Proposal “DashTripVenezuela-2ndPhase“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Trip Phase 2 - 3 New Dash Destination + 300 Tourism Related Businesses + 900 New Users
Monthly amount: 124 DASH (2724 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-01-16 / 2019-04-15 (added on 2019-01-09)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 17 Yes / 63 No / 10 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello Dash Comminity! I am Marco Canelon, I would like to present you Dash Trip (Phase 2) proposal. Please let me know if you like it!

Result and Proposal Video: 

Important Links:

First phase DashWatch team report:
Work In Canaima: Presentation
Proposal PDF: Proposal PDF

After the first phase of DashTrip, CanaimaNational Park, we are able to show you how Dash is bringing a solution to the tourism sector in Venezuela. They are really enthusiastic about using Dash as a payment method, since it became clear that Dash gives an opportunity for the sector to be connected with the world. DashTrip first phase, Canaima National Park was a successful project; we met and provided advisory to the main hotel and lodges, air transportation operators, indigenous craft stores and souvenirs stores. Some of them were: Waku lodges, Arameru Lodges, Ucaima, Parakaupa, Morichal and more.  
The conference in the community was a big success and represented a change of paradigm. Over 90 people assisted, and according to Dash Text, in the period of time we were in Canaima, the platform received +250 request for creating new wallets. 
Having finished our first phase success fully we would like to keep working on the development of new Dash Destinations.
Our strategy is to visit one destination per month, and in the meantime, we will target tourism related businesses based in Caracas; such as: travel agencies, airlines, hotel circuits and all related organisms.

What have we done?
So far, we have created a DashDestination, Canaima National Park. There are businesses such as hotels and lodges, air transportation operators, indigenous crafts stores and souvenirs stores that are accepting Dash. To sum up what we did:
·      We opened + 250 Dash Text wallets in Canaima
·      +20 tourism operators(Souvenir stores, lodges, hotels and kiosks) are subscribed in Discover Dash
·      We offered one big conference to educate the community of Canaima about Dash. (We tough them: How to use it, where to buy
        it, tips and more) +90 people assisted
·      We made +5 meet-up with the biggest hotels and lodges in Canaima
·      We promoted several Dash initiatives such asDash Text, Dash help, and more.
Please go the following link to some picture of our work done in Canaima :

What are we going to do?
Our strategy will be to visit one destination per month; we will stay approximately one week per
destination and we will meet, greet and provide advisory to the main hotels and tourism operators of the area. Additionally, for each destination we will organize a conference where we will teach about several topic about Dash

An important element that we are incorporating is to recruit a DashTrip Ambassador from the Dash communities if there is any. In case there is no local Dash Community, we’d have to create it. This is mostly to warranty the upkeep and provide trust and familiarity to the operators, both key elements for the massive adoption.

 To sum up our plan:

·      We will integrate the POS in hotels, travel agencies and more
·      We will meet with renowned Venezuelan travel agencies (+25), some of them also have offices abroad
·      3 new Dash Destinations
·      +900 new Dashwallets
·      +300Tourism related businesses accepting Dash in Venezuela and the Caribbean
·      Promote others initiatives such as Dash Text and Dash Help to fully integrate all the
·      We will recruit aDashTrip Ambassador from the Dash communities. If there is none, we’ll start

Selected Locations:
Margarita Island
this beautifulCaribbean island has tremendous potential because there are many international tourists arriving every week, most of them from Colombia. They normally spend one week with an all included package. This could become a Dash Destination easily, because using Dash will solve the unknown exchange rate problem between Bolivares and USD
or EUR. In the following video you can see this incredible location:

LosRoques: This is a closed ecosystem just like Canaima. An incredible place to visit and with the same conditions of an isolated community. All the consumptions must be paid in USD and the transactions fees are high to paid with a wire transfer and also the payments won´t be available immediately. Furthermore, the use of cash is limited because of risks associated, and many of the necessary services like boats, only accept cash (so far).  In the following video you can see what Los Roques has to offer:

Merida: a student city close to the border betweenColombia and Venezuela. The city is based in Los Andes Mountains and there you find the highest cable ray in the world and the second longest, Mukumbari Sistema de Teleferico de Merida - Venezuela. Usually people go there to see the incredible nature views around Los Andes Mountains and hike to the Pico Bolivar that has an altitude of 5007 m. It is also an important cultural destination with culinary routes. In the following video you can experience Merida, the first Dash Destination among clouds:

Why vote Yes?
1.     The best way to make Dash an accepted currency across the world is to get merchants. In this case we are targeting specifically those business that respond to the tourism sector directly and indirectly.  The hope is to open for more international visitors, solving the many problems encountered with the currency in Venezuela, and providing the comfort and safety of Dash. We are aiming for +300 new tourism related businesses.
2.     We will raise awareness on Dash payment method in the main destinations in Venezuela
3.     Provide advisory for hotels, airlines, rental offices, souvenir stores and freelance operators on the use of Dash
4.     Dash wallet service: opening + 900 wallets
5.     Promote other initiatives such as: Dash Help, Discover Dash and more
6.     Venezuela is on the way to become the first country that generally accepts Dash (because of the investments and efforts, as well as the difficult conjuncture of the monetary system). This will set an example for other nations.
7.     Tourism represents over 10% of the world’s GDP (directly, indirectly and induced). It is one of the world’s largest economic sectors where Dash must be present. See the contribution of travel and tourism to the global GDP in the following chart.

Finally, DashTrip will bring Dash to Venezuela since tourism is one of the most effective ways to bring money from outside of the country. It is crucial to have a bigger mass of Dash being exchanged in the country from users to merchants, and the tourism sector can increase this mass organically, as well as solved all the issues that keep many travelers from visiting Venezuela.

We have a strong alliance with Dash Help, Dash Merchant and Dash Text. These strong bonds are necessary and proven effective in the advance towards our achievement of the main goal “Massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela”. @AlejandroE joined us in Canaima in representation of those organizations and his presence proved to be very beneficial for the accomplishment of the results. We will continue to promote Dash Help in all destinations we plan to go in order to guarantee that people will be able to ask any question they have just after we leave the community. Dash text is also a very important ally since some people do not have smartphones in those areas or the internet connection is limited.


Behind the Proposal:

Marco Canelon: Project Manager. 25 years old. Mechanical Engineering from Simon Bolivar University. He currently works as a national manager of 282 Engineering, a company that sells spare parts to the Venezuela industry park. He has experienced organizing trip and adventure to exotic destinations in Venezuela. Crypto mining (Dash), Crypto Invest (Ig. marcocanelon, DASH Forum/Discord: marcocanelon)

Maria Rosa Rodriguez: Logistic Manager, 25 years old. She is business administrator and accountant from the Universidad Católica Andres Bello, Guayana. She is also an airplane pilot and is currently doing a masters degree on finance at IESA, she has always work with tourims, taking on different strategic roles on both air transportation companies and hotels.

Gianpaolo Comparetto: Advisor. 26 years old, mechanical engineer from Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. He is in charge of the management of Dash in Cripto Latin Fest (Bogota, Colombia) and Bitcoin Summer Fest (Medellin, Colombia). Experience on project management, Quality Assistant Engineer, Crypto investments, mining. (Ig: G.comparetto. DASH Forum/Discord: G.Comparetto).

Contact information:

Thank you very much for reading our proposal!!!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-2 points,6 years ago
Proposal not looking to pass this time.
I am assuming the poor budget situation is playing a part. Then maybe it is the 'tourist' aspect which I would think caters more to those who have been in cryptocurrencies for years. Abstaining also.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hey Criticalinput,

Yes this time was not good for this project.

Remember, when we say tourist we are thinking in a mass of people who are lover of cryprocurrencie. They will love have vacation all paid with Dash.

Marco Canelon
0 points,6 years ago
Abstaining because lack of budget, nothing more.
-2 points,6 years ago
Hey quantumexplorer,

I understand your decition. I hope is only for the critical budget. I hope you guys still support this kind of project that is soo important to develop a massive Adoption in a country. DashTrip will bring Dash liquidity into the economy.

Marco Canelon
-1 point,6 years ago
Yes! This project is signing up real users and real businesses, something which is rarely seen successfully in other countries of the world. It is clear to me we should keep supporting successful projects like this. You have my support, keep up the great work. DeepBlue
-1 point,6 years ago
Hey Deepblue,

Thank you very much for your incredible support. You always have written such as important comment to our proposal. This time the budget was not enough to be approved.

Thanks again
Marco Canelon
-2 points,6 years ago
Can the no voters, explain there vote(s) ?
0 points,6 years ago
I am asking myself the same question. I would like to know if the community still support the project. I understand that the budget is very short. Let see what happen for future cycles.

Best Regards
0 points,6 years ago
Worldwide airport travel to Isla Margarita (PMV airport) is presently thru:

idea for future objectives: i) get more flights from CCS to PMV per day, seeing only 1 per day (Avior airline)
ii) And also flights from PTY to PMV (making it easier to get to Isla Margarita by cutting out the CCS layover)
iii) propose a Dash networking/brainstorming conference at a Isla Margarita resort in maybe 2020 to encourage Dash global team members to take a trip
-1 point,6 years ago
Easy yes. Looking forward to a vacation in Venezuela.)
-1 point,6 years ago
Hey nerdmoney,

Thank you for the support.

Best Regards
Marco Canelon
1 point,6 years ago
First of the video looks great.

If ask myself the question would I like to visit Venezuela as a Holiday destination, the answer is yes, but would I want use Bolivars ? Nope.

Question 1?
Are Dollars, Euro and or other fiat currency's accepted ? And if so what kind of benfits does Dash offer for merchants and consumers ?

Question 2 ?
How are you making vistors aware of the option of Dash ? and if so do you have quick sort guides will make it easy for them to load up on dash before the trip, and maybe top-up during there trips.
0 points,6 years ago
Hey A_node_to_Master

Thanks for having the time read our proposal and ask some questions

Question 1.

Yes, not everywhere but in most places. Yet, those currencies are accepted mostly in cash, so that would mean that you have carry enough cash for your entire trip expenses, probably not the best idea when you see the statistics for robberies and other crimes. This is a big reason why a lot of people don’t come. Also, if its only cash, how can you secure a booking if you can’t pay in advance. A few operators have bank accounts abroad, but if what you are booking or paying is an specific service like a meal or tour, you would have to add between 30 and 45 usd to cover transfer fees, witch might be more than what you are actually paying for. Another important fact is that if you pay in cash to a merchant how this merchant would be able to pay their supplier? This person should deposit the cash or changing to anyone to be able to have the money electronically. This is an additional work where you loose money and time. All of these services are in the middle of the jungle and everything in Canaima is delivered by plane. With Dash the community is connected to the world and you the tourist are able to carry and pay more their trip expenses easily.

Question 2.

We have signs placed on the places that specify that the business has received training and can accept Dash. But since we want this to be clear before arriving at the place, we have asked operators to add the Dash logo on their websites, as well as adding the option when they send the information for booking. Also, we will start installing the POS, so for the operator will be even simpler to Accept Dash. Additionally, all the tourism operators who are accepting Dash will be subscribed in, so people will know that a specific merchant accepts Dash.

It is interesting what you say about instructions for guests, we have manuals but we are gonna add some details so that the potential traveler sees that it specifically made for them.

Thanks again for the support

Best Regard
Marco Canelon
Cofounder DashTrip
1 point,6 years ago
This team is clearly very professional and accomplished what they set out to do. It remains to be seen just how valuable these integrations and efforts will be and whether or not "Dash Tourism" will be worthwhile enough to justify the cost of continued support, but if that's something we as a network continue to value--especially in light of the concurrent projects ongoing in this region that bolster it--then this team's efforts should be supported.
0 points,6 years ago
Hey Arthyron,

Thanks for your comment and support.

Sometime we think the tourism is a tiny sector, however, it is important, 10% of global GDP is tourism. It is present everywhere and sometime represent the single income of a country. Even when the economic situation is not the best, most of the countries invest in tourism to reactivate it. We should see Dash Trip as a way of injecting Dash into an economy that has been developing its adoption. We would not be able to pay in Dash if there is not any Dash around. In other words, Venezuela needs liquidity in Dash to really become a Dash Nation. Tourism is one of the best way to bring money from people who are based outside the country. The best part is that we are offering exotic and paradisiac destinations that are not available in others part but Venezuela. I hope the community understands how Dash Trip is important to become Venezuela a Dash nation. All countries have a tourism sector and Dash should be the first Crypto Currency that does care about the tourism and become the most usage crypto in the sector.

Thanks again for the support

Best Regard
Marco Canelon
Cofounder DashTrip
1 point,6 years ago
The video made me emotional. Keep up the good work!
0 points,6 years ago
Hey mikenewhouse,

I am glad you liked the video.

That’s right let’s keep up the good work and create 3 new Dash Destination in Venezuela.

Best Regards

Marco Canelon
Dash Trip