Proposal “MedicinalGenomics_II“ (Completed)Back

Title:Make DASH a Household Name In Three Different $20 Billion Industries
Monthly amount: 30 DASH (672 USD)
Completed payments: 5 totaling in 150 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-05-18 / 2018-10-14 (added on 2018-05-09)
Final voting deadline: in na
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Make DASH a Household Name In Three Different $20 Billion Industries

We propose to run a scientific project promoting medical freedom that will shock 3 large and rapidly growing industries using the DASH blockchain. This project will leave DASH with a unique and charitable reputation in three fast growing and data intensive markets. This will test the DASH blockchain as a platform that could see a tripling of its transaction volume if others see the value in this approach.

•    Make history in the Cannabis industry
•    Make history in the Scientific Publishing market
•    Make history in the Genomics industry

$71K (160 DASH): 30 DASH/month. 5 Months

*This is an expansion of a very popular and successful proposal (1058:105 Yes:No)


Sequence a controversial Cannabis genome and publish it using a novel crypto-incentivized, crypto-recorded peer review process that will cut out the $25B Scientific publishing market.

Sequence the genome with the latest Next Generation Sequencing tools to encourage this 20% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) market to take notice of crypto-sponsored and crypto-published genomics.

 Publish the genome of a cannabis plant that is the center point of overly broad and controversial cannabis patents to assist in challenging these detrimental IP land grabs on medicinal plants. Publish this on the DASH Blockchain to set a new standard for a $25B/year peer review platform.

If the idea of crypto-incentivized, crypto-recorded peer review catches on, DASH could see a tripling of its transaction volume. The scientific publishing market is a $25B market. There are 2.5M scientific publications every year costing an average of $3k per submission in publication costs and the submission frequency is doubling every 9 years. This $7.5B review market is prime for cutting out the expensive middleman as it is cracking at the seams under ancient Gutenberg incentive models. The internet has made the cost of publication near zero and DASH has already solved the censorship resistance problem, consensus, trust and permanence problems as well. The journals are no longer needed and the market is sprung to remove their parasitic copyright enabled grasp on scientific data and truth dissemination.
Today, reviewers are usually anonymous and free. They have the accuracy of a twitter troll. Journals copyright the scientific work themselves and charge the researchers or the public to access it later, even if the work is publically funded. Half of the papers published can’t be reproduced and the most prestigious journals have the highest retraction rates. The incentives are broken. Why pay the journals for such poor results? This is not how science should function. Researchers should be able to pay reviewers directly. Cut the copyright out and create a market for good and bad review. These reviews and manuscripts can be published on the DASH blockchain. With the addition of a price signal to the cost of Peer Review, all of the historical misalignments change. Good reviewers will build reputation and demand higher prices. Reviewers simply “rubber stamping” their friends work will be discounted with transparent non-anonymous review. Public and immutable reputation systems change the game theoretics and align incentives for accuracy.

With this simple change, new tiers of review can evolve. Platinum, gold and bronze review will speciate to afford a market where people can pay to have the work partially or fully reproduced. DASH enables this market as a financial vehicle for the reputation and payment system. It enables the notarization engine for the peer review and DASH drive uniquely delivers a distributed drive system for critical scientific data.
There is a strong argument for scientific data to be on a blockchain. The current scientific databasing model often reflects a tragedy of the commons where we experience a 17% annual data decay despite large government subsidies to manage these databases.  Blockchains create a monetary alignment delivering 0% decay per year.  In addition to data decay, the databases lack pricing signals and thus are very cumbersome to use as they are not designed with customer pricing signals guiding the feature releases. The process to submit data to NCBI often requires a PhD-day and the uptime of these databases are frequently threatened by budget ceiling debates. The import friction seen in these socialized databases translates into key data from manuscripts being omitted from the submission process and rusting on unreliable servers in the form of “supplemental data”. Keynesian backed databases are not a reliable store for the scientific record.

If the $7.5B peer reviewed publications get converted to Crypto-bounties and paid in DASH to 2-3 reviewers per journal article, this alone could triple the transaction volume of DASH.

2.5M publications per year = ~7,000 publications/day * 2-3 reviewers/manuscript to be bountied in DASH. This delivers an estimated $5B-$7B in velocity of DASH. This does not include the notarizations for the review process or the pre-print server market.
The growth of the pre-print servers are now hosting 1200 new manuscripts per month and would likely require 100 notarizations per article to include the manuscript, figures, and all communications between the authors and editors. If DASH were to capture the whole market (unlikely with this proposal alone), it would entail hashing 12K-24K transactions per month.  It is important to underscore that this proposal is a proof of concept. Getting BioRXIV, F1000 and PLoS to adopt such an approach is more likely to happen if we demonstrate it can be done.

The remaining $17.5B in the scientific publishing market is advertisements and subscription fees. Once DASH has the eyeballs for the scientific content and trust delivery platform, both of these markets can be reached with DASH currency and DASH drive.

The DASH investment in alternative media to promote truth in our media is greatly augmented if we are concurrently seen as a beacon of scientific truth.

DASH already has large investments in the Cannabis industry with Alt36, and CannMed funding. Sequencing the genome of the most ominous patent issuance will make DASH a household name in the Cannabis Industry.

The genomics market is a quickly emerging personalized medicine market. It changes the medical paradigm of one-sized fits all drugs and herd medicine to one that is more individualistic. Political structures prevent cannabis genomics from being funded. This maket is very data and CPU intensive and various Genomic Blockchain companies are getting funded to use ETH (Nebula, Shivom, LunaDNA, Zenome, Encrypgen). This is the right time to get those companies thinking about the more appropriate architecture of DASH for this $20B market.

The pre-proposal project is already capturing headlines at Dash Force News, The Cannabis Connection, The Tatiana Show, and the Future Tech Podcast.
•    April 27th - http://kscocom/shows/43015-the-cannabis-connection

Future exposure is planned at The Broad Institute geXc conference, The society for in-vitro biology, and CannMed 2018


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
As this project comes to a close I think its fair to say we made a difference despite the challenges we had clearly communicating the impact.

I think the Peer review side of this proposal was the hardest to explain as its so foreign to many people. Anyone with an Austrian viewpoint would see the whole thing as the expected outcome with poorly aligned incentives. I'm very excited to learn that Dash Labs is now taking this problem on as one of their main goals.

We are off to CannMed. Thank you DASH!
0 points,6 years ago
PacBio released a V6 chemistry that is a real leap forward. 34Gb of this sequence has 5X improved the assembly. This is 28X more contiguous than any previous assembly placed public.

Contigs | withNs | withoutNs
#Seqs | 5,389
Min | 177
1st Qu.| 38,060
Median | 54,249
Mean | 68,560
3rd Qu.| 78,021
Max | 1,586,457
Total | 369,469,991
n50 | 79,041
n90 | 39,471
n95 | 32,292

Contigs | withNs | withoutNs
#Seqs | 574
Min | 31,932
1st Qu.| 300,322
Median | 903,374
Mean | 1,865,698
3rd Qu.| 2,203,352
Max | 32,540,838
Total | 1,070,911,180
n50 | 3,793,934
n90 | 916,761
n95 | 561,728
0 points,6 years ago
The paper is now live

We have initiated the crypto review
0 points,6 years ago
We delivered over 2.6 Billion Cannabis reads (390B bases) to Publicly traded growers this month. This resulted in 19 Dash Transactions.
0 points,6 years ago
Genome is now at 2.57MB N50 with the addition of 65M Phase Genomics reads. 100-200M more are on sequencers now.

Latest assembly can be downloaded from here-!RZAAQY6B!BlG2qvB7-xk-VIYaJOTQ-SSEAK0diJ64gTRMW85_5Ls
0 points,6 years ago
More News On The Dash genome project and CannMed 2018
1 point,6 years ago
I was on the Future Tech Podcast talking about DASHing cannabis genomes.
1 point,6 years ago
Latest Assembly has us at 852kb N50s. We will be updating the links shortly.

I just attended the Cannabis Science Conference in Portland and this is still the record genome out there. Sunrise genetics is a close second but their data isn’t public. Has been held private since January.

Had they been more open, the work Phylos presented trying to tease apart the Synthase genes with HMM models would have been unnecessary as you can clearly see this clustering now with the Jamaican Lion Assembly.

It was very refreshing to see Steep Hill soak up the data and tear into. Keith Allen presented an excellent poster on Cannabinoid diversity using this reference.

Keith was the former Head of Bioinformatics for Syngenta
1 point,6 years ago
Also, watch this space for more news with regards to the academic publishing aspect of this proposal.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch August 27th 2018 Report on
Make DASH a Household Name In Three Different $20 Billion Industries by KevinMcKernan
2 points,6 years ago
The Cannabis Genome is no longer a shit show thanks to DASH.

We now have a Polished Assembly.

N50 is the standard metric used to quality check genomic assemblies. It means half of the bases in the assembly are in chunks of X size or bigger. An N50 of 665Kb is 665,000 bases long.

A program call Quast is commonly used to measure the quality of an assembly and generates these statistics.
BUSCO is a tool used to look for a minimum gene set that is conserved through most plant species.
There are 1440 conserved orthologous genes in Arabidopsis and other plant species.

The current BUSCO results demonstrate this assembly has 92.9% of the orthologs from Arabidopsis. This is very good.

DASH blockchain records-
filename: jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_haplotigs_160818.fasta.gz,
digest: db9216e4e1e1b72b1540ab7d9ae76462ebaaed5710e32e39363bfc9587bc73c0,
transaction id: 73012ba6ef8b9af67a6b9e36974bd38c37c9c1d6e6ecab873e657b79f1da17fa

filename: jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_primary_160818.fasta.gz,
digest: 21440180f4e06755c701fdc3f863d9d3edf5fdbea721ca122bce84ee672061dd,
transaction id: 0653c54153493f2b8d6c1cee66c869454c3ff904aa18ed18f92f608ad7383a77

They are on the IPFS

Assemblies are now Public on the Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
ipfs add jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_primary_160818.fasta
added QmWKQeaKqxREq8yuMeJTh7ZeXc9Kmn2PQnc1MuwrscjJ6V jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_primary_160818.fasta
ipfs add jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_haplotigs_160818.fasta
added QmebrttnJtKUC5NUYJMpEcApukvx2zC2142CypQXy8D8zo jamaicanlion_falcon_unzip_arrow_haplotigs_160818.fasta

IPFS get Hash should download the respective files. You need software from to pull these down.

They are on!JMYlBapT!Ygq4bJruNAjB0GBUUvhVOdw8sT2ee2LgFQeJ9eDvVa0!BZI2AQKB!l6wiPCYaagkLiGrnG4x87Vzl1cYi6shrJfXPXfrsRW8

They are on AWS
1 point,6 years ago
I will be speaking about this project at the Grow-Up conference in Buffalo in September-
1 point,6 years ago
We were recently contacted by a Canadian Law Firm representing many LPs in Canada (Cannabis Canada Association) regarding using this project to Protest these patents in Canada. Here is the last communication from the patent holders regarding why they believe their plants are novel. You will see that the protests succeeded in reducing the scope of the claims in Canada and it has yet to supply the examiner with the Jamaican Lion data.

Protest from Cannabis Canada Association-*&start=301&num=50

Response from "inventors"*&start=301&num=50

Here is the complete file wrapper-*&start=301&num=50&type=

The patents did issue with reduced scope in Canada on August 14th, 2018 but the examiner has yet to see this projects data regarding the 2007 date of Jamaican Lion.
1 point,6 years ago
Was on Freedoms Phoenix discussing the project.

Many accolades to the DASH community for making this happen.
-1 point,6 years ago
isn't it possible to include hashes and other metadata with transactions now? Why would it be expensive to build easy applications to do this for genome files and why are treasury funds needed?
1 point,6 years ago
We have been hashing key data from the experiment. They are listed on this web log.

A very key one is the Hash for the first DNA assembly that is now live.

SHA256: 1f6dc3d2c1f69428e67b8f9b7712a94224467cd5744b481ffb5a41f8d12a3cbe
TransactionID: 9622725bc9093625c24bac7574b96196fb579dc49f9803b70dbae18f337f731c
2 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
Dash and Medicinal Genomics Beats DNA Sequencing Record of Human Genome Project
1 point,6 years ago
ipfs get QmXnNwAfubLic5zcxz6cwB9e8eRQWzg4LCvGQCptjaUesH
0 points,6 years ago
kevinmc$ ipfs add QmUQEKSctub9mo7dB5NKBYugPrAFauZ1KTZ7xeDXcoLzPB
0 points,6 years ago
The Unpolished Assembly is now live. We are collecting Email addresses for people looking to down load the assembly and will share them with the DASH network.
0 points,6 years ago
That file is over 1Gb so we have a 280Mb gzipped file also Hashed and stashed into the DASH blockchain. We will have the link to the fasta contig file up once we get some QC and verification performed.

Here is the blockchain information for the gz file:
filename: JamaicanLion_FALCON_primary_contigs_unpolished.fa.gz
SHA256: 1f6dc3d2c1f69428e67b8f9b7712a94224467cd5744b481ffb5a41f8d12a3cbe
TransactionID: 9622725bc9093625c24bac7574b96196fb579dc49f9803b70dbae18f337f731c
0 points,6 years ago
The draft assembly has been notarized into the DASH blockchain.

SHA256 digest: 51975e1ed51748aa5f13d4fe755d65e30c8cb06f6273b8439c1519fb01727280
Transaction ID: 83b1c54c7cbaf0f6446912060c1b0689388bbd1b4b11750d30256e4681ce3725
1 point,6 years ago
In 2001 I was invited to the Whitehouse to celebrate the completion of the human genome project. The state of the human genome reference sequence was 0.5Mb N50. This means half of the bases were in stretches of sequence 500,000 bases long.

The Cannabis Reference just assembled is more contiguous than the Human Genome was in 2001 (N50s over 600kb).

This is a huge step forward for the Cannabis genome.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch July 27th 2018 Report on
Make DASH a Household Name In Three Different $20 Billion Industries by KevinMcKernan
1 point,6 years ago
We are now downloading the first assembly from a 1000 CPU Assembly using the FALCON assembler.

It is in fact the most contiguous cannabis assembly to date by a long shot.

It is also revealing that the genome is over 1 billion bases as we suspected.

For the first time in human history we have a picture of THCA Synthase and CBDA Synthase on the same contiguous stretch of sequence. They are closer than others have predicted.

25 percent of the genome is already phased using FALCON unzip.

Each chromosome is in ~140 pieces but more polishing work is required to turn this into 1-10 pieces per chromosome.

This is remarkably fast progress and much is owed to the DASH network for making this bet.

It has made many people want to contribute to the project based on its unique funding model.

We are getting more done despite the currency decline because people see the cause and are thrilled Dash Crypto
has saved the day here.

Once we have assembly data downloaded and verified we will work on posting it. The data vendor wants to finish the polishing step before putting data public.
This may take a few weeks with summer vacations etc.
0 points,6 years ago
Despite the drop in value, you continue to relentlessly bang out the results. I am still convinced this is the best bang for the buck on the treasury at the moment. This is historic work you are doing here. I say that as a doctor....
0 points,6 years ago
CannMed/DASH Press Release-
0 points,6 years ago
Brief Discussion in Wired. They didn't print the DASH work we mentioned to them.
0 points,6 years ago
More coverage in various CryptoCircles-
0 points,6 years ago
Our safety testing work was highlighted on the front cover of the Biz section of the Boston Globe yesterday.
0 points,6 years ago
Advanced Nutrients has just signed on as a CannMed Sponsor.
These folks are paying attention to crypto and are buying DNA sequencers.

Going to be a great conference.
0 points,6 years ago
We now have 91Gb of data from the PacBio Sequel system. This is exceeding our proposed 50Gb target even with the substantial currency decay. The project was budgeted when DASH was at @$475 and we are operating with DASH @$250. This decay has us shifting strategy gears slightly by generating PacBio platform data exclusively and using the DNA assembly process to serially assess the next best steps. This serial process will take longer but it will conserve DASH. We do have some Illumina data for this strain that was used to QC the DNA before PacBio sequencing but its not at a high enough depth to perform much error correction (~5X).

What does 91Gb of sequence data mean?
Assuming a 1Gb genome, we have 91X coverage. This means each base in the genome should be read 91 times. This reduces error. At least 50X coverage is required for de novo assembly of genomes with this platform. Of the 91X coverage sequence data, 50% of the bases are in reads longer than 32,000bp (32Kb N50s). This "should" be sufficient to drastically improve the reference genome.

This is now moving into DNA assembly which requires over 512Gb of RAM on hundreds of processors. This is an All against All or N^2 problem with 4.8million reads or 23 Trillion read alignments. It can take weeks to complete on the High Performance computers. There is now a read length histogram on the bottom of the project page.
1 point,6 years ago
More coverage for the project and DASH-
1 point,6 years ago
First SMRTCell data is in. 7.26 billion bases on a single chip. 50% of the bases come from reads longer than 30,000 bases. This is approximately 10X coverage of the haploid genome. Another half dozen chips are running over the weekend with a larger size cut library (42,000 bases). This should substantially improve the current state of the genome reference. Real time updates are here-
1 point,6 years ago
DNA from Jamaican Lion has passed QC and is on its way to Zero Mode Waveguides. For those unfamiliar with this sequencing technology it is near magical to watch. Zero Mode Waveguides allow us to break the diffraction limit of light. It is hard to get resolution of molecules that are smaller than half the wavelength of light. <400nm of light is damaging to DNA and single bases of DNA are 3.4 angstroms (0.34nm) The solution to this detection problem came out of Watt Webs lab in Cornell which was to use ZMW guides to make 20nm excitation zones of 400-700nm of light. This creates 20 Zeptoliter volumes of illumination which helps to focus the light on a single polymerase enzyme molecule and watch and record only its enzymatic pocket as it incorporates florescent nucleotides in real time. This focused excitation zone facilitates looking at fluorescent bases that are under incorporation while in a background of uM-mM concentrations of nucleotides in solution. Unlike synchronous sequencing by synthesis techniques, this system makes movies of millions of polymerases actively replicating DNA in real time and thus generates 40,000 base pair reads. Previous systems could only hit 600-1000 bases of sequence and its been that way for ~30 years since Sanger invented DNA sequencing in 1977. It is a real break through and has changed the face of plant genomics.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch June 26th 2018 Report on
Make DASH a Household Name In Three Different $20 Billion Industries by KevinMcKernan

Dash Watch June 26th 2018 Report on
Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership by KevinMcKernan
2 points,6 years ago
We are pleased to announce 2 more sponsors to the CannMed 2018 event. Tikun Olam and Papa & Barkley's
Tikun Olam is the largest grow in Israel.

Papa and Barkley's is a speciality Cannabis brand in California and was just written up in Forbes. I had meeting with Adam Grossman in Marblehead last weekend.

There are 3 more sponsors that agreed to terms but we are awaiting checks in the mail. Ticket sales are beginning to climb.
1 point,6 years ago
DNA will be graduating to Single Molecule Sequencing on a Pacific Biosciences Sequel platform next week.

Here is a robotic DNA isolation performed on 12 samples from the same plant.!/v/lariat/n6eixexj
2 points,6 years ago
A second interview with Ernest Hancock in regards to the project-
4 points,6 years ago
Excellent interview with the Three Amigos, Kevin, and Alex Werner from Core.
1 point,6 years ago
Some folks asked for a clarified depiction of the economics in publishing.
Made a few quick slides to illustrate it.!RR40Fb7A!ltbWuRwyFcLUVtTgv_f4-pnsm14nHcuKWFDmijmBR-c
1 point,6 years ago
More CannMed and MGC coverage.
Great cast.
1 point,6 years ago
In other news, 2 Canadian LPs signed up each for over a dozen Whole Genome Shotguns etched into DASH.

These projects are run on Illumina sequencers. These sequencers only produce short reads but are the cheapest way to get a fingerprint of a plant today.

The first one went live yesterday and was etched into DASH.

Once we have a better referende Genome from this DASH project it will greatly enhance the interpretation of that data.
1 point,6 years ago
So glad to see this is back "in the green," looking forward to your upcoming interview!
2 points,6 years ago
We’ve kept moving in the Lab.
Yesterday we had robotics purifying DNA from Jamaican Lion stems. It’s hard to get DNA out of stems. Requires steel ball bearings and robotic vortexing but it’s the only legal way to move hemp samples in the states according to Hemp Industry Association vs. DEA.
2 points,6 years ago
More people signing up for CannMed. Get your tickets. Its filling up fast-
2 points,6 years ago
3 points,6 years ago
Just to clarify my background for the group. I have been addressed as Dr. for over 18 years as people assumed I had a PhD if I was the Team Leader for R&D on the Human Genome Project @ MIT. While I was accepted and enrolled in PhD program with Lee Hood in Univ W , Eric Lander offered to get me into MIT as a special student so I could remain at the Whitehead genome project when Craig Venter was in a very public race with the public project. I designed the magnetic bead chemistry with Trevor Hawkins known as SPRI and built a $5M robotic floor to sequence the human genome in 10 months. I stayed to complete the human genome and was invited to the Whitehouse for a celebration with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair when this was complete. I ultimately dropped out the PhD program after 3 classes to start Agencourt Bioscience Corporation in 2000. This company was acquired by Beckman Coulter in 2005. They didn't know how to value the SOLiD project we had as a skunks work project at Agencourt and spun this 19 person team out as a new company called Agencourt Personal Genomics (ApG). This was acquired by Applied Biosystems a year later in 2006 and I went with that acquisition and was Director of R&D and a Scientific Fellow at Applied Biosystems. This is how Jim Watson became a fan of our work and even visited ApG in Beverly MA. I was also involved in sequencing and publishing Gordan Moores genome on a semiconductor sequencer I helped to launch known as Ion Torrent.

My CV is buried at the bottom of the proposal for anyone who wants more detail on my history.!4V5FTKSA!i5wYrDI9TTXXjMMjyZ8ZirWCdjBw5susPg8TdAeepTQ
3 points,6 years ago
We have our first 35 Million 250 base pair reads off the Illumina sequencer. We have mapped them to an early Reference that Jim Knight built with us in 2011 out of LA Confidential and we have intact insert sizes. We plan to hash these into the DASH blockchain but will have to do it smaller chunks as is having a hard time with the 3.6Gb files.

We should have a report this week.

The Lab Log can be seen below.
1 point,6 years ago
Note that Dr. McKernan will be interviewed by Joel V. (and the other Amigos) on Friday, I believe at 3:00 pm EST. We are collecting illuminating questions. Pony up ladies and gentlemen. There are a lot of implications and moving parts packed into this proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
Harvard alone spends 3.5 million dollars a year dealing with their various obligations to the academic press. They are encouraging the faculty and research staff to switch to open source because the costs are unsustainable. It is obvious that something has to change. Somebody or something has to fill this vacuum. The pent up frustration is palpable. Dash could change that.

3 points,6 years ago
This is a reason to giddy up.
Once Trump legalizes, the window to capture the cannabis market with crypto shrinks. Once on Crypto, I doubt it will go back.

California is talking about doing this independent of Trump.
0 points,6 years ago
If that passes with any speed, crypto would all be completely dead in the west, no way people are going to use crypto if fiat can do it as well. crypto and weed is the only real large daily driver of transactions. I pray that will not happen any time soon.

I am quit certain most people will move back to fiat as soon as possible, once it's legally possible.
This cannabis markt is may very well turn into one giant sink hole for dash.
1 point,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
Just presented on this at The Society for In Vitro Biology in St. Louis. Surprisingly, the most interested party was from the USDA. They see the $25B publishing industry as an impediment to scientific progress and a parasite nearly as large as the Annual NIH budget ($28-30B). They were interested in how they could leverage DASH to accelerate publication and return the funds being spent to actual researchers performing quality assurances and real peer review.

I was also on Ernest Hancock show today discussing how this method of scientific publishing encourages researchers to hash and stash their results real time like a data rich twitter feed. This brings the journal of negative results into public view and greatly accelerates the sharing of scientific data. Traditional publications encourage data hoarding for years or risk getting scooped in publication. This model reverses those incentives as the gatekeeper of publication is removed.

We have already hashed two datasets this week and are expecting to Hash many more on Sunday/Monday as the Illumina sequencing matures.


We are 4 days into funding and we have
1)Screened dozens of plants for Type II genetic status
2)Performed multiple DNA isolations for 2 different sequencing platforms (Pacific Biosciences and Illumina).
3)Organized the decentralization of the plant with growers. Asked growers to make multiple clones and distributed them to other growers asking each to clone it and give it to 4 other legal growers so a perpetual clone stock of the plant remains alive as a public resource.
4)Loaded an Illumina Miseq to screen the genome before we perform the expensive Pacific Bioscience sequencing.

The project is being live streamed with daily lab updates at-
3 points,6 years ago
Since this is a longer term project, let's give Kevin some warm fuzzies and put the vote out of the park on this treasury cycle. This is important work, and Dash will benefit in a number of ways, not the least of which is the Public Relations, increased transactions, new use cases, a proof of concept for fixing the science publication industry, and slamming a door in the face of big pharma.

3 points,6 years ago
I agree. It’s not an expensive project and it’s important work, it would be a shame to see it get kicked for no good reason.

2 points,6 years ago
Couldn't agree more.
1 point,6 years ago
We have just loaded our first Illumina library on the sequencer. Should have preliminary MiSeq data next week.
2 points,6 years ago
Folks- Start your stop watches.
The first funds we received on Sunday and we hit the ground running today screening many candidate Type II plants. We have identified the Plant to be sequenced and put a plan in place for the grower to clone the plant out and keep many cuts of it alive throughout the course of the project. Grower is preferring to remain anonymous at this point in time but may put their name on the project once they see it mature. If folks know of any trustworthy Tissue Culture Labs in the Mass area, that would be another great way to ensure there is archive of the tissue researchers can obtain.

A real time Lab Notebook is being kept at this site:
5 points,6 years ago
For those who didn't make it all the way to the end of the prop, note that Kevin is a world renowned geneticist. He even gets a mention in James Watson's recent genetics book. Yeah, that Watson. The guy who discovered DNA.

15 more votes folks. What do I have to do? Foot massages at the next big conference? Wax your car?

Whatever it takes....

0 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
photo finish! looking forward to your project
2 points,6 years ago
Looking good! Fingers crossed, it's going to be close.
2 points,6 years ago
Game On!
2 points,6 years ago
The Preliminary CannMed schedule is out.
We are excited to have Chuck Williams speaking about DASH!
1 point,6 years ago
Only 86 votes needed to pass! For the price and what we can do here, this should be a slam dunk. (note to proposal owners, I kept forgetting about this one because of the title!) Shoot, hope it passes, we're down to the wire!!!
1 point,6 years ago
We signed on another Crypto company as a sponsor to CannMed today. We have a second one that has just agreed to pay in DASH and we are now set up to take DASH.
2 points,6 years ago
We're getting close. This is a novel use case that will send significant traffic to Dash, especially once we have Dash Drive. The economics of the current science journal industry is terrible. We can beat them with both hands tied behind our back and still make money.

We can make it much harder for Monsanto and Bayer and the Food and Drug Administration to turn medical cannabis into a near monopoly with overly broad patents.

And, we can turn heads in the cannabis genetics research industry. If this test case of how to fund great science goes well, we could fund other research. This will make more economic sense when Dash can become partners and reap economic benefits directly. But that's on the way.

Each of those three projects (by itself) is is worth the asking price. And hey, it doesn't hurt to make the world a better place as a nice bonus. But don't worry, the David vs Goliath angle will make for fantastic marketing for years to come.

Kevin is the real deal. Please vote yes,

0 points,6 years ago
The preliminary CannMed 2018 schedule is out.

Chuck Williams will be speaking in DASHs progress.
1 point,6 years ago
Love Kevins work! a definite YES for me. I was reading my wife this and she all of a sudden realised how cool Dash is! funding amazing research is so epic.
0 points,6 years ago
I want to thank everyone for their support. While we watch the nail biting vote occur I thought I would share some patent claim language that many people in the cannabis field confuse. This is not their fault. They have lived in a world without patents and now are just learning these esoteric rule sets and I often feel horrible being the bearer of bad news shocking them with what they actually mean.

Yes, I have a long history of being awarded many patents in my younger life. I have found that investment to be questionable. What if we put that money back into R&D to go faster and not dig legal moats? These legal moats often distract the R&D team writing patents. Patent law changes every other year adding costs and uncertainty. Patents can take 3-5 years to issue and many technologies are in the grave before the patent issues. I also question the ethics of IP. Stephan Kinsellas work best summarizes how I feel today which respects defensive IP but questions offensive IP. I feel the USPTO is centralized, error prone but cant be ignored or you'll find your work being patented after you.

To this end, here are the claims to one of the CIPs (Continuation in Part) Cannabis Patents.
Note the use the term clone. That is key genetic language.
Note the use of the term Bt:Bd allele. That is key genetic language.

Not the broad nature of the claim. Anything more than 1.5% Cannabinoids is theirs. The market is filled with 15%-20% cannabinoid plants. If you cant breed this, you are a dunce. If you cant get more than 1% terps, you are less of a dunce as above but this isn't novel.

A ratio of 1.4 THC:CBD. This isn't novel. Its arguably the natural state of the plant but the USPTO is too ignorant on the topic to examine this and they have very little motivation for accuracy. They make money on re-examinations.

1. A cannabis plant, or an asexual clone of said cannabis plant, or a plant part, tissue, or cell thereof, which produces a female inflorescence, said inflorescence comprising: wherein the contents of THC and CBD comprise acidic and decarboxylated cannabinoids as measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and calculated based on dry weight of the inflorescence; wherein the terpene oil content is the additive content of the terpenes in the inflorescence's terpene profile; wherein the terpene profile consists of terpinolene, alpha phellandrene, beta ocimene, carene, limonene, gamma terpinene, alpha pinene, alpha terpinene, beta pinene, fenchol, camphene, alpha terpineol, alpha humulene, beta caryophyllene, linalool, caryophyllene oxide, and myrcene; and wherein the terpene contents are measured by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and are calculated based on dry weight of the inflorescence; wherein a representative sample of seed capable of producing said plants has been deposited under NCIMB Nos. 42248, 42249, and wherein cellular cultures representative of said plants are deposited under Bigelow NCMA Nos. PATENT201611001, PATENT201609001, and PATENT201612001.

a) at least one BT allele, and at least one BD allele;
b) cannabidiol (CBD) cannabinoid content of at least 1.5% by weight;
c) a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabinoid content such that the THC:CBD content ratio is greater than 1.4; and
d) a terpene oil content greater than about 1.0% by weight;
1 point,6 years ago
Here is a reduced size video on DTUBE.!/v/lariat/1t0fyczj
1 point,6 years ago
Here is the Presentation I gave at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard last week. This is one of the most prestigious research institutions in the world.

It is a large download (3Gb). Working on the size now.
0 points,6 years ago
voted yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your time and consideration
0 points,6 years ago
Looks like someone turned this idea into an EOS ERC20 whitepaper in April. Our first DASH proposal for this was in March while the project I was an advisor to was back in November.

Airdropped last week with June distros.

Has much of the same language regarding incentives but missing the cannabis genomics appeal.
1 point,6 years ago
I am intrigued by Ryan Taylor's et al plan with DASH ventures.
This would honestly make me consider buying up more DASH to become an MNO as the currency would have multiple valuation models. There are the transaction velocity models often written about by Chris Burniske. These would have to be updated to place NPVs on the equity held by the DASH MNOs. Handling the Phantom income taxes that often hit shareholders of small start ups will be interesting but assuming the lawyers figure this all out, it does make DASH a unique staking coin.

Similar to this, if we capture a portion of the annual $20 B market for publishing scientific data, DASH valuation becomes anchored and augmented in humankinds perpetual demand for scientific discovery. Its one thing to have a currency backed by subjectively valued metals. It is an entirely different matter to have a currency that is anchored in entrepreneurship and scientific discovery.

This reminds me of IOHK and Charles desire to get more rigorous peer review in Crypto. I think its more interesting to make crypto redefine peer review than have the old school peer review process "bless" crypto.

Looking forward to making this happen.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch May 28th 2018 Report on
Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership by KevinMcKernan
0 points,6 years ago
The Free Thought Project has picked up this story.
More DASH Coverage.
0 points,6 years ago
Here is the DASHWatch report for our currently funded phase I proposal.
We are on track even with a currency a decay.
Instead of asking for a Fiat guarantee, we have decided to hustle and bring in more lower level sponsors for the conference. We have done this while still leaving DASH as the exclusive Partnership Sponsorship level.
We are an adaptive startup.

You will notice that this project still enjoys the highest %vote participation for all active projects on the DASH vote tracker. We can repeat this success with this project.
1 point,6 years ago
you got my support.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank You! People in the cannabis industry love this proposal. Getting great feedback on Steemit.

Lets get the DASH name permanently etched into the Cannabis history record!
1 point,6 years ago
Currently on Hash Church. Might be discussing DASH and the Cannabis market.
1 point,6 years ago
A Cannabis Phylogenetic tree maturing with many DASH etched genomes.
0 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
More recent Webinars here-
1 point,6 years ago
The other way we build trust in the Cannabis Industry is by being pioneers in safety testing and Cannabis microbiome analysis. A well attended Webcast from last week.
0 points,6 years ago
Cannabis Genomes Now Etched on DASH.
1 point,6 years ago
This is *so* cool.
2 points,6 years ago
We have two more Crypto related companies that have committed in email to sponsor CannMed.

We are going to be accepting our first DASH payment for this at Medicinal Genomics.

An additional 80 strains were notarized on DASH this month.

The list should be in the DASHWatch report that will post shortly.

We also have two large grows from 2 different countries agree to sponsor.
Once payments are complete, we’ll announce who the additional sponsors are.

An additional 13 speakers have been selected and notified. We should have their names on the CannMed website shortly.

This is going to be a great event and showcasing this genome at the event will bring a lot of additional awareness to DASH.
3 points,6 years ago
The title of this proposal alone made me want to vote no, and actually I don't really envision this as a long term use-case for Dash, but this is a valid project and I think there is absolutely enough potential in it to justify the cost. Will vote yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you TroyDASH.
This is my third time submitting it so clearly I need to hone my elevator pitch a bit more.

We reduced the scope and budget multiple times to make this very efficient use of capital.

Hoping to the Broad/MIT presentation I gave last week live before the vote.
1 point,6 years ago
I think it will make a whole lot of sense with DashDrive up and running since that feature is about the secure storage of sensitive data, but for the price, I'm happy to help Kevin lay the foundations for that migration later on.
1 point,6 years ago
Elon Musk seems to have had an Epiphany today. Wonder if he listens to Ernest Hancock?
1 point,6 years ago
~40 minutes in there is a great DASH discussion.
1 point,6 years ago
We encourage anyone with questions on the project to tune into todays Ernest Hancock show. It was an excellent celebration of the unique attributes of DASH. He insisted I put up another address his audience can donate to. We can easily accommodate an individual credits page for the landing page of the genome to help incentivize more public support. I have made this a DASH exclusive address.
1 point,6 years ago
Should be on air live with Ernest Hancock today at 10 AM EST discussing this project others from DASH. Please tune in if you want more detail on the project.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes from me, if we want to be a prefered payment option for the cannabis industry then Its a smart and tactful move to be useful and active in other parts of that industry.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the support. We will make the most of it
1 point,6 years ago
Will be on the Ernest Hancock show this week discussing DASH, CannMed and this proposal.

Should have a video of our Broad Institute MIT and Harvard presentation next week.

Presentation went well and a swarm of younger scientists peppered me with questions about revamping peer review.
0 points,6 years ago
The prospect of becoming useful to the cannabis industry for NON-MONETARY purposes in, indeed, interesting. Whether it's the perfect way to get our foot in the door, or is simply mission creep, I don't know. So abstaining.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback. I hope I can convince you otherwise. If we get the backbone of the seed to sale tracking systems using DASH as the genomic blockchain foundation for the Cannabis field, the monetary adoption will be much easier. While sponsoring multiple conferences and collecting booth traffic is one passive way to get the DASH word out, Sequencing and developing the reference genome the field uses for seed to sale tracking will have a much more profound impact. Sequencing the genome of the fields most controversial gene patents will also capture attention of the marketplace.

In addition to this, we are demonstrating a way for Scientific publishing to be notarized on DASH. Consider all of the DASH investment in various alternative and truth based media. This may help to make DASH synonymous with unbiased truth. However, having truth in media is worthless if the scientific publishing mechanisms they defer to are corrupted as the media usually defers to the scientistic record. This peer review process is currently broken, poorly incentivized and having a replication crisis. Strike the root and get the scientific publishing on DASH. This will amplify the impact of the media channels on DASH as it will be a truth chain for financial information and also a truth chain for the scientific record. There are multiple other Large DASH investments that benefit from this relatively inexpensive investment (Alt36, Truth in Media etc).
2 points,6 years ago
You and others have changed my mind. I am willing to spend the funds to see if becoming useful non-monetarily to the cannabis industry can earn us the goodwill to eventually become their currency. Will switch to "yes." Thank you for the proposal and work thus far.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you Callalilly. It is a complex topic that I have struggled to condense not really knowing the backgrounds of the MNOs. This patent has the whole cannabis field paralyzed with fear. One company (probably soon to be bought) has patents over any plant that makes both THC and CBD. These are the most medicinal plants. The community will embrace those that dull the breadth of these patents and offer freedom.
-1 point,6 years ago
This is very far from making Dash money and while I support using Dash for cannabis trade this project seems somewhat removed even from that. Voting no.
2 points,6 years ago
You need to review the proposal more carefully, 3d1409ae. I know it's complicated, but it's worth taking the time to understand it. If the proposal accomplishes what it sets out to do, it could drive a significant amount of traffic to the network in the future, especially when DashDrive becomes available and monetized. These are all very large industries that are currently largely sequestered in to a few particular avenues of payment, and Kevin's project is attempting to open those up with Dash as a far more attractive and pragmatic solution.

Bringing even a small percentage of those industries to Dash would be an enormous benefit in terms of ROI. The project does not ask terribly much, but potentially provides enormous economic benefit, and that's not even getting in to the philanthropic aspect of all of this. I urge you to reconsider your assessment.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for critique.

The proposal is indeed more focused on getting more DASH awareness and potential transaction volume in multiple different markets.

For a digital cash to succeed in the cannabis trade, we need better standards so customers can verify what is being sold.
Cannabis is hypervariable and Customer know this.

A reference genome builds the standards by which we fingerprint strains to provide biological barcodes for products in the industry.

This is analogous to forming a consensus on what the blocksize should be. Without this reference we can’t agree on what the product is and digital trade becomes compromised.

If DASH wants to become a trust worthy monetary solution in this market it needs marketing to build its name and reputation in the space. There is no better way to build credibility in the space than by constructing the reference genome of the plant and to cement DASHs name as the arbiter of scientific truth in the field.
The future of cannabis seed to sale tracking systems will be DNA fingerprint based. If this is a DASH derived reference genome, there is a higher likelihood of adoption of DASH as the monetary platform.

This white-paper may help to describe the importance of this for the field.
2 points,6 years ago
Lots of potential for this very affordable project, easy yes!
1 point,6 years ago
A great talk about the impact this is having on people. John Gaitanis MD at CannMed 2017.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the support. I will be speaking about this project at The Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard on May 18th to a sold out crowd of 300 researchers at the Genomics and Computational Genomics Symposium. The Broad is hands down the largest and most prolific genome center in the world. Their publication depth is impressive and they will be interested in this project.
2 points,6 years ago
voting YES. Lets see this project come to fruition. Beyond that, I agree with sentiments regarding science journals.
2 points,6 years ago
Easy yes. Any one of the three parts of this proposal would be easily worth the modest price.

2 points,6 years ago
2 points,6 years ago
LOL, I love the way you put it this time around! Well done! I can't imagine anyone who is sick and tired of big pharma and crony capitalists saying no!

Plus, protecting everyone on earth from greedy companies who want to own a natural plant, that's insane! I hope you can prove that almost none of their plant is uniquely changed from previous cannabis plants. The world has no sense anymore.

Aside from that, from Dash's point of view, being used to register REAL innovation, at minimal cost, really almost free, taking the advantage away from those who own the system, would be something Dash could be proud of!

A big yes from me!