Proposal “dash-incubator-tim-2023-q3“ (Closed)Back

Title:Proposal Withdrawn
Monthly amount: 150 DASH (3275 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-07-12 / 2023-10-09 (added on 2023-07-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 53 Yes / 276 No / 75 Abstain

Proposal description

Given the current economics and financial for DCG and Dash Incubator, I am withdrawing my funding proposal and will rely on the reserves I have to continue Dashmate Assistance and Dash Core Contributions. As budget allows, I will focus to bring a couple projects to completion in anticipation of Platform production release: Atomic Swaps, Decentralized Dynamic Application Infrastructure. Any remaining margin will toward, Local Money, Sodality, Goal/Challenge Platform, and/or Dash Stamp as I still have funds. All the other projects will move to the backlog.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,1 year ago
Changed votes from yes to no as this proposal has been withdrawn (see updated proposal text).
2 points,1 year ago
DashDirect Website and Extension
status: not started
Q3 objective: requirements gathering and technical specifications

From Marshall Greenwald (CEO, Ionia (DashDirect) dd 9th of July 2023

''Due to the uncertainty under United States law as to the use of cryptocurrency for commercial and personal purposes and the recent dramatically increased pressures brought on by United States regulators and law enforcement, we at Ionia, Inc. (“Ionia”) have decided to exit the cryptocurrency space as of July 15, 2023. ''

Can you pls explain the Q3 objective in light of the above ? Why is DashDirect still on your budget planning ?
2 points,1 year ago
The quick answer is I had other priorities I was thinking about and the DashDirect news wasn't on my radar as I finalized the language of my proposal. Considering I had used DashDirect just a day or two before, I didn't have any concerns. Now the point is moot though...
2 points,1 year ago
Source :
2 points,1 year ago
but I do appreciate that you read my proposal well enough to see that.