Proposal “dash-at-digital-finance-frankfurt“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany
One-time payment: 155 DASH (3390 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 155 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-07-20 / 2017-08-19 (added on 2017-07-23)
Votes: 688 Yes / 48 No / 22 Abstain

Proposal description


The site is online:

Proposal name:

Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

Date: November 13th 2017


Dash as Main Sponsor of the Digital Finance Conference 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany

This is who I am:

My name is Fabio Bossi, aka Macno on Bitcointalk and Dash Nation and Cowan on the forum. I am a former fund manager from Germany who is into Crypto since 2011. I discovered Dash in April of 2014 and started following it and blogging about it:

These are my current Dash-Projects:

About two weeks ago, I started the German Dash Force News Section in cooperation with Mark Mason (aka @nibiruhybrid) and translated the website with my friend and colleague Jan Heinrich Meyer (aka @essra). Now we are translating the Dash Force News articles on an ongoing base and started to manage the social media channels:

This is what this proposal is about:

I recently got a call from Thorsten Pörschmann (, a good friend of mine from my fund management days, now working for one of the leading german financial information companies, Drescher and Cie ( Thorsten is one of the very few former colleagues who took Bitcoin seriously from early on and is now responsible for everything Fintech at Drescher. He recently appeared in two podcasts of the german Digital Business magazine T3N: (Cryptoinvestments in general) (ICOs)

He told me about a high level Digital Finance conference he is organizing and asked me whether I knew a possible speaker from the Cryptocurrency Industry. I told him about the Dash-DAO and a possible sponsorship. We both agreed this would flabbergast the german financial industry.

So I organized a meeting yesterday in Hamburg, with Thorsten Pörschmann, Jan Heinrich Meyer and Tungfa (Dash Core), to discuss the idea. We all agreed that the project would have an enormous impact and will increase the awareness and reputation of Dash in the german finance industry to a level no other cryptocurrency has at the moment.

These are the conference-facts:

Name: Digital Finance Conference 2017

Venue: Museum of Communication || Frankurt Germany ||

Date: November 13th 2017 || 9 am to 4:45 pm

Host: Drescher & Cie Consult ||

Attendees: 150 managers of major german asset management companies

This is what we can get out of the conference for Dash:

- 1h slot for a presentation of Dash in front of 150 managers of major german asset management companies

- Dash-Logo in invitation mail (17.000 contacts)

- Dash-Logo on event-ticket

- Dash-Infoflyer on every seat of the Venue

- Professional video-recording of the presentation (hosted on

- Video-link in follow-up e-mail (17.000 contacts)

- Dash-Booth in the conference foyer (workshop)

This is what we need to do this (budget):

150 Dash for: Sponsoring-Fee, Preparation, Travel-Costs, Hotel, Flyer, Roll-Up, Concept (Presentation), Orga Team, Dash Give Aways (Work Shop).

+5 Dash proposal fee re-imbursement


As german native speaker, long time follower of Dash and finance expert, I volunteered to hold the presentation, but maybe we can even arrange a live stream with some Core member.

I don't require any speaker fee, maybe some travelling expenses if the budget allows. All budget will be needed and spent on external and processing costs. All details, an agenda plus an open calculation will be published here soon.

Since Drescher & Cie needs our commitment within August, we need a general GO on the budget as soon as possible to get the project on track.

A regular update on our work is a matter of course.

Dash Forum Link:

Please also have a look on the other events of Drescher & Cie and past attendants and partners:



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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Hello Dash Nation, first of all, thank you very much for making that proposal happen! I just want to give a quick update: we are currently sorting out how to deal with the accounting side and I hope we will be able to release the conference details next week. Of course I can also be contacted on the Dash Nation Slack, in case of any questions regarding the event.
1 point,7 years ago
This is an easy yes for me .. good luck with your Digital Finance Conference Fabio, it looks like its a go.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much! This is going to be epic :-)
1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Very good proposal and also in Europe, We need more events in Europe, to extend Dash. But little by little. You have my vote.

I think that you could make synergies with the proposal

A idea:
Suart Bean, could help you design a survey of attendees.
(150 managers of major German asset management companies) to achieve:

A) Meet the attendees
B) Attendees who are interested in establishing contact.
B) Maintain contact with the attendees and Daniel (Business Development) help Tungfa (Dash Core)
C) Other ideas for strengthening contacts with managers asset companies in your country.
0 points,7 years ago
Sounds like a great idea! I've seen the project and am following the development and I am sure there are possible synergies!
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks blockchaintech and Macno - very happy to look at this with you
1 point,7 years ago
awesome conferencem, show our strength ^^
0 points,7 years ago
This is only the very first major exclamation mark we will set in the germanic language area. Let's make Dash big in D-A-CH.
1 point,7 years ago
You have my votes, we should take these types of first mover advantages while we still can. Thank you for taking up this important challenge.

That being said. I am not 100% what the best possible way is to attend and sponsors events, to me it sometimes feels like, these proposals all over the place without a well coordinated plan to tie all these events and sponsorship deals together. I think your presentation of your proposal is one of the best ones yet.

Do I don't have plan how that could work, but I would appreciate if you could make (short) report of how this all has unfolded, and what benefits did it have, plus what things could go better, and provide that info to the various dash teams. So that future sponsorship's and promotions can learn from it.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you! I will try to provide those insights. I am more than willing to share the whole interesting process and keep the community updated!
1 point,7 years ago
this is a good proposal.. you have my votes
2 points,7 years ago
great proposal. Well done mate.
0 points,7 years ago
Where is the conference link please? I can't find it. Thanks :)
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Tante, there is no link yet as there is no homepage yet. The conference will be in november and invitation only anyway, so I don't know how exactly Drescher will advertise it to the public but we agreed that the Dash part will be either live streamed or publicly available afterwards. The conference Agenda is also not complete yet, as not every speaker has confirmed yet. I hope this helps!
1 point,7 years ago
OK, thanks
2 points,7 years ago
A well established community member, and a proposal with a good chance to provide many times ROI by accessing the German business community. An easy Yes.
2 points,7 years ago
What is the end goal/outcome you would want these financial companies to do?
5 points,7 years ago
At this stage and particularly in Germany where regulation is a topic that keeps many players more cautious so far, compared to let's say in Switzerland, the main Goal is to make a strong statement, that Crypto is not (only) some fluke on the Internet but here to stay and that Dash has professional standards just as high as they have in the financial industry 1.0 and that they'd better pay attention. I think it will be hard to easily invest German open-public money in Dash so far, as there are no regulated instruments yet, but we raise awareness and the attendees are tremendous multipliers (executives, fund manager, IFAs etc) and they might at least start playing with their own money (I already now some).
2 points,7 years ago
Fantastic response. An opportunity that should not be wasted.
1 point,7 years ago
Confirmed inaugural speaker:
1 point,7 years ago
Maybe I should add that the original idea was for Drescher to apply themselves but we quickly dismissed that on Friday with Tungfa because it would have taken too much time. So you can think of me as a kind of custodian/intermediary towards Drescher, who is not yet familiar with dealing with a DAO yet ;-)
2 points,7 years ago
Not too many people are. We are trailblazers here!
1 point,7 years ago
Where do the 41 'no' votes come from ? What's the objection to this proposal ?
0 points,7 years ago
As far as my observation is worth anything, it seemed to be one big vote with 38x no in one.
1 point,7 years ago
I've voted for this proposal. Sounds like a very appropriate use of the budget system and I hope you do a great job.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you and Dankeschön!
1 point,7 years ago
Exciting. Go shock and amaze them.
0 points,7 years ago
I will! Can't wait to do so!
1 point,7 years ago
I´m very happy about everything we did so far and I really hope this thing will work out, because I´d love to take the next step to increase the reputation of Dash in our nation with you.
1 point,7 years ago
"result": "success"
1 point,7 years ago