Proposal “Dash-Italia-HomeSchooling-for-Children“ (Closed)Back
Title: | Dash Italia HomeSchooling for-Children |
Owner: | Dash-Italia |
Monthly amount: | 70 DASH (2006 USD) |
Completed payments: | no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2023-07-02 / 2023-10-11 (added on 2023-06-27) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 56 Yes / 342 No / 84 Abstain |
Proposal description
Homeschooling is known throughout the world as the possibility of educating one's children in the family, privately, as free as possible from the hands and doctrine of the state.
This practice is also spreading in Italy, although it is difficult to make it sustainable because it is hardly tolerated by the State itself (although it is a legally recognized right) and because there is no economic aid to be able to practice it in the long term or, better still, structure it with a new socio-economic vision.
For these reasons, in Italy there are few families who face this choice: an estimated 20,000 children in homeschooling throughout Italy (number more than doubled in the last 3 years, before 2020 an estimated 7,000 children were estimated) compared to over 700,000 children in school age. This is also because this possibility is not known or advertised at all for obvious reasons.
This Proposal aims to help to economically structure an informal reality that has already existed for 2 school years (born in September 2021) which is facing difficulties, mainly economic, with the organization for the years to come.
The reality is made up of 11 families, therefore 11 children aged between 6 and 13, and 4 educators:
- A one-of-a-kind teacher for Primary children.
- A foreign language teacher for all ages.
- A teacher for the humanistic and logical-mathematical-IT area for the Secondary age group.
- A teacher for the science area for all ages.
These are the current numbers destined to grow because interest in the area is spreading thanks to the existence of this reality and as early as September 2023 at least 2 new families will join.
The average of the costs incurred in these two years is around 4500 euros per month which include:
- Time committed by the educators (on average 54 hours a week among all four)
- Seat rental and energy bills
- Purchase of food for children's snacks and meals
- Purchase of school supplies
- Organization of educational outings
- Organization of artistic laboratories and/or of various nature
Using a Proposal, the goal would be to address part of these costs using Dash as:
- Food can be purchased in local businesses that accept Dash without advertising, or via Bitrefill in stores such as NaturaSi or other brands in the area.
- The educators are willing to accept Dash to cover a large part of the hours worked which could also be compensated by Bitrefill vouchers (such as fuel vouchers, shopping vouchers, etc.).
- The lessee is available to fully accept Dash also for energy bills.
- School supplies can always be purchased through Bitrefill and partially in local businesses that accept Dash without advertising.
- Field trips and workshops can be paid for in Dash at least with those operators and/or Associations already prepared to accept it locally without advertising.
In general we think that (or other platforms that allow the purchase of vouchers in Dash, such as ) will be very helpful by using it as a "wellfare" line by stimulating those who actively participate in this project.
However, the most important aspect concerns the fact that the families and teachers-educators involved are proving to be very interested in the subject (also considering the Dash Evolution project and the enormous restrictions that will be met with the economic, legal and undeniably also social) and periodic meetings are being organized to deal with them, deepen them and pass them on with simplicity also to children: new concepts of work, of product exchange, of sovereign digital identity, of real possession of one's own value and, as you know, much more up to to what could be defined as a personal pension through participation in Masternodes.
All issues that must be tackled first with families in order to then be able to pass them on to the children delicately and with enormous simplicity, preparing them for a more responsible society.
Currently, in the last months of the school year that has just ended, the texts of Twin's Tuttle have been inserted as an introduction to most of the topics discussed above, both in Italian and in English in digital form, in Italian in paper form, ( ) around which structured laboratories have been created to consolidate part of these concepts.
The intention, if this Proposal passes, is to take photos and short videos to demonstrate what has just been written, even together with the children (censoring the faces for privacy) and advertise everything on the various Social Dash-Italia under our management ( ).
To answer the question "how does all of this help Dash?", we asked ourselves "how do we create a new socio-economic culture? in schools (not public ones of course) and starting from families and children".
We are beginning to do this, starting with a "few" families and children and using Dash as a basic model, with periodic meetings with families and with simple economic-themed lessons and workshops (simplified and with the use of Dash) for children. Obviously always approaching everything as an alternative, as something to learn and keep ready in case of need, a lifeboat to set up and take care of, keeping it ready for use thinking it is the original goal of Dash.
In all of this, obviously, a local network of users is already being created who have installed the wallet and accept Dash for small things (especially self-production) without necessarily wanting to be advertised... because studying it then creates interest and culture.
It could be seen as a form of marketing but very different from the traditional ones and concentrated on a small nucleus (and above all on the new generation) which is cared for intensely to expand slowly but with a very high level of quality, to arrive at an acceptance direct and aware in a network of exchanges disconnected from the traditional system and protected by privacy, in a network of social relationships without fiduciary contracts.
This practice is also spreading in Italy, although it is difficult to make it sustainable because it is hardly tolerated by the State itself (although it is a legally recognized right) and because there is no economic aid to be able to practice it in the long term or, better still, structure it with a new socio-economic vision.
For these reasons, in Italy there are few families who face this choice: an estimated 20,000 children in homeschooling throughout Italy (number more than doubled in the last 3 years, before 2020 an estimated 7,000 children were estimated) compared to over 700,000 children in school age. This is also because this possibility is not known or advertised at all for obvious reasons.
This Proposal aims to help to economically structure an informal reality that has already existed for 2 school years (born in September 2021) which is facing difficulties, mainly economic, with the organization for the years to come.
The reality is made up of 11 families, therefore 11 children aged between 6 and 13, and 4 educators:
- A one-of-a-kind teacher for Primary children.
- A foreign language teacher for all ages.
- A teacher for the humanistic and logical-mathematical-IT area for the Secondary age group.
- A teacher for the science area for all ages.
These are the current numbers destined to grow because interest in the area is spreading thanks to the existence of this reality and as early as September 2023 at least 2 new families will join.
The average of the costs incurred in these two years is around 4500 euros per month which include:
- Time committed by the educators (on average 54 hours a week among all four)
- Seat rental and energy bills
- Purchase of food for children's snacks and meals
- Purchase of school supplies
- Organization of educational outings
- Organization of artistic laboratories and/or of various nature
Using a Proposal, the goal would be to address part of these costs using Dash as:
- Food can be purchased in local businesses that accept Dash without advertising, or via Bitrefill in stores such as NaturaSi or other brands in the area.
- The educators are willing to accept Dash to cover a large part of the hours worked which could also be compensated by Bitrefill vouchers (such as fuel vouchers, shopping vouchers, etc.).
- The lessee is available to fully accept Dash also for energy bills.
- School supplies can always be purchased through Bitrefill and partially in local businesses that accept Dash without advertising.
- Field trips and workshops can be paid for in Dash at least with those operators and/or Associations already prepared to accept it locally without advertising.
In general we think that (or other platforms that allow the purchase of vouchers in Dash, such as ) will be very helpful by using it as a "wellfare" line by stimulating those who actively participate in this project.
However, the most important aspect concerns the fact that the families and teachers-educators involved are proving to be very interested in the subject (also considering the Dash Evolution project and the enormous restrictions that will be met with the economic, legal and undeniably also social) and periodic meetings are being organized to deal with them, deepen them and pass them on with simplicity also to children: new concepts of work, of product exchange, of sovereign digital identity, of real possession of one's own value and, as you know, much more up to to what could be defined as a personal pension through participation in Masternodes.
All issues that must be tackled first with families in order to then be able to pass them on to the children delicately and with enormous simplicity, preparing them for a more responsible society.
Currently, in the last months of the school year that has just ended, the texts of Twin's Tuttle have been inserted as an introduction to most of the topics discussed above, both in Italian and in English in digital form, in Italian in paper form, ( ) around which structured laboratories have been created to consolidate part of these concepts.
The intention, if this Proposal passes, is to take photos and short videos to demonstrate what has just been written, even together with the children (censoring the faces for privacy) and advertise everything on the various Social Dash-Italia under our management ( ).
To answer the question "how does all of this help Dash?", we asked ourselves "how do we create a new socio-economic culture? in schools (not public ones of course) and starting from families and children".
We are beginning to do this, starting with a "few" families and children and using Dash as a basic model, with periodic meetings with families and with simple economic-themed lessons and workshops (simplified and with the use of Dash) for children. Obviously always approaching everything as an alternative, as something to learn and keep ready in case of need, a lifeboat to set up and take care of, keeping it ready for use thinking it is the original goal of Dash.
In all of this, obviously, a local network of users is already being created who have installed the wallet and accept Dash for small things (especially self-production) without necessarily wanting to be advertised... because studying it then creates interest and culture.
It could be seen as a form of marketing but very different from the traditional ones and concentrated on a small nucleus (and above all on the new generation) which is cared for intensely to expand slowly but with a very high level of quality, to arrive at an acceptance direct and aware in a network of exchanges disconnected from the traditional system and protected by privacy, in a network of social relationships without fiduciary contracts.
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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In all of this, obviously, a local network of users is already being created who have installed the wallet and accept Dash for small things (especially self-production) without necessarily wanting to be advertised... because studying it then creates interest and culture.
We think it helps Dash in this way and we think it is, moreover, the original goal of Dash: direct and conscious acceptance in a disconnected and privacy-protected trading network.
It could be seen as a form of marketing but very different from the traditional ones and concentrated on a small nucleus (and above all on the new generation) which is intensely cared for to expand slowly but with a very high level of quality.
Parents are the ones responsible for the education of their children and to pay for them, but certainly not our DAO.
Doing Charity will easily bankrupt us. Sorry mate.
We are already underfunded and on the brink of organizational collapse.
The Dash DAO is funded by inflation (the emission of Dash), so whenever the MNO approve superblock-funded spending, it is ultimately an inflation-tax upon ALL Dash holders. And this is precisely why the MNO must be very cautious and responsible for what we grant funding:
it must ALWAYS, ONLY & EXCLUSIVELY be for the benefit of !!!Dash!!!
If the MNO would approve spending on Charity, it would consequently make *every* Dash holder a donor/sponsor.
Even if the MNO could technically do that, from a moral viewpoint we as MNO have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to make all the non-MNO Dash holders pay for Charity along with us. For this precise reason, we morally do not even have the right to spend on Charity. Its just plain wrong.
Because it equals forcefully taking buying power away from all non-MNO Dash holders as well.
We do not have the right to do that, if Dash gets no valuable benefit in return.
Italy has state-sponsored schools. And its wayyy more than good enough.
Families who want better education for their children need to be able to afford and pay for it themselves.
And the cagna in power in your country will probably ban and outlaw homeschooling anytime soon.
But lets not even discuss secular laws.
Not sure what your moral compass is, but all major world religions be it christianity, islam, hinduism or whatever, place children (minors of age) under the sole authority of their parents - not any government but only their parents - therefore children (minors) can be considered 'property' of their parents.
The DAO is not here to invest in other peoples property/children, it would be a total waste anyway,
just as the DAO does not pay the car repair bills of some needy people, or the dentist bills of some beggars.
Even thinking about it is ridiculous.
We could rather pay it out to the MNO directly, and it would be a thousand (!) times better spent,
than handing it over to some unknown strangers or their children, who don´t care the least about Dash and never will.
Please refrain from spamming the DAO with Charity proposals in future.
You are doing yourself no favor, you will just hurt your credibility.
"Not sure what your moral compass is, but all major world religions be it christianity, islam, hinduism or whatever, place children (minors of age) under the sole authority of their parents - not any government but only their parents - therefore children (minors) can be considered 'property' of their parents."
I start from the assumption that I struggle to understand what religions have to do with this context, but parents normally have only parental authority (in Italian it is called "Potestà genitoriale") over their children who, legally, are "property" of the State and of the "society" in which they will be inserted and which is educated by the State itself through public schools.
You could try not to send your children to school (and this can be done in many states, but not all of them) and not to prove at least annually that their education falls within state standards and you will notice what I say and how they move the authoritarian machines towards you.
The school is a place of indoctrination for the construction of a future society that is functional to the economic needs of the states that are faced with completely unsustainable fiat economic systems and therefore even public school education cannot have a future.
This is the definition of religion and your way of dealing with a Proposal, in my opinion, falls within this definition:
But Dash is not a religion and voting is not religious, Masternodes are not priests and above all I would never mix political and religious topics with highly technical tools like Dash.
Children therefore "belong" to the future society that we should build for them and to which we should contribute.
Dash is one of the tools that allows the development of future companies by educating them according to this company and with these new tools.
Obviously, it is not my/our intention to convince anyone of anything, but I think/we think it is important to explore topics that go beyond Dash's DAO alone and personal beliefs, because the risk is always of falling into approaches that are truly similar to religions.
All this, together with the concept of DAO and the superblock, represents a new concept of State, that is what Evan has always wanted to imply by telling Dash Evolution. A completely self-sustainable and independent project.
For those who see Dash with these eyes, they see in the superblock a potential that goes far beyond short-term marketing, putting education as well as education of the new generations in first place (although it is obviously understandable to prioritize DCG's Proposals in this delicate phase) obviously starting from a responsible choice of the parents.
Dash is a complex and huge project that can/will solve many problems because its complexity was born from one or more minds that clearly had great multidisciplinary knowledge, not just techniques and IT.
These are probably just our opinions, but the education of children (future users of these tools) is the basis for the construction of any socio-economic organism that has these parameters of individual responsibility on all fronts.
Hoping to be able to convey what we mean by what we have just written, we thank you too.
With crowdnode, all the non-MNO Dash holders can vote.
So this specific argument does not stand.
And an even smaller percentage is using Crowdnode or wants to use it.
Please consider whether it is really your belief and conviction, that a voting majority has the right to force a defeated minority to participate in Charity.
In my humble opinion, no voting majority regardless of whether it is 51% or 99% has the right to force others to participate in Charity. Let alone the 10% difference votes threshold in this DAO, which is not even a real majority.
Something like Charity should not even be allowed to vote on, it just doesn´t make any sense.
Charity should always be an individual and a very personal decision.
But being generous with other peoples money is at worst no better than stealing, at best its indecent and morally bankrupt.
It would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Freedom means not everything is up for vote, or it turns into the tyranny of the majority.
In that case, there is vote the numbers. Everyone vote the number of participation, and an average is extracted. That way the opinion of the minority is calculated in the result.
Futhermore, there is also the time spliting rule. If you dont accept the average of all numerical votes then you canalso split the time.
If 66% votes for something to happen, and 33% votes the reverse, then for the 66% of the time the decision of the majority will apply, and for the 33% of the time the decision of te minority will apply.
Two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch is not Democracy, because in democracy you cannot kill your fellow voter, due to the inherent respect of democracy to all votes. Dead sheep are unable not vote, so killing then is not an option in a pure Democracy.
What you express are your opinions, I disagree but I respect them.
What you put on the scale (inflation) I consider a grain of sand compared to the potential of the superblock, so what you wrote doesn't really make much sense to me.
I had to expose personal opinions, they would almost all go towards the thought that, in my opinion, the vision of Dash Evolution expressed by Evan is not yet clear to many people.
When you say "Italy has state-sponsored schools. And its wayyy more than good enough.", public schools will always and only teach a world where there will be no alternative to a fiduciary world, therefore to Fiat Currencies, while everything it's different (like Dash) being labeled "criminal stuff" and that won't change.
Dash was born precisely to start ignoring what traditional politics says and does and above all the ways in which it proceeds.
What I mean is that insisting on the random dissemination of Dash while continuing to send children (next generations) to public schools makes little sense because the future is not being built and they will never have this alternative vision of the world if it is not cultivated with right times, provided that in the Dash world there is still someone who really has this alternative vision.
Feel free to write sentences like this: "Please refrain from spamming the DAO with Charity proposals in future.
You are doing yourself no favor, you will just hurt your credibility.", but this is obviously prejudice (free of charge considering how much time we are dedicating to studying and disseminating Dash), so exactly what shouldn't exist in a DAO, because it's obvious that if we fail to do what is written, it will be very difficult to regain this possibility, if not impossible.
Finally, I would like to mention how important the "Venezuela period" was for the Dash world a few years ago. Probably in your eyes it was charity (although I remind you again that to do charity you need a donor who has ownership of the money and in this case there is none and it is serious that a Masternode feels this ownership and/or bounces it on the importance of a tiny inflation considering how many decades or centuries it extends and above all that we always talk about mathematical scarcity) while in my eyes it was a great possibility for many people who were no longer able to pursue it due to a change of mentality.
I repeat, total respect but I do not agree.
You should respect the persons, but not their ideas, as long as their ideas are stupid.
So dont respect him, if you feel so.