Proposal “Dash-Leopards-Soccer-Africa“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Leopards Soccer
One-time payment: 20 DASH (437 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 20 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-12-18 / 2018-01-17 (added on 2017-12-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description


The Dash Leopards soccer teams are the first in the world to be funded by Dash blockchain technology.  Soccer is without doubt the most popular sport in Africa.  Indeed, soccer is probably the most popular sport in every African country.  We promote awareness and adoption of Dash to thousands of people, through soccer.

The proposal fee for this project was kindly loaned to us by @JZA from Dash Global.  In previous months, we have also been funded by, DashForceNews, DashDirect and others.
- Thank you all for making this possible!

Our initial success of supplying fully Dash-branded soccer uniforms to the teams generated huge community interest, and our intention is to now continue and expand this project.

ntroduction to the Proposal Owner

The Proposal Owner is Slottle Addams, known as @DashingDude, a frequent participant in the Dash forums and a Com.Sci geek.  Before creating Dash Africa he worked for many years as a software dev, manager, entrepreneur, and university lecturer.  For 10 years, he worked voluntarily part-time as a network engineer, deploying a wireless WAN infrustructure at 17 schools in remote rural areas with the Siyakhula project.

Concept Overview

The kids already wear prominent Dash Branded uniforms, and Dash-branded banners will be displayed at every match.
Kids are quick learners and quick adopters... and when their parents, friends and relatives ask about Dash, the kids will teach them!  They all know already that:
  • Dash is Digital Cash
  • Like Bitcoin but better because it is private and instant
  • If you save your Dash, it becomes worth more over time.
The kids will then direct people to the Dash Ambassador who will be able to assist them further.

Scope of work

  • Each team will appoint one or more Dash Ambassador(s) who will attend matches. We will train the ambassador, who will have a table beneath the gazebo.  The ambassador will answer questions about Dash and give away swag such as bumper stickers.  Dash Leopards supporter shirts will be on sale at a low price, to people who pay in Dash.
  • Dash will enter local circulation through meet-up progams organized by Dash Ambassadors.
  • Merchant adoption - we have several merchants who are interested, and two more who have adopted Dash already.
  • Each team member and coach receives a fully branded soccer uniform + kit (done).
  • Dash-branded soccer-balls, cones, portable goalposts.
  • Banners and gazebos will be bought for display at matches.

Dash is Good

The children are supervised doing their homework and assignments before they play soccer.  Then they play soccer until their parents arrive home.  This keeps them off the street, out of gangserism, and away from drugs.  This will perpetuate the belief that Dash is a "good" kind of money.

Progress Reporting

We will continue to regularly report on our progress, as we have in the past.

Team Members and Principal Skills

This project is possible because of support from:

5 Dash - Proposal Fee          
2 Dash - Banners, Gazebos and
1 Dash - For tables and chairs for the Ambassadors
3 Dash - Kit-bags, branded footballs, cones, goalpoasts, stopwatches, whistles etc          ,
1 Dash - 100x Supporter shirts      
2 Dash - Dash Swag and promotional materials
2 Dash - Ambassador training and fundings, meet-ups and Merchant Adoption
1 Dash - Meals for team members and coaches
2 Dash - Transportation to events and matches
1 Dash - Adminstrative assistant salary

TOTAL   20 Dash

Funding duration:  1 month

View our proposal on
or visit our website !
or view the pre-proposal thread.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
As a fellow Dash-African who lives in Cape Town where the Leopards are based, I just want to say that this is fantastic! Dash will be a force for good in these kids' lives; their communities are extremely vulnerable to drugs and gangsterism.

So thank you to the MNO's who voted for this. Seriously, you guys rock!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you all again. @JZA for getting me started. @Mastermined and @TaoOfSatoshi and @TheDesertLynx for tolerating my panic-moments and supporting me anyhow! Thanks to my fellow Dash-Africans and to all the other lovely people who voted and commented. Too many to mention individually, but thanks!

Now that we are confident of receiving funding, the project is surging ahead. We'll be posting regular updates...
0 points,7 years ago
Congrats DashingDude : )
1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
A great ambassador for Dash! You have my votes sir.
0 points,7 years ago
dashingdude have been very active in the dash crusading in Africa. a man with great ideas to grow dash in his continent and always have positive contribution in terms of ideas in their channel and our forums which those active on discord can testify.
good luck man! dear masternodes please give this YES votes.
cheers everyone!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks man... I'm getting worried! I need 120 more votes in 9 days, and they aren't happening fast enough for me. I've spent a small fortune on this proposal. It must work, or I'll be broke.
0 points,7 years ago
Cool! I may have missed it, but which country are you in? Also, how many meetups do you plan on having and for how long/how often? The idea of the "ambassador" at the games is great!
0 points,7 years ago
Hi craigmason! We're in South Africa. The initial plan is for 3 meetups (2 more to go!) approx monthly. But the bigger plan is to train the ambassadors and prepare the merchants to receive Dash. In future, the ambassadors would host their own regular meet-ups.
0 points,7 years ago
Hey all... thank you so much for the amazing support that this project is receiving. If you haven't visited our website yet, please go to see what we are doing:
0 points,7 years ago
Dashingdude is giving birth to amazing things for dash digital. Soccer is the world most famous game and the increasing decision of Africans to join football team will give a great impact on Dash if this proposal win.

Cheers! Dash Masternode owners kindly Vote YES.
0 points,7 years ago
Football has been one of the greatest influence of today's world and of course showcasing dash to spectators is capable breeding newbies into the Dash community. This project when implemented is capable of given birth to Dash Premier league in the long Run ,
You have my support mate
1 point,7 years ago
I have no problem Dash sponsoring a team like this bit this is a crazy amount. Sponsorship like this would be no more than £1500 (about $2000) per team per season and that would be the "creme de la creme" of sponsorships of a UK league team of the same age group, where cost would be much higher. I have family members who run these types of teams week in week out. This proposal (at current prices) will easily cover sponsorship for 2-3 seasons for each team if this passes.

I'm going to wait on the Dash price closer to the deadline before making my vote.
0 points,7 years ago
I agree with you. I see these types of proposals as basically charity. Sponsoring a tech event or a crypto youtube show for $20k is fair game but I don't see the point of us sponsoring an amateur soccer team. Not even for $2000.
1 point,7 years ago
you have to discount the fee which is 1/4th and also the DASH price has pump around 15% since the proposal was originally posted ($700) . I don't think proposal should be punished because DASH has had success. Also if you look at the breakdown, there are pricey things such as training tech gear for the facilities. Also the budget will fund meetups with the parents and businesses into learning about DASH.
I think the 2,000 you are talking about, might have only covered the uniforms, and maybe some usage fee of a field.
0 points,7 years ago
Noted, HotFlow. But this proposal is for more than just sponsorship. It is to be used to expand the concept. It is for Ambassador training, on-line presence, meet-ups, database development, promotional media.... etc. Once our model is established, we plan to replicate it in other African areas. This is paying for the groundwork.

1 point,7 years ago
Go leopards!

Fine plans. Wishing you success in the execution of this project.
1 point,7 years ago
you got my support, good luck.
4 points,7 years ago
A yes for me improving life in Africa !
3 points,7 years ago
Easy yes for me.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks tao!
3 points,7 years ago
Go Leopards GOAL!!

Where can we find the updates?
1 point,7 years ago
Hi, what sort of updates are you after? You could have a look at, where there are plenty of blog posts about the Leopards. Or did you want something else? Cheers!
2 points,7 years ago
I don't see why a crypto currency would or should sponsor a soccer team. No for me.
3 points,7 years ago
Best of luck to the DASH Leopard team. Been a long time supporter to these kind of initiatives. Encourage MNO to vote Yes for the proposal.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks again. The project is evolving rapidly. Just yesterday we had a meeting with the manager of an entirely new team, who is interested in Dash now. I hope that the idea can scale in future!
4 points,7 years ago
You worked so hard for this, I cant say no to so much passion and commitment. Go Leopards!
4 points,7 years ago
I'm flattered that you noticed my work Beru, thanks!
1 point,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
I thought it was a bit much, but once you pay back the 5 dash proposal fee, it looks reasonable. Love to see what's happening with Dash in Africa. You get a yes from me. All the best.
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks man!! My expenses so far are appox 8 Dash, leaving only 7 (after proposal fee) to supply 3 teams with gear. Approx 4 Dash are in the budget this leaving approx 3 Dash for meet-ups, Ambassador training and expansion. Hope that made sense?