Proposal “DashThailand“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Embassy Thailand Q1 2019 proposal
Monthly amount: 189 DASH (4213 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 567 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-12-17 / 2019-03-16 (added on 2018-12-08)
Votes: 750 Yes / 176 No / 26 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Embassy Thailand Q1 2019 proposal

The Dash Embassy Thailand has successfully mastered its first quarter by
setting a solid foundation for Dash adoption in the Kingdom of Thailand.
According to the ANYPAY team, Thailand has within the past 2 months already
grown to one of the best performing regions globally. A series of educational
meetups was executed, a solid online and offline community of Dash followers
and Dash accepting merchant has been built. Where before you could not spend
Dash anywhere in Thailand, we have on-boarded a variety of merchants -
Restaurants, hotels, leisure, and nightlife activities as well as other
services. As a result, the entire team gained experience and confidence to
further fine tune the approach and strategy for 2019.

The main goal of the Dash Embassy Thailand is to further drive the growth of a
healthy Dash ecosystem for locals and expats as well as for the huge traveler
community in Thailand. We aim to increase customer and merchant adoption by a
mix of approaches: educational, marketing, support and training, partnership
efforts and regulatory framework. We want to make here also clear that our strategy
in Thailand is not focused on hyper inflation as Thailand is not as Venezuela a
hyper inflation country. Please see more details about the inflation rate in Thailand
See here also a worldwide overview of inflation rates:

The entire Dash Thailand Embassy team also wants to say thank you to the
masternodes, the Dash community and all advocates for the positive feedback,
trust in our mission and the great support.

What our partners say:

"We love what the Dash Embassy Thailand is doing. Thanks to their efforts
we were able to generate an additional 40,000 THB (1,200 USD) revenue in the
last month. Keep up the good work" Fabian Weiner, Owner, Ninive Games

"We are happy that the Dash Embassy Thailand helped us to accept Dash. We
use ANYPAY in our restaurant for its easiness and safety keeping our wallets
safe. We were very surprised at getting a significant number of extra customers
because of Dash payment availability, something we didn't expect. This flow of
customers beyond the monetary spend helps our staff practicing and feeling
confident when receiving new Dash customers. I hope the Dash Embassy keeps
doing this great effort in promoting places and finding new venues where we can
spend our hard-earned Dash." Itzco Calve, Owner of The Missing Burro

Community Building – Thai and international

Bilingual Meetups (Thai, English) have been and continue to be a cornerstone in
educating the public, merchants and consumers. We executed 13 dedicated Dash
Thailand educational events plus collaboration events with merchants and
conferences where Dash was represented. Discussed subjects covered general
crypto payments, legal aspects, Fiat to crypto processes, onboarding processes,
test purchases and many more.

More than 19,400 people were reached with our social media event promotions and
live-streams of the events where presented by our collaborators in Vietnam who
created entire events around the weekly streaming.
The awareness of Dash and the community has grown exponentially which is
reflected in the social media performance. Facebook, the number one social
media platform in Thailand, has been proven as the most efficient marketing
tool attracting 1,347 members in the FB group plus 352 followers to the page.
Post Engagements per month are at 1700+ and counting.
Sustainable Merchant Onboarding

We started off with zero merchants accepting Dash in Thailand. To date 25 merchants
out of different industries from hospitality and nightlife to recreation and
shopping, are fully onboarded with additional merchants in the process. We have
expanded our leads from the metropolis Bangkok to other cities and destinations
such as Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Petchabun.

One important lesson we have learned is that merchant support does not end with
a successful onboarding procedure. Our Dash Thailand team noticed that the most
difficult part is ensuring that merchants make continues revenue with Dash
payments in their daily business since otherwise “it will be forgotten soon” or
neglected by the management and staff members. We have noticed that this is the
case with most of the so-called ‘Bitcoin accepting’ merchants listed online. We
are aiming to solve this by retraining employees, ongoing support, and special
collaboration events. We found the best and most sustainable strategy for happy
merchants is generating additional business for them. We have done this by
actively promoting our Merchants in our channels and by hosting dedicated
events at their business. To help accelerating this approach, an expansion of
the ambassador program is required sooner than expected to provide quality
customer service. Additional ambassadors are needed to excel our support and
(post)on-boarding activities.

In terms of special events, we remain quite creative. We have e.g. hosted a
Dash Board Game competition or a Dash Crypto-Nights Party that showed merchants
the profit of using Dash and engaged our supporter community as well as new
Dash users.
Strategic Partnerships

We are continuing to work closely with the SEC Thailand applying for the
addition of Dash to the promoted cryptocurrencies in Thailand (Next Dash
presentation at the SEC latest in January). On the SEC side progressive
investments especially from China applying for broker, dealer, exchange and ICO
portal licenses are currently delaying the process. We are expecting to be in
the position to update on this matter by around February.

Equally important, the Dash Thailand team generated leads to exchanges in
Thailand. Both, the already running exchange and upcoming exchanges in the
final licensing phase are currently looking into technical solutions to provide
a Dash integration. Full implementation is targeted for Q1 - Q2 2019.

Furthermore, the team is in talk with two ATM suppliers to provide the first
crypto ATMs in Thailand. Licensing processes should be finalized in Q2 2019.

All relevant material such as social media post, event descriptions, print
media and other is provided bilingual in Thai and English.

The website domain was registered and the English version is already published.
Content of the page is customized to the Thai and expat audience providing info on Dash, customer
support, merchant, and user onboarding info. Thai translations will follow in January
(credit: Dash Force News)

Strategic focus
We are aware that Thailand is not a hyperinflation country. The potential for Dash in Thailand lies, therefore, especially in the
tourism sector. The tourism sector in Thailand, with a 20% GDP and a potential
of 455 billion USD in 2017 is constantly growing. Expected growth in 2018 will
surpass 4 %.

We have recognized the potential of this multi-billion market and propel our
activities in this sector to expand Dash adoption in the tourism and
hospitality industry in the coming quarter. The ambassador team will therefore
be strengthened with additional sales teams with a career background in this

High Priority Milestones and Roadmap

As addition to the above mentioned please see our high priority Milestones and Roadmap for 2019 based on our first 3 months experience listed below as we believe it is a good final overview for Masternode owners.

Milestone 1- SEC promotion of Dash.
Task: Presenting Dash to the Thai SEC in multiple rounds (next official presentation round appointment January 10th at the SEC office in Bangkok).

Milestone 2 – Onboarding SMEs and larger corporations* to build out the Dash ecosystem.
Tasks: SEC presentations, creating informational material, distribution to targeted organizations, free in-house info-seminars, and special merchant networking events.
*for larger corporations SEC DASH acceptance  and in-house seminars required

Milestone 3 – Fostering Collaboration with SMEs
Tasks: Collaboration events with SMEs – reaching larger consumer segments and generating interest of other SMEs to adopt Dash by collaborating with new onboarded SMEs in events and marketing. Customer support and staff training

Milestone 4 – Collaborations with Exchanges, ATMs, POS and other Hardware collaborations in Thailand
Tasks: Agreements and MOU’s with providers in Thailand as soon as they obtained license.

Milestone 5: Hospitality and tourism out-roll.
Tasks: Approaching Hospitality and Tourism players in multiple tourism hotspots of the country.

Milestone 6: Education of the masses. Tasks: wallet installations, dash tips, events and education to different target groups and at various locations.

Dash spreading throughout Southeast Asia

“Dash is seeing increasing interest in Southeast Asia as more individuals
recognize its potential for fast, inexpensive, and secure transactions. This
can play a vital role for individuals traveling internationally or workers
sending remittances. Dash is being integrated into the POS solution Slithex and the MBAex exchange to increase adoption, usability, and liquidity. Not exactly Southeast Asia, but Dash is seeing usage in the tourism
industry by TravelbyBitin Australia,, and More Stamps. Focusing on the tourism industry allows individuals to avoid costly exchange fees and hassling around with different
denominations, which will simplify the process. It also stands to benefit
merchants and employees by saving them money on fees for payment processing and
possible remittances. Dash does not currently have massive adoption in
Thailand, but it is making considerable progress in a brief period of time,
which bodes well for future adoption and continued usage of Dash (Dash Force
News, Nov 2018)”.


Our team grew organically and faster than expected and new gained insights required to extend our operations to provide quality services.
All of us have, in the same time, experienced a dramatic drop in the Dash to
fiat rate which resulted in monthly losses for our team even we kept our
spending to a minimum. We are now facing a situation where the value of our
initially proposed 88 Dash is at 5409 USD (Dec 7th) compared to the initial
17,671 USD we proposed in September 2018. It would be exceedingly difficult to
move forward with a budget cut of 70%. In the past three months, we have
invested the missing funds plus the cost for additional local ambassador by
ourselves to be able to provide quality services to the consumer, merchants and
to you - the community. We are now at a point, where we can’t provide all of
the missing funds out of our own pocket anymore to balance the Dash price volatility.

We would be, therefore, forced to either  reduce our operations or keep
our original proposed budget in USD (and increase in Dash) to be able to
operate effectively and use the hard-earned momentum we have gained in the past
three months. We are aware that increasing to 287.5 Dash in order to reach the
initial proposed budget again would be difficult at this moment so we came up
with the idea proposing 189 Dash only. We will again cover the missing funds
from our own pockets to illustrate our commitment to you – the Dash community
and masternodes.

Further links:

 Dash Force December interview link

· Dash Force November interview link:

· Dash Watch November Report:

· Dash Watch OctoberReport:

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch February 24th 2019 Report on
Dash Embassy Thailand Q1 2019 by DashEmbassyThailand
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks a lot Dash Watch for your report!
-1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch January 25th 2019 Report on
Dash Embassy Thailand Q1 2019 Proposal by DashEmbassyThailand
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for the new report!
-1 point,6 years ago
Please see below our latest updates and activities in our Dash Forum documentation:
2 points,6 years ago
Given the circumstances of the Bear Market, the expenses associated with this proposal (which mostly go to the team and overhead and not toward the ostensible project's purpose itself), the inefficiency and cost of onboarding and conversion of merchants relative to other proposals of the same cost in other areas of the world (roughly 10x in many instances), and the fact that merchant onboarding and grassroots community-building is not in itself a sustainable or feasible way of furthering our goals, I can't really continue supporting this or any other similar proposal that does not take place in an economic situation where the advantages of Dash vastly outweigh the extant systems of payment. The embassy projects and similar efforts made sense maybe when we had a lot more money to throw around, but I don't really find them to be providing sufficient value relative to cost when the same funds spent elsewhere could go so much further. It's just not an ideal market for Dash at this time.
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks Athyron for commenting on our proposal, the market, and the course of Dash.

We are aware of the bear-market and agree that the expenses of our proposal and all other proposals have to be spent for the project’s purpose itself. We started as an Embassy proposal and we still carry that name. But our work is mainly an adoption proposal which builds a healthy ecosystem not only aiming to increase the number of on-boarded merchants but also to increase the number and volume of transactions as we see the pure number of on-boarded merchants only as not valuable enough for the network.

But even just looking at the pure numbers of merchants; We on-boarded 35 merchants in the first quarter. You mentioned that other countries in the world on-board 10x more than we do. I don’t know where that number is coming from, but I didn’t see any proposal which on-boarded 350 merchants in the first 3 month. Actually, even now there are only 2 or 3 countries in the world which have more then 350 dash merchants in total, and they operate for a long time.

In the first 3 month we managed to build a healthy ecosystem with merchants generating regular transactions with respectable transaction volumes. We achieved this goal.

Now, in our second proposal, we are taking our learnings, experience and the success story of the initial 3 month to have leverage in meetings with the decision makers of the government and industry sectors as well as important third-party players on the liquidity and tech side.
Along with door to door merchant on-boarding, those collaborations are needed to grow exponentially. Our goal is to have a significant number of merchants this year and step by step decrease the cost per on-boarding a new merchant in Q2 - Q4.

Approaching single merchants in a “from door to door” sale approach as a start is and was necessary to start growing the Dash ecosystem and to positioning ourselves strategically mid and long term. That will enable us to approach the big players in the industries and generating large scale adoption what will help us to grow exponentially in Q3 and Q4 this year. As approaching only single merchants in a “from door to door” sale approach will have its limitations regardless the market situation as opposed to positioning ourselves strategically and approach the big players in the industries to generate large scale adaptions.
-1 point,6 years ago
The New Year and the work in our Q1/2019 Proposal period are starting with full speed! To stay updated about our regular activities please see beside our social media channels this Dash Forum thread:

Stay updated & dashy!
-1 point,6 years ago
Dash Embassy Thailand would like to thank the Dash community and wish everyone a Happy New Year 2019 with great successes and dashing progress with forward momentum in both professional and personal capacities!

Dash Embassy Thailand ขอขอบคุณทุกท่านและขอให้ทุกคนมีความสุขในปีใหม่ ขอให้ประสบความสำเร็จและความก้าวหน้าด้วยแรงผลักดันไปข้างหน้าในการงานและชีวิตครอบครัวนะครับ

We also want to say thank you and goodbye to the colorful year that was 2018, we’ve curated some images into a wallpaper pack in honor of our beloved home & Dash nation - Thailand! ??

นอกจากนี้ เราขอขอบคุณและบอกลากับปี พศ. 2561 ที่ช่างมีสีสัน สำหรับทุกเวลาที่ท้าทายด้วยความลำบาก เชื่อว่ามีความสำเร็จที่ยิ่งใหญ่เท่าเทียมกันเกิดขึ้นคู่กันไป เพื่อเป็นการระลึกถึงปีที่ผ่านมา เราได้รวบรวมภาพในชุดวอลเปเปอร์เพื่อเป็นเกียรติแก่ประเทศและบ้านอันเป็นที่รักของเรา ??

???Download the Dash Embassy Thailand 2018 HD Wallpaper Pack here:
?… ?
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks a lot to the Masternodes for all the votes on our proposal and the whole Dash Community for all the great feedback and support in 2018! We are looking forward to a great 2019 together with you. Greetings and all the best from all members of the Dash Embassy Thailand. Be sure we will all do our best to keep on pushing Dash in the upcoming year! In Dash we trust!
-3 points,6 years ago
As the last 24hr of the voting are about to start please see below the link to our regular updates and activities from the Dash forum of the last 3 month:

Thanks for the great support so far to the the whole Dash community! In Dash we trust!
2 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch December 25th 2018 Report on
Dash Embassy Thailand by DashEmbassyThailand
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you DashWatch.
But it seems like nobody is reading you're report again, no way this proposal can have this many upvotes if people read and understand the metrics displayed.
-1 point,6 years ago
Please see additional to our comment here also our answer to lemonysnickets comment as it seems there are many misunderstandings around the reports and the metrics in general.

Dash Watch is doing a great work like most proposals in the network are doing. Still the monthly reporting to Dash Watch is just one part of our monthly reporting work to make our activities and achievements transparent to the Masternondes and the whole Dash community. As valuable the Dash Watch report is, it's also limited in it's structure. This is no critic at all, it's just in the nature of the report. We encourage always the community to see also the regular updates on the Dash forum and other channels to get the full picture regards quality and quantity results as well as our comments here. We believe that most community members and MNO's reading the reports, but are also aware of it's limits and the other reporting work we are doing. Which results in total in the positive upvotes you mentioned.

Anyway after the obvious misunderstandings and feedback received this time we will try to find a better way together with DW to make things more clear and avoid the mentioned misunderstandings in future.
4 points,6 years ago
Not sure why DashEmbassyThailand is thanking you - it shows that there is 11k unaccounted for funds and abysmal metrics...MNO's please read the DW report and vote NO.
-3 points,6 years ago

Thanks for commenting here. But we believe there is actually a misunderstanding about the “11k unaccounted ... funds ... in the DW report” as you mentioned it in your comment.

The amount "11,324" you are talking about are the difference between our originally proposed budget and the amount we actually received in December due to the Dash price drop.

So it's an MINUS and we unfortunately don’t have an influence on the dash price depreciation. We even compensated the missing budget to ensure full operations of the Dash Embassy Thailand like always. Same as we did in the previous month before ...

We hope that make things more clear. Greetings from the Dash Embassy Thailand team
3 points,6 years ago
According to Dashwatch, it is UNACCOUNTED FOR FUNDS. If you have a liquidation schedule, it should be in there. Don't try pull the wool over MNO's eyes here - Dashwatch would have accounted for this if you had indeed liquidated it and shown them proof.

And as for the metrics, do you have any comment? Despite the fact that it seems as if 'money went missing', what do you consider your main achievements this month? Curious to know.

-1 point,6 years ago
Again there is no "money went missing" and no one "try to pull wool over MNO's eyes"

After your comment we messaged directly our contact person at Dash Watch.
Here is his original quote: "I am reviewing comments now and see that there was misunderstanding about the negative funds. It appears that our note was not clear enough. I'll remedy that."

So even Dash watch say it's a misunderstanding and they will remedy!

About your second point. 3 month ago we got our first funding. In the last 3 month we built up Dash in Thailand from 0 to:
- a healthy merchant ecosystem of around 30 happy merchants with regular transactions.
- with over 20 own events and guest speeches at conferences and universities we reached many thousands of people in Thailand directly and through our live streams and online activities even more. Many of them got new wallets and become active Dash followers in many different ways.
- beside all the merchant on-boarding, community building, marketing and education for Dash we work on many strategic goals which take time but are very important as the work with payment providers, exchanges etc.. Therefore I would say our biggest achievement in December is the confirmation of our appointment which will take place on the 10th of January to present with 5 Dash Embassy Thailand Ambassadors Dash in front of the Thai SEC to get Dash promoted and to discuss the advantages of Dash as a payment opportunity for government services etc.

Our team is working here 24/7 to push Dash in Thailand! We try to show it and make it transparent to everyone in regular updates in our Dash forum thread and through our other channels as It seems not easy to put all our achievements in a monthly report metrics. We hope we can make everything more clear through our comments and help everyone to see the bigger picture.
-2 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot Dash Watch for the report. You are doing a great work for the Dash Community and Masternodes.
6 points,6 years ago
Could you explain how some of your team is also officially promoting EOS and why this information wasn't disclosed to the Dash DAO?
-6 points,6 years ago
Hi Arthyron, Merry Christmas and thanks for your question. Yes indeed some of our Ambassadors do other things in their free time mostly out of personal interest or to push the whole crypto scene in Thailand!
So it happened that Felix Mago accepted an volunteering speaker request from EOS nation on the 26th November (btw also the promotion of Felix as an Ambassador afterwards is strictly honorary and don't influence his daily work for DET at all).
We also didn't see any other conflict of interest, with Dash being a payment-cryptocurrency and EOS being something that must be figured out yet, but definitely no competitor to Dash.
Furthermore, we are even proud that through the success of Dash Embassy Thailand our members get approached for other projects and educational matters which enables them to be close to current discussion in the space (in that specific case governance and DACs in EOS).
In general the most important lesson we have learned in that space is that most projects can profit most from collaboration rather than competition. All successful projects in Thailand work like this. Just recently we got a great quote from the NEM country manager about the work Dash is doing in Thailand. Another example is that in Thailand even the Etherium and EOS community collaborating together. We are very happy that we are part of such an healthy ecosystem and hope to get also your understanding for that.
5 points,6 years ago
See our evaluation on Dash Embassy Thailand here:
-2 points,6 years ago
Yes from me, good luck.
-2 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for the support and Merry Christmas from our whole Dash Embassy Thailand team.
-1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the proposal, you are doing a good job in Thailand, we hope to see more merchants in a short time.

A suggestion: The shops in the airports strategically it is essential to work on their acquisition, it is a place with many shops in a short space of time.
If an airport trade is added, the rest for competition will do so. You must work in that line.

The airport is the point of entry for tourists, and is one of the most visited around the world !!
2 points,6 years ago
Airports are run by the government, one business in one airport is much harder than 100 businesses outside an airport I would guess.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Blockchaintech, Thanks for the kind feedback. We doing our best and we could add this month even more interesting merchants to our Dash ecosystem in Thailand.

We agree being on the Bangkok airport is strategically very valuable and definitely part of our plan being especially visible at tourist hot spot around Thailand.
We will target that latest after our SEC promotion to have more points on our side.
Because as Quantumexplorer mentioned already in his comment below airports are mainly in the hand of governments here ... so we need to approach them differently ...
-1 point,6 years ago
I understand.
So, the merchands near the points of connection with the airports, shops near train-bus stations (MRT, Skytrain), shopping centers.
And in Bangkok: taxi/ tuk-tuk companies. These points are ideal because of the possibility for tourist.
-1 point,6 years ago
yes absolutely right that are the important points. Pretty much all of our Dash Bangkok merchants are in walking distance to the skytrain stations or even in a shopping mall ... and more strategic points to come to built up ta stable ecosystem
0 points,6 years ago
Please see in this Dash Forum thread our regular Dash Embassy Thailand activities and updates of the last couple of month and also what's about to come next. Stay tuned!
1 point,6 years ago
If I remember correctly, your first proposal stated that you intended for the embassy to become self-sustaining.

What is the timeline/milestone map you're using to achieve financial independence?
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi Callalilly,

Thanks for your question.

Yes exactly, it’s definitely our goal to become self-sustainable as soon as possible.

As every startup company, the lead-time to become profitable ( in our case self sustainable) takes some time.

As described in this new proposal as well we strongly focus on a sustainable Dash ecosystem in Thailand and several partnerships to maximize chances for other income streams.
1 point,6 years ago
Great to see the Dash Embassy Concept gets implemented in Asia by professionals like you. All the support from us and happy further dashing in Thailand :-)
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks a lot guys for all the support and help. Very proud to implement this concept for Dash here in Thailand
1 point,6 years ago
I spent a month in Bangkok recently and seen the work these guys are doing. I went to all the merchants with dash integrations multiple times and the experiences were overall very good, especially when you compare it to an in person bitcoin payment with a merchant. I'm excited to see what Bangkok will look like in a years time or the next time I'm back.

I'm particularly looking forward to Dash ATM installations at key merchant locations whenever the licence comes through for the relevant partners. I think that can compliment and really drive adoption forward a lot. Voting yes of course, keep up the great work and good luck with the thai SEC :)
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your great support in all ways. We really looking forward to your next visit in Thailand. Stay tuned ... and keep the fingers cross for our next SEC appointment on the 10th of January!
2 points,6 years ago
I'm constantly amazed by the work these guys do. They add more and more businesses routinely and are getting more and more interest in Dash on the ground where it matters. It is now common for me to pay at some restaurants where I go in Dash, and seems to happen about 2 times a week (of course I'm not an average user though). I invite people to come to Bangkok on vacation and challenge themselves to live off Dash as much as they can.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks quantumexplorer for your kind comment! We also love the challenge to stay as much as possible on Dash and it get easier every week. Not only for locals also for tourists with the various restaurants, bars, clubs, guest houses and free time activities, etc.
1 point,6 years ago
Voting YES. DashEmbassyThailand's Merchant Adoption Game is on point.

They have implemented a long-term strategy focussing on real-world interactions and repeat business. They foster trust and community centered around Dash. That is a win for all of us.

They activate new merchants and organize events to drive new traffic to those businesses. That raises visibility among the Thai public. The public sees others using Dash at their favorite stores, bars and night clubs, restaurants, and even strip clubs. Since a large group is doing it, the public sees that is fun and cool to use Dash. Social Proof.

Plus, DashEmbassyThailand benefits all of us Dashers with its tourism: You can take your Dash to Thailand and actually stay in a hotel for Dash, buy all your food and entertainment with Dash, and be surrounded by a community of people committed to expanding the Dash economy on a serious level -- not just mom and pop shops, but talking with the SEC and following through on an ambitious undertaking to make Dash an everyday currency option in Bangkok and beyond. Amazing professional achievements so far with such a lean team. Looking forward to seeing more from them in the future.

Full disclosure: DashEmbassyThailand uses AnyPay. They set up many of the new retail merchants with AnyPay. While their success helps AnyPay, their choice demonstrates confidence in their ability to produce results. That is because AnyPay publishes the hard numbers about how much real-world Dash use Bangkok is actually generating, good or bad. Their quality team and strategic efforts produce results of which the whole community can be proud.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your great comment! Our whole team here is very happy to work with you guys from Anypay. You are a great team with a great product. We can do big things together for the community!
4 points,6 years ago

@dashthailand can yp
Ou please clarify this statement

"nvestments especially from China applying for broker, dealer, exchange and ICO"
0 points,6 years ago

What we try to say with that statement is that the regulations in Thailand are very friendly towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain companies. Even many foreign investors applying for the mentioned licences. Especially attractive is that for Chinese Investors.

That Crypro friendly environment is also very positive for our work for Dash here in Thailand
0 points,6 years ago
Quick activity update of the last week [ภาษาไทยข้างล่าง] The first week of December proved to be another action-packed week despite the vicious bear cycle, with just as many activities as we saw during Thailand’s blockchain week at the end of last month! Shows the resilience of the crypto-community to drive forward regardless of prevailing conditions, and Bangkok as a hive of blockchain activity is second to none as an up-and-coming force in the global scene.

Dash Embassy Thailand had presence at both regional conferences last week, with ambassadors as speakers and roles on expert panels at 5 occasions. We also hosted events for two different teams to meet the community, and held a successful community event for one of latest merchants - on top of adding two more businesses in the name of adoption. And if that wasn’t enough, we also visited with promising constituents of two nearby localities outside Bangkok, as well as officially restarted our regular meetups at Dash Tuesday. Just want to say, keep up the grand work everyone!

สัปดาห์แรกของเดือนธันวาคมเป็นอีกหนึ่งสัปดาห์ที่มีกิจกรรมมากมายเช่นเดียวกับที่เราเห็นในช่วงสัปดาห์สุดท้ายของเดือนที่แล้ว แม้ว่าจะเจอกับวิกฤติหนักในตลาดก็ตาม แสดงให้เห็นถึงความแข็งแกร่งของคนในวงค์การ มุ่งมั่นเพื่อขับเคลื่อนความก้าวหน้าโดยไม่คำนึงถึงสภาวะที่มีอยู่ทั่วไป กรุงเทพไม่เป็นรองใครในฐานะที่เป็นแรงผลักดันและผู้นำในโลกบล็อกเชน

Dash Embassy Thailand มีการพบปะกับตัวแทนในอีกสองภูมิภาคในช่วงสัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา ได้มีโฆษกของเรารับเกียรติเป็นวิทยากรและเป็นผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิบนเวที 5 ครั้ง นอกจากนี้เรายังจัดกิจกรรมต่างๆ รวมถึงงานโปรโมตผู้ค้ารายล่าสุด ซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการเพิ่มเครือข่ายธุรกิจ และถ้ายังไม่พอเราได้เริ่มการพบปะประจำใน Dash Tuesday ขึ้นมาใหม่อีกที เป็นการดีทั้งนั้นสำหรับแนวทางเข้าสุ่ช่วงสินปีนี้
-1 point,6 years ago
voting YES. I would really like to see Thais taking up Dash in their droves. I hope there is some great media on Dash in Thai.

"the most difficult part is ensuring that merchants make continues revenue with Dash payments in their daily business since otherwise “it will be forgotten soon” or neglected by the management and staff members." - My concern too. I'm sure there is a lot of fallen "merchant adoption".
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for your vote!

A lot of thai people getting into Dash now. We even have some regular members in our dash community interested to become masternodes now. Local media here is also good. thai dash podcasts, bilingual dash events, .... and more to come

Absolutely agree with your merchant point. We followed that strategy from the beginning as we saw all the former bitcoin acceptances are dead now exactly for your mentioned reasons. That's why we supporting our merchants with regular events, marketing activities, stuff trainings etc.
0 points,6 years ago
"A lot of thai people getting into Dash now." - Cool. That said...I'm not into "holding children's hands" too much with adoption in any country (people need to make it happen themselves/attitude & culture vs investment). Bitcoin/crypto is no secret. Many Chinese embraced crypto early on for example. Bitcoin had/has no real publicity funding. I was in Malaysia recently, and those I spoke to were aware enough. There is some (but less) awareness in Indonesia from what I could detect.
0 points,6 years ago
yes absolutely right, at the end people have to make it happen themselves. But even if crypto is no secret it seems not so easy for everyone our experienece showed people need some help at least at the beginning as a kinda initial fueling/kickstart in education etc.
It have to be an healthy mix and always stay in relation to the result
0 points,6 years ago
I may well get to Bangkok next year. If so, I will look forward to potentially 'meet ups' and support the local ecosystem.
1 point,6 years ago
ohh yes please let us know. We are looking forward to give you a warm welcome in our community here. Please keep us updated