Proposal “HuitPro-Freelance-Services-Marketplace“ (Closed)Back

Title:UPDATE - (Brand New Logo + Official Document + Team Video + Website) - HUITPRO
Monthly amount: 82 DASH (1811 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-06-17 (added on 2018-04-11)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 136 Yes / 194 No / 19 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal is cross-posted at the Dash Forum here: 
Pre-Proposal: HuitPro 

Website Domain


Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the proposal for a HuitPro - Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.

Important links:
Pre-Proposal document:
 Official Document

Full Budget
Budget1 - Budget2

Action Plan
First Step - Second Step

Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.


  • Introduce Dash into a constant growing market of labor activities covering more than 100 million of active workers.
  • Increase the Dash visibility as a cryptocurrency with high versatility of payment method utility.
  • Adoption campaign through practice use of Dash.
  • Spread out the exposition range of Dash in a growing market of Internet workers.
  • Expand Dash utility as a payment method to obtain professional services via Internet focus in projects.
  • Expand Dash as a cryptocurrency that can be obtain as a principal source of income.
  • Encourage the creation of more self-sustaining ecosystems that use Dash as Exchange principal method.
  • Huge contribution on the improvement of the Freelancer economic development.


Freelance is an activity realized by a person who works by his own or is dedicated to do projects autonomously that allows development in their profession.

Been a freelancer is relatively simple, in theory any person with access to internet could offer their services or work skills in return of a monetary remuneration, whatsoever is not simply is been a successful freelancer; which carry a great process of learning based on trial and error.

Quality, efficiency and experience define the people inside the Freelance world; is an economic activity of high level competitive, your skills are compare against millions of people that expose their services as the best of their entry. The conventional freelancer obtain their first profit by completed work between 2 and 3 months after starting into this world. Even though, exist 53 million of freelancer in Latin America.

The freelancer profile is a perfect target for DASH adoption because it have technology knowledge and a payment method based in Internet. In addition, they are a quantity of workers in constant growth who own more adquisition power and more consumption via Internet. And they all have one major problem in common, which is the ease of use of your money effort from your work.

HUITPRO will recruit, train and encourage the big Freelancer community around the world to use Dash in substitution of the conventional payment method, to earn income through our platform.


The true adoption of a Project with such a good projections as DASH must foundation on in its daily use as a versatile, quick and low transaction fee cryptocurrency. Not everyone is able to use Dash in their daily routine because most of the payments and transactions they ought to do are in Fiat money. BUT NOT EVERYONE WHO HAVE FIAT MONEY CAN SPEND THEIR FIAT TO ACQUIRE SERVICES IN INTERNET EASILY. In addition, is even more difficult to receive money via Internet in exchange of a service due to the large amount of regulations and restrictions that have the processors of conventional payment specially for people that does not have access to usd bank accounts.

Dash can be obtained using another cryptocurrency or FIAT, but exist a large amount of people interested in obtaining Dash in other ways like offering a service. HUITPRO will be the link between the human work and the remuneration in Dash, through a dynamic web platform and a friendly interface where the freelancers could offer their services and skills in exchange for Dash.

Likewise, exist a community even bigger that wish to use Dash to obtain more variety of services in Internet.

HUITPRO will provide a direct expansion of Dash utility, offering a rich marketplace of freelance services where any Dash user can request many kinds of services or work in an easy, fast and secure way.


This project will focus in the creation of web platform named HUITPRO, which has as main goal to exchange services and products between companies, startups and freelancers, creating an ecosystem where they can work together in any project.

The main benefits and differences that have Huitpro against other similar pages is that the users will use Dash as a payment method, a decentralized cryptocurrency whose transactions are fast and secure thanks to its instant send and private send system.

The first services categories that will be offered are:
  • Transcriptions and translations
  • Graphic design
  • Digital marketing
  • Technology and programming
  • Business
  • Music and animation


The freelance platform performance is based in three important fundaments: The escrow system, the dispute system and Dash transactions. Besides the terms of the parts that participate in the platform.

Escrow system

Procedure where is generated a deposit contract that guarantees the payment. It must do the following steps:

  1. The user that request a service (the client), post the project that wants to be done in the platform.

  2. Then the client receives different proposals of freelancers and he chooses the work that will be done.

  3. When the work proposal is chosen, the client transfers the Dash funds anticipated to the platform so Huitpro reserves the money.
  4. When the work is done and accepted by the client, he will release the payment and will be transferred to the freelancer. This will increase the confidence between the client and the freelancer in the payment transaction.
The client will have the following advantages:

  • Guarantees that he will receive the requested service.

  • Eliminate the fear of giving the payment before the freelancer finish the requested work.

  • If the service requested by the client does not fit with the expectations, it can be request a dispute process where the client could obtain a refund of the payment and could hire another freelancer.

In addition, the freelancer has the following advantages:

  • Guarantees and secures the payment.

  • Guarantees that the payment will be delivered on time when the Project is completely finished.

  • It allows that remote works be secure and trustworthy.

  • El sistema de disputa permitirá que el FreeLancer pueda defender su trabajo en caso de que el cliente no de su aprobación. The dispute system will allow the freelancer guard his work in the case the client does not approve it.

Dispute system

The disputes are claim mechanisms associated to a service that allow the resolution of a complaint requested by the client or the freelancer and are only managed by the system manager or the system administrators.

Terms of a dispute

A dispute is the process of reviewing of a service, in the case that the terms managed by the client and the freelancer are not completely fulfilled. To initiate this process, any of the users can request a dispute process opening.

This process is describe in the following statements:

  • The client and the freelancer have the right to request one. After that, the claimant has to fill a dispute formulary where all the relevant information of the service and the request reasons must be explained.

  • It allows the access to the buy-sell chat between both parts by the system administratrors.

  • It will be open a 24-hour period where both parts will established the conditions and terms for the project as execution time, approval standards, etc. This information is required by e-mail.

  • Must not exist any type of communication between the administrators of the dispute and the users of the platform.

  • When the dispute is happening, it´s given a 24 hours period to give a response. If one of the parts do not deliver the information in that period, he automatically loses the dispute.

  • The common problems in the dispute form are plagiarism, Quality standard agreed or quantity of work delivered.

  • The dispute can happen in any stage of the Project. It allow a maximum of three disputes per service. If this quantity is reach, the service is automatically cancel.

  • During the dispute time, the seller can continue doing the product or service and finish it. However if the dispute time is over and the project is not finished, the seller loses the opportunity of winning the dispute or receiving the payment.

  • Dispute status: Request, Review, Process.

  • It is necessary a management module for the administrators. The users can review their previous disputes and resolutions; however, they will not be able to manage any dispute requested.

Dash payment transactions.

Involves any transaction of the Dash cryptocurrency associated to the request of a service. These transactions are registered in the Dash Blockchain, and will be registered in the system for management and monitoring.

All the transactions have a mediator, who will be the system managers, this means that any client or freelancer should not be able of perform a direct transaction between them. In that case, the system will not be responsible for the money involved.

Transaction characteristics

It is consider a transaction to all money exchange performed between users and system managers. All transactions between client and freelancer have the system managers as intermediary.
The process is explain in the following steps:
  1. The client transfers the money to the system wallet.
  2. The managers confirmed the reception of the payment
  3. The system managers transfer the funds to the freelancer or the client depending that the service was done properly or not.
It is necessary a window that manage and review all the transactions. This is for the user and the administrator. This window will give the important information from the Dash blockchain and will show the relevant data. This will be:
  • Associated extra percentage
  • Source
  • Destiny
  • Amount
  • Date
  • Associated service


It has been noted that the most used freelance pages as Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer have tricky and slow payment methods, present region restrictions, minimum and maximum limits to mobilize and the currency used isn’t 100% accessible for the entire world.

Dash do not present any kind of restrictions to do a transaction to any part of the world. And we believe that in the near future, thanks to the work of the Dash community, it will be used all around the world.

Also, we want to remark that in freelance web pages, both parts of the deal are charged a fee for the platform use, which is more than the Dash transaction fee (0,001 Dash⋍ 0.27 $). This can be observed in the following chart:

We want to capture the attention of the people that cannot use this platforms because their restrictions in payment methods and active freelancers that wish to add more value to their work and want to maximize their incomes.

Furthermore, the use of an escrow system will avoid any type of fraud or bad interpretation between the parts, thus will give more security to the transactions and reliability to the work process, reducing the freelancer risks in the hiring action.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Dear MNO's,
Check out our brand new logo.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear MNO's,

I am pleased to inform you that we have made an update on our proposal, among which I can mention that:
- We update the HUITPRO logo
- We update the Huitpro Landingpage.
- We made a brief presentation video of our team.

The video link is as follows.

I invite you to see it if you have a chance. I hope you like it.
-2 points,6 years ago
Hello! Check our latest updates.
The links on the official documents are active and we are waiting for their respective feedbacks dear MNO's
0 points,7 years ago
As you know, we have other Freelance Service based proposals under review, so I will pose the same question to you that I posed to them: With Evolution looming on the horizon, how will your implementation change, and will you be seeking more funding to update your service at that time?

I'm looking forward to seeing what a freelancing system can do for the network!
-1 point,7 years ago
It will be very interesting when Evolution comes out! However, we estimate that the full implementation of this new Dash platform will take a long time to test. So we will not include any type of change in the platform for the moment. If you have to ask for more resources, you will be assigned to marketing and improve the quality of service.

In parallel we are developing a Mobile application to use the freelance platform with more fluids. In this application if we include strongly any type of change or implementation that is necessary for Evolution to be easy integration when it is safe and useful for the users.

HuitPro will be scalable based on the development of Dash technology. But I do not think we should hurry. We must show that everything we have proposed will have great acceptance before proposing updates that have not yet come out.

Dash presents an infinity of amenities as a payment processor that the freelancer of the world must discover! That will be our job! Adoption.

HuitPro proposes to be a self-sustaining platform. We will use funds earned to continue developing these capital will be extracted for the medium - long term integration of Evolution

Note: We would like both freelance platforms to be approved. We mainly focus on geographically very distant market niches. We also propose different ways to collaborate with adoption.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. So it seems primarily you have your own platform and are utilizing Dash as the payment processor. There were some budgetary concerns on your pre-proposal, but I'm willing to overlook those and see what you accomplish in your first month of funding. I think the niche you serve in terms of freelancing will nicely complement some of our other proposals in your area.
0 points,7 years ago
**More fluid way**
-2 points,7 years ago
We are excited to present you our latest proposal update.

We present our official document and detailed action plan. You will find details of how HuitPro works and how the adoption of this new platform will be developed
-4 points,7 years ago
Well after reading the discussion on the forums I have decided to vote yes on this. While I do feel that some of the office costs where a bit high overall I liked all the answers to my and others questions.

Good luck with this.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you, all comments help us to improve our proposal every day and carry out the best project
5 points,7 years ago
Dear ronaldarreaza,
I just discover than your team do multi proposal.
At this stage, for me, thats looks like a pump buget proposals.
Im knowing as a none diplomatic writer, sory for that.
-3 points,7 years ago
We would not be the only team in the community with more than one proposal. We take the hard decicion of estabelcer dos proposal in the same voting cycle since we have enough time working on both proposals. The idea was sufficiently matured and the active community in the forum did not pay much attention before entering central Dash.

We use each of the comments to improve as a team and improve the quality of our proposals. We are dedicated to the adoption of Dash. And so it seems that our budget is inflated we are the lowest budget with greater coverage of adoption.

we will create a platform that will be used for a long time. This is not a simple project.
6 points,7 years ago
As another proposal owner who has furnished an office at a low budget... your furnishing costs are massively inflated. You're asking for $15,000 to do what we did in $1500, admittedly for 4 people as opposed to 8 but this is an unreasonable amount.

Examples of exorbitant costs:
$250 per desk, we paid $50 per desk
$150 for a microwave - second hand for $30
$300 for a fridge - second hand for $40

$2750 for network cabling - but you're hosting on amazon web services and you're using wifi? Also since when did 100m of Cat5 cost more than $30?

Why do you even need a UPS if you're all using laptops and aren't self hosting?
Carpet, painting, decoration, internet installation, air conditioner - all unnecessary costs if you had a serviced office.

Is the internet really $300 / month where you are? Along with $1000 Set-up costs?

As a start-up you should be operating on a bootstrap budget until you've proven your worth to the DAO. The vast majority of your budget is being spent on frills which have nothing to do with the quality of the product you offer. Find a serviced office that has most of the infrastructure you need at a much more reasonable cost.

The treasury is tight at the moment and highly competitive - you need to show you're committed to getting a return on investment for the funds received and part of that is minimising wasted spend which takes up most of your proposal.
3 points,7 years ago
What I find strange is that all those costs amount to more than 5 times the cost of the website design!

Only 31% of the investment money and 23% of the operational costs is actually being spent on the website with just $500 a month shared between two developers.
It just seems crazy to me, I don't know what to think of it really. :/
-1 point,7 years ago
Hello! A pleasure to answer you.

We advise with more than 10 companies that manage web platforms of low - medium flow of users. These operate with a minimum of 6 workers. With 4 positions that must be covered 24 hours.

The infrastructure, work team, spaces and the web platform together make HuitPro have the scope that is desired.

In fact we had to reduce operating costs a lot so that it becomes more viable due to the low budget that the treasury has at this moment.

We are also proposing a self-sustaining project over time. The remuneration of the funds that we request will be perceived to a large extent in a significant increase of the users of Dash and of the increase in the marketcap
2 points,7 years ago
Hey Ronald,
I think there has been some confusion, I'm not saying your operating costs are too high, I am just confused by your figures.
Your reply only raises more questions for me without addressing any of my concerns, maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie.
-2 points,7 years ago
Hello! A pleasure to greet.

I understand your concern, currently the funds of the treasury are really low. However, if you realize we made a participation of the budget in 2 parts. This is because the start-up of the website is scheduled for the end of the following month. But everyone can register and use the demo very soon.

I do not understand well when you say that you spent $ 1500? In your proposal you specify that you spend more than $ 25,000 with the same purpose of ours.

The quality of our platform will be reflected very soon, the facts speak more than the presentations. Although our presentation is impeccable.

Now the issue of the high costs of our budget. A platform of reach and efficiency as we are proposing requires at least 8 people to operate in this (I do not know if you are familiar with this), graphic designers, front end developer, backend dvelopers, telephone assistant and assistants via email. In addition we are located in Venezuela, the operating costs as we present them exceed $ 50,000 in any other part of Latin America.

We respect your opinion and will do our best to include modifications and improvements.

Now I ask you, do you think that the project we propose does not meet the expectations of the community?

 Do you think we will not have traffic from Freelancers who want to work for Dash?

Do you think we will not have traffic from customers who want to pay with Dash for high quality services?

Oh and finally you have no idea how complicated it is to carry out a system of disputes and much less manage it. Our budget is strictly adjusted with respect to the project we want to carry out. We would like to have your complete feedback. And that you will post in the forum.

The wonderful thing about OpenSource is the freedom of ideas and the construction of better projects together with the community
-1 point,7 years ago
Hello dash community, I am the COO and founder of ARATechnology, a company formed by young entrepreneurs who believe in the development of new technologies.

We have been developing a Project called HUITPRO since last november which consist in the creation of a freelance platform that utilizes dash payments for the services offered in the platform and we think that this iniciative will solve many freelancers troubles with payments restrictions and support the unbanked.

We are starting our work from Venezuela thanks to the efforts of the team of @dashcss and @dashvenezuela lead by @algodon.franelas they have reached a lot of people in the country and have increased significantly the adoption of Dash in Latam countries.

HUITPRO seeks to increase adoption of dash and give more utility to the cryptocurrency and benefit the community.

I hope that you take the time to read it and give us feedback. We will be attentive with any doubt or suggestion.

Ronald Arreaza