Proposal “DashRadar-development-2“ (Closed)Back

Title:DashRadar development​
One-time payment: 55 DASH (1226 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 55 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-05-18 / 2018-06-17 (added on 2018-05-04)
Votes: 571 Yes / 67 No / 10 Abstain

Proposal description

DashRadar development

The goal of this proposal is to fund the development and hosting of DashRadar, which is aiming to provide a comprehensive set of online tools for accessing, visualizing and analyzing the dash blockchain.

Current tools of include a block explorer, an interactive transaction graph visualizer, a collection of interactive charts and a data explorer where users can execute cypher queries against a neo4j graph database containing the dash blockchain.

  • A new tool for analyzing the privacy of individual PrivateSend transactions
  • Implement address clustering a.k.a guestimated wallets feature
  • Implement most of the features from the TODO list

3 months (May, June and July).

Proposal fee reimbursement: 5 Dash

Development and hosting: 50 Dash total

Total: 55 Dash

More info
  • If I manage to finish all of the objectives ahead of schedule, then I will continue developing new features based on user suggestions and my
    own ideas.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
As a developer and PrivateSend researcher, this really needs to pass. He has done great work already on dash radar and the look at his demo shows some real promise moving forward!
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch March 26th 2018 Report on
DashRadar development by Antti-Kaikkonen
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the update. Looks like you reported everything correctly even though I didn't fill the form. I didn't fill the March form because I wasn't reading my email inbox. I will send you my private email address that goes directly to my phone.

Below is a months server bill showing that I'm currently paying $74.40/month for the hosting. That means that after this month I have spent $372 (> 1 Dash requested for hosting) on hosting since the January proposal. If this proposal doesn't pass then I can't afford to keep the servers running. But of course, someone else could run the website since it's all open source.
2 points,6 years ago
Further research into the capabilities -- as well as the limitations -- of PrivateSend will be of paramount importance over time. I support this proposal for that reason, and expect to see published PrivateSend research (complete with some improvement recommendations?) as its primary result.
1 point,6 years ago
Edit: I see that this proposal's scope does not, in fact, include research publication. But that fellow MNOs believe that new research can/will be conducted using the tool. So still supporting.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your support! I fully agree that more PrivateSend research is needed to better understand how anonymous it is and how to keep making it better. I'm personally interested in understanding how to measure the anonymity of PrivateSend and studying how different factors (number of inputs, mixing speed, etc) affect the anonymity. The main focus of this proposal is to develop tools for the DashRadar website, one of which will be a tool for analysing individual PrivateSend transactions. I'm actually planning to start my master's thesis this autumn and I hope I will be able to include some PrivateSend analysis in it.
1 point,6 years ago
I think your project is THE cutting edge research in better understanding and visualizing how PrivateSend works. And that is only one of the potential uses for your tool/website. And you have already added several new features based on feedback from the community.

Again, this is an easy yes vote.

1 point,6 years ago
voting YES. As this assists with assessment of private send transactions, then great.
1 point,6 years ago
Update regarding the PrivateSend analysis tool:

Please check the demo website from the forum post.
0 points,6 years ago
The ultimate goal of the PrivateSend analysis project is not only to measure the privacy of PrivateSend but also to improve the privacy of PrivateSend. One method to achieve this would be to add some basic analysis functionality in the Core client so that it would keep mixing until sufficient privacy is achieved (even past 8 rounds if necessary). Other methods could include modifying the mixing behaviour to prioritize mixing transactions with inputs from both create denominations transactions and other mixing transactions as well as modifying the input selection algorithm to prioritize combinations that achieve better privacy.
0 points,6 years ago
That would be great and also please incorporate selection of denominations by user.
0 points,6 years ago
Slightly off topic: I have no idea what I am looking at when I see the 'live' star-like red/green lines...the transaction visuals.
0 points,6 years ago
There should be a transaction icon in one end of the arrow and address icon in the other end.

Are you unable to see the icons? If so then please try using a different browser and report what browser is not working.
0 points,6 years ago
Ahh...this works much better on the Firefox browser over my Safari (I use a mac) browser.
0 points,6 years ago
In the previous proposal, the major objection was releasing the source code to the public as open source. Can you elaborate on your plans for the source code?
1 point,6 years ago
All the code can be found in my GitHub account That is also where I will continue to publish changes.

Currently, all of the 6 repositories are required to fully run the project locally. The process of setting everything up is currently quite tedious but I'm looking forward to make it easier. I'm not an expert with docker but I will look if it would be possible to create a docker image to automate the deployment.
0 points,6 years ago
Cool tool! Go watch this thing people. Quickly conveys to people, in a visual sense, why PrivateSend is really private. Tons of information conveyed by the visuals.