Proposal “Dash-Maracay-First-Conference“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 98 DASH (2167 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 98 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-10)
Votes: 883 Yes / 76 No / 7 Abstain

Proposal description

“The ABCs of Dash and other Cryptocurrencies” 

Presentation video

Here we present further information on our project (Interview conducted by TaoOfSatoshi)
Interview Video

The event planned hereby has been designed to increase the understanding of the Cryptocurrencies and its evolution
within the Venezuelan population. It aims to turn Dash as the most used and important cryptocurrency of the country, by spreading the Dash experience in the region and increasing its usage in real commerce transactions. 

General and SpecificObjective:
  1. Create and promote a Dash Maracay Community in Central Region of theCountry. 
  2. Develop marketing strategies to inform the community of the Cryptocurrency’s benefits.  Among the strategies to be used, the first will consist of this conference, where the attendees will not only be able to acquire knowledge in how Dash works, but to put it into practice.
Our team, composed of people with outstanding experience and business insight, is committed to spread the use of
Dash for domestic and international purposes.
  • Williams Gollini, Eng. wgollini CEO Aragua. Consultant and Former Director of the Real Estate Chamber of Aragua State.

  • José Manuel Da Silva. B.S. José Da Silva President of theChamber of Industries for Aragua State. Director of the State Program "Entrepreneurship Learning".  

  • Héctor Gómez C,A.S. Hgomez 1st Vice-President of Fedecámaras  Aragua (Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production). Former President of the Aragua State Real Estate Chamber. Vice President of the Real Estate Chamber of Venezuela.

  • Eduardo Fuenmayor F., B.S. pastordash Director of  the Real Estate Chamber of the Aragua State.

The proposal presented below will be developed in two modules: Educational and Practical. 
Educational module will be covered by aconference that includes a series of presentations to explain which are the benefits of using cryptocurrencies and clarify the legal concerns, presented as follows: 
  • Dash: A new world of possibilities (Motivational Chat)
  • The ABCs of Dash and other Cryptocurrencies
  • Legal and Fiscal Framework of Cryptocurrencies in Venezuela: the Dash Case
Practical module will be carried out with an EXPO-FAIR. This fair called DASH CITY will enable participants to conduct real transactions using Dash.  At least 30 entrepreneurs have been invited to this Expo-Fair. They will offer their products at competitive prices and receive Dash as the only currency. This is indeed the most crucial phase for both, consumers and sellers, as it helps to truly understand how the system works.
To get second module done, it is essential to deposit small payments to the wallets of the attendees as incentive so the
transactions can be performed.

Additionally, the event will be watched via live streaming.
The public will be divided into three segments: Direct, Referrals and Indirect.

Direct, will be those attending the conference and Fair: 500 Persons
  • 30% Industrialists, Merchants, andEntrepreneurs
  • 30% Students
  • 40% General Public
Referrals, People that found out about the event through the social media of our attendees. As a key strategy, our attendees will be asked to post in their social media the streaming link of the event to extent our target. Estimated public: 10 followers per attendee: 5000 Persons
Indirect, people who will find out about the event via social media labels, and not because of actual participants. Estimated:
As a matter of fact, our close ties to Chambers and Regional Associations (Industries, SMEs, Construction, Commerce,
Real Estate, Tourism) will help us score these estimated numbers within the established target.


With your support, and working alongside with Dash Caracas, we will be able to consolidate Dash as one of the strongest
Cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

Pre-proposal link

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
YES looking forward to pics and media from the event
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for you support..!

We will post all details of the event..!
0 points,7 years ago
Really looking forward to seeing feedback after the conference. Good luck!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you...!

We are developing a complete platform ... this will allow us to obtain important metrics of the community and measure the results of the event, in this way we will be able to make correct decisions

We will publish the results and we will gladly give you a special notice.
0 points,7 years ago
Definitely yes from me. Good luck guys!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks very much for you support..!
0 points,7 years ago
People in economic stress is fertile ground for DASH. Voting yes!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for you support..!
0 points,7 years ago
Voted YES. :)
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks very much forma you support..!
1 point,7 years ago
More yes. Let's put Venezuela on the world map as a place where Dash made a big difference.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much for trusting us ... regards
4 points,7 years ago
I love how all the Venezuela teams are working together supporting each other as a united force. It is a true inspiration.

I feel that Venezuela is close to solving the currency crisis by working to establish DASH as your currency. The people of Venezuela need to share a vision of realising that goal which you can all work united to achieving.

The real currency crisis in Venezuela is not the Government or the Bolivar, or even with the sanctions against Venezuela. The real problem to solve is helping all the people of Venezuela realise that you now hold the power to solve the currency crisis for yourselves.

Working together united the solution will inevitably be achieved. With one common goal to establish a sound, safe, secure digital currency in Venezuela as soon as possible. This is the solution.

The goal of establishing a secure and stable digital currency in Venezuela can surely happen if everyone works united together for achieving this one goal. All businesses, merchants, mums, dads, children and projects like these focused and united, working together. Once the goal is achieved Venezuela will enjoy seeing her digital money actually going up in value for the first time- what a concept!

If you focus your message on just on DASH as the digital currency of choice the message will be easier to get across to the people. In addition your holdings of DASH will increase more in value rapidly because people will be getting on board with using just one currency. In addition it will make transactions simpler between customers and merchants if there is only one currency.

DASH is the currency of choice for Venezuela because of its very low fees, fast transaction times (instant send). We also have Evolution ready to be released which will enable each person in Venezuela to be "their own bank".

DASH, and its community are here to help you achieve that goal. We stand united behind your DASH projects and the Venezuelan people and we will not stop until Venezuela has a sound, safe secure digital currency secured to enable Venezuela prosper again.

Absolutely YES

0 points,7 years ago
Hi, @DeepBlue, thank you again for your unconditional support.

We have been thinking about the words that you wrote about Venezuela. What do you think if you could say those words in a short video?

This would give more value and demonstrate the interest that MNOs have in Venezuela.

We will show this video at the beginning of the conference, and please do not worry for the translation, we would subtitle the video, and so all the attendees could understand it.


0 points,7 years ago
WOW. Thank you for these words. Your clear vision and your passion are an inspiration to us. THANKS!
0 points,7 years ago
Deepblue, your words are really inspiring and motivating..!

We have always believed that teamwork gives the best results. That is why we are working together to achieve the goals set.

If you allow us, it would be a pleasure for us to use these words for the opening of the event..!

Thank you very much for the support

0 points,7 years ago
I would be truly honored if you chose to use my words at your conference. They came straight from the heart. I feel deeply inspired by all of you who had the courage to stand up to do something to solve this problem in Venezuela.

The day will arrive soon when the people of Venezuela will have solved this terrible currency problem. A problem that no government official has yet managed to solve. People across the World will look to Venezuela and see what can be achieved when the people unite and work together against all the odds.

Courageousness, determination and cooperation is your strength. A wonderful example for generations to come.

0 points,7 years ago
We hope that venezuela will solve this problem soon
Thank you
1 point,7 years ago
Yes from me, good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Qwizzie..!
0 points,7 years ago
Easy yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Kbu66..!
4 points,7 years ago
A million times yes. This realationship will be mutually beneficial, Dash helps Venezuela to get back on its feet, and Venezuela proves that a Dash economy can work on a massive scale, leading to global growth. I am currently not more excited for any project than I am the Dash Venezuela proposals. May this turn out to be a boon for both of us! You have a fan in me, Dash Maracay.
1 point,7 years ago
Agree with you Tao, any genuine proposal for Venezuela is much more useful than throwing money on PR stunts in US or Europe
0 points,7 years ago
Dasmaximalist, thank you very much for your unconditional support ..!

Each proposal has its own characteristics according to the country where it is executed. The important thing is that all the projects aim at a single objective: "massify the use of Dash"

This is the work that Venezuelans are committed to doing.

1 point,7 years ago
Tao, a million thanks ..!

In fact, Venezuela is currently experiencing a series of problems, among which we have: hyperinflation and lack of cash. These problems are caused by the exchange control system we have had for more than 15 years.

Cryptocurrencies are an escape valve that allows the population to protect their capital.

Our effort is aimed at positioning Dash as the most used cryptocurrency in the central region of the country, and we are sure that the benefit will be mutual.

1 point,7 years ago
Link to the CATV interview with the Dash Maracay team:
0 points,7 years ago
Proposals like this are very needed if we want to see a massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela.

We need educational conferences in the most important cities (Caracas, Maracay, Ciudad Guayana, Valencia, etc). In this way Dash will reach new people around the country.

Besides, with the advisory from Eugenia they are in great hands :)! From Dash Help Venezuela we can help you in the help desk giving support for your attendees as we do in the Dash Caracas conferences.

Best of luck guys!

Alejandro Echeverria
Dash Help Venezuela
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Alejandro ..!

Your support is essential to consolidate this project, we are pleased that you join us ... all together we will achieve the goals faster...!
1 point,7 years ago
Hello, everyone!

I am happy to see this proposal LIVE!

This team is no ordinary team. This people are highly professional and vastly knowned in the region and on the field of entrepreneurship. They have experience organizing big events, and also great connections with entrepreneurs and with companies, even with chambers in their city and in Venezuela in general. And they have a work stamina that I really admire.

I really believe supporting this team will bring great ROI to DASH Community, because they will take and (I am sure) even improve DASH Caracas' model, and they will bring DASH Adoption to a great number of people and merchants in Maracay.

We in DASH Venezuela ( fully support this project, and are in constant communication with the team to give them all the required knowledge transference.

We hope for all MNOs to read and vote for this proposal.

Thank you very much!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Eugenia ..!

Your support has been fundamental to realize this project ... We will do our best to expand the Dash community in Venezuela..!
1 point,7 years ago
Yes from me.

I hope to see a good long term relationship form from this.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks very much..!
0 points,7 years ago
The layout of this budget proposal on Dash Central is all over the place, ranging from medium, large and extra large fontsize (specifically the host part of this budget proposal just looks really messy on Dash Central). In doing so it looses some of its professionalisme. Always make sure your budget proposal leaves a visually appealing first impression on all media channels it is shown on.

On the other side the budget part of this budget proposal looks very detailed and has obviously been given a lot of thought.
I will await other comments on this budget proposal, before making up my mind on how to vote.
1 point,7 years ago
I apologize ... but we had some inconveniences when loading it .. we are trying to solve the problem at this moment

Thanks for your understanding
0 points,7 years ago
I see that the budget proposal layout has been updated, much better this way.
1 point,7 years ago
DashCentral is a pain in the ass to get formatted properly.
Cut them some slack dude.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks ... we're still working on it