Proposal “dash-developer-workshops“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash University.
Monthly amount: 110 DASH (2614 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-04-17 (added on 2018-02-13)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 80 Yes / 488 No / 117 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,7 years ago
For those not reading every post please view this:

Especially 41min mark and 58min mark.
I don't think after than anybody wants to vote for this ever again (I am truly disgusted by that behavior)
0 points,7 years ago
Seems to be some drama with this proposal, but I'm a sucker for anything that helps with developement. Voting YES.
-1 point,7 years ago
Bitcart is a great project and has delivered great results- cheating mns trying to get a discount on amazon. I support any initiative by the festy team
3 points,7 years ago
11 points,7 years ago
Manhuichi, can you explain the following statement you made?

"Festy is Dash exclusive under a contract, that will end if the Dash community continues to be lacking favour in what we're doing. "

I hope you know that you will be hearing from our lawyers if you try this. This is complete breach of faith.
-1 point,7 years ago
Fd: I work at festy. Very poor choice of words during an overheated discussion. Festy is separate from conferences and we'll stick to dash as planned.
0 points,7 years ago
Your business and ethics stink..
-1 point,7 years ago
The original proposer should apologise to the community. Extremely arrogant to make such comments and leave without answering questions when the proposal fails. Such nasty people should never be sent back here..
-5 points,7 years ago
Sounds like good work!!!! Voting yes!! Thanks you for your proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
What sort of Dash presence are you expecting at the Japan event? Is there any Japanese dev working under Dash Core? That could easily turn into an ethereum event if Consensys is leading it.
7 points,7 years ago
I wish I could vote yes, but the track record of your team/organization is abysmal. Until we have full delivery on past proposals (and no, your update is not enough), I have to vote no to protect the interests of our network.

[[For the record: I disapprove of how you were personally treated in here by certain users. I strongly advocated for proposal-owner and MNO-exclusive access to this platform ages ago. Or at least a minimum set of moderation tools.]]
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Macrochip,

Opera Incubator incubates three different projects; Bitcart, Festy and Opera Events.

Opera Events has three streams of blockchain events that we like Dash to be involved with.

1) Community Meetups
2) Workshops
3) Full Stack Developer Conference

My last proposal was made to run community meetup events that was sponsored by Dash. As you can see, they are spread throughout the year. I have only updates currently on our first event as the rest are yet to come.

As for the confusion here, yes we are the same team working on different projects and we are growing the team. Please do not interfere past proposals for Festy and Bitcart with my Opera Dash events on progressions. I have stated clearly from my update post on facts and statistics from the event. I can assure you that the following events will even be better with a Dash developer speaker. Our next event on the 21st Feb with Deloitte, Dash Core developer Oleg Girko will be speaking.

This proposal is for workshops which I have clearly differentiated with the past proposal for the community meetups. It's specialised training from industry experts to teach developers about Dash technology. Chuck Williams, Head of UX for Dash Evolution can vouch for this himself as we already confirmed him for the session. This can only happen with the Dash community votes else we can't fund the event and promote Dash blockchain.

Please feel free to attend any of the events and see for yourself the work that is put in to promote Dash as sponsors.

I hope this clears the misunderstanding of the different proposals that was put forward to the Dash community.

Thanks for your sensible opinion on moderating this platform :)
5 points,7 years ago
Realize that people are not down voting Opera Events, they are down voting your team because we don't know what's going on with previous proposals like Festy, how is that going? I still haven't voted btw, and I know things like this take a long long time. Can you show us your track record and progress on ALL of the proposals you personally are involved in?
0 points,7 years ago
Some of the controversy about lack of Dash mention/support was regrettable, but I'm satisfied with your explanations. Given that huge involvement of Dash speakers at this event, that pretty much guarantees that Dash will have a prominent place, so I think this will be helpful for all of us.
-1 point,7 years ago
Hi Arthyron

Thanks for your support. As said, most of the events will happen in the next couple of months and I can assure you that I will update the community on these. I have gone out of my way to already confirm speakers from the Dash Core team and community, and will no doubt do the same with this workshop proposal to promote Dash blockchain.

I hope you can attend one of these events and see for yourself the work that is put in.
4 points,7 years ago

I was at the last event that was sponsored by Dash and it was an out right Festy/Opera Incubator pitch / recruitment drive. There was little to no mention of Dash and quite frankly a waste of money. Voting No. Feel free to engage me in rebuttal but as you well know it won’t be pretty.

You reap what you sow.
-4 points,7 years ago

Word to the wise - you should only ever assert an argument about a subject that you have sufficient knowledge about to ensure you don't end up undermining yourself. Your argument is loaded with false statements about the nature of the event & your over-confidence is completely ungrounded. The one statement you made that is truthful is the age-old inference that 'you reap what you sow'.

If you did attend the event like you say you would know that Dash Core developer Alex Werner was invited to be the headline speaker at the event & confirmed his attendance with us last month. Due to unforeseen health problems, Alex couldn't make it. The intention was for the event to be primarily focused on his talk regarding Dash Payments & the engineering that takes place under the hood to make it all possible. There was a packed house of 130 people - most of whom were young & aspiring developers eager to learn about Dash.

We discovered this was the case after attempting to contact him numerous times since late December & upon receiving no response we contacted Fernando from Dash Core Team, Mark Mason from DFN and others to shed light on the situation.

It was very close to the event when we got confirmation that Alex couldn't make it & we did everything in our power to find a replacement that could make it to Cork in less than a week. We approached Oleg Girko, Dash Core developer who lives in Ireland amongst others & even he wasn't able to attend due to travel commitments elsewhere. In the end, we had to make the best of a bad situation & our UX/front-end developer Jake Walsh gave the best explanation he could of Dash's approach to blockchain & how it differs from other models.

Oleg is confirmed as our headline speaker at the meetup we have organised in Dublin taking place on the 21st of February. We encourage you to attend this event - we are at maximum capacity but will always make an exception for a Dash community member to see our proposal being realised with the finesse & professionalism we promised. We have partnered with Deloitte who will be hosting us & the attendees at their main offices - see more details here

I would ask you to consider changing your vote, but given the approach you took to critique my work - I'm not convinced you are a MN holder in the first place. MNs normally consider all avenues before casting their judgement on proposals.

Thank you
5 points,7 years ago

Why doesn’t the CEO sign off on these comments as himself? He’s obviously has a major role in preparing the proposal, paying the fee and coordinating responses to questions?

Also – The substance of the rebuttal mainly attempts to discredit me (as well as passing the blame to others). I actively submit proposals to the network for approval so I’d prefer if I didn’t have to have any negative sentiment with anyone. But when I see a spade – I call it.

Now let’s keep this on point. That being the Dash funded OperaIncubator pitch / recruitment event. Which is exactly what I experienced. Saying that, I do recall someone recording the event with a camera up the back. Why not release the full unedited (emphasis on ‘full unedited’) version of the event and leave everyone develop their own opinion? Is that fair?

-6 points,7 years ago
Hi techsquad1,

What makes you think my CEO signs off on my proposals that I have prepared and co-ordinating responses to questions? I am capable of speaking for myself and if you have a problem with me being a woman in Dash and think I need representation from my CEO on my proposal for events I organise and run for the company, I suggest you find some evidence to back what you're saying.

I appreciate your opinion on the event. In fact, here's the unedited version of the video -

I think that's pretty fair now for everyone to share their opinions.
8 points,7 years ago
Why would I have no problem with you being a women in Dash? No need to answer but it's just a but it's a strange why you would introduce gender into a debate around a proposal which is centred around a request for a large amount of Dash.

Anyways, thanks for uploading video. I respect that. Fair to say that people have all the information they need to make up their own opinion about the "hugely successful 'Dash' meet up".

Thanking you.
-7 points,7 years ago
With an attendance of 120 people for my Dash meetup in University College Cork actually makes it the most successful meetup in Cork, statistically. My update for the Dash Masternode holders is found here:

You have not provided any information as to why you think the meetup was anything but a success. Instead you are resorting to personal attacks and ad hominen arguments which are about me as a person. You have made two lies in your comments.

1. "Voting No. Feel free to engage me in rebuttal but as you well know it won’t be pretty"

Firstly, you are not a Masternode holder. You are trying to rouse a negative sentiment from other Masternode holders about my proposal by spreading such lies. You are trying to prevent productive discussion on my proposal by resorting to personal bully tactics and blocking any sort of genuine dialogue by threatening language.

2. "I actively submit proposals to the network for approval so I’d prefer if I didn’t have to have any negative sentiment with anyone."

No you have not made a proposal to the Dash network ever. You have no track record within the community and once again you are trying to hide behind a username online to personally attack me. In the video posted above, Masternodes can listen to your question about the Treasury fund and how it would be possible for you to acquire funding from it. You came to our meetup and attempted to phish for information about getting funding from Dash.

You have made a third attempt at lying to the Dash community by claiming to be an experienced developer. Your qualifications are in business and commerce. Your opinions about Dash development is therefore unqualified and your statements are all misleading.

Why should anyone take you seriously?

Danny O' Donovan, you have a personal agenda to prevent me from succeeding with Dash.

Your linkedin bio clearly shows you have no developer experience so you are a liar and a fraud.

Once again, if you have any genuine discussion about my past meetups and my current developer proposal then I will gladly discuss it with you. If you persist to personally attack me, I will go to the Dash Core team whom I am acquainted with.

I hope I can continue the rest of my discussion about the actual proposal and my rebuttal has been informative for the Masternodes.

4 points,7 years ago
This is really nasty, you need to work on your public relations if you're going to be public-facing.
4 points,7 years ago
What a nasty thing to say. No wonder you are getting so many down votes.
8 points,7 years ago
No need to get personal.

I encourage everyone to watch video posted and then try to dismiss the issues raised.

I still strongly feel the 2 points I originally made are still valid:

1) Last event that was sponsored by Dash and it was an out right Festy/Opera Incubator pitch / recruitment drive.

The proposal that funded these meetups was titled - Bring Dash to Global Community

"My plans to help bring Dash to a wider audience" - Didn't talk about Dash at event.
"Blockchain events exclusively focused on Dash’s emerging and existing technologies with a strong Dash team presence" - No focus on Dash in presentations at event.
"Each participant at the meetup will be prompted to download a Dash wallet" - Didn't happen at event.
"our vision is to take Dash to the unconverted and skilled population" Didn't happen at event you just plugged Festy. Sorry but it's true. Watch the video if you don't believe me.
"We want to bring these events and establish a good understanding of Dash to these companies." There was Dash merchandise at event but no knowledge or explanations was presented to highlight Dash.

I'm happy to let others decide for themselves who watch video posted, but my takeaway was that you used Dash treasury funds purely to further Festy ambitions over Dash. Graham honestly seemed disgruntled and unethusiastic when he was prompted to talk about Dash and there was also no mention of 12 month Dash exclusivity with Festy. The first question at the 41 minute mark in Q&A session tells you everything you need to know.

Q: What is the base blockchain technology behind Festy?
Graham's Answer: "We're looking at different blockchain technologies. We're not maxamilists on one cryptocurrency. So we're looking at other cryptocurrencies to use, smart-contracts with ehtereum are very interesting for us. We're looking at lot of cryptocurrencies. The way we're looking at it is they all have different functions except for the ones that just try to duplicate themselves. So we're trying to maximise the potential of blockchain by using them as much as possible."

Finally on last question when talking about Bitcoin expensive transaction fees he recommends Ethereum to audience with no mention of Dash before video finishes at 58:31

So my point still stands even after the two presentations had finished including Festy's the audience didn't know that Dash was the blockchain technology behind it or had even funded Festy. Even when asked about directly about it. No mention of Dash at all. I think this is disgraceful and incredibly disrespectful as Dash has paid for the development, promotion and staff wages of Opera Incubator including the meetup of this video.

2) There was little to no mention of Dash and quite frankly a waste of money.

How did that meetup help Dash? I appreciate Alex Werner canceled his talk last minute. However the 2 speakers that spoke both from Festy Graham & Jake did not mention Dash in their presentations.

My point was you was funded to deliver Dash meetups. At this meetup you did not do that. You asked for Dash funds. The masternode networked trusted you but you used it to promote Festy with just Dash merchandise on the sides. I'm so happy there is video to back my claims. Masternodes don't have alot of time to read and investigate each proposal. I feel my feedback is useful to them. So to my horror after being in attendance at your first Dash meetup event and now seeing you submitting this fresh proposal when you still have other 5 meetups to deliver. Based on what I witnessed at meetup, it's not good for Dash masternode network in my eyes.

I personally feel your taking the masternodes kindness for weakness. You showed no allegiance to Dash in this meetup and was only interested in a self-serving Festy promotion agenga on the back off Dash treasury funds.

If I didn't ask a 'valid' question at end of video about How Dash DAO works there would have been no focus on Dash.

I'm disappointed as I attended event and wanted to show my support. I even encouraged my friends and family to join me to learn more about Dash and what we got in return was not what was promised in previous proposal.

The reason why I'm so annoyed by the whole thing is because I was so excited and pumped about Dash as a proposal I'm involved in had just passed two days prior to meetup so as you can imagine I was pretty pumped about a Dash meetup in my hometown. So I brought friends and family to this 'Dash' meetup so my friends & family could understand why I'm so passionate about the Dash DAO, only to be left disappointed witnessing the DAO being abused before my eyes.

I personally felt you didn't do Dash community justice as a Dash proposal funded entire event from speakers accommodation and travel to venue itself. Having just a banner and some Dash notebooks on the side is no good. When Dash is not even talked about for the hour duration of event.

This is nothing personal, it's about deliverables.

I have nothing against you Huichi as an indiviudal. I had no intention nor did I want this to be personal. Upon reflection in my first comment I could have chosen my words more carefully so I do apologise for that. I’ll also note that Jake was an excellent speaker and executed his role in explaining blockchain in very fine detail. However, I feel that there was a lack of will to promote Dash at a leadership level and I still feel the issues I raised are valid. Masternodes have every right to know how Dash treasury funds are being spent. So thank you for uploading video.

From my eyes at event it was clear and for all to see on video posted that the mission objective of this meetup wasn't to promote to Dash at all. It's to advance Festy to allowing you to network with other blockchain Devs.

So yes, I believe your last proposal is very misleading purely based on what was 'delivered' at the meetup I attended. Even if you have 1 guest Dash speaker attending future meetups. Out of 3/4 speakers and presentations at each event it appears only 1 is on Dash so these meetups aren't focussed on Dash at all. I think this is insulting to Dash masternode network and a slap in the face as they have funded countless proposals for Bitcart, Festy and Opera Incubator and to my knowledge no-where still accepts Festy! This should be your focus right now.

I want Dash to succeed, so my advice would be to stop submitting proposals and focus on delivering what was previously promised in the proposals you've already been funded for.

Such as:

1) Sponsorship of Irish Pubs Global Awards - 2017-09-24
Link -

"In Cork City alone, without plugging into the Irish Pubs Global network, we estimate that by the end Q4 2017 Festy & Dash will be accepted in 30 pubs that are all thriving business with approximately Ä14000 of card transactions being processed in each pub on average weekly."

*Still no pubs accepting Festy in Cork.*

2) Bringing Festy & Dash to the public Irish Pubs Global Market - 2017-11-23
Link -

Festy Updates:
Venues (Pubs, Music Venues, CafÈs and Restaurants)
We have existing business relationships with Irish pub owners in these locations as a result of our successful sponsorship of Irish Pubs Global which you can read about here. Within three months it will be possible spend your Dash in specific establishments in the following locations:
Hong Kong
Seoul, South Korea
London, UK
New Hampshire, USA
Boston, USA
Canc˙n, Mexico
Cork, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Rome, Italy
Berlin, Germany

*3 months is nearly up. To my knowledge no where is currently using Festy.*

Once again this should be your focus. You should deliver what you promised before asking for any more Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Wow just wow, thank you for providing this info techsquad1.
I don't think I would vote yes ever again for this guy.

Sooner a lawsuit against this guy, if the really plans to not uphold the contract.
11 points,7 years ago
I don't know who techsquad1 is and I don't think us MNOs particularly care I suspect... so doxxing him was completely unnecessary and rather unprofessional in my opinion. This is the second time I've seen disappointing dialog from OperaIncubator recently, there was also a really poorly researched comment on the proposal "UK Fiat To Dash Exchange & Marketing Integration - AshFrancis ".

Anyway, to be fair to this techsquad guy he has raised some valid points. This should not be overlooked.

I've just watched the youtube video and apart from the Dash banners and branding the actual content of the meetup is clearly focused on Festy/operaincubator. This backs up what techsquad1 stated and I'm hard pushed to disagree with his assessment.

On a more general note: OperaIncubator have been sailing close to the wind for a while now, the whole debacle over the "Bringing Festy & Dash to the public - Irish Pubs Global Market" proposal in Oct/Nov 2017 really didn't help matters. I recall at the time that us Masternode owners gave OperaIncubator the benefit of the doubt in the end.. We really need to see some results coming through, it's been 4 months now and not a lot has been fed back to us in terms of results.

Unfortunately, for a combination of reasons - both the lack of Dash focus in previous meetups and the more general concerns the MNOs have over our partnership with OperaIncubator - I think you're going to struggle to get any further funding at this stage.


4 points,7 years ago
Agree with walter's comment above.

manhuichi: I wish Opera Incubator all the best, but I think some of the concerns expressed by techsquad1 are valid, and I don't think the manner in which you responded to him helped your case.

I understand you would like us to consider everything that Opera Incubator does separately, but at this point I don't think it is wise to do so. Until this situation changes, for me I will be voting no on further Opera Incubator proposals. Opera Incubator can earn my votes back by enthusiastically delivering great results on already-funded projects.
-3 points,7 years ago
Hi Walter.

To clarify, it would have been a better Dash event if there was a Dash speaker there. We did try our best getting a replacement last minute which the Dash Core team are well aware of the situation with Alex Werner. It was unforseen and it's at our best interest that anyone's health comes first.

That comment made on Ash Francis proposal comes from personal experience with using a UK bank.

Again let's keep to the point here, there is a huge misunderstanding that has been aroused here within the Dash community. Opera Incubator incubates three different projects; Bitcart, Festy and Opera Events.

Opera Events has three streams of blockchain events that we like Dash to be involved with.

1) Community Meetups
2) Workshops
3) Full Stack Developer Conference

My last proposal was made to run community meetup events that was sponsored by Dash.

We are the same team working on different projects and we are growing the team. Please do not interfere past proposals for Festy and Bitcart with my Opera Dash events on progressions. Tbe following events will even be better with a Dash developer speaker. Our next event on the 21st Feb with Deloitte, Dash Core developer Oleg Girko will be speaking.

This proposal is for workshops which I have clearly differentiated with the past proposal for the community meetups. It's specialised training from industry experts to teach developers about Dash technology. Chuck Williams, Head of UX for Dash Evolution can vouch for this himself as we already confirmed him for the session. This can only happen with the Dash community votes else we can't fund the event and promote Dash blockchain.

If I struggle with funding from Dash, these events will still happen regardless but without a notion of Dash because the community has made the decision that they're not in favour of these workshops.

It's as simple as that.

Hope that clears the confusion with the different proposals submitted under Opera Incubator.
6 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the clarification manhuchi, but I'm pretty sure there is no misunderstanding here from the MNOs with regards to how Opera Incubator is structured.. We do our research and we're more than capable of distinguishing between the three different projects you have on the go. The problem with your argument that we should treat each project differently is that it goes completely against how Graham wanted things funded in the first place. It was the decision of Graham to lump funding for Bitcart, Festy and Opera Events into one proposal last time, against my advice I may add... His justification was this:

"We have not split this funding into two because we are the same company (Opera Incubator). We wouldn't like for half of our developer's to get a wage. It would set a horrible example for the others. We equally distribute funds among the staff in the two company's and we see Bitcart and Festy growing together under the one umbrella of shit-hot developers. Therefore there is no need to split them. Thanks for the advice though!"

This is the trouble when it comes to funding.. contractors can't have their cake and eat it. Either Opera is treated as one organisation (as requested by Graham) and funded as such, or it is broken down into 3 projects each funded separately with their own contracts/agreements and set of deliverables with the network.

I understand it must be frustrating to be in a situation where funding may not be granted largely due to factors that are outside of your immediate control, but in this instance the MNOs are treating this proposal as an extension to the last proposal Opera were funded on.

I'm sure we can both agree that this is unfair and it shouldn't be the case, but this is Opera's own doing. Graham was advised not to go down this route of lumping everything into one proposal and he went against this advice. Opera therefore shouldn't be surprised that further proposals for funding are viewed as an extension of the original funding, regardless of the stated use.

Hope that clears up the confusion.

1 point,7 years ago
Could you link to updates on previous proposals?
-2 points,7 years ago
Hi quantumexplorer,

Here's a link to the updates on our last event on the previous proposal :
0 points,7 years ago

Could you explain why you charge the people that attend these conferences nearly 800 euros?

And also where you able to provide updates on the previous proposal you had submitted a short while ago?

-3 points,7 years ago
Hi Realmrhack,

We are not charging Dash developers for attending this workshop. Dash are paying for this to be headline sponsors of the workshop which funds the proposal for the budget above. Free admission is included in this sponsorship.

Chuck Williams will be leading this workshop and showcasing Dash Evolution. We are teaching Dash developers how to make apps on Evolution. We want to connect the Dash community and developers with Dash Evolution, which is unprecedented.

This is not conference, it is a workshop. Therefore it is for a specific audience - developers. We are limiting this to 30 attendees. It is nearly €800 for non-Dash affiliates because of the cost and time that is put into organising this event. Our team spends 6 months or more in putting an event like this together.

Time is spent on researching the best venue to host a workshop as there is a lot of criteria that is put into consideration. We do not want to just host a workshop in a conference room in a hotel, as networking is an important aspect for the attendees. Space, equipment, capacity of the room, catering needs are some examples to consider as an event organiser. We're specialising in training for developers. The value we are bringing to the Dash industry is educating developers with training them on how to use/build on the Dash blockchain. As far as I'm aware, this is not provided in the industry by any company or industry experts.

I am currently updating the proposal on our last event with updates.
1 point,7 years ago
Do you have an update on the state of all the other proposals y'all are working on. Is there a website with updates and progress timelines etc?
-1 point,7 years ago
Hi Mastermined,
-1 point,7 years ago
Here's a link to the updates on our last event on the previous proposal :

We're working on the other events for the year, please see the proposal above for the links to the other events.

Hope to see you at some of them! :)
6 points,7 years ago
When asked about all proposal that also includes BitCart and Festy.

Also looking at the video from your previous event it was said that you are looking different blockchains fro Festy even though you were paid to be dash exclusive. So unless I see some good results there I will be voting no on all future proposals from your organization.
-2 points,7 years ago
Hi thesingleton,

Again, please do not interfere Bitcart and Festy work with Opera Events. We all work under one team with different roles. I run events and this is funding for these events where Dash can be promoted.

Festy is Dash exclusive under a contract, that will end if the Dash community continues to be lacking favour in what we're doing.

I have already updated the community on our first community meetup. Festy and Bitcart is another proposal on the project alone. I can guarantee you that you will see results from us.
4 points,7 years ago
Hi HuiChi can you unpack for me a little more exactly what you mean when you say "Festy is Dash exclusive under a contract, that will end if the Dash community continues to be lacking favour in what we're doing" ?

It's not been my previous experience that a contract becomes null and void just because one party might 'lack favour" with the other
-4 points,7 years ago
Hi Thus.

My meaning to this is that the community are not being supportive in what Festy are currently doing from the vibe I'm getting with these comments on this proposal which is irrelevant to Festy. I don't mean that the contract will just become "null and void". Festy will be used with Dash exclusively as contracted and we would like if the Dash community is more supportive about it.

Aside from that point, my proposal is not for Festy, it's for Opera Events that's targeted for developers learning how to code on the Dash blockchain. I hope you will see the value in providing these training to developers in other industries and freelancers.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your thought out proposal, Your proposal seems more oriented to blockchain developers nothing specifically with dash.

Secondly alot of the codebase is going to change once evoloution is released in the coming months.

I feel this will bring more value to the network once evo is here.

Where there is a tangible product to learn and experiement with beyond whats limitedly available.

I sadly have to vote NO for now.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Realmrhack,
We are well aware of the developments with Dash Evolution and the importance of understanding this technology. That is precisely why these workshops are focused on Dash Evolution. In fact, our first event is with Chuck Williams who is the lead of Dash Evolution.

We encourage you to read our proposal in full and if you have any specific questions please ask me! I am happy to discuss the workshops in detail :)

1 point,7 years ago
Confirmed. I'm scheduled for this workshop. I'm hoping to discuss expected Evolution Platform dev patterns and UX foci.
-2 points,7 years ago
1 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Scorecard after you voted No. I&#*t.
0 points,7 years ago
That's a dipshit thing to say.. Votes can take a few hours or more to trickle onto the 'scorecard' after being cast. This is deliberate so as to ensure anonymity of masternode owners who - are lucky enough to - own multiple nodes.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi HuiChi,

great to hear that your Meetup was a success.
Since you'll be holding a workshop in Berlin, I will vote yes (and because I like your proposal of course). Hope I'll be able to stop by. I'll write you a PM on the forum.

Best Regards and good luck from Germany

-1 point,7 years ago
Hi AnCapitol,

Thank you for your support, look forward to your PM:) Hopefully we can see you at our event in Berlin.

Here is the link to the workshop: