us to track goals and relate them to our ad campaigns to see which ones perform better than others and at exactly what cost. For example, advertising on Reddit cost $22 per goal, whereas advertising on Google Search only cost $5 per goal. 

Here is a complete breakdown of the Goals from our Pilot Campaign Phase I:
As you can see, the dominant interest of our site visitors was buying Dash. This was evidenced by raw goals, as well as heatmapping, which is why we have embarked on a worldwide journey to provide location-specific information how to buy Dash for every country in the world.

After "Buying Dash", interest was segmented roughly evenly across wallets, news, and proposals. 

One benefit of tracking goals in this way is we can see exactly which campaigns generate more interest in one goal versus another. So let's say the Dash community really wanted to bring in more proposals on a given month because of an excess in budget or a lack in quality proposals. We could simply throttle up campaigns that drive more proposal related goals. It really is that easy, but only because we are doing such sophisticated tracking and goal reporting. 

Another benefit of goal tracking is it allows for Google and Facebook to utilize their AI's to predetermine who is most likely going to complete a goal. This is not possible to do without goal tracking because they are optimizing for the goal completion (which they cannot do if there are no defined goals). We were able to utilize both Google and Facebook's AI to optimize for goal completions. The benefit of this, is that Google and Facebook send the highest quality traffic, people most likely to be interested in and engage with Dash. Their black box does a lot of computations and decides against showing the ad to Grandma who's never heard of cryptocurrency (even though she stumbled on a page) and decides in favor of showing your ad to someone who visits bittrex or poloniex every day. 

We can, and do, also regularly remove keywords, sites, placements, and ads that generate less goals. or anomalously high costs per goal. 

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
I translated the site into Japanese. In Japan, the number of people investing in Cryptocurrency continues to increase. Particularly popular coins are XRP, XEM with many Japanese information. On the other hand, the Japanese information of Dash is insufficient. I am convinced that the site will be a valuable source of information for Japanese people.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your translation services, Samurai. We agree that we urgently need Japanese-language information about Dash out there to help guard against loss of market share.

Our engineers are already at work uploading your translation and geofencing the site for Japan. Moving forward, visitors from Japan will be automatically served Dashinformer in the Japanese language, whether the visitors are organic, from one of our ad campaigns or from a campaign of another proposal.
4 points,7 years ago
Just bookmarked and then voted yes.
Really nice work. Thank you
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your support DashRacer.
2 points,7 years ago
Make wallet section more userfriendly they shouldnt even be directed to core wallet. Exodus would be a better recommend.
1 point,7 years ago
We will be improving the wallet recommendation section with direction towards more lightweight wallets.
3 points,7 years ago
Great work, key bits:
- Strong performance already
- Focused on real bottom line performance indicators (wallet downloads etc)
- Optimising the funnel through split tested landing pages
- Highly targeted (geo-specific pages & use of translated pages)
- Good record of reporting & accountability.
- Great engagement rates (time on site / time spent watching videos)

This will have a real, tangible impact. Some campaigns are more about awareness and brand, this is about figures and adoption. I look forward to seeing this scale over 2018.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks AshFrancis. You've clearly done some marketing yourself :)
0 points,7 years ago
Just checked out Nice-looking site, but yikes on the "wallet best practices" video!

If someone is new to DASH, more than likely they're not ready to download and use the full node Core wallet. YES, it's currently the only wallet that offers privacy, but a total newb doesn't even understand crypto privacy, much less why they might want to use it. That comes with time.

A site focusing on converting and assisting newbs should feature wallet tutorials of simple, lightweight wallets. Pretty interfaces and easy to backup. Ideally with a focus on mobile -- the Jaxx wallet is still the best I've seen.
-1 point,7 years ago
The wallet video was recommended by @macrochip and we thought it was pretty good. Our understanding is that users always pay much higher fees with the Jaxx wallet, and if we are touting Dash's low fees, they might feel deceived when Jaxx overcharges them to send...
-1 point,7 years ago
Also, while the video details best practices, we send them to the wallet page, which allows them to choose from a myriad of options including Jaxx and lightweight mobile wallets.

That said, maybe others in the community would like to chime in.
4 points,7 years ago
Awesome work and transparency, feedbands! I hope you will get all the resources you need to scale :)
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Darkcoins, we're only here to do what the MNO's think is reasonable.
1 point,7 years ago
We have few people voting NO ..really?? ...did you guys read the results he has produced ?? What could be a better proposal to support ??
2 points,7 years ago
Super easy yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the confidence pescobar, means a lot to us.
0 points,7 years ago
MNO, Sydney, Australia. I will join the YES chorus on this proposal. Impressed with feedback you provide via the dash forum.

Please keep information such as the bitcoin fee amount reasonably up to date on dashinformer . Is it 'ball park' $30 USD per avg btc transaction ? Fair is fair.
0 points,7 years ago
We'll do our best to keep all information up to date and we realize the great responsibility of conveying accurate information at all times. Here and there community members have reached out with slight fixes or things we've overlooked and we also move rapidly to fix.
-2 points,7 years ago
Thanks. We intentionally avoid CMC since the ads on that site have negative association by some.
0 points,7 years ago
By "some"? I'd be curious to know who doesn't like pure crypto investor impressions simply so I can discount other things they say.
0 points,7 years ago
Feedbands, have you explored the idea/cost of running ads on Coinmarketcap? All the sh*tcoin ads on there lead me to believe it might not be that expensive. But this is your area of expertise, not mine. Thoughts?
1 point,7 years ago
Thos is an interesting question. Here are the points we've considered:

1. we're already getting lots of free advertising from them just from being ranked

2. We don't want to pursue short term speculative investors, but rather people who will get on board with dash long term and understand the mission and vision.

3. CMC probably is the most targeted audience we can get. There is no doubt the folks on this site have third party exchange accounts and could buy dash within minutes of making a decision to

4. Ads on CMC have a generally negative sentiment and tend to be associated with scamcoins

5. There is no shortage of volume to run ads on other sites

CMC appears to be somewhat of a double edged sword
0 points,7 years ago
Good assessment. If you have more budget than you can deploy, you can always add in CMC later.
1 point,7 years ago
bummer i was hoping you would get 700 dash mate , anyways all the best for this one ... you rock ....
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
I am absolutely honored to be working on this campaign with any amount of dash.
0 points,7 years ago
Plenty of deliverables and data from the first project. Well designed, well documented. Nice jump in scale. Easy yes.

Carry on, have fun, win! (P.S., Dude, do you sleep??)
0 points,7 years ago
Solarguy is that you? ;) sleep schedule has been compromised...
0 points,7 years ago
Yes sir, it is. Thanks for the info on CMC. Glad to see your new prop. is doing well. Money well spent!
-1 point,7 years ago
Hope you can snag that domain! :)
0 points,7 years ago
A total Yes. Deriving these results will also help target any other campaigns or ideas. Looking forward to seeing more stats when this passes.
0 points,7 years ago
We will absolutely deliver quantifiable results.
0 points,7 years ago
And you are quite correct that the insights gained can intelligently inform future dash campaigns proposed by anyone
0 points,7 years ago
Glad to see the rolling along! Nice work!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support bchamz!