Proposal “Dash-Only-Electronic-Music-Festival“ (Closed)Back

Title:3 Day Electronic Music Festival As a Case Study For Mass Adoption In Estonia
One-time payment: 486 DASH (10780 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-18 (added on 2018-02-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 259 Yes / 287 No / 51 Abstain

Proposal description
I Land Sound 2018 is high quality alternative music festival in a magical and remote location hidden in the Northern Europe, Estonia. This will be the First ever Dash only music festival the world will experience. We propose Dash to be the General partner for the festival.

After the positive feedback in pre-proposal and being in contact with the Dash Core team member, we are ready and confident to present our next proposal.

Thank you for all the feedback in the comments, here is our idea explained in more details by the festival organizers and payment infrastructure project leader. 

See please also our previous successful proposals:

First full Dash only coverage alternative electronic music festival in the world. Festival is expecting to have around 3000 guests. Inside the festival area merchants receive payment with POS solution connected to phones/wristbands. All the payment processes inside the festival area will be done in Dash only, starting from the entrance, food trucks, bars, merchandise and other activities.

  • 3 days, closed Festival area for Dash usage only
  • Food, bar, merch - 100% in Dash
  • Lots of new wallets created
  • 200 team members who will get paid in Dash (this will be paid from all other sales revenue, not Dash sponsored) 
  • First full-coverage cryptocurrency festival in the world (unlimited options for marketing Dash system, Dash payments, Blockchain etc.)
  • Being biggest Estonian alternative electronic music festival, I Land Sound and Dash as a payment method will be covered in all main media channels
  • Lots of interest from all over the world - especially blockchain and crypto communities.
  • Best case study in real time action (adoption, payment functions, POS solution, etc.) - At least 28 POS solutions for food trucks, merchandise and bar selling points will experience 3-days hands-on with Dash
  • Dash branded dome for workshops, info, chill area etc.
  • Dash/Blockchain related and other workshops 
  • Hopefully lots of interest from international Dash community+ other blockchain communities. 
  • DASH branded items in the festival area 
  1. bean-bags (100pc) and tables (25pc)
  2. 28 POS systems
  3. Dash related tents have Dash logos
  4. Mobile charging points are named “Powered by Dash”

The idea will be to use all the branded items for other events so that they would stay visible in the future

+ Other great ideas that we’ll keep for the future that can be pulled out from this project.

We have 2 strong possible partners as payment solutions:
  • Nixor - Estonian based software/hardware solution company with 20 years of experience resulting ~5 million € in revenue / about 50 employees. We are cooperating with Nixor’s Main Business Manager/Member of the Board, Elgar Ojakõiv. Dash payments via Dash API with POS solution and payment terminals that read NFC wristbands. Nixor is one of the biggest POS and terminal hardware/software provider in the Baltics.
  • Festy (We met Graham De Barra in Estonia at Moontec2017). MVP launch on 29th March.

After the festival the hardware will be used for upcoming festivals and events organized on our islet. Hardware will be used on the islet’s night club “Piidivabrik”. We will also introduce and demo the solution to other festival organizers.

After the festival, people have a choice to either leave their Dash in Dash Wallet or change it back to fiat.

Our festival audience is aged between 23-40 years, conscious and open-minded people. They come there for various reasons, starting with the island, for alternative music; to experience the overwhelming commitment from the community, clean food and air. For a person coming from the city, this was a perfect getaway, to once more come in contact with the nature and experience the oneness.

I Land Sound will be like a mini simulation of the real Dash economy and the future world we can experience today. Be the change you want to see.

Dash Investment (Explained in attachment)
  •  Festival Entrance and Registration Tent and Money Exchange - 21,8 Dash
  • “Charged By Dash” charging station and package claim (Camping) - 13,1 Dash
  • “Charged By Dash” charging station and money exchange and package claim (Festival area) - 31,9 Dash
  • Dash dome (main stage) + sound and light engineers salaries - 65,3 Dash
  • Dash futuristic Sci-fi dome / 300m2 - 59,4 Dash
  • Bar & Food POS hardware - 109,5 Dash
  • 2 Test-Events (to test POS systems, wristbands and technology) - 17,5  Dash
  • Team salaries - 47,5 Dash
  • Core team salaries - 120 Dash -  6 people x 5 months (full-time to make it happen)
TOTAL: 486 Dash

  • Click here to view our pre-proposal discussion on the forum
  • Our pre-proposal was calculated with the price 800 € one Dash. In the proposal the price is calculated with 600 €. (Price today 12.02.18 -  507€) The reason is because  merchants who provide us services are accepting euros only. So all the Dash numbers compared to pre-proposal are calculated by multiplier 1,25 in order to make all the payments. 

P.S. Detailed information about the budget can be found HERE.

These costs will be covered with the profit generated from festival revenue: DJs and artists, art+decorations, construction, bars, other 5 stages + sound/light/video equipment, electricity transport/logistics, toilets, artist/team accommodation/catering/transport, crew, security, design, installations, performances, camping, parking and the list goes on.

Overview of I Land Sound: 
I Land Sound is a festival situated in Saaremaa island, on the unique Illiku islet. Google maps location:

The first year, the festival united 22 different alternative music brands, movements/communities/promoters. The festival was born from an idea to have a cooperation between electronic nightlife pioneers, artists and the locals for an enriching event. In Estonia it was a pioneer festival in many ways:

  • it was the first festival where industrial/mainstream soft drinks/sodas were banned and all the drinks/cocktails where made from the local produce by the festival team. Fresh juices made specially for the festival. (1300L rhubarb, 800L apple juice etc.) 
  • No glass/plastic/metal bottles/cans were sold/allowed in the festival area 
  • Only reusable cups from where used in the festival area 
  • All the trash from the festival was sorted and recycled 
  • Drinking water was free 
  • We organized workshops/lectures for changing people's habits how to live in a sustainable way 

The result from the festival was beautiful - worries and problems were left behind and people enjoyed everything that the beautiful nature, open air, great music and art, good friends, and the Estonian summer has to offer.

Watch the aftermovie:

Watch other videos, pictures and I Land Sound on media in pre-proposal:’s-first-dash-only-electronic-music-festival.27443

Estimated timeline:
  • March: Software/Hardware, POS systems, salaries
  • April: Testing Software/Hardware, payments for tents/equipment/branded furniture
  • May: 1st test event, buying POS systems
  • June: 2nd test event, transport/logistics 
  • July: Last preparations for I Land Sound 2018
  • August: Conclusions, feedback from visitors/media/bloggers/merchants/team, gathering media materials (video/photos)

People related to the project / Roles:

  • Taavet Bristol/Paap Uspenski - CEO and CTO of the festival
  • Siim Hiieväli - Project leader of Dome tents. Renting Process, researching best possibilities, booking the tents, traveling to contractors, filling in requirements for the tent setups, transport possibilities, client side of project leading.  
  • Vahur Daum - One of the head light technician in Estonia (main light technician in 30 000+ people Weekend festival)  
  • Hurmet Ilus - Sound engineer
  • Madis Põldsaar - Graphic designer
  • Dima Kalenda - Video
  • Keiu Tammis/Rasmus Raspel - International Marketing, Bloggers, Forums. Info materials, posters, rules, signs, logo
  • Romet Preismann - POS software/Hardware project leader. Responsible for communication technical solution. 
  • Fernando Gutierrez - Core team support & mentor
  • Siim Rull - Dash related Workshops/meetups. Topics, timeline, performers.
  • Mihkel Pruus - Futuristic dome technical/visual/artistic project leader 

Working with this project for months now, we really think that such a project is an operation to test the Dash system to become a mass adoptable, working solution. I Land Sound co-operating with Dash will be the best case study for real time/life use, around 3000 people on an island, having lots of transactions in a small time frame.

  • The strength of Dash for instant payments in real life transactions (food, drinks, tickets, services, merchandise) will become an example how Dash works for all merchants and other businesses in Estonia.
  • I Land Sound together with Dash will be a hot topic for various media channels 

We as a team, are all committed and more than ready to make it all come together.

Thank you for your feedback and you are all invited to witness the future world of Dash payments this summer.

Keiu, Siim, Taavet, Paap, Mihkel, Romet

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,7 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES.
The Nixor terminal aspect is great. Dash USED as currency. Budget high...but hey. A YES from down under.
6 points,7 years ago
I spoke with a guy who organised punk & metal hardcore festival in Gemany with arround 4000 - 5000 people and he said the amount is not too much and the rental prices for the equipment is standard btw. cheap (Prices in Germany are higher).

For me it is sad to see all the NO votes. Why we are spending money in MMA fights and aerosports but don't support such a realtime usecase with hugh benefits for the DASH future?

@rullikas and the other guys who created this propursal: Thxs for this proporsal and please keep going with your ideas and work for DASH! You have my YES.
5 points,7 years ago
Couldn't agree more. I'm so confused as to masternodes are thinking dropping huge amounts of money on MMA fights and aerosports.

Just because you like seeing fights and planes with our name on it doesn't mean that these are actually good ways to spend our money.
4 points,7 years ago
Exactly. I too, feel that this project has a promising potential to see DASH in live action + gathering information for future implementation :)
3 points,7 years ago
Dear @NOTAGAIN and @name3, I am humbled to read your comments! We will upload our proposal for the next cycle again, no room for quitting. But it has also been my question what you pointed out, maybe our wording wasn’t as attractive as the other proposals, making it harder for people to find the real meaning behind our work. Thank you
5 points,7 years ago
Voting yes. It's a substantial amount of money but you have had successful proposals in the past and I have faith you'll be able to throw this together. Bring some use case and awareness to Dash!
1 point,7 years ago
Some questions regarding the proposal:
1) You have mentioned that all the systems that are going to be used for the festival will still be in use after the festival. Can you list the events and the ways that you might already have planned for this usage? I noticed some of it will stay on the island since you have a club there so that's good but more examples of the hardware usage would be nice.

2) Is the island equipped with decent internet and power infrastructure? Nobody wants to be in the unfortunate situation that something goes wrong and we have internet and/or electricity outage resulting in a failed event.

3) Can you provide more information about the Nixor and Dash integration? Is Nixor really interested in Dash longterm? How many locations and terminals will go live with Dash support, in the event that the proposal passes, and how many merchants will be able to accept Dash after that? Will merchants have a choice of declining accepting Dash or the Dash update to the terminals? Do you see those merchants being interested in Dash/crypto?
4 points,7 years ago
Hi ichigo13, and thank you for your questions.

1) POS systems will be used in club called "Piidivabrik" .

Also we organize on the island big events where there is always 1000+ people
a) Midsummer day in Illiku islet 1000+ people (one of the most popular events in all the Estonia)
b) Illiku Days - 1000+ people (most popular local event connected with Orissaare city/people
c) smaller events in Illiku islet with 200-500 people every weekend in warm season.

Second plan with the hardware is to start introducing Dash payments for wider audience. because
we have lots of connections inside merchancts, event organizers, food industry and other business developers, we
would like to show them running system already in our festival + club + other events.
There is a need for cashless events and why not Dash should fill this hole. All this systems can fulfill the
needs for different events with different sizes. (25+ systems is enough to make most of the events organized in Estonia)

And next year everything goes all over again, we use the systems in our events (i land sound), club and hopefully already
other organizers will do the same after seeing it working in such a big scale

2) Festivals use a lot of energy and last year we had two enormous generators which where using just 20% of their capacity. This year we plan to use the same generators because we predict that festival will grow around 30% and this could lead easily of using 50% of the capacity. but there is still 50% left which is enough not to lose power. Last year there was no power problem or any kind of shutdown. With the internet connection we have our own inside network for the pos systems and other important hardware. creating a wifi area for the guests is question we are solving with Telia (biggest Telekom company in Estonia)

3) Yes, we are in frequent communication with Nixor and they are really interested in having Dash payment in their terminals. They are also amazed about the technological side of Dash and they see the value and future of crypto payments.
If the proposal passes, on the festival there will be 28 POSes (entrance fiat to Dash, bar, food, merch) working with Dash Instant payments.

After everything is set-up with Nixor, it’s up to merchants if they are willing to use Dash as an alternative extra payment method or not.

With our other proposal we are also building up a legal document for merchants on how to handle Dash in bookkeeping. So after the festival it will be no-brainer for merchants if the terminal with Dash payments and legal is there. We strongly believe the interest will be high.

Some of Nixor’s partners in Estonia only:
* Grocery chains: Selver - 52 stores, Coop - 393 stores, Rimi - 83 stores, Kaubamaja - 20 stores. They are like Walmart in US and Tesco in UK.
* Estonia’s 3 biggest telecommunication companies: Telia - 25 stores, Tele2 - 22 stores, Elisa - 29 stores
* ~500 restaurants
* Tallink ( biggest Ferry company in Baltic sea with 11x 1000+ capacity ships)
* Olerex with 95 gas stations
* These are the biggest merchants in Estonian we’re talking, there are thousands of smaller merchants using Nixor terminals all over Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania.
3 points,7 years ago
Great answer. I am satisfied and voted yes. I hope the rest of the MNs see the benefit of this proposal and vote yes as well.
3 points,7 years ago
Big things get started with visionary ideas.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you! :) @madispoldsaar
3 points,7 years ago
@rango: Multiple troll comments on this post. Same accounts. Undash62, realmrhack..
-7 points,7 years ago
@rango doesn't appear to have any interest in maintaining this fucking site. Fucking pathetic, honestly.
4 points,7 years ago
Fake, please ban
3 points,7 years ago
Haha - i LIKE music festivals - so I am voting yes - obviously I might get into trouble for not reading all the detail and worrying about the problems - but hey, they are my masternodes and I want to vote yes.
1 point,7 years ago
We still recommend reading our proposal before voting :) But we are very thankful & hopefully see you in festival!
1 point,7 years ago
What kind of special wristbands are you going to use?
From your files I see, that you are going to order 5000 pc for enormous... 34 Dash!
1 point,7 years ago
The wristbands we are currently considering were offered by Nixor, when we had our last meeting. From many, they pointed out these specific ones because these wristbands have been tested in extreme conditions with water and heat (Spa) and thus the right choice for our festival also.
Not to mention, they are reusable for other future events also. The number 5000 pc can be backed up with a wish to have one and correct order. Of course we are secretly waiting for more people that 3000, ordering more in advance so there wouldn't be any surprises or shortage.
1 point,7 years ago
Can you provide us some photos or links of specific wristbands?

Reusable? The rest that do not find use?
1 point,7 years ago

I´ll give you a link of similar product we need to use. Our price per wristband is around 4 euros.
0 points,7 years ago
Why so expensive one? Will there be our logo on it?

Why should we finance it, not I Land Sound from their ticket revenue? What bounds it with Dash?
1 point,7 years ago
Creating a logo on them wouldnt be a problem. Dash should finance it, because we are buying those wristband for using Dash. Otherwise festival will stay in the old route which is Euros or festival special physical coins. This is a opportunity for Dash community to get involved into real everyday use of dash in one of the biggest festivals in Estonia
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Dashter,

Reusable in a sense that they won’t be purchased for the I Land Sound festival only. They’re journey is the same as the POS’es - there will be events and parties that will use these as a combined solution.
3 points,7 years ago
After careful consideration, and reading through the comments, I have decided to vote YES on this proposal. Thanks.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you!
6 points,7 years ago
I have been in contact with the team for a while and have encouraged them to try this, as stated in the proposal, so I'll elaborate on what I think is the value of this proposal. I'll focus on the less obvious:

-Learning. If we want Dash to be used in real life, we need to test things. A situation in which you "force" people to live on Dash for a few days will teach us a lot. From price setting to wallets, there are many things that we simply haven't done yet. I'm sure that a project like this one will raise many challenges that we had not thought about before. Real life testing is valuable.

-Integrations. They are evaluating many options for the wallets, wristbands and POS. Most likely from this will come some integration that will be of value beyond the festival.

-Communication. I think we can create a lot of content and stories about a festival which is Dash only. We are talking about an sponsorship, we are talking about a closed environment in which everyone has to use Dash.

-Price. I've seen cost estimates. They make sense and are in line with I see in other events. Of course, you could argue if the rental price of each tent or scenario is right or could be 20% lower, but organizing events is expensive and dozens of people would be involved. Doing it Dash only is a deterrent for some attendants because they don't want to bother, so if we want to make this happen we can't trust it will be profitable and we need to subsidize like we do with many other things.
2 points,7 years ago
Interesting proposal, i'm interested to see where this leads and what we can learn from this. You have my support.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you :)
-9 points,7 years ago
big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-9 points,7 years ago
big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-9 points,7 years ago
big fat NO from me
-10 points,7 years ago
big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!v

big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-10 points,7 years ago
big fat NO from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
4 points,7 years ago
Hi rullikas,

thank you for your proposal.

While I like your idea a lot, to have the kind of marketing effect that you're projecting, this festival would have to be held in London, Madrid, Paris or Berlin to hit home.
Estonia is way too small (Population wise) and rather far away from any major party hub.

Unfortunately I will have to vote no. If you should be able to relocate, I might reconsider my choice.

Best Regards from Germany

7 points,7 years ago
Hey, i am Taavet, one of the organizers for I Land Sound

I Agree with thesingleton. We have to understand that implementation for new ideas are always tested in smaller scale. All the big ones will adopt ideas when ideas have proven themselves already.

I am Estonian and i can tell that the ground for doing this kind of project in such a big scale is one of the best in world. popularity of cryptocurrencies is high in Estonia, because we have one of the strongest IT background as a country. Our country, even tough its small, has invented Skype, we created Transwerwise, Pipedrive etc. in 2017 we had election, and 32% of all the people living in Estonian voted in internet using ID card or Mobile id. All our tax office and taxes declared online wherever you are. We had mobile banks already 20 years ago and you can make digital signature with mobile where ever you are in world. We where the first country where all the schools in Estonia had internet (1997) and our goverment has invested a lot in IT afterwards. Also people are open-minded and friendly. Small but technologically advanced helps with fast adoption with new ideas and this also helps this proposal. i Think the time is not right to talk about Germany , UK, or Spain market for this kind of full scale festival. if the crowd would be 30 000, it would mean not 400+ Dashes like this proposal, but rather 4000+ dashes.

Another idea is that I Land Sound has perfect and unique model to organize festival for this kind of proposal. Because we are not selling Bars and other services to other merchants, we can change those services into Dash without needing to swim against the tide, explaining old school merchants that DASH is the new way. We can implement everything easily and effectively. In my oppinion it is a very very special oppurtunity to Dash community and I personally would be sad if we miss the chance to be the first in world to show that Dash is the king of Instant payments. Hope you feel me....
1 point,7 years ago
Hi AnCapitol,

Thank you for your kind feedback, right now I must agree with @thesingleton to start with small countries like Estonia (we are here booming here, as you can see the proposals from Estonia) and when we grow we can aim the party hub's.
2 points,7 years ago
Actually, for something like this, it might be better to be in a small country. It's easier to reach a critical mass of adoption in a smaller country. Looking at google trends for Dash Estonia already has the second highest search interest in the EU after the UK. Not sure how accurate that is but since we already had some proposal in Estonia and it is small. it's what I was expecting.

So I think focusing on small countries is a good idea for now.
4 points,7 years ago
Having a lot of people actually, use Dash is worth a lot more than just advertising. And using the hardware for future festivals makes this more than just a one-off. You have my votes.
-1 point,7 years ago
You will create an ecosystem to use Dash, Hoping that your proposal passes to serve as a test and example it's a yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you!
5 points,7 years ago
This is a good testing ground for implementation for larger scale festivals. Also the Core team seems to be excited for the information that could be gleaned from this, and so I will be voting yes.
2 points,7 years ago
We completely agree with your thought. As we see, I Land Sound will be a microsimulation of a Dash world + the worldwide PR campaign afterwards about the Dash only festival. This, @Realmrhack, could give an answer to your question also.
2 points,7 years ago
I like the idea, the presentation but it is grossly overpriced at 486 dash for a 3 day event. If you came back asking for ~250 Dash, I would vote yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you Wixamlee for your feedback.
You’re totally right about the price if it would be just a sponsorship or marketing for Dash. But the idea behind it is way bigger and will have great impact inside Estonia and if marketed properly, also around the world. Let us guide you through the process.

Why 486 Dash?
1. The budget we’re proposing is derived from the Euros needed to make it all work.
Which is the same value still in Euros, because this is the currency we need to pay our partners
In pre-proposal the cost of the whole project was 361 Dash, calculated with 800€ per Dash.
Current proposal cost of the whole project is 486 Dash, calculated with 600€ per Dash,
If the Dash price would be 1000€ per Dash, cost of the whole project would be 288 Dash.
Current price is 480€ per Dash which would mean even bigger amount of Dashes than our calculation with 600€ per Dash.
2. Budget is used to build up whole mini society for 3 days with payment infrastructure for 3000+ people using Dash as the only payment option. It needs 5 months of commitment from professional team of specialists to deliver the expected results. The budget would be smaller if this kind of hardware could be rented. Another big proportion goes for functional services like Dash exchanges / mobile charging points / branded items to market Dash. There are over 70 people who needs to be trained on how to use Dash as a payment method. Those services are vital to use Dash in the festival. There is no other way. Also test-events, which are the testing environments.

It will be the first time when Dash is accepted as the only payment method in a trustworthy and trend setting alternative music festival in Estonia (which is also the biggest in the country). It's not a food truck or a small selling point pilot project accepting Dash as secondary payment option via Dash wallet or where everybody gets free Dash as giveaway to buy some product to test the payment. A glimpse into the scale of this project: it's the first time ever where Euro will be just a Fiat to buy Dash cause the festival area will run only on Dash. A clear sign to the world: Its on - Dash is on. Instant payments are here. Welcome to the future! This project is an enormous opportunity for Dash community to market itself as the most advanced instant payments provider inside cryptocurrencies. Period
Since Estonia is as small as it is, it has it’s technological and IT related advantages, making testing and implementation of new technologies much easier than other countries. I Land Sound is as quality trademark for conscious people. As a comparison, it would be pretty difficult to build a solid platform and an environment to carry out our mission in UK or USA. I Land Sound and Estonia is an ideal platform to implement new ideas/pilot projects and have a national impact.
Right now we are partnering up with an Estonian based IT-company called Nixor (they’re also one of the biggest POS solutions providers in Estonia). Some of Nixor’s partners in Estonia only:
Grocery chains: Selver - 52 stores, Coop - 393 stores, Rimi - 83 stores, Kaubamaja - 20 stores. They are like Walmart in US and Tesco in UK.
Estonia’s 3 biggest telecommunication companies: Telia - 25 stores, Tele2 - 22 stores, Elisa - 29 stores
~500 restaurants
Tallink ( biggest Ferry company in Baltic sea with 11x 1000+ capacity ships)
Olerex with 95 gas stations
These are the biggest merchants in Estonian we’re talking, there are thousands of smaller merchants using Nixor terminals all over Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania. A glimpse into understanding mass adoption when working together with Nixor :)
Videos + User case for all those merchants + food trucks, bars, party organizers, promotors, clubs

This budget will not be used for flying in expensive DJ’s around the world or to make a fancy expensive party. This budget is used to create and build a platform so we all could use Dash as a payment method. It takes half a year of work for this three day experience which will be the beginning of a new era.
6 points,7 years ago
Thank you @Wixamlee for your feedback. (Reposting for a better text structure)

You’re totally right about the price if it would be just a sponsorship or marketing for Dash. But the idea behind it is way bigger and will have great impact inside Estonia and if marketed properly, also around the world. Let us guide you through the process.

Why 486 Dash?
1) The budget we’re proposing is derived from the Euros needed to make it all work.
Which is the same value still in Euros, because this is the currency we need to pay our partners
* In pre-proposal the cost of the whole project was 361 Dash, calculated with 800€ per Dash.
* Current proposal cost of the whole project is 486 Dash, calculated with 600€ per Dash,
* If the Dash price would be 1000€ per Dash, cost of the whole project would be 288 Dash.
* Current price is 480€ per Dash which would mean even bigger amount of Dashes than our calculation with 600€ per Dash.

2) Budget is used to build up whole mini society for 3 days with payment infrastructure for 3000+ people using Dash as the only payment option. It needs 5 months of commitment from professional team of specialists to deliver the expected results. The budget would be smaller if this kind of hardware could be rented. Another big proportion goes for functional services like Dash exchanges / mobile charging points / branded items to market Dash. There are over 70 people who needs to be trained on how to use Dash as a payment method. Those services are vital to use Dash in the festival. There is no other way. Also test-events, which are the testing environments.

The Idea gets even bigger....

1) It will be the first time when Dash is accepted as the only payment method in a trustworthy and trend setting alternative music festival in Estonia (which is also the biggest in the country). It's not a food truck or a small selling point pilot project accepting Dash as secondary payment option via Dash wallet or where everybody gets free Dash as giveaway to buy some product to test the payment. A glimpse into the scale of this project: it's the first time ever where Euro will be just a Fiat to buy Dash cause the festival area will run only on Dash. A clear sign to the world: Its on - Dash is on. Instant payments are here. Welcome to the future! This project is an enormous opportunity for Dash community to market itself as the most advanced instant payments provider inside cryptocurrencies. Period

2) Since Estonia is as small as it is, it has it’s technological and IT related advantages, making testing and implementation of new technologies much easier than other countries. I Land Sound is as quality trademark for conscious people. As a comparison, it would be pretty difficult to build a solid platform and an environment to carry out our mission in UK or USA. I Land Sound and Estonia is an ideal platform to implement new ideas/pilot projects and have a national impact.

3) Right now we are partnering up with an Estonian based IT-company called Nixor (they’re also one of the biggest POS solutions providers in Estonia). Some of Nixor’s partners in Estonia only:
* Grocery chains: Selver - 52 stores, Coop - 393 stores, Rimi - 83 stores, Kaubamaja - 20 stores. They are like Walmart in US and Tesco in UK.
* Estonia’s 3 biggest telecommunication companies: Telia - 25 stores, Tele2 - 22 stores, Elisa - 29 stores
* ~500 restaurants
* Tallink ( biggest Ferry company in Baltic sea with 11x 1000+ capacity ships)
* Olerex with 95 gas stations
* These are the biggest merchants in Estonian we’re talking, there are thousands of smaller merchants using Nixor terminals all over Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania. A glimpse into understanding mass adoption when working together with Nixor :)

This budget will not be used for flying in expensive DJ’s around the world or to make a fancy expensive party. This budget is used to create and build a platform so we all could use Dash as a payment method. It takes half a year of work for this three day experience which will be the beginning of a new era.
2 points,7 years ago
I grew up really enjoying going to festivals, and to see a Dash branded party in beautiful Estonia sounds fantastic.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words! We feel the same :)
2 points,7 years ago
Do you have any estimates on the percentages of individuals and the countries that they come from based on previous festivals? Would be neat to see from which countries that Dash would be exposed to.
2 points,7 years ago
Hey Mr.Mime

I am Taavet, one of the organizers of I Land Sound Festival.

We had guests from all the continents except Australia. 15+ different countries. But this year we have had already communication from Australia. I am pretty sure if Dash would be part of the festival, it would bring wider audience (especially from Blockchain communities) all over the world to witness Dash doing history.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your reply Taavet. If this passes, I'd definitely be attending. Good luck!
2 points,7 years ago
btw, verifying my identity for Discover
-2 points,7 years ago
The basic idea is to test Dash at a live festival and gain experience. The proposal and the application are also clear and informative.
Personally, I'm wondering why the Dash community should take 486 Dash in hand for a self-organized festival in Estonia! (3000 visitors), which focuses on the event.
I see a sponsorship for an event management, which relinquishes 100% of all costs and risk on Dash, to integrate with the Goddie „Dash only“ and the intention to integrate future events also Dash. The basic idea is OK.
I would immediately support the costs for dash payment hardware, integration and support work and reasonable sponsorship. This proposal offers a complete package that does not meet my expectations.
I believe for this money you can sponsor a disco / club in a London, including rebrandind and integration dash-only for one year.
I'd rather see you go the same way from "Festy to Irish-Pups"
instead. Therefore, i will vote no. Thank you for your understanding of my view and good luck for your proposal
1 point,7 years ago
Hey Lan_Ger

I´m Taavet, One of the main organizers of i Land Sound

Some things i want to explain which might might be misunderstood. Dash funding will be used only with Dash related solutions, items and necessary services to provide Dash payments. More than 50% of the costs asked from Dash will be made to provide the Dash payments. Other part is used to support that systems and market Dash.

It is important to bring out that these costs (which are mayority of the festival costs) will be covered with the profit generated from ticket and bar sales:
DJs and artists, art+decorations, construction, bars, other 5 stages + sound/light/video equipment, electricity transport/logistics, toilets, artist/team accommodation/catering/transport, crew, security, design, installations, performances, camping, parking and the list goes on.
2 points,7 years ago
Thank´s for that info.
1 point,7 years ago
First yes vote :)
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your vote!
-1 point,7 years ago
I have a few questions...
1. will the festival include live bands, DJs, or...?
2. What public transportation options are available from Tallin to the festival? (it can be impossible to rent a car in Estonia if you are from the Americas)
3. Are there hotels near the island for those who might not be comfortable sleeping in a tent?
4. In the video we see you have hosted at least one other event. How many have you hosted previously?
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for you questions @ec1warc1
1. That’s correct. In the first year, the festival united 22 different Estonian best electronic music clubs, parties and movements. There were more than 100 DJ-s and live acts on 6 stages. This year the numbers will grow and we’ll have a program for live bands also.
2. This year, the same as last year, we will provide our guests with a returning festival bus, coming from Tallinn. There are also public buses coming from Tallinn central bus station. We have some personal contacts involved with rental cars so if you really want to rent a car, we can also have an arrangement for that.
3. Guests can book their own B&B accommodation nearby, festival will provide with a camping area including all necessities (toilets, water, charging station and a guarded storage room to leave their valuables). We will also equip (water, electricity) an area for guests who decide to join us with caravans (Rent from Tallinn)
4. Taavet & Paap have 8+ years experience organizing different events and festivals. Some of their last projects.
Taavet CV:
Last 5 projects involved:
last 3 projects

+ other members of the team have years of experience in project management, marketing, workshops, seminars, event organizing etc.
-1 point,7 years ago
What will the ticket price be? Would a person attend all 3 days? Does the show repeat itself each day?
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for asking!
The ticket price is 52€ atm and will rise to 75€. Most of the visitors attend for 3 days but there are some who attend for 1 or 2 days. The show, workshops and artists are different in each day. Around 100 djs, 10+ live acts, 10+ workshops, lectures and other activities like saunas, movies and sports.
-2 points,7 years ago
I like the idea, I would have voted yes if the amount was lower.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Erulian for your feedback. Can you please elaborate on that thought a bit more.
-4 points,7 years ago
$300,000 USD so a crypto currency can appear in a music festival? A music festival.... crypto currency... workshops inside a festival.... $300,000? Hahaha. How about HELL NO?
3 points,7 years ago
How about to make a real dash simulation city, a testing ground for mass adoption. How about to develop POS solution for the festival, the same POS is used in regular shops and majority of restaurants in Estonia. How about to make Dash the most used cryptocurrency in Estonia with 300k usd? HELL NO?
-1 point,7 years ago
I like how your reply had absolutely nothing to do with a music festival, or to what is being proposed
2 points,7 years ago
This will not be an appearance of Dash but the real use of Dash.
Workshops and lectures work better than visual banners.

Whatever kind of a festival means months of dedication and hard work. Proposed budget is just a part of the festival budget only related to Dash. We are covering all the other costs with the profit that is generated from the festival revenue: DJs and artists, performances, art+decorations, installations, web design, construction works, bars, 5 other stages + sound/light/video equipment, marketing, social media ads, electricity transport/logistics, toilets, artist/team/volunteers accommodation/catering/transport, security, medic care, drinking water, camping, parking and the list goes on.

Please also read our reply to @Wixamlee to find a more in depth explanation.
0 points,7 years ago
-4 points,7 years ago
The price is a bit high for a music festival, the data being offered MAY have some value. But questionable

Ill abstain for now.
1 point,7 years ago
16 Yes / 26 No / 0 Abstain

This is the vote situation after "abstained", idiot. You dont have a vote, idiot and aren't nearly as smart as you think. You seem like a disgruntled proposal owner, trying to create FUD around other proposals. Your low iq is visible..
8 points,7 years ago
The DASH community is known as helpful and polite. You should express your opinion and criticism but please without "Idiot". Keep cool. Thxs
-4 points,7 years ago
@krum6653 you are the exact description of a moron.

Please get a dictionary and understand and comprehend what FUD is.

My statement has no FUD in there clearly visible to a 5 year old.

We understand you are not mentally inclined to respond accordingly.
-4 points,7 years ago
@krum6653 get a life. If you think i have no vote keep thinking that.. and since your feeble minded let me tell you how it works

You dont literally have to go vote "abstain" you simply can do that close to the end of the cycle since the whole reason for abstain is to technically cast a vote

I understand low life retards like you exist but please express your feeble mind elsewhere.

6 points,7 years ago
@Realmrhack, I get your explanation about "Abstain", but I have noticed several times when you vote "NO", the NO votes don't increase. Based upon you perpetual negative commentary throughout these threads, I believe you are a non-voter and a Monero troll that is systematically working to damage the Dash treasury and proposal process.
-3 points,7 years ago

Im under no obligation to prove to you that I am an MNO.

In any event reach out to users on telegram where I am more active or richard kiss aka moocow and or ryan who ive also personally spoken to..

What your doing now is actually fud trying to imply im a monero troll

Fwiw im 100% dash.
6 points,7 years ago
If you really are for Dash then start acting like it. The reason I am calling you out is because 90+% of what you post is negative and often damaging...and you say stuff like escrow "shall be mandatory" and generally abuse proposal owners. Shape up, act like a caring, feeling adult, empathize with the proposal poster (vote how you like), say nice or constructive things in the threads....and you will be welcomed. Keep posting the FUD like you have been and I will be on you like white on rice.
-3 points,7 years ago
@viamontelane i vote closer to end of the cycle to do it once rather then do it again as a result of a new proposal and or change of circumstances.
3 points,7 years ago
You are not very convincing.
-3 points,7 years ago
@viamontelane could careless, carry on.
-3 points,7 years ago
Technically not*