Proposal “OdooDASHCryptoModule“ (Closed)Back

Title:Odoo – DASH crypto module
Monthly amount: 362 DASH (9099 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (5 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-11-04 / 2017-04-19 (added on 2016-09-10)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 366 Yes / 159 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Detailed Proposal at: DashOdooModule.pdf
Business have a hard time implementing crypto into their systems. Is not just a matter of wallets and cloud services, but integration with their current systems that can provide a quick an easy way to adopt cryptos. Handling multiple request of different currency and having an always updated price list could make the effort of purchasing and recalculating a time consuming task, and add complexity to the operation. The goal of the project is not just to make DASH technology available but to really provide a solution for high traffic transaction being viable to be performed using Odoo and DASH's InstantSend technology.
The project aims to achieve one of DASH goals on it’s whitepaper:
A main issue with the acceptance of Bitcoin in point-of-sale(POS) situations is the time required to wait for the network to confirm the transaction made is valid, alternatively payment companies have created methods to allow vendors to take zero-confirmation transactions, but these solutions utilize a trusted counterparty to mediate the transaction outside of the protocol.
The project aim to be a stepping stone into this direction adding InstantSend technology on the transactions.
Project Stages:
  • Research and Design
  • Development
  • Testing
Gonzalo Borras is a community members of crypto related associations with Avalbit.
Estimated time of development for a first alpha version at 2 month with a usable version by 4th month. 5th month will be for testing and improvements.

Key Deliverables
Using DASH on Odoo will make it easy for business to consider DASH an alternative, extending the commercial use of the altcoin and make it possible for anyone to offer the alternative. It can also open the test case for more business to exploit benefits of DASH unique quick transactions for high traffic purchases.

  • Provide DASH listing on the accounting multi-currency support
  • Provide POS functionality to Odoo including QR generation for incoming payments
  • Provide reporting functionality from sales made with DASH
  • Show local currency exchange at the moment
  • Provide a DASH module on the Odoo store
  Milestones and Schedule
Estimating rigid deadlines on a development is risky since changes on the API are coming with evolution, but assuming that all the things are set in. We estimate a 5 month period. Issues have been raised upon this extended period due to the DASH volatility could de-fund or over-fund the project.

Proposal such as creating child projects, or forcing a quit of the proposal and re-propose are probable solutions to keep the project moving forward uninterrupted. The feature list could also be compromised due to limitations of both platforms. There would be additional resources planned for the development of the InstantSend feature into the user experience.
Given all this, we can estimate a workable version by month 2, and two further versions after that before reaching a 1.0 production version.

Planning will start from the construction of this proposal which include, looking for reference code that support the development, looking for specialized talent to fill the team and also the inclusion of experts that will enforce the success of the project.

Delivery will be shown on the OCA server which is the open source repository for Odoo, listed on their module store.

Requested funding is as follows
An Averange of 265 efective hours will be needed.
Development subcontractors = 352.4 DASH per month
Infrantructure cost  $436.88 USD = 38 DASH.
Reimbursement for 2 proposal  = 10.00 Dash


We have to mount the infrastructure: Aquisition of two server for 5 months, we would need a server on aws for 4GB of RAM
Odoo server = t2.medium (0.052*24)*31 * 5 month =193.44$
DASH server  = t2.micro    (0.013*24)*31 * 5 month =  50 $
CI/CD Env for testing = t2.medium (0.052*24)*31 * 5 month =193.44 $
Configuration, aquisition and execution.
20 Hours
Install server of Odoo:Postgresql installation server + configurationInstall of nginx + configurationOdoo installation v8 y V9+ plus repo.
10 Hours

Implement security copies of the database as a backup for disaster recovery and migration plans.
10 Hours
Both servers will be mirrors as a service independent of odoo for each versionNecessary Repos:

On this reposity we would need the following modules:currency_rate_date_checkTo this module we would need to fork them and make improvement to make it work with the Dash currency exchange be able to write the price from DASH on a specific time.We would need to connect it via API to make the exchange request for dash with our base currency in Odoo. The module will then generate a log to see the functionality and be able to verify DASH has correctly verify the tranasaction.Insert these changes will take around 40 hours because it needs to do with the exchange.For a more stable version it would need to calculate such changes making  the measure of 3 exchanges ast least, this will prevent issues. With the legilation of each country, we aren't focused only on the exchange but with the most realistic price in the market.We'll link with together two exchanges to verify the price and create a function on the module that will get the average exchange rate.
60 Hours
This module actually is will not be available for version 9 so it will need to be migrated at a later date.
20 Hours
Module creation:dash_payment
This module will be developed primarily for Odoo v8  for then be compatible with more implementations, once stable it will be ported to v9 of Odoo.This module will create the registry of DASH as a currency on the system (name and symbol).
The module will create a new method of payment,this method will need to work on testnet as well as production on a technical level this module will inherit the model from "payment.acquirer"We'll have to add a series of fields to be able to insert the rpc connectivity parameters to the server (local or remote) from dashd on a form.The fields are:
(create view)
-Server address.
-Refresh time (gives the option when being use to define each time that needs to refresh the value of the DASH amount and the QR)
5 Hours
A countdown in seconds will show on the screen.
This module will be loaded to call the refresh options for the price of dash and calculate the value based on the order in dash and log it.The payment method will show on the screen.
5 Hours

To select this method of payment from the request total it will calculate as it request the past module that calculate the new rate.
15 Hours
It will generate the QR using the libraries of JS it will show the price on the same screen from the order.This transaction will need to become instantsend for each functionality be efficient on the retail store.
30 hours

and QA
-static test pylint(flake8,jslint, etc)
-functional testing(unitest)
-integration test
coverage mesure(+95%)
50 hours

More information
Please download the PDF for additional information some technical decisions regarding priorities and reference work related to the platform.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,8 years ago
There is already DASH Odoo integration see
0 points,8 years ago
Actually there isn't just a promise of one.
1 point,8 years ago
Double verified:
yes it will have instant send, no it wont be a third party service, it will hold a local dashd wallet, it will be open source...
0 points,8 years ago
Somebody pointed out that this does not include Instant Send. Was that point overlooked? Do you intend to integrate Instant Send? I would hope so, as that is what makes Dash so usable for POS merchants :) Please clarify, thanks!
0 points,8 years ago
I just scrolled below and found this answer:

gmlp (proposal owner) 0 points,1 month ago
Blockpay is likely not going to do InstantSend. Our project will be 100% open source.

Which implies that they intend to make this work with Instant Send, so... OK.
0 points,8 years ago
voted yes some time ago, giving it the benefit of doubt.
0 points,8 years ago
Here are some examples of Odoo POS.
0 points,8 years ago
Just commenting here to say that I'm not voting on this one way or the other, as I'm not technical enough to understand its merit or lack thereof.
0 points,8 years ago
Ah ! I just realised this is OpenERP.

Why did no-one point this out ? I had never heard of Odoo - I've always known it as OpenERP. Just saw this:

Now I definitely think this needs to be funded. OpenERP and Dash are potentially very complimentary bedfellows given that its coverage is so vast and that it reaches into all kinds of market nooks and crannies. What I like about this proposal is that it aims to support BOTH a merchant gateway AND the ERP admin infrastructure needed to support it. You usually get one without the other. This proposal is potentially of collosal importance IMO.

Whats the idea behind the 219 no votes ffs ? What is there remotely not to like about this ?
0 points,8 years ago
check my comments below from which one has never been answered ...
0 points,8 years ago
I'm not part of the team, but it seems these guys have a tough time with English and I think they feel intimidated??? BUT I'll answer what I can based on the original proposal from JZA

My questions are:
- does the DASH integration mean that DASH can be used in Odoo equal to other currencies like USD?
--Yes, from first proposal, Dash would be accessed just like Visa or another fiat currency or any payment choice available in Odoo
- how will the locally hold DASH be secured in Ovoo? Is there any concept for multisig wallet integration? I don't think that this really applies. I would think the Dash wallet could just as easily be multisig as not, and you could even have your coins sent to a auto trade service that turns it into fiat for you. It would be no different, it's just the wallet you have your customers pay to???
- is there any module to change DASH into local currency or BTC (eg. by Shapeshift or any other just in time currency exchange etc)? See above - you would simply use the service you want.
- can DASH in Odoo used for special use cases like vending machine BTC ATM integration - I mean if someone decides to supply a certain number of vending machines with direct connection to his Ovoo system? no reason why it couldn't. Not sure such a complex system would be needed for a vending machine though.
- who will support the DASH integration afterwards? I think that once it is complete, we will request to have it integrated with the main odoo directory, no? And being open source, anyone can maintain it. We can continue to pay this team to update the work, or we can hire another team, or even assign the work to the core team if need be (and if they were willing).

This is how the Dash DAO is supposed to work, and how open source projects work.
0 points,8 years ago
these are very general answers - especially the answer to the use case does not hit the point:
- does the DASH integration mean that DASH can be used in Odoo equal to other currencies like USD?
--Yes, from first proposal, Dash would be accessed just like Visa or another fiat currency or any payment choice available in Odoo
>>> is it general purpose for the whole Odoo ERP solution or is it just a quick and dirty use case to support their own project?

secondly the quality of the proposal is very bad. Its not detailed, the milestones are unclear and everything remains on a general idea level rather to mention a detailed timeline with milestones and deliverables.

To make it clear - I would vote 'yes' for a general purpose Odoo implementation which can be reused by all Odoo projects. But this proposal requests more than $20,000 in advance for a badly written proposal where even the scope remains unclear. So I vote 'No' for now.

If the proposal matches the minimum requirements for a project plan in quality and extent - or otherwise the payments will be broken down to monthly payments which can be stopped after deliverables do not come then I will change my opinion.
0 points,8 years ago
Not meaning at all to be rude, but in case you missed it, did you look at the pdf linked above? Also, did you miss the expansion "show full description" and the links included in the pdf? As far as anticipated hours for each task, these are always guesstimates, mostly to show how they're coming up with their amounts requested. In construction, they have general - yearly updated costs for rounded out things, like "roof per sq ft in Southern California or Central Texas, etc... which contractors use, but the best contractors get a feel for what they can do and adjust those prices per experience. It's all, basically a best guess. You never know what you're going to come up against.

Frankly, I think this is a well written proposal, however I am not familiar with project bids in the IT field. I only know we need stuff like this, and I'm glad this team came around to do do it.
0 points,8 years ago
by "stuff like this", I mean merchant integration.
0 points,8 years ago
Well, my only concern was if these guys were for real, and my best guess is that they are. So I'm voting yes. I hope more of you reconsider this project. It can really open the door to merchant adoption. It's definitely worth the cost, and if they give us progress reports and we can follow their work on github, the risk is minimal. They don't have to re-write Odoo, they only need to work a small subset of the Odoo project - a small corner - the payment options. This is doable. And Dash would be the first native integration. Switching to a service like Blockpay makes things more complex at the cash register, and store managers know how hard it is to train their people just to check out customers. You add more steps, and it takes exponentially longer to train the checkout workers, plus it adds to the error ratio. Make it easy to adopt and use, and you have a REAL leg up for adoption!
0 points,8 years ago
Can you clarify: Once the DASH module has been implemented and is on the Odoo store, what does a Odoo customer has to do if they want to accept DASH in their shop?

Does the customer have to pay for using the DASH module?
Does the customer have to set up a dash node?
0 points,8 years ago
No, Odoo is free. Most merchants have to hire an ERP expert to set up their system though, as it's complex and normally not a skill set for a merchant.
0 points,8 years ago
I still think this could be a great idea, but kot said last month that this ERP system really was for managing inventory and not as a payment system. Though I do believe it is in fact an integrated payment and inventory type of system. So, though I still need time to read everything, can you be more clear on what this will provide? I mean, what exactly can a retailer or customer do with this in plain English (spanish or whatever, LOL) What parts of Odoo need to be changed?

Because basically, I *think* the reason people like ThatGuy below my post don't feel it is because it's unclear what the deliverables are. If I may, it might look like this:

What is Odoo?:
"a suite of enterprise management applications. Targeting companies of all sizes, the application suite includes billing, accounting, manufacturing, purchasing, warehouse management, and project management."

So you can see, it's a suite of applications that allow just about any kind of business to keep track of every aspect of their business.

The important sections for Dash, I would think, are:
billing, accounting, purchasing, and warehouse management (inventory)

Basically, in a retail environment, billing = sales.

So what we would expect to see is the ability for a retailer to convert the price of his/her items from Fiat to Dash on the fly and accept either. "Cash? Check? Credit Card? Dash? What will you pay with today?"

When someone buys lemon gum drops and pays with Dash, the system will update the store owner's inventory -1 bag of lemon gum drops. Just like it would do if you paid with cash or credit card, etc... It would also automatically update his accounting books. How much Dash he saves or immediately converts to Fiat is up to him, but I would think eventually we could integrate shapeshift => Coinbase or some such thing.

So in total, Dash integration requires only a small subset of Odoo with possibly a few options (keeping your own wallet, using an Evolution wallet or a shapeshift type wallet that converts your coin immediately to fiat)

This is what Odoo integration, I would presume, entails. If I'm wrong, please correct me. But I think an explaination such as above would be useful for more people to understand.

That plus the fact that there are a lot of merchants, etc... that utilize Odoo, and most of them have a consultant that installed it for them. When this is done, we could reach out to Odoo ERP consultants, show them how to integrate Dash, and they'd end up being unwitting sales men for Dash!

Anyway, after verifying that this contractor is capable of delivering, I think I would vote yes on it.
0 points,8 years ago
hmmm sorry but am not feeling this
1 point,8 years ago
I noticed Odoo also will be working with Blockpay and I see they also accept dash
What is the difference between Blockpay and this?
0 points,8 years ago
Blockpaid is not an odoo integration as well, as you can see on the next video blockpay is like a redirection to blockpaid.Our proyect is full integration that will handle dash as a currency. We get the best of odoo and dash features.Our modules will be integrated on the sales and accounting side of the operations withing the ERP.No need to trust a third party.
0 points,8 years ago
Blockpay is likely not going to do InstantSend. Our project will be 100% open source.
2 points,8 years ago
Have you done any similar work before ? Have anything on Github?
0 points,8 years ago
Hi icebucket, on our PDF we do make reference to reference code written by one of the developers of the team that have done this with bitcoin, is a proof of concept type development but give us what we need regarding the Odoo API specifics.
2 points,8 years ago
Do you have a plan to detect InstantSend? This line makes me think you kind of understand, but I see a red flag when you say local level.
"The module will communicate to the DASH service through RPC on a local level."

Does the odoo machine have enough storage for the 2GB blockchain? Or CPU? Or 500MB of memory?

I think you are going to need an external server. And at that point, maybe you should focus on adding InstantSend support to Electrum wallets first.
0 points,8 years ago
As opposed to being connected to a Web wallet, the server and blockchain would reside withing the machine by default. Odoo is an ERP, and usually the postgresql database tend to be many GB big, so the server usually has a lot of storage and memory power.
1 point,8 years ago
I still don't think you grasp how this will work. Having a server with the blockchain at the customer location will put a huge amount of traffic on their internet connection = 1-2GB/day. The time to load up a pi running the blockchain is 2hrs. I am guessing the Odoos don't use I7 cpus. So CPU load at startup could be an issue. Dashd will also require ongoing maintenance/checking to make sure it doesn't crash. Using the equipment at a local level, makes this difficult. A web version can just forward to a working server while maintenance is done on the first.

If you still think this is the right way to go about this, I would like to see a prototype made to show how it will work. Or even just install Dashd on an Odoo and record startup time and ram requirements. Right now I see some holes that make me question a lot about this proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
Dashd is not going to be on a local POS equipment, but in the server that can be or not shared with Odoo. The load of the blockchain is really done only once, after that the updates per transaction is fast and the download of the blockchain on a 4€/month vps could be done without any issue.
The POS works as a client to the server, meaning that the client system can work with Odoo. There is a posbox which is an image that you could install on a raspberry pi but is limited functionality only to interact with the printer, scanner and the local equipment.The average specs of an on-site Odoo server is around i5-i7 8GB RAM-42RAM and around 2 TB - 16 GB. Usually has a bandwith connection of 100MBps.
0 points,8 years ago
Did you change your strategy from the comment 4 days ago where you said the server and blockchain would reside within the machine? Good thinking if you did.
0 points,8 years ago
I'm also thinking about how Evolution doesn't require you to have the whole blockchain, and I would think using an evolution wallet would be preferable. After all, you get the benefits of both a light wallet and a distributed blockchain (untrusted)
0 points,8 years ago
Since I did not know Odoo I made a research and found this:

2 Mio customers, 120 countries, 730 partner worldwide is not so little

Looking for the proposal owner he is connected to:
and to:

My questions are:
- does the DASH integration mean that DASH can be used in Odoo equal to other currencies like USD?
- how will the locally hold DASH be secured in Ovoo? Is there any concept for multisig wallet integration?
- is there any module to change DASH into local currency or BTC (eg. by Shapeshift or any other just in time currency exchange etc)?
- can DASH in Odoo used for special use cases like vending machine BTC ATM integration - I mean if someone decides to supply a certain number of vending machines with direct connection to his Ovoo system?
- who will support the DASH integration afterwards?

From the numbers Odoo could be a interestings platform - even if obviously the number of customers really using DASH will be low to zero for now. But the waypoint of having DASH available with InstantX in a system like this is simply a milestone that provides a bigger application field.
0 points,8 years ago
Hi I'm Gonzalo Borras, memeber of team that launched the porposal. i answer point per point
- does the DASH integration mean that DASH can be used in Odoo equal to other currencies like USD?

The goal of an ERP system is to know what is going on in the company. Odoo is by nature designed to support multi-currency, and like that DASH would be treated like any other FIAT currency. When you generate and invoice as another currency, ultimately will need to be accounted with the exchange rate at the time of the sale. Because of this fact, DASH would need to be supported in Odoo. We will be working on setting a currency exchange for USD/EUR, companies will be able to use Odoo not only on the POS but also generate invoices backed with DASh as a currency.

- how will the locally hold DASH be secured in Ovoo? Is there any concept for multisig wallet integration?

the Addon configuration will hold the connectivity information for dashd via RPC. Odoo in no point in time will hold the DASH, only store the transaction information from the purchase. This way we can isolate the dash daemon and the server from the transaction. The user could choose where to hold its dash, locally or remotely.

- is there any module to change DASH into local currency or BTC (eg. by Shapeshift or any other just in time currency exchange etc)?

- can DASH in Odoo used for special use cases like vending machine BTC ATM integration - I mean if someone decides to supply a certain number of vending machines with direct connection to his Ovoo system?

The proposal no conteplate this...The proposal conteplate Odoo POS and backend

- who will support the DASH integration afterwards?

we will do a pr to the OCA to integrate the module into any repo maintained by this organization. In this way the code will be released and cualqueira may contribute to its development and maintenance.
0 points,8 years ago
Those are great ideas and important improvements. But we are aiming for a one click solution, so will try to implement a secure default option for the user, but not much configuration afterward.
We are already considering having an alternative dashd location for remote servers. So increased functionality might come on a new version depending feedback by the user. Increasing the complexity of the module, might backfire into being too hard to use.
1 point,8 years ago
that sounds like you are aiming to implement a hardly reusable module for a single application (customer?). The proposal requests around $20,000 - maybe enough for an experienced Odoo consultant to create a general purpose integration.

The proposal lists many bubble words but is missing some important information. Eg. you have a section 'Milestones' which contains only two not very specific milestones:
1) workable version by month 2
2) 1.0 production version (I assume after 5 month since you do not mention a time point)

Frankly from the POV of a project manager the proposal looks more like a wish list where project plan would be the right thing ( <- this is a problem that many proposals here have but if someone makes a proposal who has a proven success rate or is a well known member of the core team things look naturally different)

then who is profiting from the integration?
0 points,8 years ago
There will be a lot more that can be done after Evolution's DAPI is completed. In a lot of ways, this is another foundation that's being set up for future expansion.
0 points,8 years ago
owner from previous (faulty) budget proposal was JZA
owner of this revised budget proposal is gmlp ? please explain .....
0 points,8 years ago
The original proposal was wrongly calculated, and made the mistake of budgeting as a whole instead of monthly. So we went back to the drawing board and recalculate the instantsend feature and provide a corrected number for it.
0 points,8 years ago
JZA is a core-dev team member, and a rule by the core team is to not participate on independent proposals. He might be advising the team, but for the moment he won't be part of the team.
0 points,8 years ago
I wasn't aware of this rule. His name is on your pdf though. It would be nice if he could pop in and tell us a bit about the rest of you. As I understand it, JZA wanted to fill out his time, as his core work isn't enough for full time work. But if they've insisted on certain rules, That's entirely their prerogative.
0 points,8 years ago
how much volume does odoo turn over monthly?
0 points,8 years ago
Odoo is an open source ERP system, widely used around the world, however, is not easy to track it since many users can just install it from their repository. Their SASS service however average around 2,000,000 users around the world.