Proposal “DashCrypto-Team-Comp-Supporting-Funds“ (Closed)Back

Title:DashCrypto Team Compensation #2 - Supporting funds $17,500. (For the first 3 months only)
Monthly amount: 250 DASH (6784 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 250 DASH (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-02-15 / 2019-05-16 (added on 2019-02-13)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 318 Yes / 180 No / 59 Abstain

Proposal description

Update March 25: *Community Preview* is now live!
The team has worked overtime and have put in the extra hours to deliver a community preview for your consideration. It has been only 25 days since we received payment. We should have the MVP version by April 15th, and we will keep adding features and iterative improvements as they become available.
We ask the community for a vote of confidence and to prioritize our funding so the project can continue. Please vote on both our proposals:


Dear Dash Community, 

We listened to your feedback, and our proposal for this cycle is split into two. It is crucial that we receive funding to continue the project. 

1. DashCrypto Team Compensation #1 - Bare minimum $16,800

2. DashCrypto Team Compensation #2 - Supporting funds $17,500. (For the first 3 months only)

Vote YES on #1 if you think we should receive only a financial aid. 
Vote YES on both #1 and #2 if you think we should receive sufficient funds. 

If you'd like Amanda to continue to do videos for Dash, please vote YES on both of our proposals. 

If you'd like Amanda to continue to do videos for Dash, please vote YES on both of our proposals. 


We are starting with a 4-color theme: blue, purple, green, and orange, because it will give us greater flexibility than just shades of blue. We passed to the design team keywords like trustworthy, friendly, community, useful, professional, etc., and we believe they did a great job.

full preview:

The DashCrypto Web Team is currently being subsidized with personal funds because we see it as fundamental to a quick recovery and to prevent the price from dropping further. We also see a Community Portal & Investor Resource as essential components in any strategy for long-term success.  

Why vote YES:
1. We are a well-thought project that fulfills a much-needed role in the ecosystem. 
2. We have six confirmed team members, including Amanda, and four more to be hired soon. 
3. We assembled a professional Web Team for Dash, with the motivation, talent, experience, and resources to fulfill our goals with competence.
4. We have high business & personal integrity, and the project is lead by trusted members of the community. 
5. Outstanding ROI. It would cost substantially more if we were not being subsidized, built, and managed by Dash investors. Additionally, the impact we will have on the price, treasury, and the ecosystem is significantly higher than the ask.  
6. We are a complementary portal to both existing and new (see References). 

Why vote YES on both proposals:
The total requested on #1 + #2 does not cover the amount already invested, or the salaries of everyone on the team. If only one of our proposals passes, we might have to seek alternative funding or sponsors. If none pass, we might not be able to continue with the project. 

We ask the community for a vote of confidence on the team, priority for our funding, and a chance to prove what we can do.

Team Compensation #1 - Bare minimum:
- $16,800 at $70 = 240 DASH

Team Compensation #2 - Supporting funds (For the first 3 months only) :
- $17,500 at $70 = 250 DASH

Surplus funds will be applied to future expenses. 

- Amanda B. Johnson
- Fernando Gutierrez
- Past proposal

Please help us bring this project to market and support us with donations. 

1. A portal for the entire ecosystem, with a much larger scope than what we have today.
2. Fine-tuned audience segmentation
3. Efficient conversion of visitors into members of the ecosystem.
4. Efficient marketing of Dash to the cryptocurrency market.
5. Significantly increased audience and traffic.
6. A professional data-driven portal grounded on analytics.
7. New videos by Amanda B. Johnson.

1. A portal for the entire ecosystem, with a much larger scope than what we have today.
To use an analogy, we aim to be for Dash what is for Bitcoin Cash. Dash will grow exponentially over time and what we have today does not serve the entire ecosystem. The scope of our project is much larger and include all initiatives, projects, events, tools, sites, and everything else that is happening in Dash.

2. Fine-tuned audience segmentation.
Important audiences are not represented today, such as Investors, and granular segmentation will lead to better conversions. For example, having sections such as "Online Merchants", "Retail Stores", and "Cannabis Dispensaries" leads to much better results than having a "Business" section. The narrower the category, the more targeted the incentives can be, and the better results we have.

3. Efficient conversion of visitors into members of the ecosystem.
A page is efficient when:

1. is segmented for the right audience.
2. has a clearly defined goal.
3. shows persuasive incentives to visitors.
4. has clear call-to-actions that fulfills #2.
5. has steps 1-4 measured, tracked, and improved with frequent iterations and testing.

We will do all these steps — quickly, professionally, and efficiently. The benefits of a high-traffic, frequently updated and high-conversion site will be enormous.

4. Efficient marketing of Dash to the cryptocurrency market.
Crypto is a billion-dollar industry and we can do better. Having the best product does not guarantee success and some of Dash's most powerful features are not being advertised at all to the cryptocurrency space — The Dash Trust and Treasury being the clearest examples. There are also dozens of powerful ideas hidden away from visitors, lost in Reddit replies, Discord debates, or page #3 of a forum thread. We also need proper funnels to bring investors that have other cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Bitcoin) to Dash.

5. Significantly increased audience and traffic. averages 70,000 users/mo. A portal for a project like Dash should aim to receive over 1 million.

6. A professional data-driven portal grounded on analytics.
Today a good portion of what we do online is based on anecdotal evidence and subjective opinions. We will deliver objectively-efficient pages and services that are proven to deliver results based on real metrics. We will share these results with the community and with so that we can all improve together.

7. New videos by Amanda B. Johnson.
Amanda has graciously offered her video services for DashCrypto without asking for compensation. It will take the conversion rate and persuasion of our pages to a whole new level.

[ASSESSMENT OF DASH.ORG] — as analytics data indicates — does a poor job at converting visitors.

Specific problems
1. Very-high bounce rate
2. Low session duration
3. Audience is not segmented
4. Incentives are vague and non-persuasive
5. No A/B testing.
6. Performance isn't measured.

1. Very-high bounce rate.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that navigates away after seeing only one page.  A high bounce rate indicates the content isn't relevant or useful. Search engines punish sites with high bounce rates as their business model revolves around serving relevant and useful information to their customers.  The general rule of thumb is:
- 80%+ is very bad
- 70 – 80% is poor
- 50 – 70% is average
- 30 – 50% is excellent
- 20% or below is likely a tracking error is in the "very bad” segment at 80%.

2. Low session duration
This indicates shallow engagement. Nearly 89% of visitor sessions last between 0-10 seconds — a predictable metric given the high bounce rate. Website traffic and page views are not reliable indicators of performance, and visitors need to stick around to become engaged.

3. Audience is not segmented
Different audiences that respond to different incentives are being served the same blended content, contributing to the low metrics we see.

4. Incentives are vague and non-persuasive
Incentives are things you show visitors to persuade them to complete a goal. The ones used on —  Fast, secure, instant, micro-fees, Next-Gen P2P Network, Fastest Growing Network, etc. — are too abstract to persuade. Vague incentives with unsegmented audience results in poor conversion rates.

5. No split-testing
Split-testing or a/b testing when you show two different incentives to the audience and see which one performs better. doesn't do a/b testing.  Incentives should follow a Pareto distribution where 20% are responsible for 80% of conversions. We need to know what these are and use them in all of our marketing campaigns. It is also just as important to know what are the inefficient ones so we can stop using them.

6. Performance isn't measured.
An essential metric for websites is how well pages complete goals (what we want visitors to do). does not use funnels or goals, so it doesn't know how pages perform.

[end of our proposal]

[empty space to avoid cropping on dashcentral]

[empty space to avoid cropping on dashcentral]

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,5 years ago
Friendly reminder to Masternodes: All your votes from last month are cancelled, null and void. Unlike previous months where successful proposals can kind of coast because all their YES vote carry over, this month, THEY DON'T. Please go vote so that we don't leave deserving proposals high and dry. If you are having problems voting, this thread will likely solve your problem, otherwise ask.

The clock is ticking.....17 hours. Let's get after it!
0 points,5 years ago
Dash Watch April 26th 2019 Report on
DashCrypto by dashcrypto
-2 points,6 years ago *Community Preview* is now live!
The team has worked overtime and have put in the extra hours to deliver a community preview for your consideration. It has been only 25 days since we received payment. We should have the MVP version by April 15th, and we will keep adding features and iterative improvements as they become available.

We ask the community for a vote of confidence and to prioritize our funding so the project can continue. Please vote on both our proposals:
7 points,6 years ago
I think Dashcrypto should consider deleting any post that is referring to the r/DashUncensored as that specific reddit has not been created by Dash or by anyone from the Dash community. Instead it has been created by Monero fanatic dnale0r (this can be easily verified). Allowing referrals to r/DashUncensored is freely allowing Monero fud to operate on your dashcrypto reddit place.
-3 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your concern, qwizzie. is a test of a free-speech Dash subreddit with minimal moderation, and it is not part of our proposal. If you have suggestions for improvement, you can contact us at or chat with our Community Manager Pete on Discord.
7 points,6 years ago
I have to ask, why are we funding you for the webpage, to be then FUD'ed on your reddit like this ?
any explanation please
5 points,6 years ago
Also note that in that long, mud slinging, ugly post about Evan and Dash, the OP is faking Eugenia Cala's identity. It's really our longtime troll, DashBreaker (so I am told). But definitely NOT Eugenia.
-3 points,6 years ago
Phillip, asking to defund our entire project over a reddit post you didn't like, in a free-speech test subreddit that is not part of our proposal, is on another level of unprofessionalism. It would be the same as us asking why are we funding DCG just to have you mismanage @dashpay's Twitter account. Your contempt has been noted before on Discord, and it is a shame that you use your time to disrespect Amanda, Pete, myself, the rest of the DashCrypto Team, and all the 1664 Masternode Owners that voted to support our proposal.

I hope you reconsider your attitude and decide to help us with constructive criticisms or suggestions for improvement — like many community members and Dash Core Group employees are doing.
6 points,6 years ago
i am not asking to defund you, i am asking why you let these kind of posts pass !
(no need for personal attacks here - take it easy - "disrespect you and team + 1600 MN", i am pointing out FUD posts on your reddit, nothing else !)
yes i heard your proposal is not related to reddit, but your reddit admins are paid by this proposal, so it is related after all