Proposal “cryptoverse-1“ (Completed)Back

Title:Sponsorship of The Cryptoverse Podcast
Monthly amount: 133 DASH (2988 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 400 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-12-05 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2016-11-04)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 659 Yes / 239 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Description and goal statement:
With 712 currencies now listed on newcomers to cryptocurrency are increasingly looking for clues on which ones to pay attention to and which to ignore.

The goal of this project is to use the principles of consistency, familiarity and specificity to cause Dash to stand out in the minds of these newcomers, encourage them to spend more time learning about Dash, and encourage the usage and investment in Dash over and above than any other currency.

Directing someone's attention to a particular cryptocurrency carries little weight if the person directing them isn’t seen as a trusted authority. Thus it is the relationship between the people that determines the impact.

My name is Chris Coney, and since starting The Cryptoverse podcast on the 22nd June 2016, I have built an audience of engaged, loyal and appreciative people. I achieved this by intentionally focusing on building a good relationship with my audience.

By coming to them daily, replying to comments, sharing my personal stories and adding in the odd unexpected surprise, I have become their most trusted authority on Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchains.

To me a subscriber is worth more than any potential sponsor. Thus, I hand pick prospective sponsors who I genuinely believe my audience would benefit from being made aware of.

On the 27th of October I received a pitch from a new cryptocurrency project with a lucrative offer to sponsor The Cryptoverse. I respectfully declined on the basis that I do not accept first round ICOs as sponsors due to the potential risk to my audience.

After a year of following Dash’s progress I am now ready to invite Dash to gain exposure to my audience using the same principles that I mentioned at the start; consistency, familiarity and specificity.

The measurable outcomes of this project are as follows:

  1. Total number of views of the Dash ad (a combination of views on YouTube videos and listens of the audio podcast)

  2. Total number of clicks to learn more about Dash (tracked via a link which leads to
Projected Results:
Based on channel activity from 1st Oct to 31st Oct 2016:

  1. 26,600 views of the Dash sponsorship per month

  2. 79,800 views over the 3 month campaign
These are very conservative figures since they assume The Cryptoverse attracts zero new subscribers during the campaign. In reality I’m adding approx 700 new subscribers per month on an exponential growth curve, meaning there’s a very high probability that I’ll over deliver.

Key Deliverables:
The key deliverables that will make the above measurables possible are:

  1. A 20 second ad spot scripted, voiced and created by me to be used in the sponsorship slot of The Cryptoverse (this has already been completed to support this proposal and can be viewed here

  2. The ad spot appearing within the first minute of 66 consecutive episodes of The Cryptoverse podcast (see
Each episode of The Cryptoverse has just one sponsorship slot and thus features only one project or company per episode. Episodes run Monday to Friday.

Syndication Of The Cryptoverse:
Episodes are syndicated and distributed across the following platforms:

  1. YouTube
  2. iTunes
  3. Sticher
  4. Google Play
  5. Steemit
  6. Twitter
  7. embedded player
  8. Blog rss feed
  9. LBRY Network (experimental)
Project Milestones and Schedule:
I propose that Dash sponsorship run for the months of December 2016, January 2017 and February 2017.

Since The Cryptoverse runs on weekdays, this means Dash sponsorship will be featured in 66 episodes.

Dash’s sponsorship will in no way affect the stories that are chosen to be covered on The Cryptoverse or the commentary that I give. The promise to bring the audience the most relevant news and commentary must remain the priority of each show.

Rest assured however that if I wasn’t already a big fan of Dash I wouldn’t be putting in the effort to write and submit this proposal.

Success Criteria:
We will know the project is a success when:

  1. The date is on or after the 1st of March 2017

  2. 66 episodes of The Cryptoverse were published during the months of December 2016, January 2017 and February 2017. If Dash was featured in less than 66 episodes during this period for some reason, sponsorship will continue until the quota is met.

  3. All episodes of The Cryptoverse during this period featured the 20 second Dash oriented ad spot appearing in the first minute of each episode exactly as shown in the proof of concept here

  4. An end of month report is submitted for December, January and February.

  5. A final report is submitted summarising the marketing metrics actually achieved including total number of views and listens plus number of clicks on the tracking link
A Good Faith Gesture
I have already gone ahead and inserted the Dash sponsorship into 6 episodes for free resulting (at time of writing) in 4,322 views of the Dash ad across the following episodes:

I only intended to do 5 but I must have got carried away.

Long Term Bonus Views
Since the Dash ad spot is baked into the episodes it will continue to receive exposure for as long as the episode is getting traffic on YouTube.

This means the exposure will likely be double or triple the targets in this proposal.

Investment Breakdown:

Reimbursement of proposal fee:5Dash
Production of advert clip @ $250:28Dash
6 goodwill episodes @ $0.000Dash
66 ads @ $50 per episode ($3,300):367Dash

At 79,800 views this works out at approximately $0.05 per view rounded up including the production of the ad itself. The average cost per view goes down as I deliver more than the target number of views.

Long term, the amount goes down even further.

A rate of $9.00 per Dash was used for this calculation on 2nd November 2016).

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,7 years ago
Here is my final report:
1 point,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
1 point,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
0 points,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
1 point,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
1 point,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
1 point,7 years ago
I have just posted a new project update on the thread in the Dash forum:
1 point,7 years ago
A new sponsored episode has been published. The updated numbers are available here:
1 point,7 years ago
A new sponsored episode has been published. The updated numbers are available here:
1 point,7 years ago
There has been a request for me to cross post project updates here as well as the forum. I will do that going forward:
1 point,8 years ago
Hi Dash folks.

Here is my monthly report now that February has come to a close:

Please share this with the Dash community so that as many Masternodes as possible stay informed of how their investment in this proposal is going.

Thank you.
1 point,8 years ago
Here is my monthly report as promised. This is a live document so if there is an additional metric you would like please let me know and I'll look to add it:
1 point,8 years ago
Hi all, figured I would include some info for this proposal specifically. I just joined the masternode club, and I first heard about dash through Chris. I think dash has the most potential out of the current cryptos and the add slot was enough to peak my interest (followed by videos by Amanda).
Just thought I would chime in that the adds drew in at least one masternode successfully.
0 points,8 years ago
What a testimony. Thank you so much.
1 point,8 years ago
Dear Chris,
Deat Voters,

I like the crypto verse .. however, let us not forget we are competing against other cryptos.

IMHO Dash is not given the appropriate weight in the show meaning it is not referenced at all in the show (Ok maybe once or twice a week)

The initial jingle needs to be changed/rotated as listeners become deaf to it.

Live thanks to dash at the end would be nice.

On the content recently a lot of reference to the lighting network are being made and this s a DIRECT threat to dash.

This is the first time I am voting no.

Sorry Chris, I love you as a commentator on cryptos, and I understand you need to present the whole picture but ... we have to align incentivise to the right behaviour.

This is the first time I am voting No
0 points,8 years ago
What would you like the sponsorship ad to be changed to? I agree this should be done. Also, how do we get consensus on the new ad version?
0 points,8 years ago
hi if you can't change the sponsor video at least move it around... too easy to skip past your intro and the dash ad to your first min, savy viewers don't even have to watch the dash ad since its so predictable.
0 points,8 years ago
According to my YouTube stats only 51% of my views come from subscribers, meaning the other 49% are viewers who are unlikely to have seen the show before and will definitely get exposed to the Dash ad.
0 points,8 years ago
Here is my monthly report as promised. This is a live document so if there is an additional metric you would like please let me know and I'll look to add it:
1 point,8 years ago
Wow Chris really nice work. I have to say your shows keep getting better and better. It appears DASH and you are a match made in heaven. Thank you for the monthly report, I liked the hyper-link graphs. It is obvious that you have put hard work into it and in my opinion you are earning every Duff you receive.
0 points,8 years ago
Well thank you sir. The MasterFolk at Dash were good enough to have faith in my proposal so it's now up to be to over deliver. I'm starting to think of what other value I could bring to the Dash network.

One idea is to build a quick start course for newcomers. The Dash treasury could pay for it's creation and then we could give away free access to all Dash newcomers. It would give Dash a huge competitive advantage.
0 points,8 years ago
whatever you do i would suggest having a long pre-proposal discussion period first, as some stuff may have already been done or may not be wanted or needed at this time.
0 points,8 years ago
I have a hard time picturing how that would go, but I think you have proven some of your talents and skill. So a proposal that is priced right for a trial would be an easy thing for me to support.
2 points,8 years ago
I like your show, but I think for the number of views it is too much Dash.
0 points,8 years ago
Projections are that this campaign is going to over deliver on views by 54%.
See the latest videos on the Dash forum:
1 point,8 years ago
1,973 subscribers — 133 Dash??? «No»
0 points,8 years ago
Did you read the whole proposal? What metric is more important? Subscribers or views?
They do no necessarily relate. In the last 30 days The Cryptoverse has had 35,000 views on YouTube alone, excluding the audio channels (iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher).

If you multiply 133 Dash by the $9 I've used in the proposal as a benchmark you get $1,197.
If you divide that by 35,000 views it works out at $0.0342 per view. The cost has already declined in the time this proposal has been under consideration and will continue to fall throughout the campaign.

If I go to and buy myself 10,000 fake subscribers, will you then vote yes? Even though the Dash ad spot will get almost no views?
-1 point,8 years ago
«Did you read the whole proposal?» — Yes.

I believe that with small budgets to better support one main channel, but do it efficiently. Currently the channel «Dash - Digital Cash» I consider to be very successful and growing well. It seems to me that it is worth investing money in the first place in it.
1 point,8 years ago
I respect your position on this. Maybe what Dash needs is a reverse proposal system where the community figures out what Dash needs and then posts a request for it. Is there already a system like this?
0 points,8 years ago
If you believe the Dash Digital Cash channel to be very successful you are living in fantasy land. Numbers don't lie the Dash price is in steep decline. Your solution is to continue doing the same thing but expect different results. What is that the definition of again?
1 point,8 years ago
Beautiful words!

But I think that for a small budget, it is better to have fewer advertising channels that are better funded.

And I looked channel @chrisconey, the price seems to me excessive.

Let me have your opinion.
0 points,8 years ago
I understand your concern holoholo, but what has a small budget and fewer advertising channels gotten us so far? If Dash’s price were $17 or $18 right now I would probably agree with you but considering the recent price decline this proposal is well worth a shot. “No Guts No Glory.” The Cryptoverse” podcast currently has 2,020 subscribers and seems to be growing at a healthy rate. Also keep in mind the network effect. When I invested in Dash I convinced five of my friends to invest in Dash also. Altogether we have purchased about 2,800 Dash. None of my friends are subscribers to Cryptoverse or any other cryptocurrency podcast but they all own Dash now. That is something that doesn’t show up in subscriber counts. Consider that a lot of his viewers may be influencers and recruit many others into the Dash community. Remember he has a daily show not a weekly show like Amanda’s so people will be exposed to Dash on a daily basis. It is a well known principle in marketing that repetition is one of the essential keys to good advertising. Dash is the best cryptocurrency on the market and we need to start telling that to cryptocurrency users who don’t know about Dash instead of just reinforcing that message to the already converted on Dash Detailed. Keep in mind that the lower the price drops the less enticing Dash looks to potential new investors so what are we waiting for!
1 point,8 years ago
Dash has lost about 40% of its value since August. Based on the recent price decline it is obvious that our message is not reaching a broad enough audience. Let’s face it, most of the people watching Dash Detailed already own Dash so we are just preaching to the choir. The majority of people watching “The Cryptoverse” podcast are people that probably know very little if anything about Dash. I learned about Dash while viewing the “Daily Decrypt” to hear news about Bitcoin and eventually ended up selling all my Bitcoin and buying Dash. We need a show like this to alert the uninformed so let’s get this proposal passed as soon as possible and avoid watching the price drop any further.
0 points,8 years ago
I'm glad you see The Cryptoverse as a tool to 'on board' people into the world of crypto because that's what I'm going for. I figured there are a lot more non-crypto people than crypto people. Hence it made more sense to me to target that bigger crowd :)
1 point,8 years ago
My standing rule is to vote no on any proposal that does not bother to have pre-proposal discussion. But in this case, since you've given 6 demo episodes, I'll give them a listen before I decide.
0 points,8 years ago
I can see why you have that rule and I think it's a good one. The reason I did it this way is that talk is cheap. By putting my proposal in first, I'm putting my money where my mouth is by paying the proposal fee and taking the risk that my offer is compelling. If not it's my loss and you folks haven't had to waste time on the forums with someone who had no real intention of putting in a proposal.
1 point,8 years ago
If this were to pass, would you craft an ad spot that is something other than a clip from our YouTube page's intro video? Thanks.
1 point,8 years ago
That would be a different project than what I'm proposing here. I wanted to submit a proposal that was 'complete'. The ad spot I created is based on an existing Dash video yes, however I cut that the animation into individual clips and then re-combined them in a particular order to illustrate the copy I wrote and then recorded as audio. Again, I wanted the proposal to be complete and to require no effort on Dash's part (other than a yes or a no). I used the existing Dash animation because I knew that had already been approved as acceptable visuals. I really wanted the project to remain very streamlined and not get into a creative project where we are going back and forth trying to create something brand new.
0 points,8 years ago
I am going to listen to a few episodes over the next day or two. This sounds interesting. So far, I am leaning towards a YES vote.
0 points,8 years ago
Please do. Look forward to your vote either way.
1 point,8 years ago
1,486 subscriptions to your Cryptoverse Podcast is a bit small .... for your price
0 points,8 years ago
Plus YouTube is only one of the distribution channels I list in the proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
Would you prefer I had more subscribers? Or that the Dash ad got a lot of views?
0 points,8 years ago
I like your show, so it's a Yes vote from me.
0 points,8 years ago
Much appreciated.
0 points,8 years ago
I think people who are on the fence should consider this : whilst people like Chris here may not have the biggest subscriber base on YouTube, he is afterall a public evangelist for cryptocurrencies and he does actually produce a professional looking show which is building a following. There are longer term benefits for onboarding these mini evangelists, (sure he's not Roger Ver or Andreas) but if the Dash network pays Chris (albeit at a price which some may feel is a little high) Dash will be buying Chris' loyalty and goodwill into the future because noother blockchain would have paid him for him for his services. It is also possible that Chris may become a much bigger name in crypto over the medium term. He certainly has the potential to do so, and I think the uncertainty felt by voters because Chris' price may seem a little high, is worth the 'punt' from us, after all the viral marketing effects of good videos like Amanda's and potentially Chris' are far more valuable to us than some of the high price proposals that have received funding and achieve nothing but division within our community.

If we want new people and fresh eyes to learn about Dash, (and the network effects that this will generate - just like Trace Mayer describes for Bitcoin - then we should be supporting content makers like Chris and Amanda who are actually out there and grafting to produce content.)

Please vote YES on this proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
That is almost exactly what I've been wanting to say. But it would carry little weight coming from the guy who submitted the proposal :)
0 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
I find this an interesting budget proposal and i will most likely vote yes to it, depending on the comments and your feedback. To attract more attention to your budget proposal i would suggest to you to open a thread about your budget proposal here :
1 point,8 years ago
This has now been done
0 points,8 years ago
I am at the Blockchain Money Conference in London right but I will definitely open up a thread on the forum when I get back. Thank you for your comment and support.
0 points,8 years ago
i've seen this show a few times the last 2-3 weeks. i'm a subscriber but not sure how i found it, it's well put together. the episodes are very informative but pretty long and i don't always have time to watch all of them.
the price seems high but i say that about almost every proposal and usually end up voting for them anyway. i wonder how the price compares with amanda's old show the daily decrypt? how much was she charging a month? if i remember correctly the price went up after the show got bigger. is this show comparable subscriber and view count wise?
1 point,8 years ago
Hi Mastermined (clever name).
Here is a link to the Daily Decrypt Dash proposal from a while back It works out at 10 Dash per episode vs 6 Dash per episode for The Cryptoverse.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks for the link. I don't know how many subscribers or views she had back then but looks like she was charging $37 per episode.

So $37 times 66 episodes = $2442 total or $814 per month.
You are charging around $3900 total or $1300 per month.

Maybe you could have a 20 sec Dash spot at the first of the episode and another 20 sec spot at the end?

You may also consider going month to month at first.
0 points,8 years ago
I appreciate the comparison, however I don't think it's fair to compare my proposal to an offer that no longer exists.

This is why I did my best to provide metrics such as the cost per view (less than $0.05) etc. and would rather The Cryptoverse be judged on it's own merits.

For instance I have a deep British accent.

Whatever one's personal preferences, this fact has the unconscious affects of being received as confidence, trustworthiness, and reliability. Hence this is a qualitative difference to the female American accent of Amanda. Her hook is her looks, my hook is my voice, which is important when you're considering sponsorship of a podcast which is first and foremost, audio.

Regarding the suggestion to include the Dash spot twice per episode, I have to decline that because that then starts to change the format of the show, something I'm not willing to do because I think all sponsors should be treated the same. Plus I really want to limit the amount of promo in each episode (hence the single ad spot).

The proposal is structured to pay out once per month so there is room there if for some reason I'm not delivering as promised.
0 points,8 years ago
he wants to be the new Daily Decrypted , and i will vote YES :
thanks Chris Coney
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks matey. I can see the Dash treasury and proposal system being the thing that gives it the power to out-promote other coins merely through the fact that no other network has a way for people like me to establish a business relationship.