Monthly amount: 329 DASH (7314 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-10-17 / 2019-01-15 (added on 2018-10-17)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 320 Yes / 185 No / 137 Abstain

Proposal description

The Dash phenomenon in our country has been enormous and unprecedented since the foundation of the first community. Dash Caracas was the first and since its creation more than a year ago it has promoted the adoption and responsible use of Dash in Venezuela.

Thanks to this impulse was born Dash Venezuela,an organization that works tirelessly to make our Caribbean country the first Dash Nation and with this premise the DASH VENEZUELA COMMUNITIES PROGRAM was created several months ago, to give impetus, supportand accompaniment to all those who want to replicate the work and promote the adoption of Digital Money Dash.

In this way, Dash Venezuela has accompanied the formation of leaders in the conformation of our communities, where we work in an environment of collaboration and mutual support, which makes Dash not only the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela but an educational platform for the complete adoption of this currency.

Venezuela has a population estimated at 40 million citizens. We are currently 30 active communities in Venezuela, number that continues to grow in several important cities, and with the various activities that we will carry out (meetups, workshops, entrepreneurs fair, open courses, talks, conferences, among others) we will open +4300 new wallets monthly, where we will talk about how the Venezuelans on the most adequate way to overcome the economic crisis using Dash as a common currency and how they can integrate it into their day-to-day activities or enterprises.

In three months, more than 12,000 Venezuelan people will meet and talk with their families, neighbors and friends about the benefit of using Dash in their daily economy to promote a "waterfall effect", where citizens encourage people and businesses to use Dash.


You can find all about Dash Venezuela and DashCommunities here:

All Communities present in the 12th Dash Venezuela Conference with Ernesto Contreras, Dash Business Developer for Latam.

Active Communities in Venezuela:

Cripto UCV -Universidad Central de Venezuela
RedProductiva Mérida
DASH Barquisimeto
DASH Baruta
DASH Barlovento
DASH Barinas
DASH Bolívar
DASH Cabimas
DASH Cagua
DASH Carora
DASH Costas de Aragua
DASH Guarenas-Guatire
DASH Guayana
DASH Higuerote
DASH LaGuaira
DASH LosTeques
DASH La Victoria
DASH Maracaibo
DASH Maracay
DASH Monagas
DASH Puerto La Cruz
DASH SanAntonio
DASH San Felipe
DASH Turmero
DASH Valencia
DASH Valera-Trujillo
DASH Valle de la Pascua
DASH Táchira
DASH Yaracuy

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Obviously voting NO. All of our far-fetched Venezuela dreams so far have turned out to be a waste of money... and that's still a polite way to say it...
The dictatorship in Venezuela with its starving population is clearly NOT a target to bring Dash to any popularity at all. People are so poor in Venezuela that they have other preferences and needs than thinking about cryptocurrencies with money they don't have anyway...

I can't get rid of the impression that these funds are destined for a handful of people to make a living.
1 point,6 years ago
@RealMrHack your speculation as fact are damaging. I noticed your comments on most proposal are just aimed to destroy the hardwork the proposal owners have put into place. There is no single ATM listed on DD from VZ. Where did you get that from?

Seems if it is not a Kuva project you won't spend time thinking before commenting.
-1 point,6 years ago
@david92 that is incorrect

I said atms are listed as merchants on dd for other regions

Whilst the merchants listed in vz barely do any volume

Thats not speculation that is fact,

And this is not dash nation this is, dc

-3 points,6 years ago
voting YES on the back of input from Eugenia. With the merchant adoption thing, when it comes down to it, there really needs to be some financial incentives to spend Dash on the spenders side. The guys at AnyPay.Global may be on the ball with this, and have spoken about Venezuela.
0 points,6 years ago
As well as the technical merits of Dash, it will be the work being done in Venezuela that will lift dash in its quest to be the digital cash of the future. I highly recommend this project to the MNOs. I'm obviously voting yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a Lot KiwiCodger.

We want to continue working hard
0 points,6 years ago
2 points,6 years ago
@deepblue what results? Most meechants listed on dd for vz have very little or no daily transactions.

Most merchants listed for example in north america are primarily ATMs

A misrepresentation of facts

We just deplete our whole budget one bite at a time all from Eugenias team

I prefer to see competeting teams with factual data.
1 point,6 years ago
Sure, but are any of those ATMs in Venezuela? ATM maps I have looked at don't show a single one there.
6 points,6 years ago
(We are trying to reach Eugenia for an October update and are posting here as she has been active in this comment section and we have been unable to reach her)

Hi Eugenia,
We have attempted to contact both you and Dash Venezuela multiple times this month on Discord, both by public and private message, which is the communication method that you requested. We have also reached out to you via Telegram. We have received no response. If you are opting out of Dash Watch reporting, please inform us here.

The deadline for October reporting is today at 11:59 pacific time. We will not be accepting a late submission again this cycle.

This is to ensure that we have adequate time to review your submission and that we can present complete reports to MNOs in time for them to make informed votes. This time also allows Dash Watch to address additional questions raised by MNOs before the close of the voting deadline.

Thank you,
Dash Watch
1 point,6 years ago
Happy to confirm Eugenia has made contact with her Dash Watch liaison and is providing an update for October
3 points,6 years ago
Hmmm, thanks for the info.
-2 points,6 years ago
Hi DashWatch.

I gave your message to Eugenie and told me, she answer you already.
-3 points,6 years ago
@DashWatch thanks for your message. Please note that I have been informed that Eugenia is working all hours at the moment on setting up promotional campaigns for DASH and this is why she has not yet responded. I have sent a message to one of the Venezuelan team leaders to inform her about your request. Hopefully she will respond shortly when she is able to do so.
1 point,6 years ago
Nobody seems to think twice about pouring more and more Dash into Venezuela, but to ask for a FRACTION as much for African projects, that's just too much! Whatever people.
0 points,6 years ago
I completely agree. This is the problem.
-2 points,6 years ago
@TanteStefana Africa is not demonstrating real world success compared to Venezuela e.g. it does not even appear on the merchants sign up list whilst Venezuela is No.1 in the World.

The number of visits to the website = Venezuela is No.2 according to the Dash Core Group. Where is Africa on that ranking list?

You want to pull money out of a successful projects and send it to ones where there are no demonstrable results of actual uptake that we can measure and you reason is because they are cheap projects? Really is that your criteria?

Can you supply the following information:

1. Numbers of merchant signups in Africa.
2. Numbers of visitors to the website.
3. Numbers of daily DASH transactions in Africa through POS systems?
2 points,6 years ago
@DeepBlue this is just totally wrong. how will you compare a continent with a country? Africa have over 50 countries in it.

More money have been invested in Venezuela than in Africa even with the full knowledge that Africa is more populated than Venezuela.

your complain about merchant adoption is not valid for this reasons: How will anyone sign up merchants from Africa without any means of liquidating Dash? How won't the merchants get burnt by volatility?

It would be interesting to know how the people spending the Dash are getting it too Because it's not easy to get a hold of Dash
(especially in Venezuela) it is far easier to get Dash in Nigeria and Ghana than Venezuela.

Venezuela have been able to train their merchants on using uphold which according to some of the ambassadors in Nigeria and Ghana uphold does't work in the two major countries where Dash is active in Africa. The last time i checked the fee of uphold will make a lot of the merchant loss totally.

So this is one of the biggest reason for low merchants signups in Africa.

Numbers of visitors to A decent amount of money have been spent in VZ for merchant outreach and conferences which have been able to generate the traffic to websites. Can we say we spent such money in any country in Africa?

I can remember all the proposal targeting conferences have been rejected by many MNO's only when it is Venezuela that is when it passes flawlessly.

Number of daily transaction: how will they have daily transaction when there have been no support to most of their project to create use case for Dash in Africa. I have constantly supported many of their proposal but to my surprise they have failed without no good reasons. This guys have shown me savings account application they created for Dash and one of them went as far as creating an app for flight, hotel and Uber drive which also failed with no apparent reason see demo: This would have generated huge transactions from Africa. Not to forget Nigeria and Ghana have been the highest users of bitrefil for months now. Request for that from bitrefil they will gladly send it to you.

what else can they do? generate traffic from god knows where?

FYI: with all the merchants listed on DD Venezuela can only boast of 20 to 30 transactions per day coming from over 2,000 merchants. I think the transaction count in Venezuela is quite telling. People still prefer to enter their cards 10x to pay something and hold their wealth in bolivares than using services and goods from these 2000 merchants.

This Africa team have two proposal presently: one of the proposal from Africa is to create a quick liquidation app for merchants with zero fee and the second one is focused on signing up about 30 merchants monthly and 4 business integration from their last interview with TAO that i recalled and the two are presently not doing good. So why are we complaining now?

I had a heated chat with them this morning on discord and TAO can testify to this and that is how i was able to see where the problem was.

read this professional deck to see their road map for the year:

it is high-time we used quality measure in checking out what this folks are doing and stop condemning their work without any concrete proof.
I was surprised to know that Nigeria and Ghana with SA are the highest users of BTC in Africa. coin base had a total sales of 1 billion dollars last year in Nigeria alone. Imagine the return we will get if we just support and not condemn the work we have applauded.

Before the Venezuela team came in both the Africa team, Amanda B Johnson and Dash Force contests all focused on meetups and wallet download not until the new merchant adoption era which comes with a lot of responsibility and challenges. then we are trying to blame them like they are inconsequential and have not done any Job for the DAO. Cointelegraph and DashForce all wrote about the good Jobs this guys have done in their country for DASH. They have been the one feeling the heat every single time. This guys have burnt a lot of money for proposal fees which i myself have had to support some of them.

They have totally listen to us and restructured entirely. let us give them a chance. to be frank their proposal have improved greatly and a level of professionalism have been seen in their activity.

Let us support them this time and see what they come out with. The era of road shows, wallet download and meetups have gone and we are not on merchant adoption, transactions and utility.

Dash have a greater tendency to be successful in Africa and Venezuela where it is needed the most.
-1 point,6 years ago
@david92 Choose any country in Africa you like - you can even combine every country in Africa to give combined results if you wish. Successful uptake of DASH with merchants in Africa is negligible as far as I can see because there are no results posted for merchant uptake. There have been many funded promotions for DASH in Africa over the years. So far I am not seeing the results. If there are results the result are not being broadcast on the channels I've given. Traffic to the website coming from any African country has not been mentioned by DCG to be significant. If it was they would have mentioned it. You blame insufficient funding for lack of success but funding comes from demonstrable results which so far I am not seeing out of any African country.

If you want more money for African projects provide more demonstrable results. That is a recommendation. To blame lack of results on funding is not a good enough reason. If you get the results and you can prove the results you will get the funding. If you can't prove the results then you won't. So far Venezuela is proving the results and demonstrating the results.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash watch have reports to give you on their results. Am not part of their team.

1. Numbers of merchant signups in Africa.
2. Numbers of visitors to the website.
3. Numbers of daily DASH transactions in Africa through POS systems?

The DAO have not founded any project in Africa that warrant the above results. But i can show you many of the VZ projects that are basically to deliver this results. Give them your support and see if you don't get a demonstrable results in regards to those three questions above.

FYI: i did a few search and saw that some merchants have been listed in Ghana it might not be much be they did start and you can see it here: which no proposal from them promised merchant apart from this recent proposals. Give them the support they need this cycle and see if they don't deliver. Let support them the way we did to VZ. well, this is not an Africa proposal let us take this convo away from the VZ proposal.

As far as i know the DAO have founded just outreach programs, road shows, wallet downloads and many more and this guys have proven to deliver enough result.
1 point,6 years ago
@david92 I would like to clarify *I have* voted for the African projects that I believed in. As I've written many times previously the two Continents that have countries were we need to promote DASH are South America and Africa before other locations in my opinion.

I am giving you constructive feedback that you can use. What I'm saying is that there are not enough demonstrable results that I can see out of any African country yet in the way we need to see it.

In terms of the DAO not funding the projects for Africa I could not agree with that statement. We have funded many projects for different countries in Africa. If you want larger amounts of money then African projects need to start showing the results in the way we need to see them in order to get the funding. If you look at George Donnelly's work for DASH Colombia he has achieved a lot with very limited funding yet Colombia is way ahead of any country in Africa in terms of merchant sign ups according to

I am awaiting the information requested. If you cannot provide it then I really do advise that you advise the African teams to take the time to gather and report this information.

1. Numbers of merchant signups -with evidence and to post on

2. Numbers of POS integrations.

3. Numbers of DASH POS transactions by each African country

Provide the data for each African country so that we can see the progress in each one.

If African projects can't do that then they cannot expect to get higher amounts of funds. They must first prove that the promotions we have already funded are delivering quantifiable results, just in the same way the Venezuelan and Colombian projects have proven they are getting results in order to get higher quantity of funds.
0 points,6 years ago
It is funny to me however normal that people can simply compare Africa to Venezuela, but let’s not forget the simple question, has Africa gotten the same support and funding as Venezuela? Can anyone confirm how many Dash have gone into funding African merchant adoption proposals? Every proposal have its target. Kuva is an African proposal but we all know what Kuva is into and their activities. Proposals that went to West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria) should be accounting for the questions you are asking but at what consistency did we fund these proposals compared to Venezuela? How many of those proposals and for what purpose were they funded? Let’s be real and face reality instead of unrelated comparison. Since when did Venezuela start listing merchants or took the second position in listing merchant and visits? I guess right from their first two proposals right?
-2 points,6 years ago
@cryptolib the amount of funding is based on demonstrable results which the Venezuela teams are providing. I strongly suggest African projects provide consistent feedback on their successes in terms of merchant sign ups, create videos on updates on what has been achieved and provide more feedback to the Dash Community etc and publicise those successes. What I see so often are project owners taking the money and not providing regular (at least monthly, but preferably weekly, updates along with Video updates on their successes) MNOs need this feedback to gauge success of a program. So far I'm simply not seeing the same level of success with the projects from any African country in terms of real world adoption. I requested 3 pieces of information in my first post here. So far nobody has provided it. I await the information requested:

1. Numbers of merchant signups in Africa.
2. Numbers of visitors to the website.
3. Numbers of daily DASH transactions in Africa through POS systems?
-2 points,6 years ago
Please provide the breakdown of information by individual African countries.
1 point,6 years ago
1. Numbers of merchant signups in Africa.
2. Numbers of visitors to the website.
3. Numbers of daily DASH transactions in Africa through POS systems?

Do you have a problem with the Africa project?

Why not ask DFN, DN, Alt36, KuvaCash, Genomic and many other proposal owners to provide the above before voting for them? this guys where not funded for that. They have done all that they where funded to do and now they are branching into what you wrote above. Give them the time or ask those who where funded for such to present them.
0 points,6 years ago
@JahlexisTafari I posted a series of questions in this proposal last week but did not get a response to my questions. Can you scroll down this page and respond to the question I posted. Thank you.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi DeepBlue

Thank you very much for all the corrections and advice that you have given us and for all the support to Dash Venezuela. The answer to your concerns was answered in the first coemtario.
6 points,6 years ago
This feels like quit a big ask out of the blue, I would have like to seen you start with a much smaller proposal, maybe even start at Dashboost. Furthermore I content with the work Eugenia Alcalá is doing, I see no need for 2 captains at this stage in Venezuela.

Furthermore I think waiting until 12.4 is out is also handy because instant send becomes as cheap as regular transaction. Which makes dash unique selling point allot better.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello A_node_to_a_Master

The communities agreed to enter the proposal round, in this way everyone could choose to have financing for a period of time that we all agreed would be enough to carry out their work and execute what each community has planned. We already have some communities that have entered the Dashboost round with good results but for small proposals.

We have the unconditional support of Eugenia Alcala who has guided us throughout this process of proposal, at no time is looking to fragment the block or have captains or compete with Dash Venezuela. We work side by side with Eugenia.

The use of instantsend in Venezuela is not so relevant since people who use Dash on a regular basis do so because it is fast enough to trade efficiently. In Venezuela, because we have a new monetary cone that increases inflation, Venezuelans seek to improve their purchasing power and protect themselves in "hard" currencies like the American dollar, but since this currency is difficult to obtain, they prefer the use of Dash that is easy to use. get on OTC platforms or exchanges.
0 points,6 years ago
point: instand send lower fees is not that important to venez market right now. That having a savings alternative to fiat is + protecting their purchasing power is urgent need :)
7 points,6 years ago
there is a fast declining return on investment of conference/meetup marketing. i do not see any reason why the network should be spending 987 Dash on meetups and conference which might have little or no effects in regards to adoption and usage of the currency. People will just download the wallets and forget about it. Also evident according to Dashcore that thousands of wallets are downloaded from Venezuela monthly.

The DAO have spent a lot on merchants adoption programs we should be moving forward on usage of Dash in your country by giving incentives to those who buy goods with dash from any of the listed merchant or by encouraging organisations to pay their staffs with dash that will be a good way to spend funds and that will give a good return of investment to the DAO.

Also, Since DashForce meetups are still active and is global why not do your wildcard meetups and get your payment from DF. Start from small and build up.

We have other proposals this month with just about 860 Dash left. it isn't wise to spend almost all the funds on JUST MEETUPS/WORKSHOP.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi David92

Thanks for your feedback.

Is not just meetups and workshops. The Venezuelan communities Will do a diferent set Of events, like entrepeneurs fairs, courses with diferents themes (financial education, legal and taxes, mining, Masternode, and other themes about Dash) among other activities.

We will measure the amount of wallets installed to the attendees of the events, we will promote adoption in shops, entrepreneurs and companies, we will measure the impact on each entrepreneur's transactions in their daily activity. There is a lot of adoption work that can be done and what will be done, each community with its peculiarities.

It is important to highlight that each community is unique and it is the first time that a group of leaders reaches a consensus to work and enter into a round of proposals committed to the work of promoting Dash in Venezuela.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi all. My name is Euzulys Bello, founder of DASH Monagas, Thanks to the support of DASH VENEZUELA through its National Coordinator of Communities ALEXIS LUGO. We have done a great job in all the communities to continue with the massive adoption of DASH.
We are 30 communities nationwide, we have new strategies and projects for which we need financing for a delivery of results with 150 people per month, through talks. Conferences, presence in shopping centers and consultants customized to the needs of companies and dissemination of everything related as DASH text and phone krip. At the same time in our community we will continue working with a presence in regional TV, newspapers, radio and social networks. It is important for us to approve this proposal because together we are more and together we have achieved this great dream that is to make Venezuela the first DASH nation.
Thank you for your support to continue making the most important cryptocurrency in our country.
-3 points,6 years ago
Greetings to all I am Joney Castellanos leader of the community of dash_maracaibo.

Since March we have made 12 events in Maracaibo to date with support from Dash Force and Dash Venezuela, reaching 600 people in 8 months, in a state with more than 3.5 million inhabitants, the few businesses that accept Dash in the city are the result of our timid work.

We participate in Dashboost without success, and it seems that we still do not learn how decentralization works.

Reading some comments I am assailed by the doubt if we really promote it so ambiguous, I think, if it is not a waste of time to believe that the system will change with our work that until now has been invisible to the community despite our effort to show photos, videos and detailsour experience.

I would like to invite you to imagine that we inflate a gigantic balloon with our mouths; that is to build adoption without organizations or networks that disseminate, without funds for those networks, excluding people who believe in Dash and that shows that it works as a system, not only of payments, but as a sampleof the social value that is actually the potential that most of us see.

Merchants, consumers and liquidity, certainly not achieved only with workshops and meetups, but only from the diversity of criteria and dissimilar experiences are born the extraordinary applications that still have to be developed in Dash.

Give these communities the opportunity to grow, do not limit the value of the blockchain and let yourself be surprised by the results that until now are just beginning.
5 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone. My name is Eugenia Alcalá, the founder of Dash Venezuela.

I would like to intruduce Alexis Lugo (JahlexisTafari), who has been part of my team from the very beginning, more than one year ago. One of his roles is of Coordinator of the Program of Communities of Dash Venezuela.

This program was created to help the emerging leaders in another cities of our country to create and manage their own community to promote the adoption of Dash locally.

This program has facilitated the creation of an alliance network with the 30 active communities in Venezuela. What this means is that this team is working to improve the communication, colaboration and education of the people who are working to make of Dash the most important cryptocurrency in Venezuela, and of Venezuela the country with most massive adoption in the world.

In my opinion, supporting this proposal is key to keep spreading Dash all around Venezuela, and in the words of Ryan Taylor, "show the world the real power of Dash".
-1 point,6 years ago
What an illusion !!! People are starving and have no electricity. There won't be any Dash adoption in this communist dictatorship. The whole country is just going down the plughole...
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you, voting yes!
6 points,6 years ago
1. If this proposal is part of Dash Venezuela, then why wasn't it presented by Eugenia (AlgodonFranelas)?
2. Does the offer of this proposal mean that you are a separate organization from that of Eugenia? Has there been a fracture in Eugenia's organization?
3. If this organization is part of the Dash Venezuela that is organized by Eugenia, then why wouldn't the funds from the multi-month proposal titled "DASH-VENEZUELA-FROM-OCT-2018-TO-FEB-2019" be sufficient to do the job?
4. If this is "Country-wide mass adoption strategy" - what makes it different from the proposal "DASH-VENEZUELA-FROM-OCT-2018-TO-FEB-2019" that is already approved for funding, and already promises "Country-wide mass adoption strategy"?
5. What are the goals or deliverables? What do you plan to do with the funds? All I see are 58 meetups and 58 workshops. No further description or explanation.
6. Why is there no video or photo of you and your team so that we can see who you are? If this is based on past work, provide some photo or video evidence of what has already been accomplished.
Thank you!
-1 point,6 years ago
1. If this proposal is part of Dash Venezuela, then why wasn't it presented by Eugenia (AlgodonFranelas)?
R= We decide to post this proposal with the leadership and support of Eugenia, because the Dash Communities has grown so much that all the leaders want to try others ideas without affecting the Dash Venezuela structure.

2. Does the offer of this proposal mean that you are a separate organization from that of Eugenia? Has there been a fracture in Eugenia's organization?
R= There is not fracture, there is not division in our organization, Eugenia is our leader and our principal support... The communities wants to maintain and improve all the good work that Venezuela have been doing.

3. If this organization is part of the Dash Venezuela that is organized by Eugenia, then why wouldn't the funds from the multi-month proposal titled "DASH-VENEZUELA-FROM-OCT-2018-TO-FEB-2019" be sufficient to do the job?
R= Because the proposal of Dash Venezuela is to impulse the education of Dash and Cryptocurrencies in several ways creating new ways, content and platforms. The communities want to impulse Dash with events, workshops, etc and development ideas to impulse Dash.

4. If this is "Country-wide mass adoption strategy" - what makes it different from the proposal "DASH-VENEZUELA-FROM-OCT-2018-TO-FEB-2019" that is already approved for funding, and already promises "Country-wide mass adoption strategy"?
R= Each community has his own strategy and want to deploy them.

5. What are the goals or deliverables? What do you plan to do with the funds? All I see are 58 meetups and 58 workshops. No further description or explanation.
R= This is the pilot plan. Each community will make their own events, were they will attend at least 150 people per month minimum, without counting merchants or companies that adopt the currency and will increase list of merchant in DiscoverDash, Dash Venezuela list and Criptolugares. We will promote the use of Coincola exchange, faucet, QR.CR, Dash Text, Krip mobiles, among other tools, that will increase the transactions. without mentioning the impact on social networks, local media and the large amount of content Pro-Dash to be generated. All this numbers will be shown in our new thread

6. Why is there no video or photo of you and your team so that we can see who you are? If this is based on past work, provide some photo or video evidence of what has already been accomplished.
Thank you!
R= We have a bunch of photos and videos but we don't want to overload the proposal, but this is one fine picture:
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the response Jahlexis!
0 points,6 years ago
My friend ec1warc1

This is the thread of the communities' forum where we will present all the information:
5 points,6 years ago
Voting no. I prefer to see each team submit their own proposals separately, as it has been, in a decentralized manner, which provides greater accountability and transparency.
0 points,6 years ago
The team of Dash communities agreed on a consensus (blockchain), to enter the round and to be able to choose between all of them to obtain financing, each one with their ideas and unique projects but all committed to the Dash impulse.
1 point,6 years ago
You have my support.
4 points,6 years ago
Nearly a 1000 dash, and you have no prior track record other than your claimed affiliation with Venezuela

Seems more and more like the vz community is peice mealing big asks, into several much smaller asks via other members of their community,

4 team members go apply for 250 dash each still 1000 dash instead of putting it into one proposal and risking potential failed proposal

Easy NO.
0 points,6 years ago
Exactly. Clearly voting no. Let's stop this bullsh.. down there.
-3 points,6 years ago
Dash Nation, is what we want
4 points,6 years ago
This is a lot of money you're asking for and I have no idea who you are or what you're planning to do.

I know there are lots of active communities in Venezuela but how are they connected with this proposal?
3 points,6 years ago
Good afternoon Technoir.

My name is Alexis Lugo, Coordinator of the Dash Venezuela Communities Program. I am working with Dash Caracas/Dash Venezuela since his foundation, and i have been working on this program for almost 1 year with very good results for the adoption of Dash in Venezuela, thanks to the support of Dash Venezuela and of every community that was born in our country organically.

The communities are interconnected by alliances, where each community contributes by teaching their know-how to others, depending on their expertise, be it business, tourism, accounting, tax, event production, etc.

For this proposal we will promote the adoption in more than 30 cities of Venezuela, making informative meetings, talks, conferences, fairs and educational training events, with a constant focus on entrepreneurs.

Each Community will attend at least 150 people per month (remember that we are 30 active communities), without counting merchants or companies that adopt the currency. We will have an increase in the usability (transactions) of the currency thanks to that we will promote the use of Coincola new exchange that arrives in Venezuela with the inclusion of Dash. It will not only be the impulse of the community but of the Dash ecosystem, giving to know QR.CR, Dash Text, the Krip mobiles, among other tools, without mentioning the impact on social networks, local media and the large amount of content Pro-Dash to be generated.

Thanks for your question. I am attentive if you have any other concerns.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes and good luck!
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks Macno
1 point,6 years ago
Ok, voting YES :)
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a Lot technoir
0 points,6 years ago
Hello Everyone from the Dash Valencia community, we give all the support to this proposal and his Coordinator Alexis Lugo @jalexistafari, who for more than a year has offered his support to all the communities of Venezuela.

This proposal has the purpose of promoting each community in different parts of the country, diversifying the work and grouping more people willing to learn from Dash, to use it in their daily life
2 points,6 years ago
Since you are referencing and not a specific thread of your own, please have algodon franelas confirm the affiliation with Dash Venezuela.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello, everyone. My name is Eugenia Alcalá, the founder of Dash Venezuela.

I would like to intruduce Alexis Lugo (JahlexisTafari), who has been part of my team from the very beginning, more than one year ago. One of his roles is of Coordinator of the Program of Communities of Dash Venezuela.

This program was created to help the emerging leaders in another cities of our country to create and manage their own community to promote the adoption of Dash locally.

This program has facilitated the creation of an alliance network with the 30 active communities in Venezuela. What this means is that this team is working to improve the communication, colaboration and education of the people who are working to make of Dash the most important cryptocurrency in Venezuela, and of Venezuela the country with most massive adoption in the world.

In my opinion, supporting this proposal is key to keep spreading Dash all around Venezuela, and in the words of Ryan Taylor, "show the world the real power of Dash".
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you, much appreciated.
1 point,6 years ago
(in this thread)
0 points,6 years ago
the thread of the communities
0 points,6 years ago
I make reference to this forum thread because is the thread that the entire Dash Venezuela Communities post our events, photos, results and all our progress since web began with this program.
0 points,6 years ago
It important that some thought be given to how a proposal such as this is posted in the future. The MNOs needs to feel confident that the funding is going to someone that has built up a reputation with the community and therefore someone that we can trust and who will deliver. Building a reputation takes time, a lot of work and it takes consistent results for the community to start to trust that person. If someone that is relatively unknown to the Dash Community puts in a bid for funding, no matter how good the bid is it is unlikely to pass unless it is first backed and vouched for by someone who has built a reputation with the community. In this case that person is Eugenia.

You may be thinking that this is centralization however it is not. It is one person vouching for another. The other person then would need to be prepared to also build their reputation publicly in order for the community to build trust with them. This is how AlejandroE of Dash Help, built his reputation. He was first introduced to he community by Eugenia and then he built his reputation by hard work, consistently delivering and providing frequent video updates. He also creates infographics, reports and tables on the progress and now he is posting every update of progress in his proposals each week - which I think is excellent feedback. This is how Alejandro and Eugenia have built their reputation. Only after the proposal owners reputation is established can an unknown person then put in a bid for a proposal and expect it to get funded, especially for large amounts of DASH. Therefore you need to establish a connection between trusted people and the new people first.

I would suggest that an introduction video be made with Eugenia and the key people running this proposal be introduced to the community. Then the people who are running this proposal would need to provide frequent updates and video reports to build their reputations over the months. Reputation is earned, it is not given away, and with an established reputation trust is built.

If projects are to gain future funding it is critically important to provide regular updates to the community preferably by video so that the community can start to see the face behind the name. If the proposal owner does not want to do this then Eugenia would need to do this in my opinion. Eugenia has built a good reputation with the Dash Community and therefore trust. I realise that Eugenia is also a mum and therefore has other obligations in life, if this is the case I would suggest that Eugenia consider introducing her staff to the community and have them start to build their reputations so that Eugenia can take time out when she needs it to be with her family.

Therefore in order to consider voting I would like to see the following:

1. An introduction video with Eugenia and the person/ people responsible for running and managing this project. We need to ensure that the person running this project is accountable for the results.

2. Have some written assurances on how, and how often community updates will be given in video format, and reports etc regarding this proposal.

3. I would like to understand how the DASH money is going to be divided between these different communities. If this is not clearly agreed upon in advance I think it could cause some issues or disputes amongst the different groups e.g. one community might be getting more money than another community which could cause tensions. Therefore what criteria are you going to use in deciding how much each community is to get and how can we know that consensus from the different communities has been reached that this criteria is fair.

We all want to see Venezuela establish DASH but we also need to make certain that the funds are going to have their intended impact and that the communities are going to be able to work harmoniously. It is only working together will this crisis be resolved. When there is a limited fund of money that has to be divided amongst so many communities there is a risk that it could cause tensions if the rules are not established clearly in advance. 51K USD per month is a lot of money right now for DASH. We need to make sure that money is going to be well spent and in order to do that we need the frequent reports and updates to gauge progress.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi DeepBlue,
I apologize for the delay in responding. Allow me to present myself. Currently i am working with Dash Venezuela more than a year ago in the IT area and as Communities Coordinator, I also work in the transifex Dash team, apart from other projects in which I have participated. This can be validated in Discord, the forum and telegram (my alias on all platforms is Jahlexis_Tafari).

The distribution of financing will be according to the characteristics and demographic reach of each community.

Regarding the updates of the project will be in the forum, in the thread of the communities ( ) and in Dash Venezuela (

We will present weekly results with the work done by each community in those thread and in video every two weeks. Each community will put their progress in these threads and their social networks, taking into account the number of people attending, number of wallets installed, transactions made in each activity, in this way we will provide access and monitoring of our progress.

Thanks for your feedback
1 point,6 years ago
This is really a lot of money for the current available budget. Only 860 'free' dash this month and there are a lot of strong proposals. Really dont think is a smart use of funds to concentrate them on one or two regions. Would be good to see it maybe at half of the budget.
0 points,6 years ago
You have my support here. The Venezuelan Dash movement never ceases to impress me.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank a lot Tao. We are working real hard for this
0 points,6 years ago
jahlexis: very briefly--how will dash be promoted to consumers? what will be given as their incentive to start using a dash wallet?
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Telegon

Each community has strategies to promote adoption. For example: Dash Maracay drives the mass consumer market (food), making alliances to offer discounts on purchases with Dash. Dash Costas de Aragua offers tourism impulse by teaching operators how to use dash and tourists get discounts for paying in Dash. They are only examples of how they promote the use of Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
2) also dash is winning merchant adoption vs btc, but btc is winning the savings market so far. Strategy to get dash to overtake btc as the leader in the savings market?
1 point,6 years ago
Dash is for commercial use, a versatile, safe and fast payment system. In Venezuela, the market of consumption and massive use is being won by Dash. More and more people use it in a personal, commercial and business way, especially because there are groups of impulse, support and representation like Dash Venezuela and all the communities that is why we gain confidence. The usability of the currency is more important in Venezuela in the first instance and the use of value protection will be added.
0 points,6 years ago
any ideas on why the usability of the currency is more important? there's the counter idea that people in VZ will want to spend dash less--that they will want to spend bad money first (ie. VEF), and save good money (ie. Dash). Therefore this is an argument that savings+ purchasing-power protection could be 1st for importance, with usability being in 2nd place
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Telegon, you are rigth, until a few months ago venezuelan people get in the cryptocurrencies and foreing fiat, the way to kept their savings, but since the new monetary cone (our fiat change from VEF to VES removing five zeros from the old cone) do the payments mechanisms (electronic or not) are so problematic that the Venezuelan appreciates more the mechanisms that generate comfort and security at the time of making payments of their products and daily services as those offered by dash.
0 points,6 years ago
oh ok, the debit cards take long to process an average transaction?
0 points,6 years ago

Most banks in Venezuela are having serious problems with the service they provide. transactions take a long time to process, commercial operators transgress the privacy limit by requesting the card key, and often there is no connection with the bank, this added to the lack of cash, low daily transaction limits, high waiting times for troubleshooting ...

Users are increasingly adopting the solution provided by Dash as an option for their operations.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello everyone, we're very excited with the proposal for the 28 communities of Venezuela. Since replicating the information achieved from Dash Venezuela requires effort, support and union of all the communities that grow in the country.

Proof of this is the combination of effort and work realized this weekend by Dash Los Teques and Dash San Antonio in the fourth event of Entrepreneurs of San Antonio de los Altos Mirandinos, city in the state Miranda, Venezuela, where more than 60 entrepreneurs participated and an influx of over 500 assistants was achieved.

There we accomplished alliance with some entrepreneurs that accept Dash and we offered products, courtesy by Dash Los Teques so people that downloaded the wallet would pass by Dash's stand to receive information.

We accomplished that over 1000 came over, 25 wallets downloaded and 60 transactions, a list of people interested was generated, among them several merchants, importers and exporters.

With all of this said, our proposal is very noble and attractive and it would fill us with huge enthusiasm if it can be approved.
0 points,6 years ago
Maybe you should create your own specific thread and link to it in this budget proposal, so project feedback and project updates can be provided to the community in a clear way. This is your own budget proposal after all.
0 points,6 years ago
Count with that. Big thanks foto your feedback
-1 point,6 years ago
Hello everyone, we are very happy to see this proposal alive

It is a proposal developed by all the active communities of Venezuela ..!

JahlexisTafari is the Community Coordinator of Dash Venezuela.

After several meetings, we raised the need to make this proposal together and attend 4350 monthly people with activities in parallel throughout the national territory.

The expected ROI will be impressive, opening 4350 new wallet monthly

This shows that organized communities can work for a common goal: "Convert Dash as the most widely used cryptocurrency in Venezuela"

Williams Gollini
Dash Maracay
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for the support William. This proposal is the sign that we all work for the same purpose ... Dash's impulse in Venezuela.