Proposal “DashElectrumDec2019“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Electrum Support and Development Dec 2019
Monthly amount: 194 DASH (4338 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 388 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-12-15 / 2020-03-14 (added on 2019-12-03)
Votes: 930 Yes / 206 No / 63 Abstain

Proposal description


Electrum is probably the most popular open-source SPV wallet for bitcoin. Early 2017 I've picked up maintenance and support for DASH Electrum.  Since then, I've assembled a small team of three developers.  This is a proposal to fund the continuing development and support for Dash Electrum.
Scope and deliverables:
Since last proposal, we've
  • working on PrivateSend support
  • fixed few minor bugs
Execution and Schedule:
Work already performed or in progress. Deliverables are released publicly as soon as they are ready.

We are positioning Dash Electrum as the default front-end for dash ecosystem, with focus on privacy by default.
Our current roadmap is the following:
  • complete privatesend support
  • keep up with the upstream development
  • submission of Android version to Google Play
  • applets/plugins:
  • masternode monitoring
  • budget proposals monitoring (incl. discussions)
  • synthetic assets plugin
  • pay for fiat services
  • point of sales
  • shared masternodes

About me:
I'm active software developer for over 25 years and for last 15 years I develop mainly in Python. I'm in DASH since late 2014 (you can track my posts on the forum). I package dash electrum for more two years now.

Amount requested:
This time we will request 3-month funding that would cover our burn rate at current exchange rate which is $52.24USD/Dash at the moment of this post.
Budget calculation:
  • deficit accumulated: -12.44Dash
  • total burn rate: 191.42Dash per month * 3 months = 574.27Dash
  • proposal submission fee: 5DASH
Total: 579.27Dash over 3 month or 194Dash per month (rounded upward to the nearest Dash).
To provide transparency, funds would be directed to a separate wallet, as with previous proposals.
In case of DASH appreciation, any leftover funds would be spent to extend the duration of the project. In case of DASH depreciation, we will go into a deficit mode again and will submit a new proposal after the end of this 3 month period.

More info:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,5 years ago
any estimates when the PrivateSend will be available?
0 points,5 years ago
> Will be funded: Yes

please release the "testing" version of Electrum with potentially buggy PrivateSend.
0 points,5 years ago
It is.
0 points,5 years ago
"It is."

What is? It is what? Please, speak.
Is this supposed to mean that you released the test version with the PS code in it? If so, please link to where we can find this. Thanks.
0 points,5 years ago
It is open and available at github. It should be used by developers only. If you can't find the proper repository from release page - you should not use it.
1 point,5 years ago
I browsed every branch in your repository and don't see your PS implementation source code. Please link to it, thank you. If you can point me to this I will happily stop questioning you about it.
-1 point,5 years ago
As I've stated earlier, the is a release repository for, quoting someone called DashUnicorn "bells and whistles" that "no one uses".

The development repository could be reached in 3 keystrokes and 6 mouse clicks and it's public. If you can't find it - you should not be using it until release.

When testnet version would become stable, we will release prebuild packages for public testing. Now they are available on case-by-case basis after contacting on slack/
1 point,5 years ago
Question was finally answered on Discord. Posting here since this is where answers to MNO questions should go.

The privatesend implementation is here :

If anyone wants to make sure this work can't be held hostage again in the event of defunding, better make sure to fork the project now. No one to blame now if there's a next time. As far as I'm concerned this is resolved.

My bells and whistles comment is intended to refer to the other extraneous items in your project scope, not the core maintenance. I still think this wallet will become obsolete when the dashpay features are added to our current android and IOS wallets, and I also think that this wallet does not get very much active use in the first place. That is the main reason I question the value of this proposal especially if it is doing anything more than the bare minimum for maintenance.
2 points,5 years ago
This needs to be funded, you want mobile PS? Then we need Electrum.
-1 point,5 years ago
@akhavr Here I'll help you.
Re-posted from Reddit:

akhavr: "No, private send support in Electrum isn't publicly available right now for two reasons:

1. During the tests we found few client freezes and inconsistent UI. I don't release unfinished code, because , even in open source, I would be held liable for it.

2. Unlike previous changes, this one is quite big and spends user's money. We plan to do extensive tests on the testnet and then I'll mix my own funds to be the first person to lose money in a case of a bug.

3. The proposal was rejected with comments of "worthless work" and calling our team fraudsters. Now I have quite little belief in the rationality and competence of MNO and won't release the work that I used my own funds to complete."

@akhavr Why did it not occur to you to explain your position here in our governance portal, where the questions were being asked? These are things we can actually have a discussion about, and is a lot different than all your pitiful responses from earlier: "no the community voted they don't want it so it won't be released".

Instead of addressing the concerns where they were raised, you offered no excuse and then went to Reddit a couple weeks later to finally explain yourself when prompted by Amanda B Johnson, and of course use the opportunity to call me one of two "FUDsters".

I do not agree with your reasoning above. You were working on the PS code for months while being paid from the DAO and it is not right for you to refuse to deliver your partially completed work upon discontinuing of additional funds, just because you might have had to cover the tail end of it yourself due to declining value of Dash.

At this point I feel that it is not worth my time anymore to argue so this will be my last comment on the matter. Dashpay evo wallet is coming and will render this wallet obsolete, and I reiterate that several of the items on your stated roadmap are completely unnecessary. If people find value in it regardless then so be it.
0 points,5 years ago
I won't engage here just because of the shitshow you and @ValenciaDash created here.

There's nothing close to "discussion" here. Trolling, bullying, FUDding, outright lies, - yes. Productive discussion - no.
2 points,5 years ago
I am just curious which which of these things are lies.

Have you been funded $10,000 per month since February 2018? Yes.

Does this total over $200,000 since the start? Yes.

Was working on PrivateSend support included in previously funded proposals? Yes.

Did you refuse to deliver some of the work that was done up to the point when the proposal was defunded, and use it as leverage to get funded again? Yes.

Did you spend more than you took in, and tried to use this as a reason to guilt MNOs into funding the
proposalto reimburse you? Yes. ("I'll be "forced" to pay the previous month expense out of pocket")

Did you respond to any of the criticisms about the necessity of some of your roadmap items? No.

This is setting a really bad precedent for the DAO. It's always called lying and trolling and FUD when people say things you don't want to hear, or that might get in the way of your next paycheck.
0 points,5 years ago
1 point,5 years ago
Great work !!
0 points,5 years ago
Thanks. That was definitely harder than we've anticipated, but we've made it!

Now will focus on extensive testing, since this change involves handling of user's funds.

See more discussion at ... Waiting for our two lovely FUDsters to pop up here, since they're too coward to comment on reddit or
0 points,5 years ago
Those two are no longer white listed.
-2 points,5 years ago
Shamelessly dangling months worth of DAO-paid work in front of MNOs like a carrot.
1 point,5 years ago
Any MNOs voting for this are sending the message to all POs that the DAO thinks it is acceptable for a PO to withhold work that was already paid for, when their proposal gets defunded. It is completely unethical to hold hostage previously paid-for work in an attempt to solicit donations and future funding. MNOs please put your foot down for once and stop the bad behavior.
-2 points,5 years ago
Whats going on here is outright fraud. He has grabbed $220,000 from the treasury (Yeah, $220k) and unless he is continued to be paid $10000 per month, he trash the whole investment.

This man should be identified and heckled in public for cheating the DAO.
0 points,5 years ago
@ValenciaDash "trash the whole investment" is incorrect. Most of the amount paid out was for code that has been publicly released over the last 2 years and is available on github. I do not know exactly how much work has gone into the PrivateSend implementation, but it would not be anywhere close to "the whole investment".

That does not make it right to withhold the PrivateSend work though.
-1 point,5 years ago
~6.75Dash collected so far in 8 donations. Thank for all supporters.
-2 points,5 years ago
After collecting over $220,000 in free money from the treasury for nearly worthless work, you are soliciting donations for a few bucks? Amazing how you are trying to fool people. Bravo !
0 points,5 years ago
akhavr: "It's all visible on dashcentral. One troll, trashspeaking every project on the cycle, all it takes, it appears."

Liar. 4 people have expressed concern about the project in the comments here, and there were 174 no votes. Stop blaming this on trolls. Your project was decent while it lasted but we don't need Electrum bells and whistles.

Not releasing the PrivateSend code that you were working on is just spiteful. There could be volunteer developers in the Dash community who can pick up the testing and maintenance of the code. As a Dash holder is it in your best interest to just bury that work? Apparently it is, because otherwise you wouldn't have any bait to fish for donations.
0 points,5 years ago
If you don't need Dash Electrum, why you need Dash Electrum PrivateSend? Be consistent, at least.
-1 point,5 years ago
This is true, I don't see much value there in the first place so I am not very upset about it. However, there's no point in keeping the code private. If anyone wants to do it for free, they should be allowed to pick up where you left off. This is supposed to be how open source projects work. What reason do you have for sitting on the code? It's fine if it's not ready for production. The DAO paid for you to work on it. It's not ethical for you to hold on to work that you were doing while the project was still funded.
0 points,5 years ago
You, trolls, can't find your own ass even after you've been handed it.
1 point,5 years ago
We were talking about the PrivateSend code you said you were working on. Could you show me which branch has this? Thanks
0 points,5 years ago
No. Community voted that it's not necessary, so it won't be released.
0 points,5 years ago
October proposal
Roadmap: "complete privatesend support"

The DAO paid for you to work on this. The final payment from this proposal was in December. You need to provide the work that you did up until you were defunded.
-1 point,5 years ago
You're entitled to your opinion.
2 points,5 years ago
I haven't voted on this proposal yet because I'm just not sure how I feel about it, but it does seem like your are holding code that we paid for hostage to try and elicit more payouts
-2 points,5 years ago
This scammer needs to be taught a lesson by publically outing him as a fraudster.
1 point,5 years ago
It's not an opinion that the DAO paid for you to work on PrivateSend code from the period between October-December. Do you disagree with this?

It's not an opinion that you have said much progress was made on it but it hasn't been fully tested yet. Do you disagree with this?

This means that YOU ARE SITTING ON CODE THAT THE DAO PAID FOR and are refusing to deliver your work because...?

When the community voted the project down, what it means is that we do not want to CONTINUE FUNDING IT GOING FORWARD. It is no excuse for you to deliberately hold on to the code that you already worked on while you were BEING PAID.
-1 point,5 years ago
So unless you're paid $10,000 a month mindlessly, you will trash $220,000 worth of investment from the treasury and not release work paid for.

Happy you have come out openly as a blackmailer.
0 points,5 years ago
0 points,5 years ago
Correct link to the announcement:
1 point,5 years ago
why not releasing untested PrivateSend so it will be tested by the community?
1 point,5 years ago
Please, move to the forum to continue discussion.
0 points,5 years ago
He has made $200,000 already but wont release it unless he is paid $10,000 a month. Complete blackmail for something no one uses..
1 point,5 years ago
well, I use Dash Electrum and was happy how easy the masternode configuration went.
1 point,5 years ago
Dash now has no dedicated light wallet funding. Nice going guys.
-2 points,5 years ago
For a wallet that has barely been dowloaded 1000 times, $220,000 has been spent already on paying akhvr a massive salary.

Assuming optimistic use numbers of 50%, the average active user cost the treasury $400+ and brings in 0 revenue.

No wonder dash is now priced below $40 and crashing.
1 point,5 years ago
This is key infrastructure, voting YES.
2 points,5 years ago
By infrastructure you mean $10,000 a month in funding for the nth wallet that no one uses? Or one that doesnt have private send after spending $200,000.
2 points,5 years ago
What part of these bells and whistles in this proposal roadmap are "key infrastructure"? We have dashpay evolution wallet already being developed. We aren't even going to want anyone using electrum anymore at that point but we still want to pay for new features even now? Masternode and Budget proposal monitoring with discussions, really?
2 points,5 years ago
Looking forward to private send support. Please deliver on that.

Voting yes x13.
0 points,5 years ago
We're working to complete PrivateSend support and start extensive testing on the testnet in Jan.

Unfortunately, if we won't receive the funding, I'll be forced to pay Dec salaries from my own funds and freeze the project.

Current stats:

- Votes: 199 Yes / 170 No / 38 Abstain
- Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 446 Yes votes to become funded.
1 point,5 years ago
If you have to pay the Dec salaries out of pocket, that's on you. If you don't want to risk that happening, then don't budget more than you've collected from the treasury.
0 points,5 years ago
He will have to borrow money to pay himself a salary. Seriously, what a scam this has turned out to be.
0 points,5 years ago
$200,000 has been given to you in personal compensation and still no private send. Yet you still want to receive $10,000 a month in perpetuity for a side gig.

Shows how greedy contractors have been just fooling the dao all this while without any oversight.

Hardly anyone uses electrum so these threats are pretty pointless.
1 point,5 years ago
Does anyone use Dash Electrum? If the Dashpay (evolution) wallet is really going to be as good as it is supposed to be, then why are we spending resources developing a wallet in parallel that is destined to be abandoned soon? Forget all these new features on the roadmap. Just make sure the existing wallet doesn't break, that is all we need.
0 points,5 years ago
> Just make sure the existing wallet doesn't break, that is all we need.

exactly my thinking.
-4 points,5 years ago
Akhavr has been on the gravy train for a long time, getting $10,000 a month for doing nothing. Will take a lot of effort to get him off..
0 points,5 years ago
$10,000 a month for the Nth wallet that no one cares for ; $200,000+ spent already on a part-time side gig and still no private send. Complete Waste of money.
1 point,5 years ago
Hi Thomas!

You asked the community to hire you as a full time developer. I look at the git code you pushed ( and it's look like you do the project as a side gig. Your work is important (at least until Evolution will came out), but 10k a month is too much for it.

Voted NO.
2 points,5 years ago
Who is Thomas? Are you confusing w/the original Bitcoin Electrum developer?
1 point,5 years ago
Take a closer look. The development is going on in a different repository. The one, you've referenced, is the integration repo
3 points,5 years ago
Someone please make the case for why a Dash Electrum wallet is needed?
1 point,5 years ago
I like to keep Dash Electrum wallet around as backup. If we ever have problems with our hardware wallets (Ledger / Trezor), we can import the seeds of those hardware wallets directly into Dash Electrum and still have access to our funds.

Also this wallet is expanding to include privatesend and to include several masternode services.
1 point,5 years ago
Ever since the Dash network switched over to DIP3 masternode registration, Ledger users lost the ability to move DIP3 MN payments through Ledger Live. We are now forced to use either The Masternode Tool (DMT) or Dash Electrum.
1 point,5 years ago
this dash electrum port is costing alot at 200 dash per. month its quite expensive sadly will have to wait no
0 points,5 years ago
Vote No*
3 points,5 years ago

$10,000 / Month is a lot of money for a wallet that is falling into disuse rapidly. This is because there are other wallets that support dash on their own dime and I dont see why the treasury should pay you such a huge wage for just this one.

The usage numbers are paltry after years of spending. Also disappointed to see that Private Send has still not been integrated despite hundreds of thousands having been spent and this feels like a bottomless pit. This monthly wage model might be suiting you but is costing the treasury dearly.

Other wallets such as Mydashwallet cost 46 dash to support and are used much more often, even though admittedly it has gone through some issues.

With dash platform the treasury has to double down on that rather than burn all its budget on just one non essential wallet.

It is about time you make some revenue from services on the wallet and make wage demands in line with the value you are adding.
-3 points,5 years ago
Hundreds of thousands? Sorry?
4 points,5 years ago
$10,000 per month from Feb 2018 till today or $200,000 +

$7,000 - proposal 1
$70,297 -proposal 2
$90,000 - proposal 3
$37,876- proposal 4
$16,000 - proposal 5
$23,000 - proposal 6