Proposal “Dash_AeroSports_Zero_Funds_Requested“ (Closed)Back
Title: | Please Vote: Do you want Dash AeroSports to continue our efforts. Zero/0 Funds are requested from the treasury cycle! Previously funded Escrow Drawdown Request |
Owner: | DashAerosports |
One-time payment: | 5 DASH (108 USD) |
Completed payments: | 1 totaling in 5 DASH (0 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-19 (added on 2018-02-23) |
Votes: | 682 Yes / 71 No / 29 Abstain |
Proposal description
Dash AeroSports approaches our last payment provided from the original escrow proposal:
We are happy to report that using the Moving average on the 15th and paid on the superblock date has yielded a great store of value for the network! Greencandle and Dash AeroSports undertook the escrowed proposal structure to “proof of concept” a store of treasury fund value.
Dash AeroSports volunteered to be an example for new and future proposal owners that wish to approach Dash with proposals, yet lack the established reputation or history.
We are requesting to continue our efforts for the Dash network. We are happy to also report that we are requesting ZERO funds from the treasury cycle!* (5 dash to replace the burned 5 dash for proposal).
We request approval from our Dash Masternodes to drawdown the store of value created by our escrowed funds. The drawdown will follow the exact procedures from our original proposal but without any escrow fees.
Price movement within the last 48 hours has varied the projection of further funding for Dash AeroSports from the escrowed funds to exceed 4 to 5 months. It is our desire to see these funds last significantly past these current time estimations.
We want to be absolutely clear: We will drawdown the escrowed Dash amount and provide Dash AeroSports services throughout the funding limits. We will not have any funding leftover. We will not “pocket” unused Dash. If Dash climbs to already seen 4 digit levels, we will continue all our effort based on the original proposals payment schedule.
We will post a monthly accounting report to this proposal page on the 17th of every month.
i.e.: March 15th SMA XXX Dash drawdown XXX Dash Remaining
April 15th SMA XXX drawdown XXX Dash Remaining
It is my goal that this proposal is short and easy for our Masternodes to review. It is also my goal to continue our efforts for Dash.
Dash AeroSports team has been revised. We have hired the team members we need to keep delivering the WOW factor to our Dash Network.
Dash AeroSports has proven to engage on many levels. With our new Dash Escrow Managed Operations Incubator Inc. (DEMO Incubator Inc.) we are positioned to continue sourcing projects such as the FanDuel relationship on a business level and contractually accountable relationship.
Personal Note: I would like to thank the Dash Network for their continued faith in our team. We recognize the communities faith and trust intimately. You'll notice that Dash AeroSports has never said to "just trust us". We have let our efforts speak for themselves. Our reputation within the community is a hard-earned topic of pride for our team. We understand the expectations our community requires and we wish to continue to surpass expectations.
Current proposal: To adhere to the original escrow proposal without the escrow fees: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/gc-dash-aerosports
I want to thank you for allowing us to be part of something as important as Dash. With a yes vote, you are granting us the privilege to continue our efforts.
Fairly long interview, but you can hear how Dash AeroSports in conducting interviews and insisting on discussing DASH as primary and our flying/racing secondary.
We are happy to report that using the Moving average on the 15th and paid on the superblock date has yielded a great store of value for the network! Greencandle and Dash AeroSports undertook the escrowed proposal structure to “proof of concept” a store of treasury fund value.
Dash AeroSports volunteered to be an example for new and future proposal owners that wish to approach Dash with proposals, yet lack the established reputation or history.
We are requesting to continue our efforts for the Dash network. We are happy to also report that we are requesting ZERO funds from the treasury cycle!* (5 dash to replace the burned 5 dash for proposal).
We request approval from our Dash Masternodes to drawdown the store of value created by our escrowed funds. The drawdown will follow the exact procedures from our original proposal but without any escrow fees.
Price movement within the last 48 hours has varied the projection of further funding for Dash AeroSports from the escrowed funds to exceed 4 to 5 months. It is our desire to see these funds last significantly past these current time estimations.
We want to be absolutely clear: We will drawdown the escrowed Dash amount and provide Dash AeroSports services throughout the funding limits. We will not have any funding leftover. We will not “pocket” unused Dash. If Dash climbs to already seen 4 digit levels, we will continue all our effort based on the original proposals payment schedule.
We will post a monthly accounting report to this proposal page on the 17th of every month.
i.e.: March 15th SMA XXX Dash drawdown XXX Dash Remaining
April 15th SMA XXX drawdown XXX Dash Remaining
It is my goal that this proposal is short and easy for our Masternodes to review. It is also my goal to continue our efforts for Dash.
Dash AeroSports team has been revised. We have hired the team members we need to keep delivering the WOW factor to our Dash Network.
Dash AeroSports has proven to engage on many levels. With our new Dash Escrow Managed Operations Incubator Inc. (DEMO Incubator Inc.) we are positioned to continue sourcing projects such as the FanDuel relationship on a business level and contractually accountable relationship.
Personal Note: I would like to thank the Dash Network for their continued faith in our team. We recognize the communities faith and trust intimately. You'll notice that Dash AeroSports has never said to "just trust us". We have let our efforts speak for themselves. Our reputation within the community is a hard-earned topic of pride for our team. We understand the expectations our community requires and we wish to continue to surpass expectations.
Current proposal: To adhere to the original escrow proposal without the escrow fees: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/gc-dash-aerosports
I want to thank you for allowing us to be part of something as important as Dash. With a yes vote, you are granting us the privilege to continue our efforts.
Fairly long interview, but you can hear how Dash AeroSports in conducting interviews and insisting on discussing DASH as primary and our flying/racing secondary.
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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I'll reach out to the last news media interviewer that we talked with. I should be able to have their coverage uploaded.
Thank you for the compliment.
Please clarify what exactly you have accomplished since the last time we gave you funding.
More to come
Please take the time listen to the attached youtube and you'll notice that we place Dash in all aspects before our flying. We are present at our events to promote Dash and attract adopters in the general public and we remain heavily focused on merchant adoption.
To be clear, because I realize I am coming off as very standoffish: I am not against you or your team Scott, but I am very much against this wasteful use of funds.
I've listed 3 updates today on Discord MNO-Only channel. Information that cannot be public yet. I state reasons below in the comments.
I'm not trying to be standoffish, I'm trying to explain that businesses do not wish to make public that they will be exclusive until the ink is dry.
Here's a failure moment. I contacted CORE last month to discuss a multinational electronics company "G". We thought we had them, we lost them. We do fail.
We are now in the closing details for their competitor "D".
Best Regards,
We are trying to provide a report of on-going efforts without compromising on-going discussions.
Short Term:
Please join the Dash Discord MNO-Only channel which is open to all MNO's, but would keep posted information from search engines.
Longer Term:
We will find a better solution. We are trying to keep away from a sign-up or log in solution.
We will provide an update today on the MNO-Only discord channel regarding the NBC Sports Dash exposure. This is Dash AeroSports purchased advertising from within our proposal's budget. We will post on discord an example video provided by NBC sports, deliverables/spots required of NBC, Dash Logo marker on "in cockpit footage", etc.
Finest regards, Solarguy
I think it'd be great if the DAO could pay you as a business development manager somehow, or a guy who puts together great proposals, but without having to tie it into airplane/bus advertising which probably isn't the best fit for Dash right now. (But still helps, sure.)
Thanks for all your hard work. You're a winner, and if the airplane ads need to come with your next proposal... that's just a decision the MNOs will have to make at vote time.
Thank you to those that provided some great critique too. I do recognize that certain aspects need to be adapted to meet our MNO's request.
Having Dash Aerosport take the funds under their own control and eliminate escrow fees. Existing funds, minus escrow fees would further the time duration of funding for Dash Aero's efforts. Everything remains the same without the escrow fees.
Dash Aero will drawdown funds on the simple moving average pegged to the 15th day of the month.
Please keep doing what you do! I can't get enough.
This needs to be a site for MNO only. If there are going to be time wasting questions then at least those asking should be MNO.
This is an obvious yes, Aerosports are doing a great job!
In our case, Dash MNO's voted last proposal to provide a profit within our proposal. As a business developer, I am used to starting below profit and scratching our way into profit. Because of the profit being built within the proposal, I think it is only fair we provide work based on funds and not timeframe.
Thank you so much for comments and support!
As they would come around seeking new funds from treasury to operate dash boost, which was supposed to utilize those funds to micro proposals.
Without proof that is pretty wild speculation as there are other remaining funds (GAP) which make a lot more sense to use.
I asked if hes referring to the escrowed balances gc has.
Not particularly from aerosports proposal
So there are remaining Dash Aerosports funds in the escrow address used for that project and Scott is asking for all of those to be released to Dash Aerosports.
(Correct me if I am wrong, Scott)
So my point stands, there are other sets of remaining funds in escrow that it makes more sense to use for DashBoost.
You are correct. We have our funding lane intact and isolated. The funds have always been intended to generate the maximum duration and retention of value for the network.
I have never been approached regarding the Dash AeroSports funds being used for any other project than Dash Aero.
We agree that separate escrows managing each other's funds are inefficient. We are requesting to take the funds under our control and eliminate escrow fees. Existing funds, minus escrow fees would further the time duration of funding for Dash Aero's efforts. Everything remains the same without the escrow fees.
Greencandle and Dash Aerosports have agreed that both operations run escrows and the fees associated with escrow can be bypassed.
Dash Aerosports is requesting funds to be transferred into our wallet and Dash Aero would drawdown funds on the simple moving average pegged to the 15th day of the month as we have done with Greencandle throughout the escrow.
Proposal Content to be posted shortly.
The original proposal gave absolutely no details about what Scott was going to do with this money and neither does this one. Please enlighten me what you have accomplished for the Dash network with all the money we have given you so far.
And before people start screaming FanDual at me, that was a separate proposal. We paid for that, we don't also need to fund Scott's hobby.
What did his original proposal accomplish?
And in turn, he has brought value to Dash regardless of if he wrote down exactly what he was going to do for the network in his original proposal text.
It is called under promise, over deliver... and Fan Duel is quite the over delivery.
What I see in this proposal, is an attempt to disconnect a conceding escrow service to the DEMO escrow service that you have mounted. A maneuver to eliminate concurrency. Regarding your support for a system of sencure to silence what you call troll, it reminds me of history, where the Nazis used the controlled media and propaganda to silence the resistant they called terrorist. Other time other situation, same method.
Thank you for your input. Can I ask if you participate in any of the discord channels? We participate daily on discord and provide updates through that site regularly. We also correspond with Dash Force News.
Did you have a chance to view our updates considering our air events that we participated in? Maybe our updates regarding our onboarding techniques? Updates regarding new business we have brought into the Dash ecosystem?
I'm sure you saw the updates showing our scouting and prearranging key locations throughout the bitcoin miami conference? Our team was a very bold presence in Miami.
We also provided updates showing us leaving directly from Miami Bitcoin to help promote the Rory MMA fight in LA?
Landing from LA back in Florida, we jumped into our Dash Bus and Dash Force One to arrive at the Sebring Air Expo 2018. (Interview from that event attached to current proposal). We received star treatment and multiple media interviews.
We also onboarded a new large merchant to Dash during the Sebring event.
The MNO-Only channel on Discord is a wonderful area for Dash AeroSports updates. (Troll-free)
As you can see, we've been very busy pushing for Dash.
Hopefully, you'll reconsider your vote based on available information that has been posted, but outside your viewing channel.
I saw some of your updates, but I didnt follow that closely. Frankly, I think for 100k a month it is reasonable to expect a complete overview in a short forum post.
And your passive-aggressive tone doesnt convince me either.
I was concerned that you hadn't seen any of our updates. I see that you state that you didn't follow our proposal closely. I understand. There are a lot of proposals to keep up with as a masternode.
Thank you for your input and we will make sure we continue to update our MNOs.
The return on investments is next to nothing here. MNs should understand what they are voting for here.
At the time of his previous proposal, planeman got greencandle to take out 1366 dash or almost 1M dollars at current prices while he claimed to only be asking for 400000.
He created a buffer of 600000 knowing fully well that for the next proposal, he will make a request like this to get his hands on the other 600000
There is ZERO ROI from sponsoring his plane. ZERO. He hasnt even bothered to put an update.. This proposal should be shot down and greencandle should be asked to retain the funds for other proposals..
I urge MNOs to focus on the facts and to ignore the handful of people that offer no solutions, only unfounded criticisms.
Green Candle will happily provide escrow services for the extension of this funding if the MNOs vote to support it.
It demonstrate a disturbing lack of maturity and should not be used in budget proposal discussions.