One-time payment: 167 DASH (3749 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-07-18 / 2018-08-17 (added on 2018-07-10)
Votes: 745 Yes / 179 No / 11 Abstain

Proposal description

Countrywide massive adoption strategy

USD 38,350.00 
for opening 2,850 new wallets, 
that is 13.45 USD per person.
Interview by Rodrigo Digital: 

Pre-proposal on Dash Forum:

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents. That is why we founded Dash Venezuela, an organization that works without a rest to make of Venezuela the 1st Dash Nation, helping all of the leaders of Dash Communities and projects in Venezuela to work in a collaborative environment, and making of Dash the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

You can find all about DASH Caracas’ events here:

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:


We will be working in alliance with the communities of:
  1. Cripto UCV
  2. DASH Barquisimeto
  3. DASH Baruta
  4. DASH Costas de Aragua
  5. DASH Guarenas-Guatire
  6. DASH Higuerote
  7. DASH La Guaira
  8. DASH Libertador
  9. DASH Los Teques
  10. DASH Maracaibo
  11. DASH Maracay
  12. Dash Monagas
  13. DASH Puerto La Cruz
  14. DASH Valencia
  15. Dash Valera-Trujillo
  16. DASH Valle de la Pascua
  17. Dash Bolívar
  18. DASH Táchira
Including Dash Caracas, we are 19 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 2850 new wallets in activities such as meetups and workshops, where we are also going to detect new entrepreneurs and merchants to teach them how to accept Dash as payment or donation.
Here you can see our detailed budget:


In order to be aligned as allied communities, we are going to hold one monthly reunion, to make training activities and work meetings, aside of the daily communications via Telegram, and our weekly hangout meeting.

Here you can see our detailed budget:

Here you can see the summary budget and total request for this proposal:

Dear MNOs, please read and vote for this proposal. Thank you very much!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
I've asked this before, but I believe it bears repeating: Venezuela has a history of nationalizing foreign investment. How do we know that the The Venezuelan government is not only tolerating us building a community in VZ because of the net inflow of funds? How can we be sure they wont either halt or take over our efforts there the moment the net flow turns outward? And don't waste time saying they made promises. They made promises to oil companies too.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello everyone!
I want to thank the community and all of the MNOs who voted for our last proposal entitled:
Countrywide massive adoption strategy
USD 38,350.00
for opening 2,850 new wallets
that is 13.45 USD per person

We got 11% positive votes!!!

Unfortunately, there was no budget left, so we are not going to get funded. A lot of people have shown a lot of support, and ask us to provide an address so they can donate.

We are so grateful to who is also supporting the promotion of all the proposals that we did not make in the last cycle.

And here you can find the address for donations:

1 point,6 years ago
This is an old 1 month single proposal that passed but did not get funding. There is a bug in the system, this proposal should not be shown here. Wait for the next proposal. This one will expire.
0 points,6 years ago
Why hasn't this bug been fixed yet ?
2 points,6 years ago
Three things: First, there is an awesome documentary that just came out about what Dash is doing in Venezuela.

Second, the YES votes demonstrates that the Masternode community really want to pursue action in Venezuela, but the budget is too small at the moment to fund it directly. Once again we need to step up with donations to keep this rolling. Here is their donations address:


You can confirm that address in this thread:

And third, to "complete the loop" in Venezuela, we need a way for them to earn Dash directly. As awesome as it is to have 100's and 100's of merchants that accept Dash, without substantial ongoing income in Dash, it will never take off to the scale we want and need. One direct way to attack this is with a freelance service. More details to follow.

Carry on, have fun, win!

1 point,6 years ago
Many thanks to all those who supported the Proposal of the Allied Communities of Venezuela, We passed but without funds. Regardless of the situation We continue to believe in Venezuela dash nation.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes please keep pushing forward. The network pushed you into 50+ voting even though we are over-budget. This is something we have not seen much in the past. Every month it is becoming increasingly obvious where adoption is taking place. News of real adoption is beginning to spread. I believe soon you guys will be a priority for funding. If you have to do another crowdfund I will help support you as much as I can, along with DashHelp.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch June 26th Report
Dash Venezuela In-depth Overview
0 points,6 years ago
More support seems to be coming in for this proposal.

I hope to see this pass because this is where the action and adoption is happening now. This is Dash's real stress test.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support!
0 points,6 years ago
Great stuff. Not looking to pass for funding this month though. Will vote YES in support.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support!
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, I speak to all of Masternodos directly, the 19 liders of the communities of Dash in Venezuela, we decided to put together ideas, contributions and efforts to design a model of divulgation based on knowledge and experience obtained through Dash Caracas' conferences, model which we assure will give place to the birth of real Dash Nation, we know that there's a lot of interesting proposals but we believe that what has been planted in Venezuela cannot be left to die, with all the work done in 2018, don't let this opportunity go and vote for the proposals best designed to add more to your inversions.
Sincerely, Richard Jerez, lider of the community of Dash in Los Teques, capital of state Miranda, Venezuela.
I also have this proposal in dashboost
1 point,6 years ago
I have difficulty keeping track how what happening in Venezuela, previously you called it "Dash conference - Venezuela nr**"
It now reads like this is something completely new. Also the reports on Reddit are not easily readable. It seems like you're very hard at work, but a failure to properly report on it makes it difficult for value you're projects, which in turn makes they highly undervalued.

Don't get me wrong I voted yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Thanks for your vote, this proposal is focused on holding several small conferences around Venezuela, for the 19 Dash communities
0 points,6 years ago
Yes I figured that much, but the way you report on it not just here, I read up on Reddit, discord and twitter as well, is sub par. I think there is lots of improvement possible. Communication is not my area of expertise but I can clearly see their is much to be gained. You'd probably could find some people in the Dash discord to help along the way.

Personally I would start with gathering everything you do and than contact some on how has experience in communication/PR. I quit certain it will give a pretty chunky increase, various area's.

*Please not I previously voted no, on previous posts, only to change them to yes because I found some more info on you're activity's, and that only because I am actively spending time on crypto and Dash in particular at least 3 hours each day.

Given the choose I will always vote for the proposals that have the best and most clear communication when it comes to PR, marketing or education. Right now you don't have competition in this area, but if you do, I am sorry to say you'll lose out.

Take from this what you will, but I sincerely hope you take my professional opinion to heart.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support! We will work on getting the reports better!
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Force News has just published an article, along with some videos, on the impact these teams are having on DASH uptake in Venezuela:
1 point,6 years ago
thanks for your support, Deeplue
0 points,6 years ago
This project is so important that I have difficulty understanding all the no votes. I guess that is the wisdom of the group in action. A country running on dash has got to be huge pathway to global adoption.
0 points,6 years ago
It's unclear what the proposal is about. Sure Venezuela is important, but do you expect MNOs to vote yes on any proposal just because it contains the word Venezuela?
0 points,6 years ago
The proposal is about this:

Including Dash Caracas, we are 19 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 2850 new wallets in activities such as meetups and workshops, where we are also going to detect new entrepreneurs and merchants to teach them how to accept Dash as payment or donation.

Total Budget:
USD 38,350.00
for opening 2,850 new wallets,
that is 13.45 USD per person.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for reading! How is it unclear to you? So we can clarify...
0 points,6 years ago
Unfortunately, those who vote no,
They do not let us help us understand our proposal
You just have to ask questions and we will gladly answer
1 point,6 years ago
Sorry to see that you won’t fit in for funding this month, with core absorbing all the remaining budget.

Im sure you will pass next month.

Is there an address for donations?
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support Triptolemoose. Let's try, we still have hope, to go through the treasury.

However, gladly accept, donations in case it does not happen
2 points,6 years ago
I support the idea of making Venezuela a dash nation, but from the proposal it is not clear to me why exactly the money is needed. The table "Number of active communities" does not add up with the total USD price. I am voting NO for now and will change to YES as soon as the above question is answered.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, and thank you for reading our proposal.

I am sorry, I do not understand what does not add up for you.

Would you please explain your question better so I can answer?

Thank you very much!
2 points,6 years ago
Hi. My name is Jahlexis and I am the Coordinator of the National Program of Communities of Dash Venezuela.

In Venezuela at this moment there are 19 active communities allied to Dash Venezuela, who are working to build this Nation Dash. Each Community will hold 2 meetups and 2 workshops, which gives for 19 communities 38 meetups and 38 workshops for a total of 76 events to attend an estimated minimum of 900 people.

We already had a previous experience with a pilot plan which we carried out between May and June and you can see the results in this thread of the forum:
0 points,6 years ago
40,000 USD for 900 people. That's $44 per person. What do we get for spending $44 per person?
0 points,6 years ago
The proposal is about this:

Including Dash Caracas, we are 19 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 2850 new wallets in activities such as meetups and workshops, where we are also going to detect new entrepreneurs and merchants to teach them how to accept Dash as payment or donation.

Total Budget:
USD 38,350.00
for opening 2,850 new wallets,
that is 13.45 USD per person.
0 points,6 years ago
Big yes from me.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support
0 points,6 years ago
We are determined to get this proposal far far into the green territory this budget cycle. Bring the yes votes people. This is important.

The United States can't do it.

The United Nations can't do it.

The World Bank can't do it.

The European Union certainly can't do it.

The Venezuelan government can't do it.

But DashNation is right now, this very minute, giving it a heroic try. Merchant adoption is zooming up. We have a scaling plan that could support the economy of a whole country. We have a meaningful chance at actually making the entire economy of Venezuela run better. Let that sink in for a minute. Less talking, more doing, DashNation.

1 point,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support, you inspire us to keep us going!
0 points,6 years ago
I support this proposal and "Dash Latam Mass Adoption" more than my own proposal! Voting YES! (For the record, I vote YES on my proposal too.. [smile])
1 point,6 years ago
You are a great human being, as well as a man with vision. Thank you, Edward!
1 point,6 years ago
Supporting a project more than your own. I love this response!
2 points,6 years ago
This is vital, let's get this passing.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support
1 point,6 years ago
In dash Los teques, we are very happy with the support and union of all the internal communities of Dash in Venezuela, together we are more!
0 points,6 years ago
You are rigth my friend!
6 points,6 years ago
Yes yes yes! This is THE most important proposal besides core this cycle. We let Venezuela down last month, let's make sure this one passes.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support, is very appreciated!
0 points,6 years ago
Hi everybody... I am Jahlexis Lugo, Coordinator of this great program from Dash Venezuela. It is really important that we can see the full picture here, because we work very hard for results like this:

-Active Communities in Venezuela: 18
-New Communities in Venezuela (This month): 4
-We attended +800 people in several meetups and talks about Dash with different themes.
-Install +700 New wallets
-More than 1400 transactions
-We attended +100 new entrepeneurs.

Venezuela has a huge potential and this is a little example of what we can do.
With the support of Dash Venezuela and the MNOs. We want to keep working and make Venezuela the First Dash Nation.
0 points,6 years ago
I strongly support Eugenia and her team. I vote YES!
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for your support
4 points,6 years ago
This is where we draw the line. Venezuela MUST go forward with a viable Dash economy. Merchant adoption is zooming up (over 400). The seminars Eugenia puts on are well attended. Let's get on with fixing Venezuela.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your unstopping support. United we will make it happen!!!
1 point,6 years ago
This is what it looks like when the people unite with a common goal and vision to solve a problem. If the budget is used up this month we need to continue to support these teams with our donations.

I hope the Venezuela teams and the conference attendees realizes that behind DASH are caring human beings. That is one quality that stands us apart from other digital currencies. DASH is not just a faceless digital asset like other coins. DASH has caring heart, and that heart is our community.

We are the only Cryptocurrency in the World to have a free technical support centre because we care about our users experience. We know people need support from others when they are starting. This is why we support community projects like the Venezuela conferences and other projects that are working to a solution to the currency crisis in Venezuela. DASH community cares.

I wonder how many other crypto currencies care about community projects like we do? And if they do where is the evidence?

DASH is a technology backed by caring human beings. I have come to realise this is one of DASH's greatest qualities.

We will continue to support you until there is a stable currency in Venezuela I can say this because I know the people behind DASH care.

We support you. Yes!
1 point,6 years ago
Your words always inspire us and help us to keep going, no matter what. Thank you!
1 point,6 years ago
Lest's make this happen.
0 points,6 years ago
Great, thanks!!!
1 point,6 years ago
Fellow MNOs, please, let's protect old Venezuela's projects from cuts.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you! We need to take advantage of our momentum!!!
0 points,6 years ago
I believe that this proposal replaces the one last month that was voted YES, but not funded. I believe that we are supposed to go to the other and vote it down. AlgodonFranelas, can you confirm that here? Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, that is right!
0 points,6 years ago
Edward, that is correct. I am familiar with that process.