Proposal “dash-gap“ (Completed)Back

One-time payment: 2000 DASH (47872 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 2000 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-19 / 2017-09-18 (added on 2017-08-22)
Votes: 880 Yes / 220 No / 41 Abstain

Proposal description

Please make sure you watch the video first before reading the details as the video outlines the nature of road trip.

Money Requested: $500,000
Help Stephen and Max to "DASH" across America.

Info about series:

RT/Max Keiser + Stephen Baldwin are doing 16 episodes of a new road-trip show traveling America's heartland.

We would like DASH to sponsor and fund this trip in return for product placement + on-air and in digital. RT Network is an English-language Russian international television network, that is available in over 100 different countries, with an audience of 700 million, including 85 million in the United States.

What do Dash get for the proposal?
Dash receives product integration that lives on thru syndication
Dash is not buying a 30 second spot that dies after a rotation.
The show lives on into the future and with it Dash wherever it goes, whenever it goes.

1. Dash - Digital Cash wrap branding on RV.
2. Stephen & Max will mention Dash plus wear Dash branded merchandise on any show / live events to promote tour provided such event or show does not prohibit wearing of logos / brands.
3. We will mention Dash in any press release work we do for example - Hollywood trades, Variety, HR, Deadline etc. ... ...
4. Stephen will mention Dash on any Jimmy Fallon like show he goes on and even wear a DASH logo t-shirt.
5. Dash logo branding featured on all episodes.
6. We'll interview Ryan Taylor or any Core team member of your choice as a guest on one of the episodes.
7. We will work to integrate Dash as much as possible throughout the tour with Dash giveaways etc. I can't reveal details of giveaway due to agreements with tour production company. However I can assure it will show Dash is a very positive light and hopefully draw lots of media attention outside of tour itself ;-)

Why should masternode owners vote for this proposal?
We can help Dash attract mainstream attention using our outreach and following to showcase Dash to a large international audience.

1. Episodes will be shown on RT TV network - RT reaches over 700 million globally.
2. Episodes will be uploaded to RT YouTube channel with over 2 million subscribers with over 4 billion views.
3. We will use our social media profiles to promote to Dash. eg. Daily photos of RV with Dash branding, Dash status tweets, pics etc.

We have a large International following which we will use to full capacity:
Max Keiser - Facebook = 66.7K Twitter = 166K
Keiser Report - Facebook = 40.4K Twitter = 59.6K
Stacy Herbert - Facebook = 7.3K Twitter = 68.6K
Stephen Baldwin - Twitter = 61.1K

Why $500,000?
We need to cover the travel expenses of the 16 city tour plus the cost of the filming and production crew. The road trip will take a month to record. We believe this is fantastic value for money. It's a big project to undertake and requires lots of planning. We want this to be as professional as possible. Having Dash as a sponsor will allow us to take the time to explore, understand and relay that information about Dash to our audience.

Is $500,000 good value?
I think we offer Dash fantastic value for money as if you compare what we're offering next to a one time spot TV commercial - According to Time, the 30-second commercials that ran during the 2011 Super Bowl cost an average of $3.5 million per spot. Popular television programs such as American Idol pull in approximately $475,000 per 30-second spot, according to AdWeek.

In terms of on screen-time and international outreach we offer much better value for money. Plus the Keiser Report team will be more incentivized and have more knowledge about Dash for future reference as well. As if we get funded and hold a stake in Dash, we will be more encouraged to see Dash succeed ;-)

Closing Comments:

If proposal is successful we aim to starting shooting production on September 11th.

We hope the Dash community will like and support our proposal. We really want to work with Dash on this and hope masternode owners will see the true value of proposal and vote YES.

If proposal passes I will be contacting Scott Farnsworth of Dash Areosports to discuss graphics for RV as I love the look of Dash Force One. Source:

We are also open to any ideas the community has that perhaps we have not thought about. We want to make this happen.

Hopefully in the next few days I plan to post a video interview with Max, Stephen or the head of the production company to go in to more details of proposal. I will upload video to the Dash Force News YouTube Channel so make sure you're subscribe at

Let's put Dash on the map people and raise Dash awareness on a global level and reach new audiences. This is also perfect timing to ramp up interest in Dash before Evolution is released.

I (Mark Mason) will be helping and assisting in any way I can in terms of co-ordinating Dash guests, graphics, branding, t-shirts etc.

This project has already secured funding to proceed from RT. At this time due to the partners involved we can't share the exact amount but suffice to say it's a larger number then the ask from Dash. We will make a request to the production company to allow us to release the actual figure but wanted to error on the side of caution at this stage of negotiation. Please know that we intend to have full disclosure on this project and anything being kept back now is only due to contractual obligation's. I felt this was important to share so that the MNO's know that they aren't the only partner with skin in the game. Similar to how the masternode's keep care for the masternode network by also having skin in the game.

This proposal is being submitted by @coingun aka Jeff Smith of Dash Core and Mark Mason of Dash Force

Pre-proposal discussion can be found here:

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,7 years ago
Voted yes, good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
Well guys, congratulations! you have voted for a defender of SegWit improvement. the path to the future!
8 points,7 years ago
Where will the extra 126k go? 500k USD was requested but at the current price, 2k dash is worth 626k. I see coingun is escrowing the funds, but what will he do with this extra money? What will happen if Dash happened to go below $250 before the payout?

Is this money going to the RT Network or in the pocket of Max and Stephen directly? Who actually coordinated this deal on their behalf? Was it Max or Stephen themselves or one of their reps or one of RT's reps?
-2 points,7 years ago
Add the extra $126k as a bonus! This is what makes Dash AWESOME and ABUNDANT and NEWSWORTHY!! :)
5 points,7 years ago
Great questions paragon. This should have been respond to in a more timely fashion. I don't have anything to do with the funding or execution of this proposal but I will give coingun a kick in the ass and try to get him over here to answer questions.
5 points,7 years ago
@coingun the fact that you haven't disclosed what the extra money (now over $250k) is going towards is very disturbing. Would you mind clarifying what that money will go towards to the community? Stating that you'll disclose after the vote is over is an unacceptable response.
5 points,7 years ago
FWIW, after thinking about this for a bit, although I like this project I am inclined to agree that this is not an acceptable response. I would appreciate if more solid information about intentions on handling the possible exchange volatility was provided on the record prior to the vote finalization.
1 point,7 years ago
He's posting updates here:
4 points,7 years ago
as the price is rising (close to 350 by now) can you please comment on the above what will happen to the access money ?
0 points,7 years ago
I could use $3k USD to wrap my car with DASH, like the plane....
0 points,7 years ago
The Original 1/2 Million is now 3/4 Million - WOOT !!
5 points,7 years ago
This is huge, but having actively watching Max Keiser for a couple of years almost daily. I would like provide some feedback on what I learned about him:

He can be brilliant at times, but he can also be a hothead, and he is not perfect in his knowledge about crypto, both Maxcoin, and startcoin have been failed coins in more ways than one.

That is why I feel its important that we should provide Max Keiser with optimal information why DASH is one of or prehaps even the best crypto in town, and we should not shy from comparisons as well.

Max Keiser should have some professional distance to DASH, similar to a degree Amanda almost always sustained. (it should not become a fluffpiece, DASH is strong enough to withstand unbiased criticism.

Question 1) How will be the person he directly communicates to receive the much needed info (if nobody wants to please let it be me :P )
3 points,7 years ago
I don't know this Baldwin but I found this video helpful:

I thought of one more thing.
Extra adition, in the contract it should be made very clear that Max Keiser cannot put DASH on the spot in any way, that would position or pivot DASH for or against, an political party, team, agenda, demography. You will probably have more luck explaining this to Stacy Herbert, probably her most important job on the show is spend, is making sure Max is not crossing any lines he is not allowed to cross, I would even go so far that without her, he would have crossed the line some many times, He no longer would have the job.

*The lines, I am talking about are the things he is not allowed to say, about laws and regulations, about company's and banks. The freedom given by RT only goes so far, they to have broad-cast licences to maintain.
7 points,7 years ago
Congratulations guys! I know it's not over yet, but I think you're good to go.
Well Done, this is going to be huge
3 points,7 years ago
Screw the global political mess, I've made my mind to vote YES.
Truly decentralized can't get too politicised.

Let's fasten the seatbelts at the United Dash Nation Rocket - it's going to get shaky!
3 points,7 years ago
I'm not sure you will find many MNO's prepared to sing the praises of RT but Max has a special place in crypto history. The Baldwin - meh, not bothered.

Bitcoin was first namechecked on TV to the best of my knowledge by Max and it seems to have survived that moment of being 'politicised' pretty well, I suspect we will too but it IS direct and repeated exposure to an interested audience
6 points,7 years ago
You want big marketing? Here you go, big marketing. Be ready for a huge influx of new people. Voted yes.
3 points,7 years ago
Voted yes.

Please make it worth it for Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Yes let's hope they do it (Dash) justice.
1 point,7 years ago
If this doesn't pass I'm going to be a sad panda. Plz vote
1 point,7 years ago
It's in! (Cheer up.) ;-)
3 points,7 years ago
hell yeah
3 points,7 years ago
4 points,7 years ago
Why choose One-time payment? Why not split this payment in at least 3 months?
2 points,7 years ago
I agree with this suggestion to see the evolution of the TV programs
3 points,7 years ago
True, we should be able to do some damage control, just in case (hopefully not), it turns out to be a disaster or something....
1 point,7 years ago
there seems to be a tendency for higher prices with each treasury cycle - this time nearly 600,000 USD - probably ATH
1 point,7 years ago
Wow.. 2000Dash
2 points,7 years ago
it's looks great
3 points,7 years ago
Voted yes. Yuuuge.
3 points,7 years ago
I'd vote yes for sure! Max is a big talk show host that is all about Economics and how banks are basically just a bunch of clowns. His community is surrounded by people who would definitely be interested in Dash.

I even once mentioned we should attempt to reach out and get an interview with Max a long time ago and now it might actually happen. This is a very good PR stunt for Dash and the money would definitely be put to good use.
3 points,7 years ago
This is amazing. What other crypto could raise half a million in a week to fund a project like this? I hope this passes - voted yes!
1 point,7 years ago
Incoming yes votes from me 4 sure!!!
1 point,7 years ago
Not so sure about wanting to finance this show. Love Max Kaiser, but the theme seems too "American". Would rather fund a documentary about the history of Dash and its differentiation with other coins. Something like "Banking on Bitcoin" Just an idea…
7 points,7 years ago
We can do that next!
1 point,7 years ago
Great idea, let's do that next! Isn't it fun having a big treasury to spend?
1 point,7 years ago
This is a grassroots movement that will engage middle-America. IMO they're not the type to watch Netflix documentaries on cryptocurrency. I think this is a great proposal for this target demographic.
1 point,7 years ago
This is awesome!
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks, hopefully we will get enough support in time :-)
-5 points,7 years ago

Look at his career path, guys: Russian state media channel RT, Iran's Press TV, Al-Jazeera English network. Now what? Dash?? Seriously??! Geezes...
6 points,7 years ago
I think you are making a mistake to interpret this politically. The show is the Keiser Report. If you're going to criticize something, show us the things that you actually object to about the Keiser Report, not the network that airs it.
-5 points,7 years ago
Oh, I almost forgot about his show on Sputnik! Yeah, another kremlin's voice.
0 points,7 years ago
I'll only vote yes when I see a video with Max and Stephen mentioning this proposal.
2 points,7 years ago
lol, trust me it's legit, check twitter
1 point,7 years ago
This is the relevant tweet
0 points,7 years ago
valid point :)
0 points,7 years ago
I dont like the people, but i want the advertising, so i am voting yes. This was a difficult one for me, but I decided the likely benefit was enough to overcome my misgivings.
0 points,7 years ago
actually, i changed my mind, I don't want to be associated with these people. I am a serious businessman, I don't think banks are clowns, I want Dash to be mainstream business not a silly game. I'm sorry, I have seen a few things these guys do and I hate all of it.
3 points,7 years ago
If you think banks are fine, you should go to XRP.
Dash is not a business - it's a DAO and it will challenge corrupt legacy banks by allowing people freedom to be their own bank.
Without Max Keiser, lots of people wouldn't know about Bitcoin or Dash.
I prefer to "Dance with the one who brought you"
1 point,7 years ago
Banks may not be clowns.. but they are criminal... Dont you think jamie diamond should be in jail?

Banks are deep in XRP. maybe you should support a coin with 100,000,000,000 coin supply.

Anyway, Max may be somewhat of a shockjock.. but it will give exposure to DASH. I am voting yah.
0 points,7 years ago
I don't like ripple. In fact I consider it to be a scam. The fact that banks are dealing with ripple is a surprise to me, it seems like a bad move. Anyway - ripple is not for me. I like my Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Well u can ignore the TV show and enjoy the price rise with a clear conscience :-)
0 points,7 years ago
What does "GAP" stand for?
1 point,7 years ago
"Great American Pilgrimage".
Right. Yes, then.
0 points,7 years ago
Hmm. Definitely has my attention! I need to track on some informed discussion first before weighing in, myself.
0 points,7 years ago
I love it!
-3 points,7 years ago
When I saw the picture - 'wow this is so awesome!'
BUT then I thought about those who know that RT is part of Russian propaganda machine against the US.... DASH might become a crypto which is associated with funding dirty political games...
ZOOM OUT from your excitement and think about wider consequences, just saying.
4 points,7 years ago
The only reason Max Keiser is on RT is because he has the freedom to express himself. He could never do what he does on American news media. He also introduced many of us to crypto years ago. Think about that and how it aligns with Dash's value of freedom for the masses.
2 points,7 years ago
I totally get it. At the same time, I don't want Dash to become politicalized. I guess I'll just stock up on popcorn for the upcoming years :)
2 points,7 years ago
I had the exact same reaction as you. First wow, great, but then, oooh, let's not make Dash political... I don't believe that any publicity is good publicity.
But who knows. I may be wrong and it may end up to be great for Dash exposure...
0 points,7 years ago
I'm sure there's a wording on the Keiser Report opening credits which states, "RT does not necessarily agree with the views expressed in this programme." ... And its not like Max is renowned for promoting '5 year plans' or 'great leaps forward' is it! :-)
-6 points,7 years ago
RT (formerly Russia Today) — really?

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!
-2 points,7 years ago
Sad but true :-( seems like this proposal has passed. I wonder if we will be forced to spend 10x more dash to fix possible image losses.
-3 points,7 years ago
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have ANY deal with russiatoday!! Dashians! You are about to pay kremlin' liars, scamers and thieves! Please, think with your head!
"NO" votes from me!
0 points,7 years ago
What's the worst that can happen...? Dash gets scammed for 2000 coins which immediately get dumped on the market and depress the price of Dash for a short time....

It's not like this type of thing hasn't happened before, (although not as big a scam as this would be) .... on the other hand, Max is a massive advocate of crypto currency and has mentioned Dash (and indeed Darkcoin) I a positive manner over the past years several times without being paid to do so.

We've got ppl from Dash Core and Dash Force overseeing this.... remember, all business is a risk, but given all the above, what more could we ask for in terms of due diligence?

It's a massive YES from me.
-1 point,7 years ago
The worst is to be associated with RT which is branch of kremlin which is extremely toxic. Guys, advertising on RT is a huge mistake, don't do it.
4 points,7 years ago
In a sense, this is guerrilla warfare. A textbook tool for the underdog is to use their own machinery against the larger opponent. Am I in love with Russia Today? No, not especially. If I could use RT to kick Goldman-Sachs ass, would I use that tool? Pretty sure I would. Voting yes.
5 points,7 years ago
We're not sponsoring the Kremlin, we're sponsoring Max Keiser. Any major media network has ties to nefarious activity. If you don't like marketing, my advice is to go to Monero.
5 points,7 years ago
I'm really sad to hear it. I am Russian, I have lived in Russia all my life till this May. You, guys, don't know what you are about to deal with. I understand that few people outside of Russia know how toxic russian goverment could be (actually, is). For instance, see Trump getting eaten alive for some (yet, unproven!) contacts with putin.
Don't get me wrong, Max Keiser could be a great guy, but he goes under very, very wrong flag.
Unfortunately, I can't stop you. At least, I can warn.

p.s. I hope Ryan will soon launch marketing division he was talking about recently.
p.p.s. And, please, do not send me to monero. It's insulting.
1 point,7 years ago
I feel you, it's kind of ironical that many of the American/Western MNO's are supporting this proposal, while Russian/Ex-Soviet Union ones are warning against...

In the end, we all want the same - freedom of speach and liberty in all forms. However, those who had it constrained are more careful, than those who had not...

I still hope this proposal will bring opportunities rather than threats. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I hope for the self- fulfilling prophecy scenario.
1 point,7 years ago
This programme is gona be very 'Americana' focused. Talking to real everyday Americans about their lives etc. It's not gona be promoting any kind of Soviet or Imperial Russian values. (Not that I can see anyway.)
0 points,7 years ago
These guys are very skilled at consuming of received billions:

I'm not only fear about image losses, I'm very suspicious of return-over-cost ratio.
I see this proposal getting "Yes"-votes very fast. Well, I hope I'm wrong about it.
1 point,7 years ago
Let's be real here.... I don't suppose any of us particularly like the big Banks right. Well, Max HATES the banks. Ergo, My enemy's enemy is my friend.

And lastly, on a semi comical note... Alex Jones used to accuse Max Keiser (to his face) of being Satoshi Nakamoto! Ha ha ha.... Man, I wish that were true, cos if it was so, then Satoshi is working for US now!