Proposal “Pay-MNOs-Who-Vote“ (Closed)Back

Title:Pay MNOs who vote
One-time payment: 1 DASH (24 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-07-10 / 2024-08-07 (added on 2024-07-02)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 88 Yes / 200 No / 61 Abstain

Proposal description

Many Masternode Owners don't take part in Dash governance. It takes time and effort to read all the proposals, ask questions, debate merits, and monitor results over time. Those who do should be directly rewarded for it.

At the end of each voting cycle, give all unspent funds to MNOs who voted either yes or no on a proposal, in proportion to how many proposals they have voted on. Abstains would not be included.

For example, at the end of a voting cycle, if there are 10 proposals, each with 500 'yes' or 'no' votes, that's 5000 votes total. If there are 1000 unspent dash at the end of the cycle, that's 0.2 dash per 'yes or no' vote. If an MNO voted 'yes/no' on one proposal, they would receive 0.2 dash. If an MNO voted 'yes/no' on 10 proposals, they would get 2 dash.

Logical Effects:
1. If we pay them to vote on proposals, more MNOs will come to vote. When they come to vote, they will see the proposals, ask questions, and begin to engage more with the community. They will bring fresh perspectives, new ideas, and share dash news with the rest of the world.

2. As all unspent funds would go to the voters, they will begin to require better proposals, more transparency, accountability, and better results. Those proposal owners who cannot provide that will not be funded and those funds would instead go to the voters.

3. The small but important monthly 'bonus' will increase the ROI of having a masternode, making it a more attractive investment, so more people will invest in MNs, locking up more coins, increasing scarcity, and further raising the value of dash for all holders.

4. Over time, as proposals become more effective, the value of dash will rise, and that 2 dash will be worth much more, benefitting the MNOs and all holders.

6. There will likely be an increase in 'no' votes. However, we don't need to fear a wave of 'no' votes killing all proposals every month. MNOs are heavily invested in Dash. Currently a masternode costs ~$24,000. Ten MNs cost ~$240,000. One hundred MNs cost ~$2.400,000. These are not small investments. It is quite safe to assume the very vast majority of MNOs want their holdings to increase in value.  Very few would risk voting no on every proposal every month in hopes of gaining a few extra dash as they know it risks destroying the value of their investment. They understand we must fund developers, marketing and other things in order for the value of dash to rise.

Incentivizing them to play a more active role will increase participation and breathe new life into the treasury, benefiting the entire community and all holders. It will become exciting again!

Keep in mind that some, but not all, of those who benefit from the current system, those who are getting easy money every month, will attack this idea with FUD. They don't care about dash, they just want their easy money. We can make this project better, let's do this.

There is a lot of unwarranted fear here.

Your time and effort is valuable and you should be rewarded for it.

Positive incentives are more powerful and create a better culture than punishments.

Fellow Dashers, read the entire proposal and take some time to think it through. Nearly all responses are knee-jerk, fear-based responses to change.

Dash has fallen from the top 10 to nearly 200. Evo will not save it. There will likely be a short term pump but the slide into oblivion will continue as I have warned for years.

Whatever unfounded fears and unlikely bad effects you imagine could result from this proposal pales in comparison to the tragic reality of our place in crypto.

We need a bigger crowd participating in the treasury. Let's breathe new life into this project. Pay them and they will come and pay yourself for your time and effort.

PS: Demo, please stop spamming.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,3 months ago
>PS: Demo, please stop spamming.

You are the spammer, because you ask the masternodes a question without any serious preparation and without any hope that your proposal may be implemented if voted.

So it is a question just for the question, a meaningless question that should be ignored by the voters and tagged with the troll or the amateur tag.

So I am spamming a spammer. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
-1 point,3 months ago
Dash should let _everyone_ vote for every whole dash they have provided it is locked for a minimum period of one complete cycle. No rewards for voting, just the satisfaction that their voice is not muted simply because they are not an elite masternode owner.

Masternode owners should only be paid for keeping their nodes up 24/7, that's it, nothing else.

I realize most MNOs ego would never allow this but, if they were honest, they would have to admit that almost every single proposal outside of DCG has failed or no longer provides any value to dash. If anyone wants to argue against this then they should at least provide a list of dao funded projects that left any kind of legacy. That list is going to be *very* small!
2 points,3 months ago
Edited, added comments in response to many comments.
1 point,3 months ago
The thing that is needed here, but it requires guts and not only word from the part of the proposal owner, is for the proposal owner to code the solution, offer it to the community and give to the community the ability to implement it or not by tighting the specific solution to a spork. That way the solution could be tried for several months, and if turned succesfull could remain, if it fails could be removed easily via the spork mechanism.

Does anyone understands what I am talking about?
1 point,3 months ago
And this is a challenge for all the AI proponents and funs.

Could you ask an AI to code that thing in the the Dash code, and allow the payment of the masternodes when voting?

Can AI code such things? I really doubt, but you can try it.
1 point,3 months ago
You can see below THE OUTCOME OF THIS PROPOSAL, IN CASE THE 10% net votes election system WERE NOT THE STATUS QUO IN DASH.

Whoever wants the statusquo of the 10% net votes to be challenged, he/she may put a proposal for it. ( ). I have just 2 dash and I am saving them for the Encointer_UBI proposal, so challenging the 10% net votes election system cost half of my Dash fortune!!! Someone else should challenge it.
6 points,3 months ago
Hard no. All this will do is pervert the voting process. Votes will be sold. People will vote without reading the proposals. People could even create garbage proposals for the sole purpose of voting for money. This is a terrible idea.
5 points,3 months ago
I agree.
3 points,3 months ago
YES votes

NO votes

1 point,3 months ago
The PAY-MNOS-WHO-VOTE is not recorded by mnowatch, because the DCG amateurs changes the Datastring of the proposal.

For all proposals the Datastring looks like this:

"DataString": "{"end_epoch":1774469172,"name":"wrapped-dash","payment_address":"Xcxhh7nyxLS2s9Ck4NST4zGAdwfacSKL56","payment_amount":10,"start_epoch":1710082172,"type":1,"url":"\"}",

But for the PAY-MNOS-WHO-VOTE proposal it looks like this

"DataString": "{"name":"Pay-MNOs-Who-Vote","payment_address":"XvoyeepHzw3o6wHE73FcNn6xsUBZRSnb5w","payment_amount":1,"type":1,"url":"\","start_epoch":1720569600,"end_epoch": 1722988800}"

These DCG developers are unpredictable! I give up!
2 points,3 months ago
With the help of xkdc the bug was fixed.
But allow me to tell a
to DCG for changing the code without warning.
2 points,3 months ago
You can see the bug fix (the bug occured because %!$#@^#^#&# DCG changed the order of the fields in the DataString of the proposals) here:
0 points,3 months ago
The main problem is, that you take your hypotheses for certitudes:
1) You think, that the low voting participation is a problem, that needs to be solved. IMHO you’re wrong: The DAO just works as intended, bad decisions as seen in the past are less and less frequent. And higher participation won’t necessarily result in better quality. (Sometimes people elect liars and criminals as president.)
2) You think, that the current incentive for voting (better Dash network in the long term) is not sufficient. IMHO you’re wrong: The current incentive is a very high reward in the long term, and requires not only participation in voting, but also well-considered voting.
3) You think, that more MNOs would come to vote. IMHO not necessarily, this is just your guess (see point 2).
4) You think, that the new voters, who will come for the additional reward, will automatically take the time and effort for making well-considered decisions. IMHO you’re wrong: If they don’t take the time now, they won’t do it neither with the additional reward.
5) You think, that the voters would begin to require better proposals. IMHO you’re wrong: They do this already.
6) You think, that the ROI is the important criterion for investing in an MN. IMHO you’re wrong: The important criterion is a rising value of Dash, that would certainly outperform the ROI. And the value will rise, when good decisions are made. Furthermore the unspent funds are burned, so it contributes already to a higher value of Dash (less inflation).

IMHO the DCG has better things to do, than implementing this "voting-reward".
0 points,3 months ago
The implementation of the solution could be done by an external coder, and the DCG could just approve that it has not bugs.
0 points,3 months ago
And what about "voting-punishment".

Shall we punish the masternodes who dont vote at all?
0 points,3 months ago
For example, shall the masternodes who abstain for a long time from voting be counted in the calculation of the 10% threshold?
3 points,3 months ago
This also corrupts the incentives to vote one way over the other.
3 points,3 months ago
I believe in quality over quantity. Why do we want people who have no interest in the outcome of a vote, to vote? I find this idea to be mind blowingly ignorant.
1 point,3 months ago
Your approach is wrong because you propose something new without challenging the existing status quo.

You should not form a governance question demanding for something new to happen, because your brand new phantasy may be proved very difficult, very costly or even impossible to be coded. Also suppose your proposal barely passes the required 10% net votes and it is approved. Does this makes it stronger than the status quo? The proponents of the status quo may claim that the status quo is supported by a silent majority of much more than 10%, and you cannot prove them wrong. So If you want a change to occur, initially you should form a governance question ASKING THE MASTERNODES TO CONFIRM THE STATUS QUO.

That way you expose the Dash status quo, which has NEVER been voted. The Dash status quo has been decided by agents having in their mind that their red lines should never been passed.
1 point,3 months ago
Steps for a decent governance proposal that may lead to a change.

1) You put a governance question asking the voters to confirm the status quo.

2) If the status quo is not confirmed, obviously a change is needed, so you search someone to fund and/or to code the change.

3) After coding the change, you put into vote your governance proposal along with the required code.

When I say "put a governance question asking the voters to confirm the status quo" I obviously mean that this question should last long (at least 24 months, if not permanent). So that the supporters of the status quo do not have the excuse that they did not have time to vote. They should not be able to claim that the status quo issue did not reach the required minimum participation due to a limited voting period.
1 point,3 months ago
The current status quo is that the masternodes are not paid when vote, neither are banned when they do not vote for a long time.

So you should fisrt post a proposal describing the voting status quo in details, in hope that the status quo will not pass the 10% net votes proposal method.

And then follow the 2nd and 3rd step.
2 points,3 months ago
And beyond the generalities, let me also comment on the subject.

We should NOT REWARD the masternodes who VOTE.
We should PUNISH the masternodes who do NOT VOTE.

IMHO the SOLUTION to the problem is this:
In case a masternode does not vote for a long time (we could vote the numbers in order to define that time), his/her set of votes (at the long standing proposals) should not count into the final voting outcome until he/she returns, neither his masternode node should count when calculating the 10% net votes election method.

Similar to the POSE_BANNED masternode state, a new masternode state should be introduced, the VOTE_BANNED.
1 point,3 months ago
Yes from me. Competition over the Dash Treasury left-over funds / unallocated funds is healthy in my eyes, while at the same time this could actually increase voting participation among masternodes, which is currently at a very very low level.

Sure some will say this will just cause masternodes to vote without putting much thought or effort into it, but i feel the benefits (increase voting participation, increase healthy competition) outweigh that risk.
0 points,3 months ago
Did you read ?
1 point,3 months ago
If i had to pick one or the other, I would prefer the (likely less popular) slashing of rewards for MNs who don't vote.
0 points,3 months ago
Once Platform activates, the Masternodes APY will drop from 8.46% to an estimated 7% (i think i read someone saying to even 6%), due to the new Masternodes / Evonodes payment scheme. Then there is also the yearly -7.1% reduction on the blockrewards, scheduled to take place even before Platform activate (so a double hit for Masternodes APY specifically, as Evonodes will enjoy a much higher APY due to by then also getting rewarded from the Platform side).

Granting any leftover funding / unallocated funding to those masternodes that participated in the voting will strenghten the Masternodes APY on L1 a little bit. Perhaps not by much, but any increase can help here.
2 points,3 months ago
As i understand it Crowdnode forms the exception on the above, as they distribute the rewards of both masternodes and evonodes equally among all participants (thereby achieving an overall higher APY). So above comment is more related to those MNO's that have a masternode setup for themselves.
2 points,3 months ago
Of course any strenghtening of the Masternodes APY on L1 will also flow to Evonodes, as they still receive about 25% of their rewards from L1 (the rest comes from Platform).