Proposal “DashCrypto-org“ (Closed)Back an efficient portal for the entire ecosystem — featuring Amanda B. Johnson.
Monthly amount: 325 DASH (8810 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-01-16 / 2019-04-15 (added on 2019-01-01)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 4 Yes / 92 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Attention: comment order is being manipulated to hurt this proposal. Every positive comment is immediately sent to the bottom, including comments from Fernando (CMO), Tao of Satoshi, Mark Mason, Arthyron, Foxrot, TanteStefana, Ageless, etc. Even the notice about Amanda was downvoted to the bottom seconds after posting. 

It is a great pleasure to submit this proposal for your consideration. Hopefully, most of you know who I am — if not please search for JulioDash on the forums and Discord. Here are some articles I've written on Dash:

Building the Dash DAO
Increasing Dash adoption through better consumer incentives

Thanks in advance for reading through this long proposal and I hope you find it as exciting as I do.

1. [] is accessible but is not even 5% of what is planned. It also has *no design*, logo, or images. The team is only partially assembled and we are focusing on structure, incentives, funnel goals, functionality, and content — the rest will come later. 
2. Please send feedback, comments, and suggestions about the site to us separately at 

1. A portal for the entire ecosystem, with a much larger scope than what we have today. 
2. Fine-tuned audience segmentation
3. Efficient conversion of visitors into members of the ecosystem.
4. Efficient marketing of Dash to the cryptocurrency market.
5. Significantly increased audience and traffic. 
6. A professional data-driven portal grounded on analytics.
7. New videos by Amanda B. Johnson. 

1. A portal for the entire ecosystem, with a much larger scope than what we have today. 
To use an analogy, we aim to be for Dash what is for Bitcoin Cash. Dash will grow exponentially over time and what we have today does not serve the entire ecosystem. The scope of our project is much larger and include all initiatives, projects, events, tools, sites, and everything else that is happening in Dash. 

2. Fine-tuned audience segmentation.
Important audiences are not represented today, such as Investors, and granular segmentation will lead to better conversions. For example, having sections such as "Online Merchants", "Retail Stores", and "Cannabis Dispensaries" leads to much better results than having a "Business" section. The narrower the category, the more targeted the incentives can be, and the better results we have. 

3. Efficient conversion of visitors into members of the ecosystem.
A page is efficient when:

1. is segmented for the right audience.
2. has a clearly defined goal.
3. shows persuasive incentives to visitors.
4. has clear call-to-actions that fulfills #2.
5. has steps 1-4 measured, tracked, and improved with frequent iterations and testing.

We will do all these steps — quickly, professionally, and efficiently. The benefits of a high-traffic, frequently updated and high-conversion site will be enormous.

4. Efficient marketing of Dash to the cryptocurrency market.
Crypto is a billion-dollar industry and we can do better. Having the best product does not guarantee success and some of Dash's most powerful features are not being advertised at all to the cryptocurrency space — The Dash Trust and Treasury being the clearest examples. There are also dozens of powerful ideas hidden away from visitors, lost in Reddit replies, Discord debates, or page #3 of a forum thread. We also need proper funnels to bring investors that have other cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Bitcoin) to Dash. 

5. Significantly increased audience and traffic. averages 70,000 users/mo. A portal for a project like Dash should aim to receive over 1 million. 

6. A professional data-driven portal grounded on analytics.
Today a good portion of what we do online is based on anecdotal evidence and subjective opinions. We will deliver objectively-efficient pages and services that are proven to deliver results based on real metrics. We will share these results with the community and with so that we can all improve together. 

7. New videos by Amanda B. Johnson. 
Amanda has graciously offered her video services for DashCrypto without asking for compensation. It will take the conversion rate and persuasion of our pages to a whole new level.

ASSESSMENT OF DASH.ORG — as analytics data indicates — does a poor job at converting visitors.

Specific problems
1. Very-high bounce rate
2. Low session duration
3. Audience is not segmented
4. Incentives are vague and non-persuasive
5. No A/B testing.
6. Performance isn't measured.

1. Very-high bounce rate.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that navigates away after seeing only one page.  A high bounce rate indicates the content isn't relevant or useful. Search engines punish sites with high bounce rates as their business model revolves around serving relevant and useful information to their customers.  The general rule of thumb is:
- 80%+ is very bad
- 70 – 80% is poor
- 50 – 70% is average
- 30 – 50% is excellent
- 20% or below is likely a tracking error is in the "very bad” segment at 80%.

2. Low session duration
This indicates shallow engagement. Nearly 89% of visitor sessions last between 0-10 seconds — a predictable metric given the high bounce rate. Website traffic and page views are not reliable indicators of performance, and visitors need to stick around to become engaged.

3. Audience is not segmented
Different audiences that respond to different incentives are being served the same blended content, contributing to the low metrics we see.

4. Incentives are vague and non-persuasive
Incentives are things you show visitors to persuade them to complete a goal. The ones used on —  Fast, secure, instant, micro-fees, Next-Gen P2P Network, Fastest Growing Network, etc. — are too abstract to persuade. Vague incentives with unsegmented audience results in poor conversion rates.

5. No split-testing
Split-testing or a/b testing when you show two different incentives to the audience and see which one performs better. doesn't do a/b testing.  Incentives should follow a Pareto distribution where 20% are responsible for 80% of conversions. We need to know what these are and use them in all of our marketing campaigns. It is also just as important to know what are the inefficient ones so we can stop using them.

6. Performance isn't measured.
An essential metric for websites is how well pages complete goals (what we want visitors to do). does not use funnels or goals, so it doesn't know how pages perform.

Our site will be a complement to, which will continue to be the official one. We spent a significant amount of time and resources on's analytics and had long talks with Core. Our proposal has solutions for problems the new will not address. is a bullet-proof static site because it serves mission-critical software for the community. Any new system there is a possible attack vector. Content also has to be carefully vetted for regulations and liabilities risks. We need it the way it is, and it is the way it is for a reason. is a portal for the Ecosystem that does not have such constraints and can fulfill the needs of the ecosystem. It is designed to convert visitors, to be agile, dynamic, attract high traffic, be grounded on analytics, etc. It can also be segmented to audiences that cannot. (e.g. Investors).

Today we do not have a single page dedicated for investors, we won't have one with the new, and individuals and institutions buying Masternodes move the price like nothing else. 

Why the domain name
The first major reason for the domain name was shortness. DashCrypto was preferred over "dashcommunity", "dashcurrency", "dashcryptocurrency", "dashdigitalcash", "dashnetwork", "dashecosystem", “dashplatform”, etc. 

Next was search volume. The second highest-ranking search keyword for is "dash coin" (not an option), but the third one is "dash crypto". There was nothing else that would make a good domain name on the top 20. "Dash Digital cash" comes in at #30 with insignificant volume, in spite of being the official slogan for many years. 

DashCrypto is easy to say, simple to type, meaningful, concise, precise and has a ton of search volume. For the extension, going with ".org" was the best option as .com indicates a business, and ".io" had possible issues with DNS under heavy traffic. 

Plans for the future
Besides finishing all the pages and sections we have sketched so far, here are a few ideas we have: 

1. Dash Jobs. It is an idea to attract more talent and create a marketplace for dash-related jobs. 

2. Dash User Voice. Those who follow me on Discord know I place a high value on customer service — they make or break a business. We should have an efficient way to capture customer feedback, and a tool like would be useful. Jeffh (from and I proposed this back in Aug-Sep. It is an idea worth trying, and we will get it done soon. 

3. "Dash salesperson". We don't have a proper name for it yet, but it consists of a platform to recruit, train, manage people, and a reward system. 

4. Online advertising. It is the most cost-effective way to promote Dash. However, with an 80% bounce rate and no tracked metrics, investing on Google Ads for is a waste of resources. 

5. #DashFriday. The reality is that merchants have no real incentives to accept Dash, or any other crypto. One idea to change that is #DashFriday. We will try to embed in the community a cultural habit of buying something from a Dash merchant every Friday. Sending more customers and orders to merchants is the best we can do at this time — and it's easier to do with online merchants — leading us to the next idea...

6. E-commerce directory. Having 4,400 retail merchants is cool, but 44,000 online merchants is cooler. A huge catalog of online merchants where the community can order from. This will complement our #DashFriday idea above.

7. Translation. Currently in analytics the 5 most important languages are, in order: Chinese, Spanish, Russian, German and Portuguese. We will take care of these first, then move on to the other ones. 

Cost breakdown:
To bootstrap the project, Amanda and I have agreed not take a salary. Once the Treasury recovers and our team is fully assembled, I will include our remuneration and be more precise with values.  

- Conversion rate optimization expert = $300-400/h 
- Search engine optimization expert = $250-350/h
- Social media strategist = $100-200/h
- Design = $10k-20k
- Programmer  = $100-150/h per programmer
- Front-end developer = $100-120/h per developer
- Content writers = $50-90/h per writer
- Translators = $30-50/h per translator

Project Manager = JulioDash (free of charge)
Video creation services = Amanda B. Johnson (free of charge)

Requested: 325 DASH / month, for 3 months. Excess funds will be reallocated, used for future months, or saved for online advertising. In my opinion, Amanda's services alone is worth the amount of this proposal. 

I hope you can support this project with your vote and thank you for reading through this long proposal.



space added so proposal does not crop on mobile. 

space added so proposal does not crop on mobile. 

space added so proposal does not crop on mobile. 

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch March 26th 2019 Report on by dashcrypto
2 points,6 years ago
Even before the indefinite delay of was announced, I thought was a very important proposal that needed to pass, but since the announcement of the delay, the passing of this proposal is now imperative. There is a huge void in the dash ecosystem, namely a good website aimed at on-boarding users, merchants, and investors. This void is what is specifically designed to fill.

Second, and have two different scopes. is primarily designed to provide mission-critical software and information, whereas is primarily designed to facilitate the on-boarding process for new users, merchants, and very importantly, investors, something which cannot do due to it being a DCG project. The two sites are compliments to one another, not competitors.

Third, I think this site is very important to help further decentralize Dash. is essentially DCG's website and is going to reflect their specific perspective, not the perspective of the greater Dash community. While also won't represent the entire Dash community's perspective as there is no unified community perspective, it will at least be able to provide one "official" perspective of Dash that doesn't come from DCG.

Our forward-facing image is not anywhere near as good as it could be and the lack of a quality website has much to do with that. Julio is a highly respected member of the community and has put together a great plan. I strongly urge everyone to vote "yes" on this proposal.

Full Disclosure: I will be providing some of the content for for an as yet determined, if any, fee. However I did not agree to work on this project for the money, I agreed to work on it because I believe in it and think it's vital for Dash.
6 points,6 years ago
I would love to see Amanda videos, not sure why we need to pay more than 60K for this project to get them though. No x13.
5 points,6 years ago
Really surprised by this vote. Wachsman is asking for the same amount. They have done nothing remarkable for the network yet Amanda has had a tremendous impact on this project. Voting yes.
5 points,6 years ago
Voting yes on that one. Current official website is so ugly it hurts my eyes. Even if this is not gonna replace it, it's a step in the right direction.
7 points,6 years ago
Let try this: Yes!
Hope to see new Amanda video soon :)
6 points,6 years ago
Where the hell are all these excessive downvotes and upvotes coming from? I think and @rango needs to look at whether this site is being gamed by sock puppet accounts. It’s making a mockery of the process.

6 points,6 years ago
This has been mentioned a couple of times, the upvoting and downvoting of comments and of budget proposals is subject to manipulation on Dash Central. A masternode owner with a lot of masternodes can simple split those masternodes over seperate Dash Central accounts and then manipulate the upvoting and downvoting of comments in an effort to influence voting behaviour.
4 points,6 years ago
Which directly undermines Dash Governance System.
-7 points,6 years ago
I decided to vote in support of this budget proposal, good luck.
-11 points,6 years ago
I don't agree with all you views and opinions JulioDash. Nevertheless you are an outstanding member of the community. You also have the trust from core. I like how you approached them and how you managed to work with them together. A perfect example how a DAO should function. And even Amanda offered her support. Maybe some have the opinion that Dash doesn't need a face. The thing is that Dash today consists of many faces. I personally wd like to see her again. And I guess some outside trolls know how good this wd be for Dash so they put their time and effort in here to downvote the comments. how hilarious. The thing is that it becomes more legit through that behavior. Anyway you have my support. Good luck!
-10 points,6 years ago
Voting yes on this one. For one having new videos done by Amanda will probably be worth the price tag alone.

Moreover after reading Julio's analysis, it really seems like he really knows what he is talking about. And by not taking a salary here and being a long time MNO, he is showing his true motivation for the project and applying his trade-set to help the network.
-10 points,6 years ago
Let the fake downvotes begin!
-9 points,6 years ago
voting YES.
Whether this passes or not this time around, a 'Dash Ecosystem' site is needed IMHO. Ideally, would deliver the basics efficiently (what/wallets/how to get Dash ASAP vs ones Earthly location).

Would there be a prominent link to this potential new site from
Will receive adequate maintenance and updates years from now (at a reasonable cost)?

Side note:
Wachsman & Co: What have Dash's PR companies had to say. Have they not been taking a bird's eye view of the Dash ecosystem and identified gaping holes? ...smh (where is the professional advice received from the "professional" hired PR companies?).
19 points,6 years ago
I would urge the PO and everyone else to wait for dash to release there updated website.

For a 975 dash its quite expensive in the current bear market

Voting NO.

Thank you hope to see your proposal again when the budget can be either reduced or when dash price exceeds 100 price range.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello Realmrhack. I spoke with Fernando and he will make a blog post to address the difference in scopes between and, and I will post a reply about your concerns with costs as soon as I have the time.
1 point,6 years ago
I responded to all you concerns in a separate post below, but let me add another point

- January's budget = 6177 DASH.
- Core will take 60% = 3706 DASH.
- All proposals passing = 1480 DASH.
- Available and unallocated = 991 DASH
- Even after this proposal, there will be still 667 DASH unallocated.

I am fully aware of the bear market and I did the math before submitting our proposal. The idea we cannot afford this is false.
3 points,6 years ago
I'm voting yes
4 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the ping Mark...and for the support on the new site!

As we've stated many times, at DCG we generally avoid commenting on other proposals to maintain our neutrality, but since this one is very related to us and Julio and I have worked on the website together a little, it is ok to do it.

Before getting started, let me do a side note on the new site timing. The contractor failed to meet several deadlines in December and we have asked them to provide what they have and we'll finish the work internally. We've seen already most of the work done, so it should be possible to do it quickly. We're in the process of receiving the work and deploying, so I can't be more specific on time until we get the final files we've been waiting for.

As for the proposal, a few general thoughts:

-Julio and I have had a few meetings and a lot of chats about the current and the future website. He's seen mockups of parts of the new one and has accessed some analytics data of the old one. He is a legit biz guy, cares about Dash, and knows what he is talking about.

-Julio is right that the current site doesn't work. It lacks the flexibility to do efficiently the changes it needs, and that is why we're doing a new one. We first considered to improve it, but soon it was obvious that it was better to start from scratch.

-The new site won't do everything Julio wants to do. We want to be extremely conservative in what we publish for legal, security, and resources reasons. Some topics won't have a place for the time being (dash as an investment, for example), we can't list everything happening in the ecosystem…

-The new sites ability to be updated easily will allow us the flexibility to tweak and grow as new analytic data appears.

And a few more thoughts about the new site and the specific concerns about

1/2 bounce rate and session duration will be addressed since the structure is much better and we will have the flexibility to do changes and measure how they affect all metrics.

3 We're segmenting the audience in the new site (individuals, businesses, developers and community). However, I've discussed this with Julio and he would like to do more segments (mostly, split the businesses one into narrower categories). I'm fine with that, but I'd like to launch and have some data on our initial segmenting before introducing more complexity. We've had enough scope creep in the website project already and I want to launch.

4 The new site has more specific goals. They can be improved. But, again, I prefer to launch and refine through analytics.

5/6 We only measure a few things in the current website. In the new one, we will be measuring more because we will be able to act on the information better. However, internally we don't have anything close to the team Julio is assembling and I don't think we'll be able to afford that anytime soon. I agree analytics is important and it has been in the wishlist for a while, but unfortunately, the resources are really scarce.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your honesty, Fernando, here:
"The contractor failed to meet several deadlines in December and we have asked them to provide what they have and we'll finish the work internally. We've seen already most of the work done, so it should be possible to do it quickly. We're in the process of receiving the work and deploying, so I can't be more specific on time until we get the final files we've been waiting for."

Was the contractor properly vetted? Did they have a lot of reviews or were they referred to you (or both)? I've never seen a contractor fail to deliver website-related deliverables for my business (or completely miss deadlines), so I'm curious to learn how it got to this point.

Again, I appreciate that you were upfront but I'm hoping there are lessons learned for any future contractor hiring.
3 points,6 years ago
Post only here for an hour with a -7 already? Yeah, that's legit.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for commenting and for the kind words, Fernando — the feeling is mutual.
-2 points,6 years ago
Let me address the arguments against this proposal so far:

1. That we should wait for the new site, or that the new site suffice.
2. That the proposal is expensive.
3. That we need to wait for the budget to recover.
4. That we should do on what is proposing, to avoid overlap and duplicate work.

I hear the arguments, understand your points, and I am fully aware of our budget.

Our proposal didn't come out of nowhere. We spent a significant amount of time and resources on's analytics and had many talks with Fernando. The new will not address the problems that will. I spoke with Fernando again today and he will create a blog post to clarify the differences in scope between and, and also update the community on the release of the new site. is a bullet-proof static site because it serves mission-critical software for the community. Any new system there is a possible attack vector. Content also has to be carefully vetted for regulations and liabilities risks. We need it to be the way it is — or if you disagree — it is the way it is for a reason., on the other hand, is a community-driven site that does not have such constraints. It can operate outside these boundaries to fulfill the needs of the ecosystem. It is designed to convert visitors, to be agile, dynamic, attract high traffic, grounded on analytics, etc. We really need it and let me demonstrate why with an example.

Imagine a group of investors with $80,000 each and assume they can buy either 20 BTC or 1000 DASH. When investors buy 20 BTC, they are just buying the coin. On the other hand, when investors buy 1000 DASH — and set up a Masternode — they are:

a) buying the coin — with superior technology and everything else Dash does better.
b) acquiring voting rights on all proposals from the Treasury.
c) earning interest on their capital.
d) earning distribution profits from Dash Ventures (in the future).
e) "acquiring shares" of Dash Core Group. (not technically, but I can't think of another way to say it at this time).

Another important point is that Dash today is 2% of Bitcoin — 0.02 BTC — or 1% adjusted for the circulating supply. Given all the amazing things we have — superior technology, decentralized governance, self-funding treasury, teams with fiduciary responsibilities to the Network, etc. — Dash is a fantastic investment. However, this is not advertised anywhere and it will *not* be on the new

Increasing the price is a priority because everything we do depends on our ability to fund ourselves. Very few things would move the price like individuals and institutions buying Masternodes. There is not a page anywhere in the Dash ecosystem designed to convert visitors into MNOs.

Now imagine this Investor Funnel on

1. An investor visits It is not just a landing page or a small site — it is a professional portal that conveys trust.
2. He clicks on "Investor" and is shown highly segmented and persuasive incentives that have been a/b tested for performance.
4. He then watches a video where Amanda discusses points a) to e)
5. After the video ends, he is asked to click on a link that shows how to buy Dash and create/maintain masternodes.

Hopefully, you can appreciate how professional this is. We have nothing to compare it against because such funnel does not exist in the ecosystem at all. Think of the impact a +$50 price increase would have on Dash, how only a few new Masternodes are needed, and how low the conversion rate for this page needs to be to convert a few investors.

This is just one example funnel for a specific audience. We are going to do much more.

Finally, let me address the issue with cost.

Consider a scenario where we already have a site with low bounce rates, highly segmented audiences, pages with persuasive incentives that are not the result of anecdotal evidence or opinions — but instead are the result of thousands of a/b testing iterations — a marketplace for Dash-related jobs, etc. Then add videos made by Amanda specifically for these pages, with all her talent and charisma.

Now put a $ value on it.

This value is the cost of not having — far more than the investment. If the Treasury could not afford it, I would vote against my own proposal, but it is not the case. I will be subsidizing it by not asking for a salary — and so will Amanda. Going cheap with the rest is a false economy.

If there are any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.
3 points,6 years ago
Beware: Within a narrow time frame today Mark Mason’s very reasonable comment went from +3 votes to -5 along with any other even slightly positive or neutral comment. Even the announcement that Amanda is willing to contribute was down voted in a very short time to -6, the same person evidently upvoted the one negative comment to +8. This is most likely one individual trying the derail the proposal, don’t be fooled by these metrics. There's far more than one person making up the DAO, although everyone has the right to act in their own perceived best interests.
2 points,6 years ago
It's so obvious...
2 points,6 years ago
Downvotes not legit.
7 points,6 years ago
Firstly, great news about Amanda! I'm very excited to see Amanda return to making Dash video content, even if this proposal does not pass. Amanda has been missed by the community and I would love to see Amanda make a return regardless. So, If the community supports it? and if Amanda is open to it. I'd be more than happy for Amanda to take over video content duties for We have the news, resources and content ready, we only need Amanda to hit it out of the park. Amanda was a writer when we first launched the news site and it was always my hope since its inception for Amanda to create news / interview video content. That will mean I can then redirect our newest team member Isabel's efforts to making videos for and Latin America outreach.

About the proposal, I have a few concerns.

Q. Do you not approve or have confidence in the soon to be published redesign?

I have seen the final mock-ups and believe it's due to launch this month. I'm happy to report that it's a major improvement that I feel addresses a lot of the issues you have raised in your proposal.

As a public and heavy critic of the the old (current) Dash website, I believe Core have done a fantastic job on the new website and I personally feel the network will not be able to make an informed decision until it's revealed to the public.

Yes, I do agree with you that the current Dash site was not best suited for online marketing campaigns. However, the new site design is very different with dedicated sections and landing pages that target each use-case specifically for Users / Merchants / Developers / Community which now creates a perfect opportunity to refer direct traffic or create online advertising campaigns that we the community have all been hoping and wishing for.

That's why I feel slightly uncomfortable when you use the metrics and performance of the old dash site as a justification to create an alternative when the results and performance of new site is still yet to be seen. Therefore, respectfully I do not agree with the statement "investing on Google Ads for will be a waste of resources." as with the new site design, I'm now very happy to evangelize and directly refer users looking to learn or purchase Dash, or merchants looking how to accept Dash, or Developers looking to explore Dash. I feel Core have ticked these boxes with the new site. Especially as the new site design also acts as a portal hub.

Rather than have a variety of sites for users to visit and bookmark. My preferred choice will be to have a one stop shop solution. The official Dash website will always have the highest authority. That is the ultimate solution that we all seek and should be pushing for and yes that even includes the news. This is something has done well, and the new Dash website design has taken inspiration from that and I feel delivers on that with a focus on new users and a user friendly experience. We need the official Dash website to be the best it can be. If something needs refining or changing the answer is fix the main Dash site not create numerous alternatives to mask the problem. I believe the majority of people who are interested in using their hard earned money to exchange for Dash will no doubt check official source first for legitimacy before proceeding. So it's absolutely fundamental that our first priority as a network is to get main website correct. When you mention split-testing and online campaigns I can't help but be reminded of the previous project efforts that presented the same arguments about old Dash site. The only difference now being that is about to be revamped to address those previous issues and in my opinion will now be well suited to online media campaigns. I want what is best for Dash long-term and for me that means we MUST have the best official Dash website possible as I believe that will yield greater results. I agree with the points you have outlined with regard to marketing as a direct need however I think the focus should be on how we can get the main Dash site to deliver and meet these objectives.

With regard to "online merchants where the community can order from" have you communicated with treasury funded project as that is still being developed with Dash payment integration. Rather having multiple efforts it might be wise to collaborate? as your goals seem aligned.

The only thing that stands out to me in your proposal that fills a direct need that is currently missing from eco-system is Dash Jobs. It might be worth having a conversation with the people behind this project - as I felt their solution and offering was perfect use-case that may save you time and energy in research, development and expense.

I'll ping Fernando to comment as I'm sure the release of new site design is very soon but I do not have the authority to say when that date will be.

Cheers, Mark
-1 point,6 years ago
Hello Mark, thank you for the detailed comment, all feedback and suggestions were noted. I think Fernando has addressed most of your concerns, but let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to comment on. And yes, we are utterly thrilled to have Amanda involved!
1 point,6 years ago
I think the intent behind this proposal and the goal it seeks to accomplish is something much needed in the greater Dash DAO and I'm glad that someone as professional and diligent as JulioDash is the one spearheading this project. For much, much too long, the decentralized nature of this project has led to a disjointed, fragmented, nebulous community with hundreds of potential points of entry and no real organization linking the disparate segments of the community. New entrants to our ecosystem often show up with many questions and much confusion (in no small part due to active or passive misinformation and disinformation about Dash spread by purveyors of other projects), and so far we haven't really had a very good way of addressing these aside from labor-intensive, individual intensive discussions with each new participant. This is exhausting and there's no way to tell whether or not these efforts are effective, meaningful, or helpful over all for the ecosystem.

All this simply to say that we *definitely* need a central hub with all the most important information and "directions" to the other relevant, important parts of the ecosystem in a way that makes sense and is intuitive to most visitors.

However, this was partially the impetus in funding Dash Nexus to serve as the central hub for all things related to the DAO (and Dash itself by extension). I felt it was important for the DAO--and not merely the technology or cryptocurrency--to serve as the axis mundi or central foundation from which the rest of the ecosystem stems, so the way this site is implemented seems--rather than simplifying and consolidating the ecosystem--to fragment it even further.

I also echo some of the sentiments expressed here and on Discord about paying for parallel development, for work that has been/is already being done by the Core team on the new Fernando has clarified below that this site explicitly wants to take many concepts further in a way that cannot or will not, so I can understand the need for a secondary site, but is there some way we can settle or sort out the continual expansion and "sprawl" of the Dash ecosystem utilizing existing resources instead of adding yet another which could further confuse new entrants?

I suppose we could decide that this will be the final "expansion" for now and that Nexus--being focused moreso on the DAO/governance/treasury systems--would be appended to this site as secondary/specialized with this site being the primary hub, but I think it's pretty clear a decision on that front needs to be made and implemented ASAP ahead of Evolution and Dash Ventures.

That being said, this is a pretty costly endeavor, and I'm not sure we can afford an expenditure of this magnitude under these market conditions, but perhaps if it can perform as expected, it might pay off in the long run. I'll hold off on voting for the time being until more discussion has been had, but I'm definitely open to a project of this nature on a hypothetical level.
11 points,6 years ago
You are asking for nearly 1000 Dash in a tight budget circumstance like the current one.
How much is this "great idea" going to cost us afterwards?
Still a few thousand Dash more, perhaps?

If the MNO network really decides that we need this, i'm sure we will find somebody else who charges us a reasonable amount, maybe 10 Dash per month.
Voting no.
-3 points,6 years ago
Hello EdwardLopez, thank you for your reply.
> How much is this "great idea" going to cost us afterwards?
The maintenance cost should be significantly lower than the startup.

> If the MNO network really decides that we need this.
Please review the section "Assessment of" in the proposal. I can provide objective proof because today Dash does not have a site that is efficient at converting visitors into members of the ecosystem. The opportunity cost of not having one is too high and also our online presence, at 70,000 visitors a month, is too low.

> maybe 10 Dash per month.
I am confident that no one can build a project that is going to move the needle in a billion-dollar cryptocurrency with $770.

Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll be happy to respond.
2 points,6 years ago
We have FANTASTIC news. Please upvote for visibility:

Hi, Julio and team.

Wanted to tell you that I saw your new proposal. I appreciate your focus on conversion (sales) using visitor metrics, as well as the acknowledgment that there are different market segments which require different messages to achieve conversion.

I want to offer my video services to in the case that you get funded and find yourself desiring such. Following Julio's lead, I would provide these services free of charge.

I don't expect a response -- I'm certain you're busy fielding comments on your proposal. Simply let me know at any point should you like to discuss my offer further.

Best and thanks,
Amanda B. Johnson
-1 point,6 years ago
I've known @JulioDash for a long time, and I've always been impressed with his analytical mind, and constant thirst for knowledge about Dash. This is a man who does his homework and would be the first one I would like to be in charge of a project like this.

That being said, I would like to see the new being dropped before running headlong into a site that will significantly overlap my expectation of what the new site will do.

I suspect that I will still support this project even when I see the new site, so voting yes for now.
-4 points,6 years ago
yes from here
-4 points,6 years ago
Though Dash's long-term target customer is "grandma," that won't be happening for 10-30 years from now. Maybe more?

Our CURRENT target customer should be people who already buy cryptocurrency. Every person who owns Bitcoin should own Dash instead, and the same is true for many other high-value cryptos.

Julio seems to understand that, so voting "yes" in the hopes that he can help steer us there. Our research, development, and product are already the best in the industry. This needs to be communicated in a way that actually converts.

An echo chamber that helps keep the already-converted excited is great, but it would be a severe mistake to think that's where we ought to stop.
1 point,6 years ago
10-30 years! I guess by then you will be that grandma using DASH.
-3 points,6 years ago
This has been an issue for me since the very beginning. I finally gave up because I realized was more for community functionality than for selling what Dash is to potential users. All the information is there, but it's highly organized and you need to understand what you are looking for before you can even hope to navigate the site.

I gave up hoping for a newbie friendly site. A site that sells who Dash is and what it can do for "you". Maybe this is the solution?

However, your proposal appears to me to say "we're doing it from scratch, only better" and what I think we should do is "we're building a complementary site for a different audience, the "user" There is a difference. If you focus on capturing users, you can simply ship them off to dash forums or discord, etc... if they want to become more active in the community. Send them to dash forums, wiki and github if they want to get involved in design, etc.... Don't even bother with providing redundant information. does a fine job for insiders. The forums do an excellent job of bringing community members together, the news sites do an excellent job of informing. Right now, we can't afford more redundancy. What we need is a sales site. A how to use Dash, sign up your user name and password site, sell the use case to merchants - direct them to the services that have integrated Dash. Maybe help Discover Dash improve their system.

Linking into other websites is not just more efficient, it helps in search rankings.

So I guess, I want to know, are you planning to build an "improved" or create a new portal for a different audience?
-3 points,6 years ago
Hello TanteStefana, thank you for your comment.

> A site that sells who Dash is and what it can do for "you". Maybe this is the solution? 
Exactly. We will funnel the audience into well-defined segments and show persuasive incentives that likely to turn visitors into members of the ecosystem (online merchants, developers, investors, mobile users, future proposal owners, etc).

> What we need is a sales site... sell the use case to merchants 
Yes, and that's what we aim to do quickly and professionally.

> are you planning to build an "improved" or create a new portal for a different audience?
It is hard for me to answer analogy-based questions. The goal for the project is listed in the "Mission" segment of the proposal. If you want a more detailed answer, I'd need to you to be more specific with the question.

Thanks again for the comment.
0 points,6 years ago
I think Foxtrot asked the same question, only clearer. You plan to work along side all the other websites, parsing them toward existing sites for more information, adding another dimension to the outreach toward potential users that is hopefully less technical and more in layman's terms??
-2 points,6 years ago
> parsing them toward existing sites for more information.
No, the "more information" part stays on DashCrypto. We will do the entire "selling" and pass along visitors that are ready to convert. It is not a matter of principle, it is just because we will employ professionals whose sole expertise is CRO (conversion rates optimization). If another site becomes more efficient, we will gladly send visitors their way. Being funded by the Treasury will allow us to only care that a visitor becomes a member, not how and on which site.
-6 points,6 years ago
This is a much better, more impressionable landing page than the current one. Honestly, the architecture you have and the way the scope of the ecosystem is sorted is brilliant. I would want a first time user or someone interested in Dash to be directed to this page when it's ready for launch instead of the current one. I think this competes as oppose to compliments but well done, this is how it should be done and this is how you engage new people (really like the jobs section)!

It's looks like it will be very open to collaboration and keeping up to date with the rest of the ecosystem whereas feels somewhat closed off and slow to pivot or include new developments. I am liking the competition. I will vote yes for now, subject to what what funding is needed in other areas, but I really am excited to see how this develops.
-6 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support ageless, much appreciated! Yes, we are very open to collaboration indeed. We were hesitant to make the site public, but we want to get as much feedback as we can, as fast as we can, so we welcome everyone from the community to share their thoughts with us at feels closed off to you perhaps in part because it has a vital role: deliver mission-critical software to the network. Because of that, it needs to be static and bullet-proof. Content also has to be carefully vetted due to regulations and liability risks. Dashcrypto can be dynamic, frequently updated, do extensive A/B testing, etc., so the community is better served by having both.
-6 points,6 years ago
You've mentioned being fairly involved with the new site, so I can safely assume at this point that is designed to work along side, while providing a comprehensive yet digestible resource that is especially tailored to guide new visitors in the right direction. Brilliant.

This has also been clearly outlined in your proposal, “Our project is a complement to We can deliver pages and online services the ecosystem needs today”.

Sorely needed IMO. Easy yes.
-6 points,6 years ago
It is clear that the site is currently in a conceptual phase and as you mentioned only 5% complete, so in that sense it should be noted the existing content is a quick demonstration of the end product which is subject to change and evolve over the course of the coming months.

The community should be encouraged to participate in the accuracy and delivery of content as much as possible for a balanced resource that we can all agree accurately reflects Dash’s vision, while being geared towards on-boarding new users. In this regard the site should be a considered a dynamic and community driven project based on analytics, facts and feedback.

You have encouraged many community members to participate already while gathering information, and it’s great that Amanda has offered her video services for example, although I hope dozens of other community members can contribute with ideas, skills and input to help make this site a valuable resource for newcomers. This may realistically take a period of time to complete sufficiently, providing the proposal passes this cycle.

Bare in mind, that the requirement for this website to be created as a complimentary resource may not be realized until the new site itself is unveiled to the community.
-5 points,6 years ago
Hello Foxrot, thank you for your comment. Yes, I have talked with Fernando and I have a lot of respect for him personally and for the job he is making. He is the most passionate Dash advocate I ever had the pleasure to talk to. The team I am putting together for DashCrypto is obsessed with metrics and data, and so am I. As Peter Drucker said — "What gets measured gets managed", and what gets managed gets done. It will be a pleasure to work together with Core and I hope we can interact more often.