One-time payment: 38 DASH (1018 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-04-07 / 2024-05-13 (added on 2024-04-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 38 Yes / 196 No / 3 Abstain

Proposal description

GOVERNANCE QUESTION: What method would you like to be used in order to extract a result from the encointerUBI numerical proposal?

OPTION 1) Do not answer the above question at all (just ignore this governance question as if it was never published), in case you believe that the inquestioned number should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god and please describe the authority/god in the comments below.
  • If this option is selected this will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.
OPTION 2) Vote NO if you think that the tyranny of the majority "50%+1" should be applied. This method  has been introduced in the ancient Athenian Direct Democracy and claims that it is fair 50%+1 of the population to rule 50%-1 of the population, for 100% of the time.  You may also vote NO if you agree with any other divisive  method based on any percentage (for example the plurality voting, the strong majority 65%, the supermajority 75% e.t.c or even unanimity 100%) or whatever percentage method currently results in 0 (zero) Dash to be paid for the EncointerUBI proposal. The maximum percentage threshold that is considered rational depends on the "mostVotedNumber" field of the results, which currently is decided to be the 66.56% of the valid votes.  The 66.56% is eligible if voted by more than 66.56% of the voters, the 50% is eligible if voted by more than 50% e.t.c.
  • If this option is voted this will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.
OPTION 3) Vote ABSTAIN if you like the "Median average" (a method introduced by Pietro Speroni). Also vote ABSTAIN if you are a proponent of an alternative method not mentioned as an option in this poll (including the request to increase or decreace the voting range from 0-242 to something else) and please describe your alternative poll option in the comments below.
  • If this option is voted this will result the encointerUBI proposal to receive 0 dash this month.
OPTION 4)  Vote YES if you like the "Mean average", the most inclusive method where ALL the votes are calculated into the final outcome. Also vote YES if you are a proponent of the time splitting rule, where all numbers are considered as valid numbers in the appropriate time window  (for example: in case 70% of the voters voted 0 and 30% of the voters voted 26, we create a time window less equal than the human life time, lets say 10 years, and for the first 7 years the 0 number is applied, then for the next 3 years the 26 number is applied) (Note: I decided to incude both the mean average and the time splitting rule in the yes vote, because, based on the current voting outcome, both will result some amount to be paid for the Encointer community. But as long as the time splitting rule is not coded yet, I request the amount by taking into account the mean average which I assume is the most popular among the two. )

"Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction." - Ovid

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,10 months ago

Electorate = 3403 potential votes (includes Regular and Evo Masternodes)
ValidVotes = 229
Voting participation = 6.73 % (it does not pass the 10% threshold)


- Voters who believe the inquestioned number should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god (or just people not aware of this governance proposal) -

3174 (non) votes

-Voters who believe in the tyranny of the majority-

188 votes (or 82.1% of the valid votes)

-Voters who believe in the median average or in any alternative method not mentioned -

2 votes ( or 0.8% of the valid votes )

-Voters who believe in the mean average or in the time splitting rule -

39 votes ( or 17% of the valid votes )
2 points,10 months ago
I will be voting YES for the LOLs.
1 point,10 months ago
Thank you for the YES vote.
1 point,10 months ago
I for one, will not accept any outcome from this no choice tricky proposal. I consider it null and void whichever way people vote.
1 point,10 months ago
Like qwizzie you have betrayed demo in the worst way imaginable.
And this after all that demo had to endure because of the obvious governance shortcomings i wanted to fix.
Both of you have backstabbed demo without mercy!
Are you not even ashamed of yourself?
1 point,10 months ago
Write a proposal that is clear, understandable and direct. Not snarky and make the voting clear and accountable. It's not my fault this is such a mess.
-1 point,10 months ago
EddieMurphy did not write a proposal, he/she wrote an accusation.

If you refer to the ENCOINTER-SUPPLEMENTAL-MAR24 proposal, it is not snarky.

It may be a difficult to understand proposal for those whose the mind is blur, but it is a rational proposal that offers to the voter all the possible roads to vote.
0 points,10 months ago
I thank you once again for your strong support.

In my extreme loneliness, it is very important that at least you you can understand what I am saying.

Your words keep the hope alive.
1 point,10 months ago
I read this like a contract. I wouldn't sign this contract. I feel manipulated with this proposal.
-1 point,10 months ago
The ENCOINTER-SUPPLEMENTAL-MAR24 proposal is a proposal that offers ALL THE POSSIBLE RATIONAL roads to the voter.

There is no escape from rationality.

But I understand your feeling. When all roads are offered, there is only the feeling that left. The feeling may deny all possible roads, without a rational explanation.

I also find myself in such a state, where I am sad when something will happen, but also sad when something will not happen.
-1 point,10 months ago
If you find yourself in such a state where the same bad feeling appears for all possible roads, than there is only one way to escape.

Deat and oblivion. Lethe.
-1 point,10 months ago
Lord Giveth, Lord Taketh Away.

Dominus deat, Dominus aufert.
0 points,10 months ago
The proposal says: vote ABSTAIN if you are a proponent of an alternative method not mentioned as an option in this poll (including the request to increase or decreace the voting range from 0-242 to something else) and please describe your alternative poll option in the comments below.
1 point,10 months ago
That is not what it says. These are snarky comments with obfuscated intent. And how do you intend to count non-votes? I don’t know why you find such joy in trolling, but that’s your problem. However, it’d be nice if you ate some good fatty red meat and cured your hateful muddled mind. We might get some useful thoughts that are readable and understandable and you could be productive here instead of angry and muddled and following the same circular train of thought you’ve been obsessed over for years now.
-1 point,10 months ago
Although your mind is really null and void and demon possessed, I am here to explain again whatever you didnt understand, in hope that the demons will leave your poor soul.
-1 point,10 months ago
The proposal says: Do not answer the above question at all (just ignore this governance question as if it was never published), in case you believe that the inquestioned number should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god and please describe the authority/god in the comments below.

The non voters do not express opinion on the number, so they obviously believe that the inquestioned number should be decided by an authority/god.
-1 point,10 months ago
And by the way, null and void is your mind, because you are blinded by daemons.
-1 point,10 months ago
-1 point,10 months ago
And yet, whatever I am telling you is censored, you have better imagine and be afraid on how the uncensored truth is.
-1 point,10 months ago
Well at this point, the dash "dao" is garbage, so it's not surprising to see No votes when multiple-unit MNOs already have the ability to "vote the numbers" yet deny such ability to single unit non-custodial MNOs.

If the dash dao was functioning correctly, then, in it's lifespan, either:

1. CAPITALISM wins: the response to endless proposal funding input would result in a higher price output per unit of dash, or

2. ALTRUISM wins: the dash price would not reflect dash funding if MNO intentions were truly altruistic. For, if MNOs were altruistic, then their willingness to give a lousy 38 dash would of been granted.

Imo, MNOs live in a mad world where they somehow justify to pay the food and rent to a minority set of developers - for multiple years - while denying a measly sum to a small social experiment. Do you dare say this PO is a con artist and fraud?

Note: I am not agreeing with this social experiment per se, but trying to show that there is no logic here, only madness. Yes, it's normal for humans to hold two opposing views in their head at the same time, but as a dao it demonstrates how painful and broken things are.
-1 point,10 months ago
Yes I agree, there is only madness in the DAO of the Masternodes, and this madness occurs because the majority of the masternodes is heavily possessed by daemons.

But on the other hand I disagee, Encointer is not a social experiment. It is a way to incentivize the new generations and the late adopter (who understand the stupidity of the coin emission curve) to reconsider, join this dead Dash coin and bring it back to life.

We have 4 very important ideas at stake with this vote:

1) Ability of the MNOs to VOTE NUMBERS or numbered poll options.

2) Merge Dash community with another community and provide a PROOF OF PERSONHOOD for the Dash community combined with ANONYMITY. That way we could spot the bad actors.

3) Offer a Basic Income for both Dash and Encointer communities, meant to cure the irregularities of the Dash coin emission curve and INCENTIVIZE the new generations and the late adopters.

4) Incentivize local Dash members to meet each other in real life, in regular intervals, and strengthen the community feeling.
-1 point,10 months ago
And all the above, with just 36.5 Dash !!!
-2 points,10 months ago
>Yes, it's normal for humans to hold two opposing views in their head at the same time, but as a dao it demonstrates how painful and broken things are.

Indeed. In the Athenian Democracy they punished to death who ever proposed a view that was opposing to another view.
-2 points,10 months ago
The ancient Athenians punished to death whoever proposed a view that was opposing to another view that has already been voted.

The person that have has two ideas which contradict each other, he/she is a daemon possesed person and collapses. But who cares about this person?

But when having laws contradict each other, the whole state collapses. And everybody cares about a collapsed state, especially the enemies of that state.
0 points,10 months ago
I repeat my question , and I challenge any rational person to answer it: Why "voting the numbers" is not allowed anywhere, not even allowed in the smallest community here on earth?

Think of it... An idea mentioned in the bible ("Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote the number") is implemented NOWHERE, and I challenge everyone to point me a place on earth where voting by using numbers is implemented.

Isnt this strange?

The complete absense of "voting the numbers", not even in the smallest community here on earth, never in the whole history of human kind, is the proof that daemons exist and work tirelessly against humanity.
-1 point,10 months ago
An example of how weird and illogical the masternodes electorate is: Twotimes (

He/she voted for 242 dash to be given Encointer (voted YES to all the encointerUBI-Digit proposals).

But when asked to select the method, he prefers the tyranny of the majority (which results 0 dash to be given)

Here follows the history of the votes of the twotimes masternode:

There are inumerous examples of irrational votes of masternodes, the historian of the future would find plenty of crazy cases similar to the above.
-1 point,10 months ago
Irrationality is one of the main properties of whoever is possessed by demons.
-1 point,10 months ago
Of course the champion of irrationality is not twotimes.

The champion is the one who voted a number for the EncointerUBI, but when asked for the method in order to extract the results he/she prefers the inquestioned number to be decided by an authority/god.

And we have a lot of champions around!
0 points,10 months ago
This proposal got upvoted from -3 to 9 pretty much in one day. Demo must have build up an arsenal of Dash Central accounts and is using them to influence the upvoting of his budget proposal.

This will of course fail to achieve anything with regards to the actual voting by MNO's, it just shows that it is very easy to build up multiple accounts on Dash Central and use them to excessively upvote or downvote either certain comments or certain proposals in the budget section of Dash Central.
0 points,10 months ago
I have not voted yet for this proposal.

If there is an arsenal of Dash Central accounts that upvotes this proposal, this arsenal is not controlled by me.
2 points,10 months ago
My full support goes to demo!
If i had not already sold my masternode in the meanwhile, i would be glad to cast my vote in favor.

Most MNO are unable to even understand this awesome proposal, i seriously wonder why? Its embarrassing...
We owe so much to demo and yet the MNO keep treating him worse than shit, i am both enraged and appalled !
Its disgusting how badly demo is being humiliated by stubborn MNO who refuse to learn from demo.
After all that has been done to demo, i can only admire his steadfastness, his great patience and his willingness to still be around, despite most MNO show no appreciation at all. Shame! Shame! Shame!
1 point,10 months ago
Thank you for you support!
0 points,10 months ago
LOL talking to yourself again eh?
1 point,10 months ago
EddieMurphy is not a sockpuppet of mine. He/She is a different individual.
You are blinded by daemons, beware !
0 points,10 months ago
I think you will need to have support from more of your poppet accounts, EddyMurphy alone won't cut it.
3 points,10 months ago
With all due respect Sir, but your unfounded allegations are pure speculation.
Perhaps you should be more cautious, when expressing such baseless conspiracy theories.

And just so you know, the reason i sold my masternode was not performance-related,
but because the selfishness and greed of the MNO became disgusting and unbearable for me.

After all demo had to endure so far, at the hands of the MNO, supporting him is the very least you could do!
Qwizzie, if you only had a conscience, i seriously wonder how you can live with yourself, let alone sleep at night.

Demo has shown an immense amount of patience trying to teach you (and the MNO as a whole) valuable lessons,
but you repeatedly refused to hear and refused to learn from demo. Shame.
0 points,10 months ago
EddieMurphy is not a sockpuppet of mine. He/She is a different individual.
0 points,10 months ago
Always nice to see both you and your puppet account reply to a comment of mine within one hour.
-1 point,10 months ago
Also interesting that your puppet account reduced its upvotes from 9 to 1

It was indeed a bit too obvious to have this EddyMurphy account suddenly receive 9 upvotes.
-1 point,10 months ago
The upvotes of the proposal remain 9.

I wonder, are you blind? How can is this possible, the number 9 to appear as 1 to you?

I have not voted yet, neither here in dashcentral nor in the budget.

And I repeat, EddyMurphy is not my puppet, he/she is a different individual.
2 points,10 months ago
I am talking about EddyMurphy's first comment that got upvoted with 9 and then reduced to 1. Highly suspicious.
-2 points,10 months ago
I dont think it is suspicious. Some people expressed their opinion. I personally consider more suspicious the coordinated negative votes for the Encointer proposal into the budget.

If you think it is suspicious, you could ask the dashcentral admin (rango) to clarify what happened. It would be suspicious only in case it is a bug that the dashcentral admin (rango) cannot explain and in that case I wonder why the bug appeared at this moment.
0 points,10 months ago
Whats up qwizzie? Why did you keep quiet? Did you asked rango to investigate the issue, and if yes what did rango replied?
-1 point,10 months ago
And here is a brief explanation of the behavior of MNOS. The MNOs are clearly possesed by daemons.

Daemons....Ancient powerfull Daemons, at least 2000 years old, are involved in this issue...

I repeat my question , and I challenge any rational person to answer it: Why "vote the numbers" is not allowed anywhere, not even allowed in the smallest community here on earth?

Think of it... An idea mentioned in the bible ("Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote the number") that is not implemente NOWHERE, and I challenge everyone to point me a place on earth where voting by using numbers is implemented.

Isnt this strange?

The complete absense of "voting the numbers", not even in the smallest community here on earth, never in the whole history of human kind, is the proof that daemons exist and work tirelessly against humanity.
-2 points,10 months ago
The rules of our earthly universe are defined by deamons, who are the majority around earth. Those deamons vote the earthly rules (the scientists call these demonic rules as "laws of physics"), and those deamons are in favor of the tyranny of the majority, as long as they remain the majority around earth... Due to the decisions/rules of the deamons our universe goes towards a burning Hell.

Dash community goes towards the same burning Hell, because its leaders (the MNOs) are deamon possessed. So, whatever happens here in Dash, the obvious destruction and the spiral death of the Dash community which goes from bad to worse, it is simply a mignature of what happens to the earthly universe.

The possesed MNOs vote unwisely for the Dash rules, similarly to what the deamons are doing for the rules of the time-space around earth, and decay and death is the consequence.
-2 points,10 months ago
And you may wonder, is there any hope? Yes there is a hope, the hope is the mean average rule or even better the hope is the time-splitting rule.

These two rules give to every minority the chance to present its point of view for a small time and convince the misleaded majority about right or wrong.

The perfection resides among minorities, perfection is actually the most rare minority.

Perfection can be saved and save us if we use the mean average (because the perfection's vote if calculated in the voting outcome can save us from complete destruction).

But the kingdom of perfection (but also the kingdom of complete destruction) appears when we use the time-splitting rule.
-2 points,10 months ago
Luke 23:42
“Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom."
2 points,10 months ago
This is what I like most of this proposal: "1 month remaining".
0 points,10 months ago
Yes. It is about the Encointer dividend of the month MARCH.
1 point,10 months ago
Voting No on the One-Time payment of 38 Dash that this proposal owner is requesting, regardless how he wants us MNO's to vote.

This is by the way the same proposal owner that has been relentlessly spamming his infatuation of the Encointer community and his hatred towards MNO's and Dash Governance system countless times. Through his previous Encointer budget proposals that were heavily downvoted (but still active due to their very very long time periods) and through constantly attacking MNO's in other budget proposals.

Maybe it is time demo / vazaki3 moves on from Dash. He has pretty much already burned all his bridges here.
1 point,10 months ago
I agree with you. If the MNOs choose the tyranny of the majority as their preferred election method in order to decide how much to give to Encointer, I will move on from Dash.
3 points,10 months ago
This is a budget proposal where you are requesting 38 Dash.

This has two possible outcomes : the number of yes votes exceed the number of no votes in such a way that it passes the 10% treshold (proposal passes) or the number of yes votes do not exceed the number of no votes in such a way that it passes the 10% treshold (proposal does not pass).

Nothing more, nothing less. All your 4 stated options are pointless and irrelevant.
-1 point,10 months ago
This is not a budget proposal !!

It is a GOVERNANCE QUESTION with 4 option.

In case the 4th option is voted, then this results 38 Dash to be paid, but this is not imprtant.

The important is not the payment, it is the selection method the masternodes prefer.
1 point,10 months ago
Of course this is a budget proposal, you are requesting 38 dash. End of story.

If you wanted this to be a decision proposal, then you should have requested 1 dash or better yet : 0 dash.
0 points,10 months ago
Well, technically, a "decision" proposal is also a budget proposal.. except that when it's a "decision" proposal, the rules are entirely invented by the PO. And thus, I do not care so much how we pigeon hole this, at the end of the day, he's just asking for a tiny amount compared to the garbage DCG proposals that have produced negative returns for almost everyone else.
0 points,10 months ago
The issue is not the tiny amount.

The issue is the deamon possessed humanity, which denies to vote numbers (even for trivial and innocent things) since the begining of the times.
-1 point,10 months ago
I paid 1 dash proposal fee, so I define what this proposal is, not you!


If you dont like that, pay 1 dash proposal fee and ask the masternodes whether I have the right to define about the nature and the functionality of the proposal I paid !!!!
1 point,10 months ago
You put dash in and get dash out. That's it, nothing else.

The MNOs are quick to call you out for a tiny amount yet happy to gloss over large dash grabs. That hypocrisy means the small representation of voters decide the outcome, whether it makes sense to the rest of us or not.

I am not submitting any proposals because it's utterly pointless and broken. This is fake governance where a minority rule over all other stake holders. They're not giving that up anytime soon.

Governance consensus is not PoW but via a single binary issued by a DCG dictatorship. Failure to comply results in demonetization. There you go, MNOs claiming they're giving people a censorship resistant network when the DCG gods demand compliance. How ironic. Making it open source or calling it a "protocol" does not change anything. DCG slaves live and die by a single ultimatum, fork it or go elsewhere. Their wish has been granted a hundred times over as dash continues to consistently fall in price, rank and relevance.
0 points,10 months ago
>DCG slaves live and die by a single ultimatum, fork it or go elsewhere.

The answer to this problem has been given. The spork system, where sporks are also ignited or rollback by peope's vote.

But unfortunately the DCG abandoned the spork system, not to mention the ability to vote on sporks, and keeps coding directly to the core without giving the ignite or the rollback options to the voters.