Proposal “Dash-Italia-Management-2025“ (Active)Back

Title:Dash Italia Management 2025
Monthly amount: 40 DASH (876 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 40 DASH (11 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2025-01-28 / 2026-01-31 (added on 2025-01-22)
Votes: 433 Yes / 87 No / 4 Abstain
Will be funded: Yes
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Proposal description

40 Dash/Month for 12 months to maintain Dash Italia operational

I have chosen to publish this proposal with an extended duration of 12 months, as a demonstration the continuity of our activities, including outreach, translations, content creation, a strong presence on social networks, and ongoing efforts with local merchants. I am aware of the potential volatility in Dash's value during this period and understand that it might influence the voting decisions of some Masternodes. However, I believe that a long-term commitment can strengthen strategic planning, reduce the frequency of proposals, and optimize resources for the benefit of the Dash network and Dash Italia’s activities.
Additionally, I commit to providing timely updates on the activities carried out, including a comprehensive report at least twice a year and interim updates should significant changes, important developments, or relevant information for the community arise. This approach ensures maximum transparency and alignment with the network’s expectations. 
With the updates to follow, you will be able to notice the great commitment and that I am putting into these activities.

- You can view the previous proposals of Dash Italia on by filtering "dash-italia"

Updates on the activities carried out in the last 6 months and progress

- I modified an old existing Telegram channel of mine, adapting it to current needs and which I now use as a Dash-themed "press review" especially for the Dash Italia chat: 

- I created a Whatsapp channel that I use in the same way as other accounts, for Dash-themed dissemination:

- The Dash Italia account on Transifex ( has been reactivated on 03/01/2025 by the person in charge and I will be able to resume translations officially when necessary. So far we have had requests to translate 46 strings for the Dashpay App.

- I created an account on the Social Network on 26/11/2024, following the Partnership, and I used it very actively in these first months, demonstrable by directly checking the numbers from the profile (which I also report below in the report) and from some posts such as the following. I'll just mention a couple of them: 
  1 - 
  2 -
On 18/01/2025 I activated the Premium account to make the best use of the platform.

- I have chosen to make a transition, as a main Blog, from Medium to Inleo because I found it much more focused and suitable for Dash Italia's goals.

- Translation of the following article and publication on Dash Italia's Inleo and Medium blog:
  1 - 
  2 - 
  3 - 
  4 - (this post has not been fully translated but has been summarized by introducing the original one for a better use by Italian users)
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- New article that tries to connect various Dash-themed topics:
  1 - 
  2 - 
  3 - 
  4 - 
  5 -
- I created these summaries of the DCG biweekly Live with the support of the AI tool and I would like to try to maintain this activity also for the next reviews if the tool does not create difficulties for me:
  1 - 

- I participated in the Testnet phase of the new Dashpay 11.0 beta app on October 11, 2024 and sent a report as complete as possible to support.

- I have continued even in these months with the maintenance of the Dash Mining machine and of the local Server for Masternodes.

- 2 new merchants have been added among those who accept Dash for their products and/or services, for which I remain always very available in case of need and support:
  1 - Igor FoodLab - 
  2 - MangiandoBio (Thx to Splawik for having onboarded it) - 
and 2 other small local merchants self-producers who have chosen to accept Dash but have chosen not to advertise for now.

- I have sent a series of 6 new emails to content creators, following the first three described in the previous proposal. I mainly keep them updated through the various articles and posts that I translate. I summarize the contents below:
  1 - Sent a fourth email on 31/07/24 to update them on the launch of v21 and Evolution, to let them know about the new content through our translations.
  2 - Sent a fifth email on 26/08/24 to update them on the latest articles released and translated following the launch of Evolution, news, upcoming fork.
  3 - Sent a sixth email on 02/09/24 to mainly inform them of the activation of the Evolution blockchain.
  4 - Sent a seventh email on 09/10/24 to inform them of the addition of Coinjoin in the App, of the block and epoch progress of the chain evolution (which at the time of the email was at over 18k blocks) and of the interesting article by TDL that I translated.
  5 - Sent an eighth email on 02/12/24 to inform them mainly of the collaboration with Inleo, of the latest interesting content translated by us, of the integration in txcity and of the launch of the Dashpay app in mainnet with the possibility of activating a username.
  6 - Sent a ninth email on 16/01/25 to inform them of the creation of the Dash Italia account and blog on Inleo, the translation of the whitepaper into Italian, the post published for the search for the killer app by Dash, the integration on Zypto and the latest interesting articles translated into our blog in general. 

Below I provide a list of the content creators in question (these are their YouTube account usernames):
  @mmontemagno (891k subscribers)
  @FilippoAngeloni (36.9k subscribers)
  @TizianoTridico (92.8k subscribers)
  @thecryptogateway (272k subscribers)
  @Koinsquare (21.8k subscribers)
  @BlockChainCaffe (20.2k subscribers)
  @MauroCaimi (110k subscribers)
  @mindthechart (42.9k subscribers)
  @CryptoRobinItalia (625 subscribers)
  @OfficineInvestimenti (18.6k subscribers)
  @AfterSideCrypto (36.7k subscribers)
  @MarcoCasario (190k subscribers)
  @FrancescoCarrino (189k subscribers)
  @RiccardoZanetti (452k subscribers)
  @PietroMichelangeli (328k subscribers)
  @jakidale (2.11M subscribers)
  @marcocavicchioli (49.4k subscribers)

I kept the same style as a structure for these emails, below I show you as an example, a screenshot of the last one I sent:

- Web Site:
In these months I have kept the website updated whenever I deemed it necessary:
  1 - I replaced the links to the Medium posts with those of Inleo
  2 - I added Inleo among the Social Network accounts
  3 - I added the TxCity site after the integration of Dash   
  4 - I kept the translations of the articles considered most interesting posted at the top
  5 - I have continuously advertised the site, at least weekly
  6 - I have added the main social icons with direct links at the top of the site
  7 - I have kept it organized and improved based on the feedback of various users who have viewed it.
To date 20/01/2025 this site has had 10160 views (about 5230 views in the last 6 months, more than double compared to the previous cycle)

- As also stated in the previous Proposal, I think it is important to state that a lot of time is dedicated daily, therefore effort and perseverance, in reading as much as possible such as News, Documentation, Proposals, pre-Proposals, Comments, Discord, Updates, Forums content, Blog Articles, DCG Reviews, Incubator, Events, etc. as well as listening to any Spaces on TwitterX, Threadcast on Inleo, or themed videos advertised and in which Tdl participates.

- I posted on 04/11/2024 a discussion in the Dash Forum titled "Support Dash Italia Merchants Adoption via Donations" which I report below, remembering that the commitment on my part, and that of the other people who support me, remains high and that what is stated in this post remains valid: 

Organic development of the main Social Profiles in these 21 months of activities:

1-Twitter (25/4/2023 = 377 followers | 20/01/2025 = 4273 followers): 
This account currently has 8587 tweets and, in the last six months, an average of 346 have been made per month, more than double compared to the previous cycle.

2-Linkedin (25/4/2023 = 558 connections on old profile | 20/01/2025 = 4217 followers on the page): 
In these months I have significantly increased the presence and therefore the number of posts and interactions, on average I have made 120/140 posts per month, more than double the previous cycle.

3-Telegram (25/4/2023 = 391 members | 20/01/2025 = 318 members):  
I have increased the number of posts, on average 13/140 posts per month in addition to interactions with chat members. I have also continued the cleaning activities from bot users.

4-Youtube (25/4/2023 = 215 members | 20/01/2025 = 502 members):
This account actually has gotten about 13277views and in recent months there has been an increase of approximately 3137 views. I mainly using the "community" /section and here too I have increased the number of posts to about 150/160 per month, almost double compared to the previous cycle. This is the most representative and always actual video of the Dash Italia channel and the most liked and viewed 

5- Instagram (25/4/2023 = 162 followers | 20/01/2025 = 1833 followers): 
I have started to make more posts trying to bring more interactions and new users. Currently the account has 617 posts, so an average of 30 posts per month, about 30% more than the last cycle and the same goes for the stories.

6- Facebook (25/4/2023 = 18 followers | 20/01/2025 = 975 followers): Here too I have significantly increased the number of posts and monthly interactions, approximately 80/90 per month, equal to double compared to the previous cycle. This page has 601 likes (In July 2024 was 308 likes). 

7- Mastodon (26/7/2023 = 0 members | 20/01/2025 = 44 members):
I have increased the monthly posts reaching an average of about 90. Currently there are over 1300 posts published.

8- Whatsapp (20/08/2024 = 0 members | 20/01/2025 = 103 members): 
This is a new channel and I use it to publish posts as on other social networks and with the same frequency, so currently I count about 80/90 posts per month.

9- Inleo (26/11/2024 = 0 followers | 20/01/2025 = 60 followers): 
Some data: 766 Threads, 583 Thread Replies, 1287 Threads Votes. I have been putting a lot of effort into this platform since I created the account on November 26, 2024, following the Partnership, and I think the numbers can prove it.

Trying to summarize the data of these social networks, there was a significant overall increase attracted by the contents and constant work on the various accounts in these months, or rather, years now.


For the coming months we would like to keep all the activities we have done so far operational such as translations and new content (an interesting novelty is coming in the next few weeks), continue involving local activities and supporting projects that we consider very important such as Dash Growth.

We continue to work to organize more structured and continuous initiatives and content, showing the potential of the Dash project by focusing on the local level.
Although the proposal  did not have sufficient consensus, we believe that changes must start from the bottom, from a new, more decentralized and free education.

This vision also includes the idea of the proposal  and consequently what is expressed in the post 

To support this vision, below are the conclusions in the official Dash docs section:
“We envision a future in which this model of transparent, unbreakable and verifiable contribution to the common good, in combination with continuous participation of the crowd through active voting, is utilized to manage organizations that are owned or operated jointly by its members, who share the benefits and responsibilities of those collectives, like governments, cooperative corporations, unions, DAOs, cryptocurrencies, etc. We call this model decentralized governance by blockchain.” 

Thanks for reading this to the end and happy voting

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