Proposal “DashImpulseVenezuela“ (Closed)Back

Title:Remittances to Venezuela saving up to 20%, buy food combos and facilitate shopping tours
Monthly amount: 71 DASH (1575 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-11-15 / 2020-02-12 (added on 2019-11-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 640 Yes / 240 No / 56 Abstain

Proposal description

New update

Partnership AsideRapido Dash Impulse - Venezuela

What is happening in Venezuela Today and how Dash can take advantage of the opportunity.

Amigos MNOS approves this proposal, so that Venezuelan migrants can send remittances from Cucuta and Medellin to Venezuela, saving up to 20% on conventional cups, you can buy food combos from the basic basket from anywhere in the world, we will also organize tours of Shopping in Cucuta, paying with Dash.

We, Richard Jerez, Edgar Caballero and Freddy Rauseo, promoters of Dash in Venezuela, with the experience gained in the leadership of @dashlosteques and @dashvlc, communities allied to Dash Venezuela, independently launched Dash Impulse, an organization designed exclusively for the impulse of Dash Digital Money in Venezuela.

 Here we introduce our team members to the Dash community.

We present our best proposal for the promotion of Digital Money Dash:


In Venezuela, merchants currently receiving payments with Dash worry about Dash's low liquidity in the domestic market, few transactions made, people have not massively found the need to change the use of the dollar to pay for their purchases. Using dollars in cash is very risky for the consumer and the merchant. There is also the issue that commissions charged by conventional remittance houses are too high between 12% and 20% and are not convenient for sending low-value daily remittances for the large number of Venezuelans living in Cúcuta and Medellin.


We put liquidity of Dash in the hands of Venezuelans, through the sending of Remittances to Venezuela, giving as the first option that people can decide where to spend it or simply change them to VES, additionally we will educate the merchant in how to consider Dash as an stable swap against bolivar and safeguard of value when receiving these Remittances, to sell the dash received on the Platform to be promoted.

Currently, remittances are the second largest source of economic income in the country, after the export of oil, with an estimated $ 3.7 billion for 2019, with a projection of more than $ 5 billion by next year 2020. Dash Impulse aims to bring a percentage of these remittances to the Exchange Houses that use Dash.

Initially, Dash Impulse will promote the organic sending of remittances to Venezuela from the Colombian cities of Cúcuta and Medellín, educating Venezuelan migrants to use the platforms that allow them to buy Dash, thus avoiding the high commissions paid in exchange houses that normally operate with LocalBitcoins. Additionally, Dash Impulse will recover and/or maintain, as much as possible, the merchants adopted so far, so as not to let them confuse with other cryptocurrencies such as BCH.

The other line of action of Dash Impulse will be the promotion of commercial adoption in Venezuela, starting with the cities of Caracas, Maracaibo and Valencia where a large number of Dash accepting merchants is already thriving. The goal is to teach the merchant to directly process purchases of products made by Venezuelans abroad, with the purpose of being delivered to their relatives in the country. Those purchases would be processed with Dash.

Adoption Strategy

Colombia Team:


Advertise and promote the sending of remittances through some of Colombia's exchanges, such as Daexs, which allows you to make Dash purchase transactions with Colombian pesos in real time and at a very low cost. This method will allow recipients to receive up to 12% more than what they would receive using a conventional exchange house.

With the support of the Leaders of Venezuela, a series of meetups will be held every month in each city to the general public, especially for Venezuelans, in order to impart knowledge about remittances with Dash.
Colombian ambassadors offer advice and training to those interested in the following topics:

1.1.- Send remittances directly to your family members using Dash, which has an additional 12% benefit, when it is done by the same person, without the need to do so through the exchange office.
1.2.- Buy Dash, post on DAEX platform and exchange, to make the delivery in VES to your relatives in Venezuela.
1.3.- Buy Dash and in turn acquire essential products in Venezuela and make purchases through a Marketplace that accepts Dash.
1.4.- Recruit sellers of private remittances, from the city of Medellín and Cúcuta, to Venezuela, instructing them in the use of Dash to send remittances.

Venezuelan team


2.1.- Promote alliances with the other Dash proposals worldwide and especially with the proposals in Venezuela.
2.2.- Coordinate with Venezuelan businesses and companies so they know how to receive Dash.
2.3.- Coordinate with the top 20 or 40 merchants or businesses, assemble a list of combos that in turn build a list of sites that offer combos to sell in Dash, promote by social media and directly from person to person.
2.4.- Develop volume business to increase acceptance.
2.5.- Achieve commercial alliances with companies that, through a discount strategy, promote the use of Dash as a means of payment for the purchase of their products. The buyer will get the product cheaper when acquiring if he uses Dash instead of fiat, or other cryptocurrencies as a payment method.
2.6.- Carry out promotional events in universities and business chambers.
2.7.- Promote the use of remittances through Online Marketing in conjunction with the top 20 or 40 merchants or businesses.
2.5.- Develop volume businesses to increase the acceptance of wholesalers to make their payments and transactions with Dash.
2.6. Safeguard and preserve our merchant base, to avoid having them switch to competing coins, avoiding threats made by previous Dash teams.



3.1.- Inform existing merchants about the continuity of Dash's operations in Venezuela and Colombia, clarifying that Dash does not depend on any centralized entity or local organizations.
3.2.- Identify and incorporate merchants with the potential to convert them into commercial Allies and receive remittances, sell combos of their products and services, trade on exchange platforms, in other words, convert them into liquidity agents, through education in cryptocurrencies, raising the level of commercial adoption in order to achieve profitability and financial independence.
3.3.- Select the traders with the greatest potential in interesting areas for migrants (Top 20) and help them in the development and implementation of combos systems with delivery or removable in their facilities to increase their sales.
3.4.- Each ambassador in Venezuela will develop a conference a month in their city, with the support of the leaders, with the objective of informing and encouraging their relatives abroad, about how they can send their remittances through our platform with Dash.

Members of the work team.

Colombia Team:

1.- Juan Ortega, experienced Remittance operator is our ambassador in Medellín.
2.- Ernesto Rodríguez, experienced Remittance operator is our ambassador in Cúcuta.

Venezuela Team:

1.- Michael Gil, experienced Dash promoter, is our ambassador in Caracas.
2.- Darwin Ramirez, experienced promoter of Dash, is our ambassador in Maracaibo.
3.- Marcos Ledezma, experienced promoter of Dash, is our ambassador in Valencia.

Deliverables at the end of the three month proposal:

1.- Share the experience of this project with the other communities so that they can develop their own business organization in their different regions.
2.- 20 private remittance sellers, in the two cities in Cúcuta and Medellín.
3.- 120 shops between the two cities Cúcuta and Medellín.
4.- A sustainable remittance delivery system in 6 months.
5.- 1 workshop or conference about sending and receiving remittances with Dash in each of the cities involved.
6.- Images on social media for each merchant and conference held.
7.- Segmented advertising campaign paid in Instagram in Venezuela, promoting remittances through our platform. Instagram is preferred as it is the most used social media by Venezuelans.

This pilot test has a duration of three months in the cities of Medellín and Cúcuta, given the effectiveness, we will be incorporating other cities in Latin America.

Dash Impulse we are another level!!!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,5 years ago
We want to thank the entire community and all the MNOs, who supported our past proposal
We will push forward projects like, AsideRapido
That is why we ask the community to help in a Crowfunding:
1 point,5 years ago
I'm voting yes on this proposal. With George Donnelly burning his bridges we need a team in Colombia so that's one reason. Another reason is we definitely need as MUCH liquidity as possible in Venzuela and any country we wish to see adoption in. So those alone are two good reasons to vote yes for this proposal. A third good reason is this: the treasury doesn't belong to any person it just gets created and voted on and then sent and spent. Which means that, aside from fraud, outright scams, negative behavior and proven failed strategies, it makes the most sense for us to have a multi-pronged approach to adoption in as many regions as possible.

This means we need to start funding *multiple teams* in the same country. They should all compete against each other for adoption, market share and in this way the best teams will evolve in the fastest way possible. This will mean we encounter all the problems and gain all the experience that other coins will need to spend a lot more time going through, since they can't afford to fund teams like this. Yet. All of that means that we should provide as much economic support as is feasible in order to spread Dash as fast as possible.

It is for these reasons and results to the present day that I vote YES! on this proposal and advocate other MNOs to do likewise.
1 point,5 years ago
please explain why we need a team in Colombia? a) is it for a merchant + Dash spending strategy in colombia? or b) is it just for remittances from Colombia into Venezuela? or c) both?
1 point,5 years ago
I subscribe to the 'Liquidity theory' of adoption. That is, in order for cryptocurrencies to rapidly, exponentially increase their adoption rates, which are the rates needed to overtake fiat currencies and not be squashed by hostile elements, large liquidity pools must exist in the economies where this adoption is to occur. Basically, just like miners get incentivized to work to secure the network by new coins, we also incentivize the new entrants we wish to see in the economy by providing easy to access liquidity pools.

Just like we incentivize the masternodes to participate in instantsend and privatesend, and importantly we punish them for NOT participating which prevents freeloading, so too must we correctly align incentives for new entrants into the Dash market. Therefore, the answer to your question is, ideally we want a team on the ground in *every country* for this purpose alone. Everything else they do, whether its business integrations, adoption, conferences, etc. should all be considered important but *secondary* goals. Because obviously none of that can take place or have any lasting effect (i.e. with little turnover, we want new users to STAY USERS) if there is no Dash in the region and if its hard to access.

We therefore need easy ways to get lots of Dash for lots of people, ideally where 1 Dash will go a long way. So countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Haiti, Jamaica and other financially damaged countries stand to benefit from this as well. Basically, what this strategy is attempting is to get as many people using Dash as possible, as quickly as possible. The fastest way to do that is to get it in their hands for themselves. To let it become a part of their daily life. Adoption always follows liquidity and it is indeed LIMITED by it, according to this theory. So the long and short of it is this, we need a team in Colombia not just for merchant and Dash spending strategy there, not just for remittances, but because we're in this to win the digital cash competition. Which means we hit ALL of our target demographics. Hard.
1 point,5 years ago
point: Colombia is not a financially damaged country (see Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena). If you want financially damaged--Zimbabwe
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you very much for your support, Our goals align with your vision, Venezuela may soon be a crypto nation and we work to make Dash the most used

Our experience in the street was close to the merchant and what we reflect in our proposal, we collected from merchants and consumers, a big problem was the lack of liquidity

To achieve this it, is necessary to achieve alliances with exchanges within Venezuela and authorized by the Sunacrip where Dash offers comparative advantages with the other cryptos as a means of payment "speed and economy"

  We need the support of the DAO to give continuity to the work done and deepen it.

We have the knowledge we have the experience and trust of many merchants and we do not want to waste this great opportunity.
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you for your service to the network.
3 points,5 years ago
I hope we can fit this into the budget this month, this is a great use case for Dash and is not a huge ask.
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you
1 point,5 years ago
I feel very much the same as AgnewP. If there is any way to get this to fit in the budget this month, it is well worth the effort.

0 points,5 years ago
thank you we have a good chance
-7 points,5 years ago

0 points,5 years ago
I could ask why?
6 points,5 years ago
We don't want shouting people.
0 points,5 years ago
it is understood
0 points,5 years ago
0 points,5 years ago
0 points,5 years ago
Important notice

I have received confirmation from two former teammates of mine, that the Dash Valencia account is managed by George Donelly. So I want to inform the MN community to consider this when reading this account’s comments.

This can also be verified when we consider the DashValencia account appeared only after George was defunded; and if you run any word cloud generator on DashValencia and any of George Donelly comments you will find the language is very much the same.

I do now know exactly the reason for these recent attack on most of Dash proposals, but according to my friends (Who are waiting on George promises to work with BCH) it seems that George wants to get people to fork Dash and create a chain split, or to try to come back later as BCH has not given any funds to him. You can read his own thoughts here

Regardless of his specific motivation, remember George Donelly -now using the DashValencia account- is doing the one thing he did best during his time in Dash: Destroying other team’s reputation.
1 point,5 years ago
gcomparetto: please ask Jorge from Valencia, Spain to post a video of himself on his Twitter indicating what he did with his DashCentral login credentials
2 points,5 years ago
thanks, it turns out to be obvious that this is so, since affecting our proposal, it leaves the way open to BCH in Venezuela
0 points,5 years ago
A more specific budget allocation would help to understand what you are actually planning to do.

Marketing is a very broad term.

Incentives? What are you going to incentivize?

Website Social Networks? Who are you hiring? What exactly are you planing to do by spending 340 dollars each month? A salary of a software developer in Venezuela is at 300-500 dollars each month.

Transportation? 1360? How are you planning to travel? When? Why? A bus from Medellin to Cucuta, how much does it cost? What are the rest of operating expenses?

What are the administrative expenses? Isnt that a salary for the project leader?

I would like to see you guys getting funded, but only if you can prove that you are legit and capable of what you are planning to do.
1 point,5 years ago
Next December 18th, Dash Impulse will travel to Cúcuta - Colombia. We will travel with a group of venezuelans shoppers, with the purpose of using all the Dash business and payments possibilities available there at this moment, and to test the actual exchange methods between Dash and COP (Colombian Peso).

We will live a full experience. We will make a bus trip which has been prepared by one of the best tour organizers in Caracas VE; we will cross the Colombian - Venezuela border by foot, and we will get in contact with our ambassador in Cúcuta. From there, we will explore some of the places who accept Dash, we will shop in them and pay with Dash. Also we will check on the BTM teller machines to test them and see for ourselves which possibilites they offer to exchange Dash to fiat. All of this with the purpose of developing a catalog of options for all venezuelan shoppers and improve their experience there, optimizing their time and peace of mind.

Actually venezuelans travel to Cucuta to buy food, clothings, essential goods, medicines and all kinds of products who are either too expensive or too scarce to being bought in Venezuela, and as soon as they arrive to Cúcuta, they have to wait in long lines to exchange their USD to COP in brick and mortar exchange houses, wasting too many hours in those lines. That´s were the run against time starts, because the buses who will take them back to Venezuela that same day are already waiting for them. Also, these shoppers hope for obtaining a good exchange rate which permits them to buy all they need, take advantage of any good offer they can find, in other words, make the most from their money. This can be very stressfull, and to add to the stress, they become an easy target for muggers.

Because of these reasons we, in Dash Impulse, want to experience first hand the convenience of going to Cucuta just having Dash inside our phone wallets. We plan to arrive there, shop very easily at the Dash accepting merchants, and test the possibilities there to exchange Dash for COP in order to shop in non Dash accepting merchants. If we are succesfull in this pilot test, we will be very confident that the shoppers we gathered, will by themselves spread the word about how advantageous is for the venezuelan shoppers to travel to Cucuta just having Dash, instead of bringing big sums of cash with them.

Another of our objectives in this travel, is to meet with Cucuta´s Chamber of Commerce and show them the benefits Dash have for their affiliates. This with the purpose of developing publicity campaigns in Cúcuta to attract more merchants to the adoption of Dash as a payment method.

Lastly, we want to invite to all these persons who collaborated with us in our first crowdfunding effort, to contribute with small donations to make possible this trip and it´s associated pilot test, which is very important to gather information and evidence which will be used to make a good use of the funds of our proposal.
1 point,5 years ago
Voters: 130dash were left unallocated last month ( This proposal could have been funded.
1 point,5 years ago
We hope this cycle will give us your vote of confidence instead of burning more dash
0 points,5 years ago
1 point,5 years ago
Q: How does this have less yes votes than Dash Charity?

how does funding a charity (that does Not appear to drive purchases of Dash with Fiat) have more yes votes than this proposal here which focuses on driving purchases of Dash with Fiat?
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you, if friend our proposal drives the purchase and use of dash, inside and outside the country
0 points,5 years ago
Its plain and simple because this project is flawed inherently, remittances do not work without several contributing factors such as:

1) liquidity
2) trust factor, inter alia

And when majority of the funds requested go towards "transportation / salaries"

That's a major RED flag!

If you cant see the smoke, your not looking hard enough

Thank like you
1 point,5 years ago
1) liquidity?
2) trust factor?
3) well it relies on man-power to advertise, market, to get the word out to ppl in Cucuta and Medellin that they can save 12% by remitting Dash vs. using traditional remittance houses
1 point,5 years ago
Exactly we will encourage and demonstrate with examples the advantages of dash for remittances, they can also buy food combos and send to family members, we will produce bus rides, to buy food in Cúcuta with Dash
1 point,5 years ago
Thank you*
3 points,5 years ago
1.- Precisely the liquidity will be injected through the purchase of dash in Colombia and sent to Venezuela, people will be motivated to do it with us for our low costs
2.- Confidence will be demonstrated through the decentralized platforms applied

The percentage of the budget for salaries and transportation is only 29, we are 10 people working simultaneously, using our experiences in remittances and adoption, this to maintain the greatest amount of tx for remittances and use in allied merchants
1 point,5 years ago
Your proposal said that you want to promote dash as an investment to merchants in VZ. This may not be the best strategy and might make legal issues.

But anyway, best of luck;
3 points,5 years ago
When we talked about investment with Dash, what we wanted to say is that we will train merchants in how to convert their BsS to Dash to protect themselves from inflation. The venezuelan currency is called BsS and it has depreciated 3.329 % from January 2019 to October 2019. Under that light, changing BsS to Dash makes complete sense, because in the same time period, Dash price has gone from 57500 BsS to 2.249.800 BsS, an increase of 3912 %. As you can see, if a venezuelan converted BsS to Dash in January 2019, right now he would have 39 times the original amount of BsS, beating the BsS depreciation. We hope this example clarifies what we want to do in this regard.
0 points,5 years ago
Where can one follow the Dash/BsS price?
0 points,5 years ago
Hello Macno, you can check the price of the Dash in bolivars through different platforms:

- DashHelp_Bot on telegram asking for price
- Dash Text asking for the price
- Through the wallet choosing VES rate

Giorgio M.
1 point,5 years ago
There are several ways:
1.- Through the official wallet, you have the reference.
2.- Through the exchange you approach the value of the public market, Cryptobuyer, Criptoway, among others
-1 point,5 years ago
Have you had any success in getting merchants to invest in dash ?
1 point,5 years ago
If, in particular, some merchants are motivated to protect what they have collected, after realizing that they can protect their assets
3 points,5 years ago
We would like to clarify that this account is not from Edgar Caballero, leader of Dash Valencia Venezuela
The official accounts from our team are rjjerez
1 point,5 years ago
Yes, this is Jorge from Dash Valencia, Spain.
1 point,5 years ago
post a vid on your twitter of your face and you logging into this account on your pc?
1 point,5 years ago
ok thank you
0 points,5 years ago
We would like to clarify that this account is not from Edgar Caballero, leader of Dash Valencia Venezuela
The official accounts from our team are rjjerez
0 points,5 years ago
Check our new video! Here we introduce our team members to the Dash community. Watch them talking about their experiences and expectatives! vía @YouTube
1 point,5 years ago
Just wanted to add that I've had positive discussions with Edgar of Dash Impulse regarding their use of Dash Retail. He communicates very well and has been proactive in testing the system and providing feedback.
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you Ash, in the name of Edgar and myself, Richard Jerez. We know that we can do very good things, were all the community will be benefited.
0 points,5 years ago
I'm willing to give this pilot test of three months a go, if you present a way for us to monitor your progress.
Will there be project-specific transaction trackers in place ?
1 point,5 years ago
Thanks for your support. For each merchant recovered, we will register it in Discover Dash with full contact data, picture and geographical location. Also we will post each one in our social networks, like @dashimpulse and ig:dashimpulse, while building a database of them which will be shared with the Dash community. On the part of remittances, we plan to produce a weekly report with the number of remittances generated in the week, including the total Dash amount transacted.
1 point,5 years ago
How will you be tracking the number/amount of Remittances?
0 points,5 years ago
When the proposal starts, we will record manually all trasactions in our database, but we are in conversations with Ash Francis of Dash Retail to automate that part of the process
-3 points,5 years ago

2 points,5 years ago
0 points,5 years ago
I did also offer you lately to go and visit the merchants in Caracas together, after George released that propaganda, then we had some contact on Twitter, you said you would release a list of all the DashLatam merchants, I did not see that happen at all. I wanted to get to know you and your intentions and collaborate to get DASH growing together. But you rejected that offer, you actually visited a merchant that was just 200 meters from where I was, which I later saw on twitter with a photo, I could have come down and we could have said hello. I dont see in any way that you are able to collaborate with existing teams as you are mentioning in the proposal.
1 point,5 years ago
Mr. Feliz, when we first met the conditions weren´t the most favorable. As a worker under George Donnelly direction, I had to obey his instructions to the letter, and these instructions included that no one could spontaneously record our meetings, unless specifically authorized by him.

You have wrote these days with strong words, and I do believe in cooperation, in working with all other Dash teams, you included. Yes, I promised you via Twitter that I will make public the merchants list, but I haven´t shared it yet because we want to contact them first to know which ones are still active.

I think the best way to solve our differences is with a meeting in person, and if you want, we can work as a team contacting together the Dash merchants we have already onboarded to check if they are still active or not, and produce a final and definitive list.

I hope the next time we see each other, we can shake hands, and leave in the past our past bad encounter.
0 points,5 years ago
Why dont you release a list of these merchants so that every community member can check if these merchants are still active? I would really like to look up these merchants on Google Maps and list them on so that we can drive more potential customers to them ASAP.

Simply provide something to the DAO and keep your promises if you want to be trusted by the MNO and the community, you said you would publish that list but you did not.

There will never be a final and definitive list, we should not call any merchant and ask him if he still accepts DASH, we should go there and demand to pay in DASH, we could give him positive comments on Instagram & Facebook about him accepting DASH, otherwise they will say no more often than not.

I dont have any other way to pay and merchants must understand that they can receive my DASH or nothing at all to understand what this game is about. Obviously many merchants will be surprised to find out that is not working anymore, so we will have to instruct them on how to receive the DASH via that printed QR code and their wallet directly.

Otherwise they will simply say, no we dont accept DASH because the system is not working anymore... I have seen this reaction a few times with ex-Dash Merchant POS users, while Dash Merchant POS is still working today, but they simply forgot the login! Dash Merchant did not burn the house like George Donnelly did!

I am always up to shaking hands, but i prefer fist pumps :) Happy to see that your guys are motivated to keep working for the DAO, but really your proposal is lacking some concrete examples on how you want to achieve what you are promising.
0 points,5 years ago
I have been living in Venezuela during the past 6 months, investigating the market, purchasing with DASH at all types of merchants, using all available POS services from Anypay over Cryptobuyer to XPAY, I was observing how Venezuelans make money and I have been in direct contact with hundreds of Venezuelans and tens of merchants.

Your proposal relies on speculative data, I believe the biggest economy after petroleum in Venezuela is alimentation. I find it very doubful that there would be so many angels outside of Venezuela sending money to their family. Many send mobile phones or other presents directly. Many of these who have gone abroad have a hard time surviving by themselves. Reuters propaganda has mentioned that 3.000.000 to 4.000.000 Venezuelans have left the country, while the official numbers, statistics provided by the government, that actually have to give passports to anyone who wants to leave the country are reporting that 300.000 to 700.000 have left the country to work abroad. I find it very speculative to simply believe the Reuters propaganda who clearly follows an agenda to destabilize the whole South American continent by repeting negative news like a mantra while never releasing anything positive about the achievements of that government...

Remittance requires the sender to already have a DASH income stream, otherwise its not attractive to pay fees on aquiring #DASH in the first place to then pay fees again on changing them for national currency or dollars. How do you want to solve that?

I would totally support your proposal if you would focus on educating these angels outside of Venezuela on how they can purchase goods and services for their loved ones directly. Connecting angels abroad with Venezuelan merchants directly without any intermediate remittance service.

The most efficient opportunity I see for these angels living outside of Venezuela is to pay a bill for their loved ones at one of the 47 TRAKI stores which offer important goods for everyone and users can simply send a photo of the QR Code to abroad.

It would be really helpful if teams in Venezuela would actually build on each others efforts instead of coming up with something new and different each time. You could be collaborating with DashText or DashMall to realize these remittances, but I have not seen you mention that at all.

The proposal is not concrete enough, its not worked out well. I am sure you can do much better if you would invest some days to actually connect with other proposal owners to pull something off together.

I have also met you personally and you have been managed by George Donnelly before, you have been talking bad about my attendance at one of the meetups because I grabbed it with a camera, then on the next meetup you kicked me out of the meetup with 3 other DASH newbies just for grabbing with my smartphone.

This put a very bad light on DASH and you could have handled that case much more professional, I stopped grabbing camera when I was demanded, anyway I was kicked out for it and all the newbies I brought with me had a bad experience and the owners of the restaurant had to witness that ackward situation.

Until today I do not understand how transparency and a quite well known local merchant promoter with 1300 followers on Instagram who wanted to promote your event and the fact that DASH is holding these meetups could do you any harm. I was there to promote DASH and I was hindered on that, you might say you executed orders from GEorge Donnelly but the truth is that GEorge was never at any of these meetups.

You had no reason to report my attendance with a camera in the first place, you could simply have been more collaborative realising the opportunity of me promoting that event.

On the first event I did bring about 10 newsbies in total. The second I brought 3, as I was already somewhat disappointed. I helped to grow these meetups in Caracas substantially.
0 points,5 years ago
A breakdown itemized cost list would also help others make there decision

Thank you
-2 points,5 years ago
Definitely not worth the trouble of having the dao appear to be intentionaly skirting laws and or regulations designed to prevent CTF/AML ( counter terrorist financing and or anti money laundering leglislation inter alia)
0 points,5 years ago
sending remittances with Dash breaches AML/CTF laws?
1 point,5 years ago
no, it's already being done with other cryptos, a long time ago
0 points,5 years ago
Breaking evil laws is a duty. Liberty or death!