Proposal “DashElSalvador“ (Closed)Back

Title: Dash El Salvador: Education - Merchants - Remittances.
Monthly amount: 45 DASH (1658 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-09-11 / 2022-12-09 (added on 2022-08-30)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 584 Yes / 327 No / 16 Abstain

Proposal description

We continue working for the correct adoption of #Dash with the people of El Salvador.
This Third Quarter we focus on the Eastern Zone of the country. Where 70% of the total of Remittances at National Level are concentrated.


1. Support with the Mayor's Office of San Miguel to educate and adopt Dash as Digital Money: Holding events in the Government Center

2. Greater receptivity with our plan of benefits offered by companies allied to Dash:

A.  Dash Financial Education Dash
B.  Customer Service Dash
C   Digital Marketing Consulting Dash
D   Labor Advisory Dash
E    Accounting Consulting Dash
F    Legal Advisory Dash
G   Financial Markets


3. Financial Education which is divided into 3 Educational Modules which are:

A.   What is Dash and why use it
B .        Micro-entrepreneurship with Dash
C.   Points of Purchase and Sale (Sending Remittances)


4. Conversations with USAID and Mercadito, which are ONGs that support business development and upcoming events.

5. Fairs Opening of Plaza de Comercio Empresarial September 16 and 17 where our Affiliates will participate and we will give benefits with Dash at the time of purchase.


For which we require the Financing October to December:

1. Consolidate the Business Community to become Family Remittance Exchange Centers.

2. Train the Family Members of Salvadorans Abroad.

3. Generate more agreements with the Local Mayors in Eastern Municipalities (Santa Rosa de Lima - Usulután - La Unión - Chinameca - Moncagua - Conchagua - El Cuco) where we consolidate meetings with entrepreneurs to adopt Dash.

The Budget will be distributed as follows:

Micro-Fairs                         4 DASH     
Payroll                               25 DASH
Office rental                        3 DASH       
Office supplies                     1 DASH
Travel and hospitality         4 DASH
Marketing and advertising 8 DASH   

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,2 years ago
M.N. If you have any questions or doubts about the Dash El Salvador project, I will be happy to answer them.
1 point,2 years ago
We help Juan join the DASH community while in Colombia and we are supporting this proposal. we understand the current situation of Dash price and at this time this proposal is very reasonable cost of operation
1 point,2 years ago
thank you very much for your support. We want to show the DAO that with a small budget you can achieve good results.
1 point,2 years ago
No x16.

At best I see this as another Venezuela, when we haven't even cracked Venezuela yet.

At worst it's a Dash milking scam. Very few videos on their youtube and few views.
-2 points,2 years ago
Yes you're right. The CEO of Dash Salvador lacks a leadership of facts and not of promises.
1 point,2 years ago
I certainly wouldn't say all Venezuela projects were failures. Look at all the work produced by Dash Help Me and tell me with a straight face that it was not excellent value for money.

One of the problems all dash contractors face is the scalability of their operations. Perhaps because there are no long term incentives, or sometimes they are just incapable of imparting their knowledge to others.

In any case, I feel we should be more supportive of these relatively small projects. More so if you really do have the income of 16 masternodes ("No x16").
0 points,2 years ago
16 masternodes give less than the average pay in the US right now. And what I have doesn't really change the Dash budget concerns. Wasting Dash funds certainly won't improve my position.
1 point,2 years ago
Thank you for supporting this great educational cause with Dash.
1 point,2 years ago
Our results are not Youtube videos, nor views.

It is the social impact that we make with the community by providing them with Free Financial Education.

Currently we all know that there were errors in the implementation of Bitcoin. These Mistakes are Strengths for Dash. We are correcting and creating impact by removing fear and distrust.
0 points,2 years ago
You have always made unfounded criticisms. I invite you to investigate our work further.

Each project is independent. You cannot compare us with projects like those in Venezuela.
1 point,2 years ago
Some ways to not look like the Venezuelan failures:

1. Visible results.
2. Known community members vouching for you.
3. Strategy combined with other marketing teams.
4. Clear measurable goals.
5. Solid reasons we should fund this over more focused effort in Venezuela.