Proposal “core-team“ (Completed)Back

Title:Salary for DASH core team
Monthly amount: 1176 DASH (28986 USD)
Completed payments: 18 totaling in 21168 DASH (82 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2015-09-09 / 2023-12-30 (added on 2015-08-27)
Votes: 1531 Yes / 112 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

While v12 enabled budgeting and removed the reference node, our donation system was rendered inoperable by the latest version. The donation feature was supporting many of our developers, so we would like to replace that income stream with a more permanent solution that does not rely on altruism.

Working on Dash should come with some incentive, like receiving some money from the blockchain every month. However, we don't want to micromanage an open source project and we feel we have a highly trustworthy team. The way we plan on using the core team budget is to simply split it between all team members.

To be a paid team member, one simply needs to agree to our pledge. The pledge is To work on Dash each and every day to expand and improve the ecosystem to the best of my ability?. Whatever someone feels they can contribute to the project is fine, as long as they meet that minimum amount of work. This includes anyone, with any skillset (software, q&a, automation, admin, marketing, legal, etc). Beyond this obligation, it's up to the person how much they work on Dash and how much they are able to earn from the project.

We will be 100% transparent about who on our team is paid and how much they are paid. As defined, a core team member is someone that has made the above pledge to work on Dash everyday. That person then has the freedom to work on Dash as much as they wish to expand their earning potential. We believe in transparency when it comes to the administration of a decentralized product such as Dash, so we will make this data available on one of the websites for the community.

I'd like to stress that this compensation is by no means meant to provide a "full-time salary" for contributors. Compensation will be modest. At current market prices, the compensation would fall in the category of token appreciation.

It should also be known that our team structure is highly organized. We have professional project managers onboard which are helping monitor and optimize our process. These project managers have pledged to act as objective observers, hold each team member accountable for what they say they will do, and will recommend if some team members are underperforming or for other reasons need to be removed from a paid spot on the team.

Some of us will work really hard on Dash (often for 10+ hours a day), because we believe in it and we're willing to put in the time to make Dash a critical part of the future economy. We believe it's worth the time to do this.

Others have full time jobs, but they like to contribute during mornings, nights, and weekends. This is all great, the more people we can get putting effort into the project the better off we'll be in the long run.

We intend to have 2 kinds of slots for paid team members depending on the amount of time they are willing to commit - part-time and full-time. Full-time slots will offer payment of 2-4x (TBD by the project management team, maybe even a monthly contest?) that of a part-time slot. Team members can switch between the two depending on how much they feel they can offer to the project. This should give us flexibility to provide incentive for development and show appreciation for the work that is being done.

We will also encourage team members to hold their Dash they are paid long term. We believe in this project and want all those getting compensated to benefit when we finally succeed, this will help spread the benefit out to those that contribute the most to make it happen.

Having lots of people involved with Dash is what makes this successful! If you want to contribute, feel free to ping any of us to join the team.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
Why does this graph ( show a NEGATIVE number of masternodes voting against this proposal?
3 points,8 years ago
There are way too many highly-specific budget proposals coming in for me to continue voting yes on an umbrella proposal, as well.

Give me just a few umbrellas every month (preferable), or give me as many specific proposals as needed. I can't in good conscience continue to vote for both.
0 points,8 years ago
This would be too logical. Thats why it won't happen.
1 point,8 years ago
Would like to see project-based payments, rather than blanket salaries -- maybe that's coming soon? Going to vote no on this.
0 points,8 years ago
I have to agree with babygiraffe. Project based quoting/payment carries risk, and is therefore priced well above the amount it would take for an industry average salary. The developers are already working at rates below industry average. So, this would sky-rocket the costs. More importantly, it would severely restrict making any 'on the fly' changes in priorities or scope of work, because then the project/task and any it interacts with. all need to be quoted again.
3 points,8 years ago
My opinion... That would be a nightmare... we have about 50 projects going. Plus some things aren't projects, like the finance function, project management is split across all projects, and any other individual is working on anywhere from 5-15 projects at the same time. There's a reason we do it this way... the administrative overhead of a project-by-project funding model would take a lot of extra effort and would deliver very little value. Same reason companies don't pay their employees by project, but just assign a salary and expect them to spend time on various projects.
2 points,8 years ago
Nothing has changed here. The price has grown, but so has the team. They're still all working as underpaid in my opinion. Mostly in hopes that their Dash will increase in price. To me, the core team is a contractor, lead by Evan, and he hires his employees and pays them from what he gets from us. His team has been moving forward at an amazing pace and I have no complaints. I can't imagine not paying our core team. They've done a fantastic job so far, and frankly we need them.
1 point,8 years ago
i second that..
0 points,8 years ago
3 points,9 years ago
"We will be 100% transparent about who on our team is paid and how much they are paid."
does somebody have a link to this info? thanks
2 points,8 years ago
Yes, I do have a link. This thread has the amounts and who is getting paid.
0 points,8 years ago
I don't see any useful information in that link...
2 points,9 years ago
I'd like to see even more money go into development. And I'd also like to see a separate budget for research and innovation. With the likes of Etherium out there, it should be abundantly clear that the innovators are going to win this.
4 points,9 years ago
i would vote for more money on this if it came from the $5000 a month ad budget i voted no on.
i would take at least $2500 from the ad budget and pay the devs more and hire even more devs.
maybe the $5000 ad budget is needed but i just don't see it.
if we are planning to do ad's on btctalk, ltbtc, coindesk or whatever it would not hurt if anyone knew stuff like that. i can't imagine it would cost that much but i don't know, maybe it does.
0 points,9 years ago
Giving away the private key still feels a bit weird, after all we have to 'trust' your implementation on this. Can anyone pls link me to what i would need to do in case something goes wrong and the privkeys are discovered? Something about changing them, but not sure how. Just in case :) thanks
0 points,8 years ago
Giving away one's private key is not trustless - this would be a contradiction of terms - private keys by their nature are supposed to be kept private. Once given away it can be used in the same way anyone holding it can use it - i.e. voting whichever way the holder of the key chooses. If you want to re-take control of your private key the only way is to move the funds associated with it to another private key which you have sole control over.
4 points,9 years ago
Welcome to Dashwhale, ciupenhauer. The trustless storage of privkeys has been developed together with the DASH core developer, so it's as secure as theoreritically possible.

In the unlikely case something goes wrong and your masternode privkeys are exposed, the "hacker" could just cast budget votes or stop your masternode. You simply run "masternode genkey" command to get a new privkey, replace the old key in your masternode.conf and dash.conf with the new key. Then start your masternode and you are done.
0 points,9 years ago
thanks, that's what i needed to know
0 points,9 years ago
Yes Evan himself post about this on the forum, that it's a trustless solution. A small change has been made in a version (54 or 55 not sure) to support this functionality.
1 point,9 years ago
Awesome! Really nice work on this, this site never ceases to impress :-)
5 points,9 years ago
Welcome to the new proposal discussion section. This was quite a bunch of work. Have fun guys!
1 point,9 years ago
nice work ! what a slick site !!
1 point,9 years ago
1 point,9 years ago
Congrats, great job! :)
0 points,8 years ago