Proposal “DashGuayanaVenezuelaPhase1“ (Closed)Back
Title: | Dash Guayana Phase 1 - Educational Conferences and Business Adoption in Venezuela |
Owner: | lnstantKarmaFund |
One-time payment: | 184 DASH (4010 USD) |
Completed payments: | no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-12) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 250 Yes / 125 No / 31 Abstain |
Proposal description
Dash Guayana Team

Dash Guayana Team (“DGT”) is comprised of a tightly-nit group of high-achieving young professionals that have witnessed and participated in the outstanding Dash Caracas Conferences and will build upon the adoption of Dash in Guayana, Venezuela’s most industrialized and commercialized city. The justification for this proposal is based on a survey of local citizens, professionals and business leaders and will resolve their concerns by teaching them about the benefits of Dash and how it can be used every day in Venezuela, as a hedge and substitute for the failing Bolivar. This will result in increased adoption and usage of Dash as a currency in Venezuela, furthering the goal of making Venezuela the first Dash Nation!
DGT has partnered with Dash Help Venezuela, Dash Caracas and Dashop.io to create a force multiplier and get the best, most recent information and opportunities out to the local citizens and business leaders in Guayana.
DGT is led by Ezio Rojas (practicing lawyer and university professor) and his team will represent Dash well within Guayana. (IKF note: It is rare to have such highly-qualified and professional people representing Dash.)
Phase 1 of this project will host two (2) specialized conferences in Guayana with a focus on business adoption, education of general population and university student/professional adoption, all with escrow and mentorship by InstantKarmaFund. Future plans for this team are extensive to target all sectors and aspects of the economy and are listed in the proposal document and pre-proposal link (it is too large to fit here).
1. Benefits of this proposal for Dash:
- Replicate the positive results that the DASH Caracas/Venezuela conferences had,
under the leadership of Eugenia Alcalá, in Guayana City, achieving to spread the individual features and benefits of DASH as payment method and promoting its use.
- Achieve the massive adoption of DASH in Guayana City populated by more than 800.000 people. With this project, we’re looking to collaborate so that the adoption of DASH expands throughout the country, reaching a minimum of 750 new downloaded wallets in the two first conferences, in this way we’ll manage to make Venezuela become the DASH-Nation we want quicker, which implies the rise in the number of users and consolidate this as a payment method through the Venezuelan territory.
- To register a minimum of 40 businesses and entrepreneurs in Guayana City to accept DASH as payment method with our 2 first conferences, throughout this project we point out some of the obstacles that represents the economical crisis of the country in general for the businesses, by replicating the “Dash City” we’re showing how this currency constitutes a solution of the payment mechanisms in Venezuela and this will encourage them to accept it in their establishments.
- To circulate the currency: If the users know DASH, get their first currenciesthrough our giveaways, know how to use it and at the same time, businesses progressively start to accept it, we’ll manage to have an ecosystem in which the exchange of this currency turns into reality, which allows the constant flow of capital which benefits the quotation of DASH.
- To build an informed and participative community in Guayana City: DASH it’s characterized by the involvement of its users and the encouragement of them to work for the welfare of all. If we informed and educate people about those benefits, we’ll manage to consolidate a compromised and participative country
with the growing and development of DASH.
- Promote the economic development in Venezuela: Through the implementation of Dash as a payment method and even as asaving method that allows citizens to protect their assets in a more solid currency than Bolívar (Which is constantly devalued).
- Generate employment: Across all of our staff or logistics team who receives their payments in Dash, contributing with their income generation, being translated into an improvement in their quality of life.
- Promote the development of the economic dynamics in Guayana through Dash: By encouraging users to pay with it and establishments to receive itand to pay their employees with this cryptocurrency, we can avoid the "brain drain" in our nation. Young talented people, as soon as they graduate from university, leave the country looking for better job opportunities, especially because of the low salaries in bolivars; using Dash would help young people have an incentive to stay and continue to work for the country.
2. Project explanation and goal:
“I think that this technology thing it’s something good, but I have little information in the
subject, there are few people that know how to explain to us what the cryptocurrency is about” Citizen of Guayana City.
Our main purpose is to spread the benefits of DASH toachieve its MASSIVE adoption as payment method in Guayana City, Venezuela. We have seen that people has a lot of interest in the cryptocoins, but doesn’t know which are the best options among this and how to start using them. That is why we propose the creation of a DASH community in Guayana, through the
implementation of conferences, that allow the supply of solid and professional information to the population about the subject and also show how these are used in the practice to simplify the payments.
DASH has become very popular in Venezuela thanks ofthe efforts of DASH Caracas/Venezuela, under the leadership of Eugenia Alcalá. Nonetheless, given the geographical remoteness, it makes it very difficult for people in Guayana City to go to the capital for the realization of events and conferences sponsored by DASH Caracas/DASH Venezuela, therefore, we have decided to impulse the first 2 conferences being held in Guayana City, promoting the creation of a DASH community in this location and its massive adoption by its citizens.
If we really want Venezuela to become a DASH Nation and uses this currency in a MASSIVE way
in short term, we must promote its adoption in different regions of the country.
3. The problem
In Venezuela, given the peculiar economical situation and above all thanks to the pushing spirit of its citizens, it has been realized important efforts from successful
initiatives to promote the adoption and popularization of DASH, like DASH Caracas, achieving the DASH conferences with more gauging worldwide and
replicating its work methodology in La Guaira, Los Teques and more recently Marcay, Aragua Estate.
Nonetheless, we observe a big potential in the country’s Eastern region population, specifically Guayana City, which is not being taking care of.
This city has a population of more than 800.000 people and represents an important center of exportation and commercialization of minerals like iron, aluminum,
gold and diamonds, which implies an important industrial and commercial movement, also because it is geographically close to tourist attractions such
as the Canaima National Park, where the Auyantepui is, which originates Angel Falls (highest waterfall in the world) becomes a tourist center of incalculable value.
Therefore, businesses and tourist centers could be main beneficiaries of Dash. Tourists can purchase Dash to interact with merchants instead of carrying wheelbarrows full of Bolivars. Banks have long lines and point of sale machines are out of the question because they regularly take an hour to confirm the credit card transaction. Imagine Bitcoin being faster than a credit card! That is the state of things in Guayana.
We also have 2 of the largest and most important rivers in the country, which implies a large hydroelectric potential that is used by the Macagua and Guri
power plants, which provide 72% of the country's electric power.
This economic potential is currently frustrated given the deficiency in the payment methods: lack of cash, poor connection in the points of sale, constant lost of
purchasing power of the official currency: the Bolivar. These factors generate long lines, tedious processes of shopping and nonconformity.
Being so, Venezuela is an opportunities germinator to implement opportune and effective payment methods like DASH, and also serve to the citizens as value
refuge and an alternative access system to the international exchange market.
The solution
After getting in touch with the DASH Caracas group, under the leadership of Eugenia Alcalá , and other important initiatives in the country like DASH Help Venezuela, being in charge Alejandro Echeverria, and seeing his important work, we considered necessary to make informative conferences, meetups and incentives that allow us to extend this information and the benefits of DASH to our region, so we can impulse the massive adoption of this currency towards a sector of the country avid of knowledge and solutions and building an active, participative and empowered DASH community in Guayana.
For more detailed plans and budget please see pre-proposal link It is too large to fit within the character limit at DashCentral.org
Performance-Based Payment Schedule*:
Dash Priced at $250 USD (Current Price $312 x .8)
*Any funds left-over will be dedicated towards future Phases of DGT Project.
If DGT Project Phase 2 doesn't get approved, funds will be donated to Dashboost.org
A separate wallet is created for this proposal with payment address at XbWtH8FwGdV9fZGTwrYt6jv3iEKQL3kMop
Block Explorer Link
Payment 1:
Preparation for First Conference: $6,630 USD
Payment 2:
Production of First Conference: $17,775 USD*
Milestone: On-boarding of minimum 20 merchants to discoverdash.com and/or dashop.io
Payment 3
Preparation for Second Conference: $2,030 USD
Payment 4
Production of Second Conference: 17,075 USD
Milestone: On-boarding of minimum 20 additional merchants to discoverdash.com and/or dashop.io
With the help of this community and the alliances with other initiatives of the country, we’re absolutely sure we can achieve the conversion of Venezuela into a true
DASH Nation, getting all its benefits to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis in the country due to the failing Bolivar. This implies a major volume of transactions for DASH and
a greater amount of active users as we succeed through the many phases of our plan to make DASH the most recognized and trusted cryptocurrency!
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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First of all we want to thank all the MNOs and other members who trusted our proposal, motivates us a lot.
We also want to thank all those who gave us their feedbacks and comments, that will allow us to improve our proposal to present a new proposal improved and more competitive.
We understand that we made mistakes and we are looking for how to solve them.
We believe in the potential of Guayana and how beneficial it can be to bring Dash to this region and that is why we will continue to work hard to see this project come true.
You are making some payments to algodon franelas personally. This amounts to duplication of expenses since she is already well paid by the treasury and should be volunteering her help instead of charging for it. Can you discuss this?
Jeremy Scott
It would be really good if we could get more feedback from people so that we know why didn't people vote for this project. The amount asked for was in an escrow and it was for 2 conferences and was competitively priced compared with the other Venezuela conferences.
Guayana is the largest geographical area in Venezuela see this map it is the red region: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guayana_Region,_Venezuela#/media/File:Venezuela_Regiones_Administrativas.svg . Guayana city has one of the highest concentrations of industrial companies in Venezuela. The area is also famous for the Angel Falls which I think everyone has heard of. It has a diverse mix of stunning natural beauty but it also has regions that are industrialized meaning it has a mix of both tourism areas of beauty and separate industrial regions. The population in Guayana area is around 1 million so it is about half the size of Caracas. This makes it an attractive location for a conference because a DASH conference in the city would catch the interest of the local TV and radio and be something of note worthy attention for this region. The other important aspect about this region is there is a high concentration of oversees businesses operating in Guayana. These businesses need to make international transfers to pay for goods and services in order to run their businesses. If DASH could be established in this region it would be an important development for these international businesses. If Venezuela is to convert to DASH as its currency then Guayana region is a major area that will need to be addressed. It would be interesting for MNO's to voice their thoughts about this project to give the project owners a chance to respond and also to improve their proposal. They are very keen to improve and listen to your feedback and I think it would be most welcomed.
Of course, we are open to discuss what you need.
The consultancies provided by Dash Caracas are carried out by independent professionals who, in order to carry out the consultancies they provide, must give us their time as professionals.
In Dash Guayana we believe that this expense is necessary because we want to learn to the fullest all the tactics, tools and procedures that have been applied in Dash Caracas to ensure that the conferences and all their activities are successful.
The reason for this writing is to clarify an aspect of the budget.
Due to the constant and positive valuation of Dash, it is possible to visualize that the amount of our proposal amounts to 95K dollars, however, we want to clarify that for our first two months we will only need 40K dollars and that these funds will also be managed with the Escrow service for so have total transparency with this whole community.
In case we are successful and our proposal obtains the necessary number of votes, the monetary surplus will be administered equally by the Escrow that is carrying out InstantKarmaFund on Dash Guayana and will be destined for more activities that we will also discuss and carry out with the consent of this whole community. In our pre-proposal you can see that we have planned a series of activities until December that are aimed at consolidating a Dash community in this important region of the country and involving important sectors of society.
In case you have any questions, we are fully prepared to explain what is necessary.
We want to share with you the video of the proposal of Dash Guayana that we have online in the pre-proposal.
I hope that everyone can visualize it in this way and can see the full potential of this proposal.
There are a lot of proposals on this month and this proposal although this proposal is very exciting it has to compete against some very tough competition. If you could make some commitments to add value to this proposal it could help MNO vote for your proposal because it would give even more value than other proposals.
Here are some ideas to add even more value to this proposal and could help DASH spead through all of Venezuela through the attendees in these conferences:
1. Create a viral email marketing campaign with all the conference participants: These conferences give out $10 of free DASH to each person. This is good to get people involved however at the same time I would like to see return on that $10. I would suggest that a person can receive the $10 provided that they agree to create an email signature on their phones and on their email clients. The attendees would agree to put this signature message on their email for a period of 1 year . It would suggest it read something like this:
"DASH Digital Cash the revolutionary new cryptocurrency is the solution to Venezuela's currency crisis. To find out how you can start using DASH as a safe, secure currency in Venezuela visit http://dashhelpme.org/ to learn more"
The link above could be modified to take them to a page that gives an overview to DASH and the vision to establish a stable, safe and sound currency in Venezuela -rather than just linking to the home page DASH help could create a dedicated page to help new people understand what DASH is about and what the vision is and what to do to find out more.
Imagine how many emails a person sends out in a year? This could create a serious viral message effect that could spread through all of Venezuela. Then the DASH network would also be getting something back for the $10 investment. If attendees to the conference understand this would be their way to speak the message about a solution to Venezuela's currency crisis I can only see this as positive and a small price for them to pay to receive $10 USD of DASH which will only go up in value.
2. Videos of the conference optimized for youtube to catch the search engine keywords: Many more tens of thousands of youtube users and google users could be benefiting from the content in these DASH conferences but until now these have not been utilized to attract visitors through organic search results both in youtube and on google.
I am fully aware this is more work. But it will add tremendous value to your proposal because you will be helping millions that could not attend the conference to benefit from the content in it when people search for DASH at youtube and google.
The high quality video recordings of the conference should be made and the broken up into small 5 to 10 minute segments that are focused on a key topic. All these videos could be posted on youtube which means that people will find these videos on the keywords it would also make it much easier for people to review the conference rather than one or two long videos.
e.g. Video No.001 "Introduction to DASH Guayana Conference"
Video No 002 " Mission statement on how Venezuela will establish a stable, safe digital currency"
Video No 003 "Introduction to topics speakers at Guayana DASH conference"
Video No 004 "Why DASH digital Cash is a safe, secure and reliable currency for Venezuela"
Vidoe No 005 " What is a hard wallet and how to use it to safeguard your DASH CryptoCurrency"
etc Each of these videos has keywords associated with a very specific theme. Then when people are searching at the search engines they will find these videos.
So far non of the Venezuela conferences have made the most of their video recordings of the conferences and that means many millions of people in Venezuela that could not see the conferences are going to miss out. If however you can think about this and consider this and think how can "all the people of Venezuela benefit from our conferences" then I think these conferences would make an even greater impact on helping Venezuela convert to DASH as your national currency.
We can create a "domino effect" throughout all of Venezuela and this cannot happen without all major Venezuela cities being aware of DASH at the same time. If we combine these with the youtube videos and the viral email marketing campaign Venezuela could become the first DASH nation within a year.
Indeed, the economic potential of Guayana is really VERY IMPORTANT and not only nationally but also internationally. We have a large amount of foreign investment in our region despite the crisis in Venezuela, especially in the area of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, we consider that this potential can be VERY POSITIVE for Dash.
To answer your recommendations, we will explain in this way to the community what we will do:
1) On this e-mail marketing campaign there must be some way to make sure that people establish the signature, since a moral and boring commitment does not move masses or viralizes on its own, so that we could do a contest within the conference itself where all the attendees send an email to us and 5 friends from their contact list, where: with a limited number of 240 characters they explain us creatively and in their own words why Dash is great, remember that people get involved when they feel they contribute and this will motivate them even more than the establishment of a firm, which in many cases is ignored by the recipient.
Also, the landing page that you point out can be extremely useful. It can be a condition of the contest that I indicated above that the message should include the link to it, so we could reach a high number of visitors and with a Lead Magnet in that landing page also capture the emails of the contacts of the attendees, filling us with a immense database to which you can subsequently send an entertaining newsletter with updated information on Dash.
2) Regarding the videos, I consider the same thing that you have raised in your answer. It has been decided to record the entire conference and this results in extremely cumbersome videos that can not be shared or viralized with the same force as short 5-minute videos.
In our team we want to make videos exactly as you have planned. For this, within the Dash Guayana Team we will have recording and editing professionals, as well as an experienced Community Manager to help us make the videos in a professional manner but also to create something attractive for the consumer.
We believe that we can reach a large number of people indirectly with these videos and that their exploitation through social networks can help us reach many more people than those who only attend the conference.
I am particularly struck by the attention you put on the search engines because it is a very solid, segmented and useful traffic.
The user who searches for a specific keyword and finds valuable content is always a potential consumer and with a respective keyword research that deserves interesting research, ranging from density of searches to the competition that is positioned in that word, also through strategies such as the "long tail" among other interesting practices of SEO, we can have constant traffic, which is very important, this video strategy will be applied I guarantee it, I have experience in the matter because I worked in the positioning of https: / /blog.handbook.es/ the blog of an enterprise that I manage.
Thank you very much for your suggestions and for anything else we are at your service.
Thank you very much for reading our proposal. Your appreciation is very positive for us.
However, I did not understand your question very well. What do you mean when you ask that other teams are receiving money from our proposal? Do you mean the Compressive advice from DASH Venezuela?
Please, let us clear this doubt so we can answer you as clearly as possible.
Perhaps I'm misinterpreting, but is this a consulting fee paid to the Dash Venezuela organization?
The query has NOT been paid yet and has not been offered yet. The same, as explained, consists of 64 hours and it refers to logistical, financial, technological and legal aspects that must be taken into account when creating an active Dash community within the Venezuelan territory.
The team of Dash Guayana has personally attended the conferences of Dash Caracas and we have been able to appreciate the quality and organization of the events and it is for them that we consider them to be a model to be followed by our organization.
We want to start on the right foot and we hope to have the advice and support of the most experienced within the country and also within the Dash community.
The advice does not consist in attending the talks of Dash Caracas, it includes strategic points for the efficient realization of conferences of this type and is more direct and personal, from the methodological realization of this project, going through the financial, technological, until the marketing And, given their successful experience in consolidating a strong and participatory community in Caracas and empowering people in the use of Dash, an issue that we want to replicate here in our locality, we understand their participation is necessary for the consolidation of a block in Venezuela prosecuted the realization of the same objective: Turn Venezuela into a Dash Nation.
In this sense we consider important to adopt their theoretical-practical model so that the use of Dash by users in real time, help them to internalize their way of functioning and, being an intellectual creation of Dash Caracas / Venezuela, we implement it together with them to get the most out of it
The Venezuela-Dash relationship is a win-win and the numbers show us, an issue that I think we should continue exploiting. Greetings from Guayana.
I would like to explain the best I can what is the reason of these fee for the consulting hours.
In DASH Caracas and in DASH Venezuela, we have build a highly prepared team, who work with sinergy and experience to get high quality results.
The professionals who take part of this team are not employees, they are entrepreneurs, freelancers, so they charge by the hour.
With the budget of DASH Caracas, we pay them to participate in the production of the events in Caracas.
But that budget is not enough to pay them by the hours they dedicate to serve as consultants and advisors of other teams, such as DASH Help, DASH Youth, DASH Merchant, DASH Maracay and DASH Guayana.
That is why we calculate the total hours that a comprehensive consultant service would be, so we can make sure we give all the other teams the best service we can give.
I hope this explanation has shed a light on your question. If you have anything else you would want to know, please let me know.
Please, visit our threads in the DASH Forum:
DASH Caracas:
DASH Venezuela:
Thank you!
Good luck guys!
This is a team of 4 young Venezuelan lawyers who have been very active in the Dash community. This is a recipe for success. You have my full support.
We want to achieve great things in this community and we know that with support like yours we will achieve it.
We are very happy to be able to support iniciatives like this, that will replicate the great results achieved by DASH Caracas, with their own ammount of innovation, is going to help us get Venezuela to be THE FIRST DASH NATION!
I am sure this group of fine young professionals will bring us delightful surprises in the future!
We are proud to belong to this great community.