Proposal “Reduce_proposal_fees_to_dot1_DASH“ (Closed)Back

Title:Reduce proposal fees from 5 DASH to 0.1 DASH
One-time payment: 5 DASH (136 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-04-20 / 2017-05-19 (added on 2017-04-03)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 257 Yes / 904 No / 52 Abstain

Proposal description

Dear Dash Nation !

Sudden spike of Dash-to-U.S.Dollar prices, put many new proposals out of reach for small projects.
With regard to the recent maximum USD price of Dash at $120, We think the proposal fee should be reduced to 0.1 Dash.
Without this change, We feel that opportunities will be missed. 
This is because a high proposal cost will discourage submitting of anything but "guaranteed" proposals.

The 5 Dash fee was introduced primarily to prevent spam. 
This was successful when this fee was only about $15. 
We see no reason why a smaller fee of about $5 will not successfully discourage spam.

There was a question about pricing Dash proposals in USD;

Sadly this is technically impossible, because the Dash network (our block-chain)
knows nothing about the price of U.S. Dollar, nor about the price of gold.

Therefore 0.1 DASH (Dash = $50) will mean that a single proposal will cost only $5 at this price, and even in a case of sudden spike to a $1000 for Dash, our proposals will still be priced reasonably at $100-a-pop.

Mini Q&A:

Q: > What is the purpose of the proposal fee?

To avoid spam.

Q: > How do you measure if the fee is too high?

Our budget is not filled with proposals. We have fewer proposals than available budget.

Q: > Is there currently evidence that it is too high?

Many small-academic projects are already priced out of the market.

And we have zero spam. Good idea is to decrease fees.
We want competition for budget money -- that is more proposals for ideas and start-ups than available budget. This will give maximum growth for the Dash network.

What if a Dash spikes to a $1000 and new proposal will cost $5000 ? Only big and rich corporations will be able to propose new stuff or new policies or new start-ups on our network.

-"Technologov", inspired by "Acedian", 03.Apr.2017

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Who let the "stupids" out
1 point,7 years ago
I vote NO for 0.1 DASH BUT I will vote YES for 1 DASH !
1 point,7 years ago
What if we allow petitioners to set their own price?

For example: Let's say the minimum price is 1 DASH or some other nominal amount; with most proposals being submitted at this amount. And then let's say some petitioners want to pay more because they want their proposals to be considered more seriously or by more voters.

We would then enable the voters to sort proposals based on price.
0 points,7 years ago
This proposal is interesting.

There are at least three (3) potential issues. Expressed as questions they are...

1) How high should the cost of making a proposal be?
2) Should the fiat cost of making a proposal rise with the price of DASH, without limits?
3) If we want to control the fiat cost of making a proposal, how do we do that?

Potential answers...
1) At current fiat prices, changing the proposal fee to 1 DASH may make sense.
2) Perhaps not. If and when the fiat price of DASH skyrockets, so will the cost of making a simple proposal.
3) We could control the fiat cost of a proposal by voting to halve the fee every time the fiat price of DASH doubles.
-2 points,7 years ago
ssap .. stupids ! :D
0 points,7 years ago
Why can't we just have a usd peg? Yes yes; dollar bad, dash doubleplusgood ext but let's get real while we may be the future of money it's not going to happen this week and a pegged price saves the hassle of endlessly revisiting this. . Or am I just a "stupids"?!
4 points,7 years ago
Because that's not that easy to implement and get right.
0 points,7 years ago
And this is?
2 points,7 years ago
I believe there are plenty of useless entries, like this one ;-). The required 5 Dash is in my opinion a guarantee to higher quality of proposals.
0 points,7 years ago
Your comment called this proposal useless and yet claims the 5 Dash prevents useless proposals...
0 points,7 years ago
Can you imagine how much more it would be if the fee becomes 0,1 instead of 5
2 points,7 years ago
Why does this so-called proposal require funding? I voted against - I like that budget proposals now have to be worth risking $US350 (give or take), it weeds out the rubbish.
-1 point,7 years ago
And what about the governance questions? Shall they also cost 350 USD? This price is not an incentive for someone to ask governance questions to the masternodes. The masternodes will not be able to take accurate governance decisions, and their decisions will be incomplete and fuzzy.

The lack of clear governance decisions on behalf of the masternodes gives to any scammer the space to move and to do his sneaky actions.
8 points,7 years ago
Voting No for 0.1 Dash, the gap is to large, but I will vote yes for a 1 dash proposal
0 points,7 years ago
10 points,8 years ago
Please make it 1 dash proposal and reimburse yourself with 10 dash for losing this one...
I will definitely vote yes for 1 Dash
2 points,7 years ago
^ This
2 points,7 years ago
-7 points,7 years ago
Dont do it Technologov!
Those stupids dont deserve for you to spend another 5 Dash.

Let all those stupids who voted NO, to submit a proposal themselves and spend their own Dash.
3 points,7 years ago
stupids is not a word
-3 points,7 years ago
Really? Then what is this?
1 point,7 years ago
An inadequate argument, that's what that is
5 points,7 years ago
Not ok w/ 0.1 at this time.
Long term it might be better to have a few different tiers. If your proposal is only asking for a small amount Dash, the fee could be minimal (maybe even 0.1), and the Masternodes could delegate the approval to say, the Finance guys. If you're asking for a lot, the fee would be higher and require full vote.
2 points,7 years ago
I agree. Tiers is the best solution. Or a percentage with a min and a max.
-7 points,7 years ago
For the historians of the future:

1. The stupids who vote YES for the lamassu project.
2. The stupids who voted NO here:

The stupidity repeats itself, and if you investigate the above files you will discover that it is the same core of stupids who voted then, and now.

The lamassu case cost 7000 dash to the community.
This case will cost a lot more, but the stupids dont understand that.
9 points,8 years ago
Opportunities will not be missed. If someone has a proposal idea that's valued by the community there are loads of places for them to float it - Slack,, wherever. Lowering the fee is a very bad idea.
4 points,8 years ago
P.S. If anything, the fee should be increased because that will encourage more pre-proposal canvasing so that only proposals with reasonable support already ever see budget candidacy.
-9 points,7 years ago
You make me laugh. The Masternodes are hardly able to micormanage, and totally unable to decide for big projects.

Look whats happened to the Lamassu project,
in order to understand the quality of the majority of the masternodes of the 2014-2016 generation.

This stupid generation still holds the majority over here. So the only hope is to increase the number of the masternodes, in order to diminish the concentration of stupidity.
3 points,8 years ago
This is a very good point. We already have numerous *free* places for people to share and exchange all their ideas...if those forums don't generate enough encouragement to justify the fee risk, then the screen was effective. Good ideas there will get support.
-5 points,7 years ago
The only place where we can authenticate the masternodes is in the governance system. You are trying to cut in pieces the electorate of the masternodes, in order to justify sneaky actions.
-2 points,7 years ago
The only place where we can authenticate the masternodes is in the budget system. You are trying to cut in pieces the electorate of the masternodes, in order to justify sneaky actions.
5 points,8 years ago
Voting no but would have voted yes for 1 dash. Even better would be to have a more elegant solution for signaling proposal fee amounts. I see the argument that fees should be kept reasonable for individuals to pay. Not all proposals have high profit motives (this one for example).
2 points,8 years ago
Voting no for 0.1 but I would vote yes for 1 Dash.
0 points,8 years ago
Dear Dash Nation!

Many have voted to lower the new proposal fee to 0.1, but many others remain skeptical.
And I understand. One hacker with 100 DASH can flood the network with a 1000 proposals easily.

But in my opinion the risk is justified. Even if worst case scenario will happen we will simply move Vote proposal discussion over here, or reddit, but we still can vote on the blockchain.

But we do have an evidence that such attack is unlikely: Wikipedia works by now, despite an endless chances of hackers and vandals to damage it. In reality damage was limited. And so it will be for DASH.

Hacker will lose $700 in Dash only to move discussions to another forum, but voting will be the same.

What do we lose by keeping fees high at 5 DASH?
We may lose a bunch of small start-ups and academic projects that utilize Dash for receiving grants to write scientific papers. And if DASH spikes to a $1000, and proposal at $5000 will drive people out from even proposing.

Academic projects such as this one will be left in the cold:

So I call to everyone to reduce fees to a very low value to allow a free trade of opinions and proposals, and our goal should be to receive multiple proposals for every DASH we have in budget.

I call everyone who voted against my proposal to reconsider and vote for me, and for the Free Market !!!

3 points,8 years ago
grow to bigger projects guys. smaller projects are better fit for local masternodes to do.... we wont have the ability to review hundreds of small projects
0 points,8 years ago
As a new person in the community I have no reason to put up a proposal at the current price as, while I am established in my own field, I'm not established as a known member of the cryptocurrency community. If a proposal cost let's say 1 Dash at the most, I'd put up my ideas. 5 Dash ... Too steep for a starter as I, as a new person, have no idea as to how accessible this community it is to myself. Maybe up the price for subsequent proposals once the first one has some power behind it. My 2 cents.
0 points,7 years ago
If you create a pre-proposal and people think it is worth it, I'm sure some of them would donate to help you pay the 5 Dash fee.
4 points,8 years ago
Voting no. Would have voted yes for 1 dash option.
0 points,7 years ago
why not vote yes, and hope for the best, even if this proposal say .1, nobody is a developer here.
3 points,8 years ago
I definitely think the fee is too high. I don't know what the right fee should be but I'll vote yes just to agree something needs to be done here. Actually, I don't like a set fee like this because it can quickly become too expensive again but there are issues with other models. However I was thinking maybe a % of requested amount with a minimum and maximum fee?
-5 points,8 years ago
How many times shall I tell this? THE PROPOSAL FEE MUST BE LOW, BECAUSE THE BUDGET SYSTEM SHOULD EVOLVE TO A GOVERNANCE SYSTEM. You need to ask small questions to the masternodes, small referendums. The masternodes are stupid and they are unable to judge complex peculiar projects and proposals, thats why the small simple questions fit better to them.

Those questions should be free of charge (or with a very small charge just to prevent spam). And some people will classify those questions in a tree like structure in order to facilitate the masternodes to browse this tree and not to be lost in a flat field. The masternodes will not be forced to answer all these questions, they can ignore as many as they want. But in any case, and any number of questions the masternodes decide to answer, a decision tree could be built, that will reveal the masternodes will (and how fool and stupid or smart and clever the masternodes community is). And remember, the masternodes cannot be found all together, in any thread or in any forum!!! The only place where we can trustworthy authenticate the masternodes, is in the governance system! So dont listen to those people who argue otherwise. They want to break the masternodes electorate in small parts, in order to justify their sneaky actions.

Based in this decision tree, peculiar and complex implementation proposals compatible to the decision tree could be proposed to the masternodes, and let the proposal fee of these complex projects to cost (proportionaly) as many Dash as the branches of the decision tree they are trying to implement (in order to be serious propositions and not scams).

Admit it. The masternodes are stupid and unable to judge complex proposals. If you continue your false road of increasing the proposal fee and ban the governance questions, you will finnaly outsource the judgement of the peculiar complex proposals (which are based in hidden decision trees that the stupid masternodes are unable to understand) to employee-slaves or to any other external evaluators. And this is an awfully centralized solution.
9 points,8 years ago
0.1 dash is too dramatic, should of been 1 dash like many others have said. Resubmit to 1 dash and see the difference you'd get.
9 points,8 years ago
We had a 78% consensus on the forum about making the proposal fee 1 Dash. I wish you had not lowered the fee to 0.1 Dash. We want the proposers to really think thoroughly before they make proposals so as to not waste masternodes' time. We do not want people to propose without having done a complete pre-proposal discussion with the masternodes and being fairly confident their proposal will pass beforehand. A significant fee discourages people from making proposals that the proposer himself thinks are unlikely to pass. We also need to discourage spam from people that dislike Dash and might be willing to spend $100 to spam us 20 times. If you must have a lower fee, the lowest I would go is 0.5 Dash
4 points,8 years ago
this...I would vote yes for reducing the fee to 1 Dash, but have to vote no for 0.1
1 point,8 years ago
I agree
1 point,8 years ago
ill vote yes for 1, .1 no
-6 points,8 years ago
A hard fork will occur in case you vote against the decreasing of the proposal fee. In that case the new generation of Dashers will understand how stupid, greedy and lazy the Dash generation of 2014-2016 is, and that they refuse to change. So the new Dashers will leave to another more fair coin. This is the hard fork you should be afraid of.

It is the hard fork of the community you should be afraid of, and not the hard fork of the code. Because money is nothing without a community to believe to it. And the biggest the community is, the stongest the money is.

If you refuse to diminish the proposal fee you will never become big, because this bad decision reveals your real character. You are fat rich lazy guys and you are afraid of the work that is required in order to evaluate proposals. You are stupid guys and you are afraid of taking governance decisions thats why you set the question price so high. You are suspicious guys, you suspect that people will spam you, but spam has not occured yet. Who wants to join a community that is lead by lazy, suspicious and stupid guys that delegate their leading role to others or to employees-slaves? If you refuse to diminish the proposal fee you will bleed. You will lose both people (especially the new generations) and faith.

And remember, your value does not increase because your dollar price increases. Your value increases whenever you manage to compete the dollar guys, and not whenever you serve them. The dollar guys control the births and the deaths here in Dash. They increase Dash's price with their dollars, and suddently new ignorants arrive here. They decrease Dash's price with their dollars, and people leave. So dont be proud of it. You are still dollar's filthy slaves and you will always remain like that unless you increase the total number of the masternodes. Increasing the number of the masternode operators will have also another positive effect, it will decrease the laziness, the stupidness and the suspiciousness of the leaders of Dash (the decrease will happen because the concentration of these three vices is dense in the masternodes operators who happen to have nowadays the leadership responsibility of Dash)

You are going backward. Progress is the decentralization. Your whole proposition, and your whole way of thinking is towards a centralized bullshit. The Dash generation of 2014-2016 to be the centre of the world. How much stupid someone may be, to believe in such a nonsense?

Cryptotards... You inherited the stupidity genes of bitcoin directly into to your brain cells, and no mutation has happened yet.
0 points,8 years ago
What in gods name are you even talking about?
1 point,7 years ago
Never feed the trolls!
-3 points,7 years ago
Never mess with stupids.
Stupidity is the biggest force of the Universe.

Lets wait now, for those stupids to vote the next Lamassu.
-3 points,7 years ago
What I am talking about?
Maybe the truth, that hurts....
4 points,8 years ago
Definitely not. I think 1 DASH would be a reasonable proposal fee, but not 0.1; just because we haven't had a flood attack yet doesn't mean one couldn't happen. I think that after our recent DDOS attack on the masternode network we need to be careful of other potential attack vectors.
-3 points,8 years ago
DDOS attack is essentially free, but a thousand of proposals will cost the attacker $5000, even with DASH @ $50 price. I don't propose zero-fees, but rather reduced fees.
3 points,8 years ago
I think it would be prudent to wait until the price stabilizes before making decisions like this.
0 points,8 years ago
Not sure how this would be done, but how about lowering to 0.1 dash but then allowing people (or sponsors) to add dash to boost their proposals higher up in the monthly ordering list in the case of an incoming spam attacks. That way we wouldn't have to wait for price to stabilize but maybe the spam filtering can be done on dashcentral etc on-the-fly by setting a minimum cut-off amount of say $10-$15 equiv of dash based on current exchange rate, and any proposals under this minimum would no longer display on the site for voting.
0 points,8 years ago
Actually flag that, didn't think it through enough. The display algorithm would have to also adjust based on vote counts etc, not only fee.
1 point,8 years ago
Nooooo! No way, the proposal network is to entice big deals rather then the small deals. We don't want a bunch of small little deals to take up the budget. At that rate we will get over 100 proposals and who's going to want to go through all of them when most are just stupid because there's no risk and huge reward
0 points,8 years ago
I can see a value in reducing the riff raff but at the same time, this prices a lot of smaller projects that bring a lot of return out.
2 points,8 years ago
I think a reduction is a good idea however I think $5.00 / 0.1 Dash is too low.
2 points,8 years ago
If we continue to get less total proposals than our budget allotment, I view that as a failure on our part; it leaves the only choice as "bad proposal/burn the money" instead of "project a or project b and c". To all those saying that we would get inundated with too many requests: We have literally no way to know until we try it at our current size. If the amount does become unmanageable, it will be easy to increase it again. Right now, we simply have one of the most expensive spam filters possible, people are burning $9100 per month just to submit less proposals than we have budget. Has anyone noticed that we just stop getting proposals all together when we get close to our budget allotment for the month, make no mistake, that is a systematic failure that stifles new ideas in the network.
4 points,8 years ago
I would have preferred 1 Dash at this time, as discussed on the forums. I have voted yes, however, because I would prefer a little spam to missed opportunities.
1 point,8 years ago
The figure of 0.1 Dash will scale nicely and not need revisiting any time soon.
Most people seem to believe that Dash will not dip below $50.
Therefore I withdraw my earlier comment, I think 0.1 Dash will be fine.
0 points,8 years ago
Hi guys, so i think it a great idea to reduce the fee of a proposal like i read if the dash will up at 1000 and the proposal will cost 5000, that is drama i think, and the proposal will be only for rich people, but i think that Dash is a community for poor country like mine. So i will promote Dash here in my country and if in the future someone here have a great idea and want to submit it and dont have to pay, so is project that can help a lot of others people to get into dash will not be done because of the high fee, so i think for spam must have a fee but so high like that i agree with this proposal to reduce it.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi there are more ways than one to receive funding, small requirements should all be in time be done by a team, that has the time to review smaller proposals
1 point,8 years ago
Voting yes, the good thing about Dash is we can make changes rapidly so its worth testing anyway if it does become spammy or masternodes are unable to keep up with the number of proposals we can always increase again.
1 point,8 years ago
Have a look at Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
0 points,8 years ago
I can appreciate the value of lowering the costs for Scientific Research, but .1 Dash is currently too low at the present time. If we can adjust this to keep the cost of proposals down around 50-100 USD, I believe that is our ideal price point.
1 point,8 years ago
look, if we don't reduce the fee, and Dash spike to $120,one proposal will cost $600,which will drive small projects and academic projects away from receiving grants. I believe we should be inclusive with our community.
0 points,8 years ago
And when/if Dash spikes to a $1000 ? 5 DASH means $5000 -- meaning that most of our community will be priced out of proposals at all.
0 points,8 years ago
Moreover, if we see an overflow of spam, hundreds of spam proposals, we always can adjust fees to 0.4 or 0.5 later.

Just let's try it, and see what sticks.
0 points,8 years ago
Yes. We should definetly keep community open. 0.1 fee is sufficient barrier agains spam.
0 points,8 years ago
Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
1 point,8 years ago
I am more in favor of a cost of .1 Dash than I am of 5 Dash to submit a proposal. We need more ideas, more proposals. I would even be happy reading a spam proposal or two in order to evaluate more proposals.
A better solution would be to create a fee that is based on dollars or or euros or gold or silver and that is adjusted once per quarter.
Even so, I may vote yes on this just to see some movement in the right direction.
Thanks whoever had the guts and extra Dash to fund this vote.
0 points,8 years ago
Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
0 points,8 years ago
src/governance-object.h:static const CAmount GOVERNANCE_PROPOSAL_FEE_TX = (5.0*COIN);

need SF.
1 point,8 years ago
If we need a soft-fork anyway, we could even have a minimum amount (like 0.5 DASH) + a percentage of the requested money (0.5-1.5%).
2 points,8 years ago
At our currrent rate of growth, the number of proposals being submitted is already on a trajectory that is kind of unsustainable in terms of having the masternodes evaluate all of them properly. Can't imagine how much faster we would reach that point with a smaller fee. We need to move toward a tiered approach where we fund managers, and people with small projects can solicit the manager covering their type of project, to get vetted for funding instead of approaching the masternode network directly. DashForce is a perfect example of this. This not only takes the load off of masternode operators, but it solves the "pay-and-pray" problem because managers can actually make legally binding contracts if necessary, which cannot happen between the masternode network and a budget proposer. Managers can require work to be done prior to payout and other things to make sure the projects that receive funding are successful. So, I think I will be voting no on this, but will be continuing to follow the discussion with an open mind.
1 point,8 years ago
Seriously, what do you have to lose?... this proposal cost $300+, next year this same proposal might cost $5000. If you're right and the number of proposals does become unsustainable, then it will only cost you 0.1 Dash to submit a proposal that reverses this one!... Try it and see. Thus far, there is no evidence to suggest that proposals would become unsustainable with low fees. In fact, it's quite the contrary...
0 points,8 years ago
While i think that 0.1 is too small, 5 is way too much.
I'd agree a 1 dash plain. BTW, if i have to choose, 0.1 is "less wrong" than 5.
1 point,8 years ago
Was that a typo? Did you mean 1 Dash?
0 points,8 years ago
I'll vote yes, but I agree with the other commenters that 0.1 is too low. Let's see if this blows up in our faces, we can always raise the fee again.
0 points,8 years ago
I've switched to no. Let's just do this properly the first time.
0 points,8 years ago
Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
0 points,8 years ago
Mini Q&A:

Q: > What is the purpose of the proposal fee?

To avoid spam.

Q: > How do you measure if the fee is too high?

Our budget is not filled with proposals. We have fewer proposals than available budget.

Q: > Is there currently evidence that it is too high?

Many small-academic projects are already priced out of the market.

And we have zero spam. Good idea is to decrease fees.
We want competition for budget money -- that is more proposals for ideas and start-ups than available budget. This will give maximum growth for the Dash network.

What if a Dash spikes to a $1000 and new proposal will cost $5000 ? Only big and rich corporations will be able to propose new stuff or new policies or new start-ups on our network.
0 points,7 years ago
No disrespect, but your example is the reason why 0,1 is to low, I am sorry but that just a project of to low a quality, a proposol such as his would be more in line with asking dash-nation to sponsor him, which still asking allot.
2 points,8 years ago
Who else would we need at a size of 1000 dollars a Dash each then the people who are experts in their fields rather then the large group of amateurs we would be be targeting to
0 points,8 years ago
Like many, i agree that the price has to be lower, but i am surprised the figure has been proposed at .1 the pre-proposal discussions were talking about between 1 and 3. I could go as low as .5 but i think if you are proposing less you werent listening to what people were saying.
1 point,8 years ago
I think try and error is what the network should do. That is actually what the network and the masternodes are built for. " This should allow a completely decentralized funding environment to form that is fault tolerant by it’s nature, where the network itself is looking out for its best interests through the knowledge of the crowd of the masternodes."

What if get flooded ? Well, we'll take the limit right back up next month ! (by the way, it's clearly a hot topic and I believed that 1 dash proposal would have been more likely to pass but I definitely support it). The only person who never fails is the one that never tries
0 points,8 years ago
when people hear "free money" your going to get alot more proposals. there is always demand for something that is free. the question is how much do we value the time looking over proposals. Im for 1 Dash, not .1
2 points,8 years ago
Maybe 1 or 2 Dash but not lower at these prices.

Certainly not 0.1 Dash. Too many spam proposals would happen. Agree with @hu-man's post.
0 points,8 years ago
Too many spam proposals? They use to cost around $12, and I don't see much of any real spam propasals... do you?
1 point,8 years ago
no body knew about dash before.... free money has a way of attracting lots of diff personalities. As we grow the scam attempts will 1000x. as MNO we wont have time to look at every opportunity if its cheap to submit proposals. i would rather keep the fee higher so that ideas are more throughly thought out and can be vetted better and honestly if an idea is good, it wont be hard to find a MNO to help with the fee to make the network better if they are confident it has great value to the network...
0 points,8 years ago
The overall community and general interest was a LOT lower back during this time. Dash is now a prime target for attack each day that it grows in value.
0 points,8 years ago
If that was correct then we would have had so many when DASH was a 2dls.
0 points,8 years ago
I would have preferred a slightly higher number (0.5) but I'll go with this. IMO we need to foster inclusion and that means small proposals. Lots of things can be done to help prevent MN voting fatigue (if it really exists).
0 points,8 years ago
5 Dash is clearly too high. I boldly predict that lowering to 0.1 Dash will not result in a tripling or even doubling of proposals. Hey, let's try it. Worse case scenario, we raise it the next month. We are not getting enough proposals.
0 points,8 years ago
I wouldn't even attempt trying it yet, have a read of Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
1 point,8 years ago
im voting no for this. i think the projects we need to integrate and get going should be well thought out and reasoned. it should not be easy to give away money. possibly 2.5 Dash fees or so, but not .1 we will get inundated with horribly thought out ideas and outright scam artists that can afford to spend 1kusd to spam the network with 20 high cost projects in the hopes of slipping a scam offer into our midst. The Fee can possibly be a percentage of the amount ur asking for; refunded if u get approved.
0 points,8 years ago
also, i dont see why we cant also have MNOs become more a helper with the fee. if the submitter can convince a MNO to "vouch" for an offer, then the MNO can help with fee funding if they think its a good value.
-1 point,8 years ago
One of the reasons for small fees: Ability for scientists and academics to use Dash Budget system, so we can sponsor their research papers.

I want Academics and scientists to use our system too... There is one scientist, working on Dash, and would like to receive a small grant here:

I think it is very beneficial for us, if scientists and academics could publish scientific-papers about Dash.
With $120 DASH x5 = $600 proposals. It will price academic and scientists out of DASH.
0 points,8 years ago
Well if this is what you want then why don't u change ur proposal to say not lower the fees but instead exclude reputable scientific companies / scientists from the budget fee, causing a hard fork like Andy freer (who is the lead dev on Evolution) mentioned will split Dash in two, you will be doing more harm then good.

Like Andy mentioned in his post on the dash forum, there are valid reasons as to why it's set to 5 instead of 0.1.

Just remember Masternode owners Whoever votes for this will only be voting to create a hard fork, I certainly won't be doing that, hence I will be voting against this proposal.

Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here:
0 points,8 years ago
How about you take a poll on the forum and have people choose between 2 Dash, 1 Dash, 0.5 Dash, 0.25 Dash, and 0.1 Dash?
1 point,8 years ago
Contrary to popular belief, more proposals is a good thing. The fee was meant to only prevent spam and not hinder the submission of valid proposals. When the budget system began, the cost was around $12-$13 for 5 dash. If you look at the history of proposals, they have never gotten out of hand even at low cost, so the claims that we will be inundated with proposals is unfounded.

For those interested, the history of proposals can be found at:

Yes, this has my vote.
1 point,8 years ago
IMO, we would be inundated with proposals at only 0.1 Dash. The cost/risk for a proposer asking for just 10-20 Dash is good enough that it probably would lead to a lot of "let's see if this sticks" types of proposals -- never mind if they were asking for more. In the worst case MNOs may stop paying attention causing good proposals to seep through the cracks. After all, I would bet most MNOs still have full time jobs...

If we are to lower the fee, I think we should lower it more slowly -- maybe 1 Dash at a time checking the dynamics of the system as we go. Otherwise we may break something in our haste.

In short, reducing the fee probably is necessary, but a 50x reduction in one go is likely reckless.
0 points,8 years ago
I urge you to reconsider... What evidence do you have that we would be "inundated with proposals"? ...

"I would bet most MNOs still have full time jobs"... exactly!... That's why we need to keep these costs low, so that we will have more valid proposals, which will cause exponential growth in Dash... and we can get rid of those full time jobs ... ;)
1 point,8 years ago
A 0.1 Dash fee would permit too many small-amount proposals, not necessarily worth the scrutiny of 4000+ masternode operators. Small proposals are better handled as bounties or fund-disbursements, similar to DashForce or the core advertising budget, where MNOs vote for an initiative and a manager for those funds, and fund the manager each month based on their performance over time.
0 points,8 years ago
when have there ever been 4000 votes given?
0 points,8 years ago
I think a more reasonable amount would be $200 USD or its equivalent in Dash, so as Dash fluctuates, the price stays the same, and doesn't get too high nor too low.
-1 point,8 years ago
it has never been 200 usd in the history of dash until this current month. It was always around 50 dls. Why you keep acting like we always had a high fee. thats ridiculous.
-1 point,8 years ago
Esta propuesta esta muy bien para que las propuestas de Dash aumenten en la comunidad, pues ya que asi habra participes de una economía en desarrollo dentro de la misma comunidad


This proposal is very good so that the proposals of Dash increase in the community, because since this will be the participation of a developing economy within the same community
-2 points,8 years ago
Yes Yes Yes!! we should definetly do that, keep this community open to everyone across the world. Not just rich people from rich countries. Remember unbanked people is one of the DASH targets, and is hard to get any traction in 'unbanked areas' which are also economic struggling areas so having to ask for 500 usd (or something similar) is too much.
The DASH fee was never created to avoid bad proposals, it was created to prevent people from spamming the system. But this doesnt mean we need to set a fee so high that most people around the world can't participate.
Definitely a YES we should do this!!!
0 points,7 years ago
If you have an awesome proposal but don't have 5 Dash to submit it, you can submit a pre-proposal and get some feedback. If people like it they might be willing to donate some of the 5 Dash fee required.
0 points,8 years ago
What yes really, do u really want to create a fork of Dash and split it into two? Maybe u should read the comments by Andy freer's (Lead dev on Evolution) comments can be seen here: