Proposal “Ru-speaking-Community“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash launchpad: Russian-speaking community's engagement, awareness and expansion
Monthly amount: 20 DASH (436 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 60 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-09-10 / 2023-12-09 (added on 2023-09-10)
Votes: 593 Yes / 54 No / 17 Abstain

Proposal description

Getting Started

The launch of the platform is just around the corner, and although it is still early to promote the platform, it is worthwhile to start preparing for it.

The Russian-speaking market is important and large, with approximately 260 million Russian speakers, and people from the CIS countries are heavily involved in the world of cryptocurrency. And the Russian-speaking Dash community is already quite large and is in second or third place after the main English-speaking community.

But there is a big problem - the flow of information that reaches the Russian-speaking community is quite small - of course, everything can be found in Eng groups, Discord or documentation....

Most get stuck at the language barrier.

Despite the fact that auto-translators can do a lot these days, experience has shown that it is very important to have at least basic information about Dash and the latest news and data from every corner of the Dash ecosystem in Russian in an optimized and easy-to-understand form. 

We in the chat always try to give answers to questions that arise, but sometimes you need to give a comprehensive and accurate answer with all the details, and giving a link even to the Russian section of the Dash documentation, we can lose a person, because: it's complicated, huge and scary). And unfortunately not always fully translated into Russian.

Although the work inside the chat is important, but probably not everyone asks the questions they want, for some reason, or just do not reach our chat, because it simply does not exist on the, and many who were looking for it, I think, after a few attempts quit trying and went to other projects.

What I want to do

The first and most important thing that I believe it is necessary and can be done relatively without large investments, is the constant presence of Dash in the main social networks, messengers, thereby maximizing the ease of obtaining quality information about Dash.

I plan to focus on Telegram, because in the CIS and the world, in my opinion, it has become the number 1 messenger. 

In addition, there will be the development of the community in

The second thing I'm going to do, and already do, is write articles about Dash. In my opinion, articles should be clearly written and contain a lot of important and useful information. In articles you can reveal the features of Dash, its advantages over other cryptocurrencies, share news about Dash, make various tutorials so that every ordinary participant of the Internet could use the opportunities of Dash and know where and why it will give him an advantage.

There's publishing in native services, such as for Telegram and similar for VK, so that users can get content without leaving their favorite application.

And, and, if necessary, other sites like

The third is the publication of various videos about Dash. Here, as with articles, there is a huge field of possibilities, and the field is unplowed. 

First of all, YouTube, both long and short videos.
Then TikTok + Likee.
In addition, interaction with

Who am I?

I'm Voncan (Vonny), closely familiar with Dash since 2019, as well as cryptocurrency in general. I have experience in communication and cooperation with people from most of DFO. Currently I am preparing for implementation a lot of good ideas to improve the presence and use of Dash in Russian-speaking countries, and at the moment I have a considerable amount of time to work for the benefit of Dash. Since about the end of 2020 I have been a moderator of the Telegram chat of the Russian-speaking community: @dash_ru. Since the beginning of 2023 I've been running my own channel about Dash (@Dash_archiv), translating published articles and creating understandable articles based on DCG's Sprint Reports and Incubator Weekly, creating various news and educational media content, which is sent to the main chats. I myself use Dash in my life wherever possible and am very excited about this opportunity.

My Telegram account is @V_O_NCAN, if you have any questions about the proposal you can write to me in English or in chat @Dash_ru.
Or at Dash Forum
Proposal on Russian -

In general, Dash has optional privacy and the ability to transfer to anyone, anywhere, as much as you want and when it is convenient, this is just what can help many CIS residents.

Statistics and all links to resources have been put in a separate article on

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,1 year ago
Congrats, make sure you reach out to DCG to get chat links listed on website.
2 points,1 year ago
2 points,1 year ago
New proposal owner, so i may as well give this my support and see how it works out.
You have my support.

Sorry for disrupting your proposal with my other comments.
1 point,1 year ago
Thanks for the support.
4 points,1 year ago
This looks like a good proposal, I also create Dash based content and would love to reach a wider audience. I wonder if the Russian speaking community speak any english? It'd probably be good if I could get my tutorials translated into russian for this community. I'd appreciate collaborating with you on this if you have the time. Thanks and good luck!

Small amount requested, you have my support! good luck.
2 points,1 year ago
Thank you for your support.
I think it won't be a problem to translate your tutorial, but l'll need to think about it some more.
1 point,1 year ago
If anything, I'll get in touch with you.
2 points,1 year ago
Good luck, please try to keep track of adoption metrics. The more this provably results in getting more people to use Dash, the better.
2 points,1 year ago
Yes, I will try to create a metrics system to track correctly and provide in the future, most likely on the forum or here. Thanks for your support
-1 point,1 year ago
He is not providing metrics, but his votes are: 284 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain
You, the_desert_lynx, did not provided metrics, and you were burried to the ground.

Double standards. Deux poids et deux mesures.

The governors of the dash community have neirther law, nor logic.
1 point,1 year ago
Easy to get 284 yes votes when you have two major Russian masternode whales behind you.
2 points,1 year ago
Isnt it a vote of confidence that russian masternode owners think this is a valuable way to reach russian potential Dash users? I see this as a good sign more than a bad one. I'm sure there are english speaking whales backing my proposal also ;)
2 points,1 year ago
Two? Who's the second? First is MasterBlaster(RU) with 82 votes, next largest is 35 votes, no ID, then comes 24 votes from DIFSHelpMall and no whales beyond that for a total of 41 estimated entities voted for this proposal so far.
1 point,1 year ago
According demo there is another (much bigger) masternode whale with connections to Russia : weejohnny (229 masternodes).
1 point,1 year ago
He just believes that weejohnny is not active anymore, i disagree with him there.
1 point,1 year ago
I believe weejohnny may have delegated his votes to someone else.
3 points,1 year ago
However, a masternode in the status of PoSe ban cannot vote. This entity would have to first revive those nodes, regardless, we are able to account for all votes cast to date and his are not among them.
2 points,1 year ago
Good point. I did not realize all of weejohnny's masternodes are PoSe banned. I checked a few of weejohnny's collateral addresses and they indeed are PoSe banned.
0 points,1 year ago
You are voting against mnowatch, but you are still using our work in order to cast a more wise vote.

Are you insane?

I will ask xkcd to ban the IPs of your masternodes, when you are trying to access our mnowatch site. I know that you can use another IP to access mnowatch, but I will ask xkcd to do it just for symbolic reasons because of your insane NO vote for the mnowatch proposal.
0 points,1 year ago
So unhinged and paranoid.
0 points,1 year ago
I voted against you demo, not against mnowatch itself.
1 point,1 year ago didnt voted against me.

I am not a slave, I am not paid for doing my job, so you cannot touch me at all!

You voted against mnowatch to be defunded, that what you did!
0 points,1 year ago
My no vote on mnowatch was actually a certain number (number 13) that tied that no vote directly to you, demo.
0 points,1 year ago
And because of me coding mnowatch, do you want to be defunded and thus shut down?
-2 points,1 year ago
Nearly all the dash projects that were supported by the governors of Dash (the infamus masternodes) fell apart.

Dash Central, not supported by the governors of Dash, is *still* the center of the universe because, well, the alternatives failed.

Dash Direct, gone.

Trust Protectors, gone.

Dash Invests (DIF), website down, "Error establishing a database connection"

Thorchain, prolonged then dropped and handed over to Maya Protocol.

5x lower proposals fees.. and still outsiders don't come. Even the spammers stay away!

Bitrefill, dash right at the bottom of their list of coins. There is no real alternative to bitrefill with the range of vouchers and countries.. if they ever drop dash, then what?

Failed regulatory dialogue, including Japan.

Country specific dash embassies, gone.

Coin Mixing still takes hours.

A marketing hub that refuses to publish analytics.

No presence on the decred DEX.

Next to zero press coverage / regular trading analysis.

6 months academic ZKP research for dash dao voting, never materialized.

This kind of failure is systemic.
0 points,1 year ago

We do not forgive. We do not forget! Infamous Masernodes, expect us!

Itsdemo, on behalf of the rest Dash community (Dash holders and Miners)
1 point,1 year ago
How are you capturing the results of your efforts?

Will you provide social media metrics on how many real individuals are the receivers of your campaign?
-1 point,1 year ago
Note that my question refers to REAL individuals, as they can be proved by a proof of personhood scheme.

Please do not provide fake metrics, or metrics that can easily be faked.
1 point,1 year ago
I understand your point of view, and will provide the strongest metrics I can.
0 points,1 year ago
Thanks for understanding my point of view.
I am waiting for the metrics.
4 points,1 year ago
I will be voting YES on this proposal, let's give it a chance and Dash already has massive interest from Russian community from Devs to MNOs, so we should grow this.
2 points,1 year ago
Thanks for your support
3 points,1 year ago
Vonkan already has been translating lots documentation and news from Dash for several years. I will be for it if he finally gets some payment for this work.
2 points,1 year ago
I second that. Green light!
2 points,1 year ago