Proposal “Dash-Venezuela-from-Oct-2018-to-Feb-2019“ (Closed)Back
Title: | Dash Venezuela - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 - Countrywide massive adoption strategy |
Owner: | algodonfranelas |
Monthly amount: | 215 DASH (4847 USD) |
Completed payments: | 4 totaling in 860 DASH (1 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-09-17 / 2019-02-13 (added on 2018-09-09) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 754 Yes / 531 No / 22 Abstain |
Proposal description
Audio: https://recordmp3online.com/poodll-player?p=poodllfile5b94158bc34da1.mp3
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=533BJ7b7vh4&feature=youtu.be
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/comments/9e70or/dash_venezuela_proposal_oct_2018_feb_2019/
Dash Forum: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/pre-proposal-dash-conference-venezuela.15285/page-13#post-196415
You can find all about DASH Caracas’ events here:
You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:
Here you can see the summary budget and total request for this proposal:
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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Dear community, the opinion on the rationality of our financial state and the good management of the Dash Venezuela team requires full knowledge of the respect that Dash Venezuela has had since its birth by the standards established in consensus throughout the network, as well as the vastness and quality of the results historically obtained in each of our proposals.
2018 leaves us with a positive balance that far exceeded the goals set and our own expectations, opening the possibility of turning Venezuela into the first Crypto Nation in the world. Important numbers in training, adoption, downloading of wallets, extensive brand positioning thanks to more than 100 interviews in mass media and a broad relationship platform, as well as numerous alliances, amongst which the adoption Church's Chicken of Venezuela, the first fast food chain that adopts Dash on their complete number of stores transformed us into an example of good practices for the flourishing and development of strategies for the promotion and adoption of Dash - Digital Cash in other latitudes.
The downward trend of the market and the aggressive hyperinflation that Venezuela is going through, drastically impacted the actions planned during the last semester of the year, this forced us to carry out a deep internal restructuring process in our organization, and also forced us to design innovative and efficient strategies for using resources, with the objective of continuing to reach positive indicators for the DAO. And we did it! However, this restructuring exercise caused the late delivery of our customary balance sheet to Dash Watch and the rest of the community.
We accept our responsibility for the delay, and we want to apologize to all for such a naive mistake, however we have the pleasure to once again show the positive achievements achieved by a team of 25 people who work with passion and who believe in Dash - Digital Cash as a tool to transform the economic reality of Venezuela and the entire region. We invite the whole community to learn the details of our management review in our most recent Dash watch audit which has the high standards of quality and transparency to which we are accustomed.
We regret the difficulties the Dash merchant team is having, and wish to publicly declare that we detected in Reddit a false account in which someone tried to usurp the identity of Eugenia Alcalá, leader and founder of Dash Venezuela (Eugenia_Cala). This account is not made by Eugenia, nor anybody from the Dash Venezuela team as our official communication channels are XX, YY, and ZZ.
Thanks to the results, and transparency of our management, we are confident that we will continue to count on your support in this and the following proposals that us, the team members of Dash Venezuela, will promote to consolidate the leadership of Dash - Digital Money in Latin America. We thank the whole community and especially the Master Nodes. We invite you to vote positively on this month's proposal:
Once again, we wish to extend to you the greetings, respect and gratitude from all the members of Dash Venezuela.
No contact with Dashwatch and the community but still passing? Read DW reports and re-evaluate! Potential scam here, along with the confirmed scamming from Lorenzo and Alejandro's proposals.
Thank you,
Dash Venezuela - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 by algodonfranelas
In the reports and milestone "achievements" that are available through the links below practically every item is scandalously unaccounted. The achievements are basically zero, let's face it. These reports are ridiculous. In any country with a decent legal system such empty reports qualify as fraudulent.
The only achievement is a contract with a chicken restaurant where people have the option to pay in Dash. The total amount is not mentioned either and we will have to assume that total chicken sales transactions doesn't even get to ten !
Is it smart for the Dash community to hand over 645 Dash for this project in order to generate less than ten chicken sales ? This project has got to be the worst "investment" on the surface of the earth...
Dash Venezuela - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 by algodonfranelas
Voting NO.
This is utterly shocking - and yet the DAO continues to fund unprofessional proposals like this one. PLEASE READ THE DASHWATCH REPORT, THEN VOTE.
Voting no, because I read the DW report. @algodonfranelas amazing you have been actually getting away with no financials and no milestones provided to DW.
Dash Venezuela - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 by algodonfranelas
Dash Venezuela - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 by algodonfranelas
Has actually anybody thought of the bad press Dash will be getting in the future when it comes out how we all (inadvertently) helped the nasty regime down there. It is all not smart !
We have attempted to contact both you and Dash Venezuela multiple times this month on Discord, both by public and private message, which is the communication method that you requested. We have also reached out to you via Telegram. We have received no response. If you are opting out of Dash Watch reporting, please inform us here.
The deadline for October reporting is today at 11:59 pacific time. We will not be accepting a late submission again this cycle.
This is to ensure that we have adequate time to review your submission and that we can present complete reports to MNOs in time for them to make informed votes. This time also allows Dash Watch to address additional questions raised by MNOs before the close of the voting deadline.
Thank you,
Dash Watch
And the second competitor is the government-promoted Petro (which is crap, we know that), bu if you suddenly get your salary paid in Petro, people just don't have a choice.
DASH IS JUST BEING ABUSED IN VENEZUELA TO BRING THE KNOW-HOW DOWN THERE. Eventually the regime pushes its own agenda...
b) billboard could read "Dash Dinero Digitale para ahorros a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Protege el poder adquisitivo de tus ahorros." --> ("Dash Digital Cash for short-term, medium-term, and long-term savings. Protect the purchasing power of your savings.")
c) With link to most suitable website underneath (say dashhelpme.io)
That the crisis in Vz is consumers need a new product for savings (ie. Dash). And that there is no crisis with regards to spending at merchants. In fact the current setup of consumers spending VEZ currency from their debit cards at merchants is good because they are able to spend their bad money that they earn (spend bad money, save good money). That merchant adoption could be focused more on in 2019, after there is a widespread adoption of Dash for savings.
Venezuela needs to drop it socialist schtick.
Dash Venezuela - September 2018 by algodonfranelas
* People have become so poor down there, hardly anybody has a cell phone (let alone a laptop (Canaima government crap doesn't work anymore)). So how are they gonna transact in a cryptocurrency without a device ?
* No electricity in the country. The country's electricity grid is so worn out that 4 to 6 days per week people have no electricity.
* the internet is ever slower and will be breaking down completely. That's what the government actually favours, because all the blackmarket gets dried out.. and people can't communicate anymore to oppose the regime...
Conclusion: no electricity, no internet, no device ---> No Dash use. Simple.
Venezuela has become a 100% communist dictatorship. The gang that runs the country has been in power for 20 years now, in Cuba 60 years, in North Korea 70 years. That's the track Venezuela is on.
I am once a month down in Venezuela for 'business', and that's already a myth because in Vzla these days there is as much real business as in North Korea or in Breshnev's Soviet Union.
I am not blaming the Dash team Venezuela. My impression is they are all very nice and friendly people. And they seem to be smart as well. Personally I am wondering why they are still there. Over 5 million people have left the country, the whole upper class, the whole middle class, doctors, teachers, anybody with a bit of a brain left over. The vast majority of our Dash friends in Venezuela will be living in some neighboring country, in Panama, Chile, Brasil or in Florida or Spain in two years time, because they are smart people and nobody can live anymore in this country apart from old folks, children, and some low-key fulanito in their barrio waiting for the next CLAP to arrive.
This ill-advised decision to send so much money down there is what happens when you send hundreds of thousands of dollars somewhere without knowing what the real-life situation down there actually is like.
Please keep my name in mind: OCEANMAN. We will talk in one or say two years from now. And you will be telling me, you were in strong minority but still clearly speaking out that the sh.. eventually hits the fan. OUTCOME OF THE VENEZUELA ADVENTURE ZERO. THE MONEY IS GONE. Oceanman told you so. :-)
If your concern is not the team but the country, and you thin the treasury should not invest one dime in Venezuela, I wonder why there is NOT ONE comment from you in the other 4 Venezuelan projects that are at this moment also in voting process???
Also, you are talking about the problems in Venezuela with the government, electricity, Internet and devices, but you are not talking about the unique and potencially huge market this is, so important that even Dash Core Team has developed a special strategy for our country, has hired a Venezuelan Business Development Manager and has made alliances with brands as Kriptomobile, Uphold, among others, to be present in the Venezuela market.
The benifits we are getting right now are considerable as far as exposure goes. Yes, Venezuela may not succeed in dash adoption, and the governement can't be trusted (but hey, which one can?), but the upside of what the dash team is doing there is huge!
This is a project that many other coins would like to see stopped, however I remain confident that the masternode population will pass this proposal as the value the DASH network is getting from it and will get from it is obvious.
Please check out Dash Text, that a big deal you'd have to pay 10x the amount or more to get it done by any western people. For illustration Dash Nexus is getting build by people from western country's.
Loaning money you can't pay back before the treasury approves your project is also bad behavior.
I guess the person loaning them the 200 dash was taking the risk on being/not being paid back, and it is for the masternodes to determine whether the lender made the right decision or not.
IMPORTANT: we did not ask for this loan, he offered himself when observing what was going on, and for that we are forever grateful.
You can find him in reddit and he may give you his side of the story.
If you earn 5.000 BsS in Venezuela or as an executive at PDVSA 9.000 BsS you definitely can make a living. It is 5 times the standard salary. However you spend this money will be denominated in the local currency BsS, be that food, rent, transport, just everything.
All these excuses that somebody prefers US-$ are coming from persons that wanna line their pockets. That's the real propaganda. Everyday life is 100% in the local currency. These very few who do have access to US-$ are the quickest in exchanging them back into BsS and pay everybody else off. So, in purchasing power the allover amount we are sending down there is an amazing 12.000.000 US-$, the value of about 40 appartments. Only dumb gringoes do this and we shouldn't be among them.
Now you guys please check if the contents and goals of this proposal is worth 12.000.000 US-$ ???
To sum it up: The proposal is not bad, it is just WAY TOO MUCH MONEY.
You can revise the profound investigation done by Dash Watch on this subject, unless you doubt them as well.
Have you participated in this forum under a different user name? Could you provide any evidence that you have supported Dash development in Venezuela in the past? I don't recall seeing you in the forums...
We have demonstrated in past proposal that the belief that a Venezuelan can have a modest but decent live with less than 600 USD is a myth, understandable that some people may be confused because the government propaganda and their "official data" is nothing but lies.
You can revise the profound investigation done by Dash Watch on this subject, unless you doubt them as well.
If you say above that you can't live with less than 60.000 BsS a month (~600$). Whoooooooow. I guess I would like to be invited on one of your parties then...
95% of the population live with the normal salary of 2.000 BsS a month. I don't know what you are doing ? Jetting back and forth from Lecheria to Los Roques, I guess...
Please understand, these funds here are meant to promote Dash in the first place................
Here you can see an Instagram account that publishes the actual prices of goods and services in Venezuela: https://www.instagram.com/altopreciosvenezuela/
I wish DashCentral would have the same rules of moderation that exists in Dash Nation in Discord, such as:
"- Do not attempt to pass unproven speculation as fact. It's fine if you make it clear that something is your opinion, but do not present speculation as if it is fact. This also includes making assumptions about someone else's intentions or personal experience."
The official data provided by the government on the economy are erroneous or do not exist.
The reality is that the black market is what sets the true prices of food and many people do not have how to pay
In addition, due to the great lack of food, prices in dollars have also risen and remittances must be greater every time