Proposal “dash-on-huobipro“ (Completed)Back

Title: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash
One-time payment: 1005 DASH (21765 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 1005 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-11-18 / 2017-12-17 (added on 2017-11-08)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

1. Who are we?

Huobi Pro ( is a digital asset exchange made for cryptocurrency traders and investors all over the world. We are headquartered in Singapore with intensive networks in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North Americas.

Huobi Pro is a leading global digital asset financial services provider. Founded in 2013, with more than four years of industry-leading security practice, record-breaking marketing and operation experiences, top-notch R&D powerhouse, and most credited customer service system. As Huobi operated the digital asset exchange safely and stably for more than 4 years and managed over $1 billion USD and served millions of customers, Huobi is known as the world-class brand and the largest exchange (by BTC Volume) in China.

Due to recent regulations in china Huobi is now based out of Singapore with a new webpage ( )

2. What’s the proposal for?

We are the leading global digital asset exchange – We would like to integrate Dash in our exchange. Not only bring Dash to our millions of users from 130+ countries and regions all over the world, but also make them Dash fans. We will spread Dash’s technology and unique characteristics to the Chinese market through our website announcements, articles, videos and training. Since Huobi is one of the largest exchanges in China and we’ve been operated for four years, we own great reputation in digital asset industry. Listing Dash on our exchange will definitely increase the popularity and liquidity of Dash in China, even the world.

3. What will we do?

a. Exchange. We will list Dash/BTC and Dash/USDT trading pairs on and create millions of Dash hot wallets for our users and cold wallet for our platform.

b. Air drop. We will air drop Dash to all our bitcoin and litecoin traders, encourage them by this to use Dash, experience the Speed, try it out and see the difference in Dash and its technology. We will launch promotions to introduce Dash to our users and make them well aware and educated in Dash.

c. Marketing. We will post announcements on our website and Social Media which will be exposed to our millions of users, Dash will definitely get more popular in China. Huobi’s marketing channel will includes:

Twitter: 35k Followers

WeChat:160K Followers

Chinese Media:, BitKan, BTC123, AICoin

WeChat QQ Group: more than 100 groups

Huobi Brilliants’Talk Show: 8 million audiences in total

Take the case of ETH launching on Huobi for example.

A. WeChat:

a,《【重要通知】ETH上线火币网,狂送ETH!》to tell users ETH launched in Huobi, get 21259 reading

b.《【科普】以太坊到底是什么?有何价值?》to tell users value of ETH, get 14231 reading

c. Huobi Brilliants’Talk Show:《【科普】比99%的人早懂以太坊(上)!》and《【科普】比99%的人早懂以太坊(下)!》to do online direct broadcast, get 30+Wechat goups and get 23K reading in total.

B. Chinese Media


Huaxia Times:

All of the Chinese bitcoin industry media such as, BTC123, AICoin and BitKan,released articles above.

C. Market quotations analysis websites,,FX168 and so on.

4. What do we think of Dash?

Bitcoin’s community has been struggling about the block size expansion for several years. But Dash community is very solid and united. We think a cryptocurrency with such team backup can only get better and bigger in the long run. Bitcoin is just the first cryptocurrency like BTCChina, which was the first exchange in China. But BTCChina has almost vanished in the Chinese market. We think Dash has a great opportunity to surpass Bitcoin, Huobi Pro will have a win-win cooperation with Dash and wants to be part of that push forward.

This budget proposal is part of our Marketing Strategy already, as we are explaining with this, to the general Cryptocurrenmcy Community, how Consensus can and should work in a Decentralized Project / Team. The timing with the recent (and coming) BTC fork is prefect to show how Dash accomplished it’s consensus with the Budget System

Above all, we’d like to request 1005 Dash for our proposal. 

1. 5 Dash reimbursement for the proposal cost.

2. 1000 Dash for air drop (see Point 3.) to our bitcoin and litecoin users, who are our active trading users on our exchange. There are hundreds of thousands of active bitcoin and litecoin trading users. Each of them can get about 0.001-0.01Dash.

3. Extra marketing and technical development costs (integration) will be handled by Huobi ourselves.

We are looking forward to a successful cooperation with the Dash Community and Core Team

If you want to know more about Huobi and, please click here:

You can also discuss at:

Update on Nov. 12:

Dear Dash community members:

Thanks everyone for the discussions here! Based on your feedback, we have made:

1. Clarification announcement:

2. A Q and A summarizing major questions discussed with our answers here for your convenience and will keep it updated:

Please let us know if you have future questions for the proposal. Your opinions and suggestions are valuable to us. 

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,7 years ago
Voted yes, if Amanda can do airdrops on youtube/twitter I see no reason Huobi can't. Also interested in the feedback after this.
2 points,7 years ago
I would like to know are there any InstandSend integration news?
-3 points,7 years ago
Seems like this going to get approved for for life of me cannot understand why someone needs 1000 Dash to do this integration?
2 points,7 years ago
1000 Dash is not for integration. I have clarified in my previous posts, hope it helps:
1. Clarification:
2. Q&A:
0 points,7 years ago
Looking at current market volume Huobi sits at 14, with 90M volume. Dash is already on 9th place.

I much rather prefer to popularize Dash on Bitfinex with 1KM volume and Dash doesn't even appear in top 10 trading pairs.
2 points,7 years ago
Popularizing Dash on Bitfinex and educating Chinese users about Dash via Huobi Pro does not conflict with each other at all. We would love to see a proposal for popularizing Dash on Bitfinex. Yet we do wish to get your support on this proposal. You are welcome to refer to our clarification and Q&A links on the proposal for your concerns and let us know if you have further questions about the current plan.
0 points,7 years ago
can you co-ordinate with bitfinex for a similar proposal i think that would be absolutely wonderful
3 points,7 years ago
This kind of marketing is suited for the chinese market. I think its a one time thing because its a way to introduce ourselves to a lot of crypto users and traders in a potentially enormous market, a way of creating a great first impression.
1 point,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
Will only passport verified users get the airdrop?
Or can I now make 1000 accounts on your exchange to get a lot of airdrops?
2 points,7 years ago
Yes, One passport/ID can only register one user account. We also have anti-spam mechanisms to make sure the airdrop only goes to passport verified users who have been active on our platform.

So, the answer to your second question is that though we would love your support on our proposal, it is unfortunate that you will not be able to get a lot of Dash airdrops on our platform by making 1000 accounts.

Thanks! Those are good questions and we appreciate your feedback.
0 points,7 years ago
How do random people on an exchange getting dash help?
If we're going to spend almost half a million on this, we could at least get that half million into dash wallets, not on an exchange where they will be easily "thanks for the free money! *sell*"'ed away
I just received a small amount of TRON on Binance and didn't even look it up before placing a sell order. I'm sure many others will do the same with DASH.

Also, how do we tell if this is even successful?
Why not give away 100 dash first? it has to be 1000?

What's far more ridiculous is that the description says "Each of them can get about 0.001-0.01Dash."
***There have been 0 questions about this so far, and the estimation is an order of magnitude off***. nobody really cares about the magnitude at all before this passes?

why not use 100 dash instead of 1000 then?
Seems super reckless of the masternodes. I'm pretty shocked and disappointed that this is passing.
0 points,7 years ago
I agree. We should only give Dash to users by sending it directly to a Dash address. Not to an exchange account will they will immediately sell.
1 point,7 years ago
I beg to differ from this point of view.

Though personal experience speaks as great example, please be cautious to generalize user behaviors from one or two use cases. As for the effect of the Airdrop, I have clarified that we would provide a report for Dash community and us as well to review and reflect for future activities.

Moreover, if, we as members of the crypto community, want to make it strong, and achieve mass adoption, we shall do it by uniting people together as much as possible, and be nice to each other, not to categorize people as "good users"/"bad traders"/"bad speculators" until they actually do something to deserve that judgment.

This is what we are trying to do at Huobi Pro and we are asking Dash to do this together with us: setting a great example of Exchange and Community working together to raise awareness instead of frowning on each other.
0 points,7 years ago
this is pure wisdom , we need people like you badly on dash ... btw if you are looking for more interesting ideas that need funding let us know
0 points,7 years ago
If Chinese government ban cryptocurrency, will all our investment on this proposal become useless?
0 points,7 years ago
The ban was a misunderstanding and already clarified in China by a reliable news source:

You are welcome to refer to the coindesk link which explains it in English:
0 points,7 years ago
If chinese government ban crypto, you better have good distribution so that people can trade p2p.
0 points,7 years ago
Please refer to these two links for more reliable information:
1. Chinese:;

2. English:

0 points,7 years ago
voted yes
0 points,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
Airdropping dash into an exchange? seriously guys?
people are just going to go "lol thanks for the free bitcoin" and sell immediately
the people on these exchanges don't care about anything but whats going to take their bank account to the moon
if you want to blow 1000 dash like this, make sure it goes into users dash wallets, not just onto an exchange
Why would we start with 1000? why not make it 500, then if it goes well, do another 500?
Why 1000 at all? just because it is an amount with 3 zeroes on the end? We're spending $450,000 on this, we should have a reason we're spending that instead of $200,000 or $600,000 that isn't just because its a nice round number
come on guys, show people that the masternodes are more sophisticated than this.
1 point,7 years ago
1. The Airdropped Dash goes to users not to the exchange;
2. Please don't generalize exchange users as pure *speculators* ;
3. 1000 amount is determined based on our user statistics.

Hope it helps
1 point,7 years ago
This is a wonderful proposal that will give us huge inroads into Chinese market which is arguably one of biggest markets out there ....

I am betting for doubling of price after the air drop is done ..

Next stop something big in Japan
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks and we wish all the best with Dash!
6 points,7 years ago
OK, just to summarize: Huobi has added Dash to their exchange, at no cost, for free and it's already done. Isn't that a nice change of pace? A lot of exchanges want substantial money for this. Huobi also intends to promote Dash to their 100's of 1,000's of customers (who are already familiar with cryptocurrency, but never had an easy way to buy or trade Dash) also at no cost. So that's two big freebies.

And then there is this proposal. If we, the Dash community want to put the cherry on top, and help them promote Dash, we could throw in 1,000 Dash. 100% of that Dash will be airdropped to many thousands of their customers along with Huobi's promotional information about how awesome and amazing Dash is. They do the promotional/advertising part for free, and we throw in the Dash to make it even more exciting and compelling. This will also help kick start the liquidity on the exchange.

Again I say, yes!

There had been speculation that as Dash continued to improve the product and educate people about the many many feature and innovations Dash has, exchanges would start offering to integrate us for free. Apparently, we are there now.

1 point,7 years ago
Nice post!!
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for your understanding and support. Dash community is amazing. :)
0 points,7 years ago
I like it - not sure giving dash away is really necessary - but this is real and honest, china is a huge market, and it will have a significant effect. Yes votes from me :)
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you!
3 points,7 years ago
On the forum you said that you would have a Chinese Dash community member on site to over see the airdrop. Who will that community member be?
0 points,7 years ago
We just confirmed with @Alexy and @Raico that they will come to Huobi to over see the airdrop representing Dash Community.
1 point,7 years ago
9 votes YES
1 point,7 years ago
7 points,7 years ago
Dear Dash Community members,

Thanks for all your feedbacks and discussions for the last few days. We are thrilled by the democratic culture here in Dash Community. We would love to clarify certain misunderstandings during our discussions here:

1. We are listing DASH because we are fascinated by Dash's technology innovation in the crypto world, as well as governance mechanism. Dash is a great example of how decentralization utilizes both technology development and organization governance. We are thrilled to have Dash, not only as an asset for trading on our platform, but also a long term partner. May we both live long and prosper.

2. Huobi Pro has been serving the Chinese customers since 2013 safely and stably, with industry-leading security practice, gaining deep marketing insights in the Asian cryptocurrency market as well as millions of users over the world. We do not see us as only a trading exchange, but also an educational hub for consumers to promote early adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

3. We see the integration of Dash to Huobi Pro as a chance for us to bring Dash as an innovative and truly decentralized cryptocurrency to our users. We are not charging Dash for listing on Huobi Pro, and we have already posted articles about Dash's uniqueness through our social media outlets to195k followers.

4. We see the 1000 Dash airdrop as a growth hacking style marketing strategy which would instantly attract users' interest to Dash along side our already-done social media education and promotions. Similar marketing strategy is quite popular in China, widely applied by internet companies, and is proved to be pretty effective. However, we do understand your concerns. We will have Dash China community member on site to conduct the airdrop with us together and provide a detailed airdrop report to Masternodes for your future reference.

5. We were running on a tight schedule to promote and list Dash before Segwit 2X as our marketing campaign for Dash focused on Dash Community's unity and efficiency in comparison to Bitcoin. It is unfortunate there was a rush between the pre-proposal thread and the proposal submission. We will amend our proposal with Q&As according to our discussions here this weekend.

6. We appreciate all your comments and feedbacks here, all of them are of great value to us. It is truly amazing to see such devoted discussions about project development in the crypto community. Our cooperation today is a great beginning of a long journey and an important strategic partnership. We will consider and evaluate the possibility of integrating InstantSend and adding more Dash trading pairs in future and timely update with Dash community members.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for all of your explanations. I changed my vote to yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for your support!
2 points,7 years ago
Great details !!!
1 point,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
Great details and feedback - tx for this
2 points,7 years ago
You are welcome! A pleasure.
1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Hi phpinfo,感谢您的投票:)。空投的具体方式目前还未完全确定,初步方案是按一段时间内的活跃用户评分。我们也非常欢迎达世社区提供更好的空投方案建议。
4 points,7 years ago
I changed my decision to YES vote.
2 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
To all the Yes voters who think this proposal is about adding Dash to Huobi: IT IS NOT.
Dash is already live and being traded on Huobi as we speak. This proposal is entirely about giving away 1000 Dash for free to their customers. Do not be fooled here!
4 points,7 years ago
Dear Macrochip, thanks for your comment.

It is not *only* about adding Dash to Huobi. It is about educating Chinese users about how innovative and decentralized Dash is in the crypto world, and achieving major consumer adoption of Dash in China.

We plan to launch a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign alongside the 1000 Dash airdrop if the proposal passes. Estimated influence will cover at least 200k people. The airdrop, as part of the comprehensive campaign, would provide hundreds of thousands of people in China an instant chance to recognize Dash as a great cryptocurrency as well as an amazing application of blockchain technology.

Please let me know if this helps. :)
3 points,7 years ago
Awesome fully support this, all the best for this proposal , after airdrop expect a doubling of price guys , btw can you publish complete details on what you are planning to do exactly ?
0 points,7 years ago
We plan to do user activities alongside the airdrop to encourage they actually use Dash, posting marketing and education articles and multi media links in WeChat groups, and live video streaming the Airdrop and introducing Dash to users in China. Those are just part of the planned marketing activities and we are finalizing the whole plan at the moment. Open to community member suggestions!
1 point,7 years ago
I have only these questions: Do you really want to airdrop all of the 1000 Dash? Don't you have *any* costs to cover? How can you do all of that marketing for free? I'd like to see you implement Dash InstantSend and tell us how much that would cost you. Take that amount from the airdrop and give us an extra feature for it. That I could live with.
3 points,7 years ago
1. Yes, we are airdropping all of the 1000 Dash to users;
2. We are not covering any costs with the 1000 Dash in the proposal;
3. We are doing the marketing for free because we consider Dash as an important long term partner which need to be recognized in Chinese market, not just a coin to be listed on exchange (& we already listed Dash).
4. We will consider and evaluate implementation of Dash InstantSend and let Dash community know about it.
5. We'd like to keep this proposal focusing on the airdropping, working on raising awareness and adoption first, and talking about InstantSend implementation later.
4 points,7 years ago
Alright I give up. I'm switching to yes. Let's get this done. If you're following through with everything you said, I won't regret this.

Thank you for your feedback and professionality. And good luck!
1 point,7 years ago
You are welcome. Thank you for your support!:P
0 points,7 years ago
Is this consider as bribing Chinese users?
1 point,7 years ago
I don't think so.
-2 points,7 years ago
This proposal is to give $300,000 as an airdrop. We are giving away $300,000. To an exchange. For nothing. How can anyone vote for it?
4 points,7 years ago
The Dash doesn't go to the exchange, it goes to users, many of who will be owning Dash for the first time.
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your clarification: that's exactly the point of Airdrop.

We will also have Dash China Community member to be onsite when the airdrop happens and provide a report about the airdrop to the Masternodes.
1 point,7 years ago
Dear dashcentral,

You are definitely not giving away Dash for free.

As one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in China, we have marketing channels and social media outlets which can reach millions Chinese users who are interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. We think it is a pity that most of them don't know much about how great Dash is.

As such, we plan to launch a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign alongside the 1000 Dash airdrop if the proposal passes.

The airdrop, as part of the comprehensive campaign, would provide hundreds of thousands of people in China an instant chance to recognize Dash as a great cryptocurrency as well as an amazing application of blockchain technology. We consider education and practice go hand in hand as one of the best ways to achieve mass adoption of cryptocurrency, and plan to do so with Dash as one of the cryptocurrencies which definitely deserves such adoption in China.

I wish this helps and let me know if you have any further questions.
2 points,7 years ago
I dont think this is the best use of 1000 dash. What does giving your exchange users a fraction of a dash achieve? We could hire fulltime developers to develop apps for evolution for this.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Fount4inhead,

We are not going to do the Airdrop as an isolated incident. We plan to do a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign to reach millions of Chinese customers about Dash's uniqueness.

The airdrop, as part of the comprehensive campaign, would provide hundreds of thousands of people in China an instant chance to recognize Dash as a great cryptocurrency as well as an amazing application of blockchain technology.

We consider education and practice go hand in hand as one of the best ways to achieve mass adoption of cryptocurrency, and plan to do so with Dash as one of the cryptocurrencies which definitely deserves such adoption in China.

Hope it helps:)
0 points,7 years ago
Why do we have to bridge Houbi's traders? We rather let Amanda B. Johnson do her give away plan than vote for this ambiguity proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
We do not only have traders, but also average users, readers who are interested in cryptocurrency world and blockchain technology. We are serving the average Joe and Jane (well, in China) just as what we think the crypto world would be: something that everyone knows about and uses.

There goes the rationale of our proposal for the airdrop and we are not doing it as an isolate incident: we are teaching millions of Chinese customers about it, with airdropping as a quite interesting and persuasive practice along with the education.
0 points,7 years ago
Just "no".
1 point,7 years ago
I am sorry to hear that. I hope my clarification and comments in the last few hours help clear the air, and please do let me know if you have any questions in regarding to the proposal. :)
1 point,7 years ago
We offered to help with escrow on this proposal but it had already been submitted to the network.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi greencandle, your offer to help well noticed! Thanks so much! At this point it is unfortunate that we are unable to do an escrow. Instead we will have Dash China community member on site with us when the proposed airdrop happens and provide a detailed airdrop report to Masternodes. Would that work for the community? Open to opinions. Thanks again :)
-1 point,7 years ago
At the moment the communication of huobipro with its proposal and all the comments that it is generating, is not satisfactory.
Other proposals of much lower amounts have had more feedback ..

1005 dash in bull trend ... (1MN) :-?
1 point,7 years ago
Hi blockchaintech,

I am sorry the communications of last few days have been disappointing for you. As we explained in our earlier replies, the 1000 Dash airdrop would come along with a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign aims at mass awareness and adoption of Dash for Chinese consumers.

We definitely appreciate your feedback and are happy to answer your concerns in regarding to the proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
About: along with a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign aims at mass awareness and adoption of Dash for Chinese consumers.

I understand then that: Huobi is committed to submit reports in the forum thread of your pre-proposal.
You confirm it?
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, we will submit airdrop and marketing reports to Dash Community, probably in the form of submitting it in the pre-proposal forum thread if that works for everybody.
1 point,7 years ago
Well, that was fast.
1 point,7 years ago
We didn't mean to make it such a rush as it seemed to be. Hope my clarification helps.
5 points,7 years ago
I'm sorry, but if Dash pays this one, then EVERY exchange will expect us to pay them just to be listed! It sets a bad precedent for Dash. It's a bit like paying a ransom. If another exchange wants to list Dash, they wilk say we want 1000 Dash as well! I'm sorry, but Dash is number 6 crypto in the world. All exchanges should add Dash for free and be happy!
2 points,7 years ago
We are not charging Dash to get on Huobi at all, as my clarification explains. The 1000 airdrop is for advertising for Dash as stillcantstop said.
5 points,7 years ago
As Strophy noted, the Dash community/treasury isn't paying to get on their exchange. That part's done already. They are not charging us for that. They like Dash. They are advertising for Dash. Now they want to give a sample of Dash to people who are already excited about cryptocurrency (Bitcoin mostly) but have never had access to Dash. I'm not sure you could have a better, more targeted air drop.

Back in the day, Amanda B. Johnson pointed out that to popularize PayPal in the early days, they gave away a lot of money to get people to try it. It was new, it was strange, here's a little enticement to try it. How did that turn out for PayPal? Pretty good right?
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you! This is exactly the point for the Airdrop. And for better ways to do it: we definitely welcome your opinion and suggestion.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes but what this proposal is doing isn’t giving Dash it’s usecases for users to use them. This is more like giving amazon and Facebook stock holders free stock of apple; that can be sold immediately to buy more amazon/Facebook stock. All they can do is trade it on the exchange. It’s diferent if you give the Dash to personal wallets allowing its usecases to show its potential.

I think this is just a ploy to increase the amount of “play money” on their exchange, since they definitely are hurting after harsh regulations from China. This $340000 giveaway is just going to be sold and put into coins the current holders want to hold. Think if you were given free bitcoin, would you keep it on top of buying more?!(which is what your saying would happen to Dash if this is funded) Or sell it for what you like to hold?
1 point,7 years ago
trade is most important usecase currently for cryptos. There is 0 store accept cryptos in china, because it is not allowed. how to enable china market? do nothing or let huobi do something they are good at. I choose let them try.
1 point,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
Totally agree. Dash has value, and there are better ways to promote to Huobi users than making it appear like it's worthless. They will make money in the end anyway, and communications is more important than this pointless late-stage airdrop.
1 point,7 years ago
We will for sure do the communication part alongside the airdrop and make it effective. Thanks.
3 points,7 years ago
This is NOT a proposal to pay for integration. The integration literally went live already 10am this morning, and trading begins tomorrow. PR and social media is already happening. I agree huobi are noobs at running a proposal and should have done more pre-discussion and put more than some low level staffer with crap English on the forum. But the vote now is whether or not to support their airdrop promotion, and like it or not that is how you get the attention of the Chinese market: with dramatic promotions like this. I think it's a great way to make a splash.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks strophy for your understanding! We are learning the lesson from Dash community about running proposals and this is at the same time a great experience. After all, it is always nice to learn and join a vibrant community in the crypto world. We are taking your suggestion and opinions with us for our future marketing and PR activities. Your advice is of great value to us.
1 point,7 years ago
Good point but, cultural differences aside, I'd rather Dash gain respect in that market on its own merit.
1 point,7 years ago
It will: we are not doing the airdrop as an isolated event, we are also educating Chinese consumers about it.
2 points,7 years ago
Well, this way dash would gain respect on its own merit. Because compared to other coins we can actually fund something like that.
1 point,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
There are better marketing mechanics that have more leverage which we can pay for rather than a straight airdrop...we can fund anything we want to but let's be smart about it.
2 points,7 years ago
Agreed. This is the type of advertising we get from huobi: and I gotta say that chart is very sad and poor at explaining Dash. I feel like they don’t even know Dashs usecases
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
VOTE NO in this proposal, it's $300,000 WITHOUT ESCROW
0 points,7 years ago
We will have Dash China Community member onsite with us when airdrop happens, and provide a detailed airdrop report for Masternodes. It is unfortunate that escrow will not work out with our wallets due to technical reasons.
-2 points,7 years ago
Look like someone wants own masternode.
0 points,7 years ago
em, no, there is no such intention on Huobi's side.
1 point,7 years ago
It looks like this is a case of bit of poor communications and understanding (it seem to happen allot between westerners and Chinese people from I have experienced)
There going implement Dash either way:

Huobi Pro Launches Dash on November 9th

I was going to vote, no but after hearing that Chinese investors, appreciate dash more after getting some free Dash is, pulling me over the line. I will admit that this maybe a complete lie, but my knowledge of Chinese investors is very limited. So i'll simply take their word for it. And if I (we) get burned I know not to trust them again. Either way I think it's worth the risk.

That being said, my votes will be yes, but only after I see the Dash ticker on their exchange.
0 points,7 years ago
Dash ticker is already on and Dash is trading, you can check it out at
1 point,7 years ago
I think that Chinese investors will appreciate a little bonus rather than plain coin...that would yield much more leverage than a vanilla airdrop...and drive liquidity on the exchange as well which should help fill the order books. A no from me until I hear a better plan!
0 points,7 years ago
You can't get burned (at least short term) because it's not your own money you're spending. You are not directly experiencing any loss, that's what makes this so dangerous.
1 point,7 years ago
I very much most of what comment Macrochip both here and elsewhere, but the mainpoint is that the airdrop will make sure we break into a new market, and if Chinese potentially would reopen that would make this investment really cheap. If I am missing something please let me know.

As far what your saying about not spending my own money, I agree, MNO often spend on the wrong things, this may be one of them.
0 points,7 years ago
Side note, the current volume isn't any where where it was(obviously because of the Chinese Govermant crackdown, and the lose of being able to trade directly against the CNY currency ):
4 points,7 years ago
This is a No from me. It's almost 4am and want to dive in and pick this proposal apart but I am too tired after my shift. For starters making a pre-proposal and then a proposal within a span of a day or less with multiple people having problems about key points of what is being proposed should be documented as a very effective way in the category of "How not to get funded through the Dash Treasury".

Secondly, the airdrop not only gives no benefit to the Dash network, it only works as a way of increasing transactions and fees for the exchange. This is a lose-win situation. The aim should always be win-win in negotiations.

Some would argue that the win for Dash is all the exposure to the Chinese audience. Great! Split that into a new proposal and give a very detailed plan and strategy on how you will raise awareness and ENGAGEMENT about Dash in China. Give us clearly stated goals that you feel confident about meeting and then ask for a price. Marketing should not be bundled together with integration in the same proposal. I'll explain in a second.

Thirdly, you clearly state as a goal of this proposal the listing of DASH/USDT and DASH/BTC on your exchange. This is the honey pot, the trap for the MNs. This shouldn't be in the proposal. You have already stated your beliefs about Dash so I see no reason for you NOT to list Dash in your exchange, in the near future, regardless of any proposal outcome. You are using this exchange listing of Dash, which should anyway happen, to get YES votes from MNs about an airdrop that is meant to bring your transactions higher to boost your income from fees while tweeting and posting about it.

This isn't about Dash in the end. It's about boosting your exchange while doing the bare minimum of work (which should have been done already).

Not to mention that IS isn't in the plan. There is no excuse anymore for IS not to be included in EVERY integration moving forward.

We need to start setting up some standards over here. Amateur hour needs to seize. Doing business with you right now in the way that is described in the proposal will only lead to more low to medium effort proposals being submitted.

No lengthy pre-proposal discussion ? --> No
Ignoring feedback from the community? --> No
No IS on the integration? --> No
Airdrop? --> No

Access how much you need for an IS integration, we will pay for that. What are the development costs for adding more trading pairs for DASH like DASH/ETH etc? We'll pay for that. Give us something that benefits both of us, not just yourself.

Another hour passed. I really need to get some sleep.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi I hope you got plenty sleep this weekend. :P We were on a tight schedule for the pre proposal thread because we were trying to do all our marketing campaign before Segwit2x (before we know it was cancelled) and I believe something is missing in the translation in proposal here. I have clarified about marketing and airdropping in my post yesterday, and I hope it helps with your concerns.
0 points,7 years ago
The integration of Dash was a nice surprise but I still remain a tough nut to crack. I prefer you add the cost of development for InstantSend in the budget so then you can IS the airdrop and market it like the king feature it is in the crypto space. That I can vote yes on. Make it big, make it instant, make it loud. 1000 Dash is big, I trust that you will be loud so you are only missing the instant part.
0 points,7 years ago
DO I agree with you, I would counter that with, things move so fast in crypto, so still yes's from me
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, I don't want to be contentious - agree that things do move fast with crypto but that's why we should sometimes pause to think if there is a better way that gives more leverage - if we have to give free Dash away it just implies its value is zero or not worth anything on it's own merit.
1 point,7 years ago
Reviewed all the comments on the dash forum and believe the value is there. Voted YES
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support!
0 points,7 years ago
Tough one, one the one side the benefit for DASH is higher giving out the money. On the other side I also don't like this precedent as others have noted.

While I don't like this proposal I think I'll hold my nose and vote yes if there's nothing better to do with the funds this month (gonna wait till later in the month to vote)... Hear me out... I think this will raise the DASH price most likely. That increase can be refunneled back into the governance system and pay for more proposals.

If the 1000 DASH had gone to huobi I would of course have voted no. However it's an airdrop. I would say 80% of all those users won't bother and will just sell their DASH immediately. If 20% look into DASH that's a win if there are really 100,000 people trading on their exchange.
0 points,7 years ago
We will make sure it goes to the customers and also, we will provide marketing and educational materials which raise customer awareness after they get the airdropped coins. Airdropping has proved to be very efficient in blockchain projects marketing, and we do have around 20~30k monthly active users at Huobi.
0 points,7 years ago
No, no, no. I mean, why do we give Dash, which has value away for nothing on an airdrop - this implies that we have to give it away for people to want it!

I'd be far more comfortable for some kind of bonus for people who want to purchase Dash (say, 5%) to drive some interest and liquidity, and some advertising related to the offer, but to give 330K+ away as an insignificant per-person airdrop makes zero sense. Please vote carefully on this one! has added Dash, and a joint press release, or series of press releases as well as some communications to users is appropriate, will NOT cost 300K+ and will lead to full order books in short order, as it has with most other major exchanges that have included Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
hi lemonysnicket,

You are not giving Dash away for all.

We are not going to do the Airdrop as an isolated incident. We plan to do a more comprehensive marketing and educational campaign to reach millions of Chinese customers about Dash's uniqueness.

The airdrop, as part of the comprehensive campaign, would provide hundreds of thousands of people in China an instant chance to recognize Dash as a great cryptocurrency as well as an amazing application of blockchain technology.

We consider education and practice go hand in hand as one of the best ways to achieve mass adoption of cryptocurrency, and plan to do so with Dash as one of the cryptocurrencies which definitely deserves such adoption in China.

Your feedback and opinion is valuable to us and we will definitely consider your suggestion in our marketing activities.
7 points,7 years ago
What's the hurry? You submitted the pre-proposal literally less than 12 hours ago. We were still in the middle of discussion. Most importantly talking about an escrow option. You're not getting the Dash any sooner this way. Also we had very legitimate concerns towards the necessity of airdropping 1000 Dash for no real gain.

No from me.
0 points,7 years ago
The *rush* was a misunderstanding rather than ill-intentioned one... Therefore we are explaining and clarifying for such misunderstandings....
1 point,7 years ago
Agreed. I wanted to vote yes but this is like not even having a pre-proposal which is basically an instant no.
0 points,7 years ago
Well we apologize for making the pre-proposal such a rush---per our misunderstanding and eager to advertise Dash before Segwit2x---but we did not mean any harm. I hope my clarification and answers here help.
-1 point,7 years ago
But they did make a pre-proposal and responded to comments there. I think they were just anxious to try our budget system out.
-1 point,7 years ago
Yea now that I see that the dash integration is already done ill be voting Yes. But I still think they should have given us a bit more time and tell us about the status of the integration.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, lesson well learned! Thanks for your support.
0 points,7 years ago
u not from china, u dont understand. china got no exchange for buy/sell dash
0 points,7 years ago
I'm not against Dash in China. I'm against giving 1000 Dash away with no return.
1 point,7 years ago
If you actually can understand why this proposal is useless and potentially even hurts Dash. Imagine just creating $340000 Of inflation of your currency to just give it away(socialism) to other people for absolutely no reason just on the hopes that the users will actually use it. I don’t know any usecase for having .001 Dash other than sending an instant send to transfer some pennies between wallets. And the users receiving this Dash won’t even have this ability on top of it. So it’s easy to see how this proposal is absolutely worthless.
3 points,7 years ago
Could you please add InstantSend compatibility to the integration? This will increase the support for your proposal because we will be receiving something significant and palpable for the 300k+USD investment.

What percentage of mainland Chinese investors still have access to trade on Huobi? I thought the Chinese government was blocking its citizens from trading cryptocurrencies in all manners possible. Is it now legal under Chinese law for all Chinese citizens to trade on Huobi simply because you moved your headquarters to Singapore?
0 points,7 years ago
We'd like to keep it simple this time, to focus on the airdrop as the beginning of our partnership. We will consider and evaluate InstantSend compatibility in future and keep Dash Community updated.

As per the regulations in China, thanks for your notice. We relocated our headquarter to Singapore to provide better and more comprehensive services to our global users, and crypto-crypto trading is in compliance with current regulations in China. Thanks.
2 points,7 years ago
Note that 3a “adding Dash to Huobi” is already done. So this proposal is really only about the airdrop as we’ve already been added to the exchange.


My inclination is to wait a bit to see what other proposals are submitted this cycle. I wouldn’t want this to bump something good, but if the funds are just going to be burned... well then even a simple airdrop will probably end up being a bigger benefit to Dash as having 1000 less coins in circulation really means very very little in terms of valuation.
0 points,7 years ago
The proposal is about airdrop, but we are not going to do the airdropping as an isolated event: 1. airdropping has been proved efficient and 2. we also plan to do more marketing and education for Chinese customers about Dash, which we think Dash deserves a whole lot. Hope I get your support. Thanks!
2 points,7 years ago
Agreed. Voting Yes right now but if it would bump something else ill switch.
0 points,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
I don't think we should waste money for attracting traders and speculators by using airdrop. Instead we should find more developers, more integrations and merchants to accept Dash.
5 points,7 years ago
I just cast 2 NO votes for this proposal. If they were Coinbase or Gemini that would be different but not these guys.
1 point,7 years ago
Changed my votes to Yes.
0 points,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
VOTE NO, it's $300,000 with NO ESCROW!!
0 points,7 years ago
I have read the yes and no opinions, and in both cases I agree.

Now, we must think:
Who we are and where we are going next year 2018

Many people are coming and more will come for the free money, without ROI guarantees

The DAO has to be more participatory and we have to start debating among ourselves in the proposals or pre-proposals, and we should not vote lightly.
We must negotiate with people who make proposals and more if they are large quantities. And when in doubt, say NO and come with another offer.

They have already integrated Dash, ask for 1000 dash, it seems a lot to me.

I will continue reading to my colleagues, I do not have a clear answer. But the balance does not lean to the YES..

We must ask for improvement options

I ask you to add: dash / eth

I await an answer, thanks.

I will continue reading to my colleagues, I do not have a clear answer.
0 points,7 years ago
Your suggestion well noted, we will consider and evaluate adding Dash/ETH trading pair. Please also be well noted that the airdrop is 1) an efficient marketing strategy and 2) part of a comprehensive marketing campaign for Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
To consider doing something is not to commit to doing it in a negotiation.

Please, I would like you to indicate with a yes or no, if you are going to add the eth / dash pair and the time in which they would carry it out.

You confirm it?
Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
Actually, I don't think rushing a yes or no from us about adding ETH/Dash pair is the priority at hand for Dash or Huobi Pro.
0 points,7 years ago
We can't confirm about adding the eh/dash trading pair at the moment. Running an exchange is more complicated than making promises on the forum. We can only promise and confirm what we are going to do. Thanks for your understanding.
0 points,7 years ago
Well, you have publicly committed.

With all the commentaries and their answers, I have decided to grant them a vote of confidence.
You have my support for this proposal.

Thanks for the proposals.
3 points,7 years ago
No from me. Huobi will integrate us whether we pay them 1000 Dash or not as they want the trading fees. We aren't being given anything special here that they aren't giving to other cryptos for free.
0 points,7 years ago
Please refer to the updates to see if it answers your concerns. Thanks!
1 point,7 years ago
now only got listed dash in china.. China need
2 points,7 years ago
I've got my doubts about give-aways for people that have never used crypto currency before. Wasting Dash in an attempt to spark some short term feeding frenzy among experienced crypto users is just obscene.
0 points,7 years ago
The point of airdropping is to make people realize how different and innovative Dash is and similar strategy has been proven efficient in other blockchain projects.
2 points,7 years ago
You got my support, this definetely benefits Dash and the budget amount is reasonable.
I do hope we indeed get good feedback from you to our community and that InstantSend will be activated at some point in time.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks! We love your community...the devotion to serious discussion about project development and governance is truly amazing. We will also consider and evaluate InstantSend integration with our colleagues. Your support and feedback is of great value to us.
1 point,7 years ago
No. Not a chance. Supporting Dash benefits Huobi. Why pay when other coins are listed for free?
0 points,7 years ago
We are not charging Dash for listing. Airdrop is part of a comprehensive marketing campaign which benefits Dash for market adoption.
1 point,7 years ago
Yes for me. You already bought dash for your airdrops, doing the integration without asking us anything, what we do here is participating in your marketing campain. As a DAO its a way to say welcome to our new collaboration and I know the importance of that gesture for the chinese people.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you, we appreciate it very much.
1 point,7 years ago
I'd like to see almost no fees to trade in Dash on your exchange and that you add more trading pairs like Dash/Bitcoin Cash, Dash/LTC
1 point,7 years ago
I think the following compensates for the airdrop costs :

"c. Marketing. We will post announcements on our website and Social Media which will be exposed to our millions of users, Dash will definitely get more popular in China. Huobi’s marketing channel will includes:

Twitter: 35k Followers
WeChat:160K Followers
Chinese Media:, BitKan, BTC123, AICoin
WeChat &QQ Group: more than 100 groups
Huobi Brilliants’Talk Show: 8 million audiences in total"

All in all i regard it as something to sweeten the deal with. So be it.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support!
0 points,7 years ago
100 Groups? Spamming?
0 points,7 years ago
I also NO
-2 points,7 years ago
Vote yes!Stupid MNs who vote no!
1 point,7 years ago
Aha. People that disagree with you are stupid. Suuure...
0 points,7 years ago
Adding a coin to your exchange is simple. It does not cost 300k. Also giving users free Dash to "experiment with" on your exchange will not help Dash. They can't use instant send or private send which are key features on your centralized exchange. Also because it is an exchange, once given to the user it's easy for someone to want to just trade Dash for another coin. No sense in funding this.
-1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Google translation: Fire currency network in the Mainland a huge influence, have a high reputation. On this point, I vote for it.
-1 point,7 years ago
i will vote all YES! we need many millions chinese investor to invest dash
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
What if China ban exchanges? 1000 Dash for waste?
0 points,7 years ago
Huobi. Pro is operating normally and 1000 Dash for sure would not be a waste, as I explained in earlier posts.
-2 points,7 years ago
Think about the customer resource (thousands of BTC&LTC&ETH investors whom would become the Dash potential investors.),market position and platform advantage....
Voted, YES!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you raico for your support.
-2 points,7 years ago
vote NO! stupid PROPOSAL!!
1 point,7 years ago
I am sorry to hear that. Hope my clarification and comments for the last few days here helps.
1 point,7 years ago
Voting YES. No proposal is a sure thing but DASH needs more exchange adoption, and eventually, more fiat pairs. We need to fuel this adoption as much as possible. More people getting some dash and learning what it is will always help to spread the word and create new users.

Also, I understand that most coins get on exchanges for free. The point is that DASH is one of the only communities that has the power to incentivize exchanges and their customers greatly to make it way easier to do so. Let's use that power to spread faster than any other asset.
2 points,7 years ago
Makes no sense. The integration is already done. THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT ABOUT ADDING DASH TO HUOBI! It is about airdropping 1000 Dash on their customers, NOTHING ELSE. Dash is ALREADY LIVE on Huobi
2 points,7 years ago
By "exchange adoption" I mean the people that use the exchanges too, not just being on the exchange. It's similar to the other give aways where you set people up with new wallets only this time it's driving exchange adoption. When people find out that the free dash is from the treasury they will most likely be curious what a treasury is. This kind of thing leads to educating new users regarding our best features. We're one of the only blockchain systems that can do this and people need to learn why that is such a powerful thing.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, that's exactly the point! Thanks so much for clarifying this out:)
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you! Your vote is very important to us.

As my clarification explained, we are not charging Dash for getting on Huobi. The 1000 Dash airdrop is part of our comprehensive marketing campaign for Chinese customers to know more about Dash and adopt it. We are also thrilled to see Dash's vibrant community.
0 points,7 years ago
you are right… smart MNOs will vote yes.