Proposal “Dash-Africa“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Africa
Monthly amount: 24 DASH (526 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 72 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-05-17 (added on 2018-02-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description


Dash Africa is an established project and is now the largest and foremost outlet for Dash-related media in Africa. It has also served as the platform to launch and develop successful projects in several African countries. This 3-month proposal is partly retrospective in action, to pay for work already completed, and to serve as a template for future proposals.

Introduction to the Proposal Owner

The Proposal Owner is Slottle Addams, known as @DashingDude, a frequent participant in the Dash forums and a Com.Sci geek.  Before founding Dash Africa he worked for many years as a software dev, manager, entrepreneur, and university lecturer.  For 10 years, he worked voluntarily part-time as network engineer, deploying a wireless WAN  infrustructure at 17 schools in remote rural areas with the Siyakhula project.  He likes teaching Capoeira and alpine skiing too, so he should really get more physical exercise instead of spending so much time in front of his computer.

Proposal Scope

Dash Africa is an active platform from which Dash is penetrating the African continent’s market for cryptocurrency, a market of high potential, as many African countries suffer from fiat currency shortages.

This proposal covers several projects which are already in progress:
  • Dash Waterfront Office - Located in the scenic Cape Town harbor of Hout Bay, a popular tourist destination, we are opening an office offering Dash information, promotional material, free wi-fi, and more.  
  • Road Trip + Vehicle Branding - Visiting universities and events across South Africa in a nice Dash-branded vehicle.
  • Continued funding of Dash Leopards Soccer - This project is expanding rapidly and yielding great results.  Please visit the website to learn more.
  • Ambassadors Program - Ambassadors are provided with training, funding and materials to perform their own meet-ups, thus exponentially increasing our influence.
  • Development/Maintenance of Dash Africa website - Visit Dash Africa
  • Journalism - This allows us to pay a stipend to the journalists who provide our content.
  • Promotion of Dash into traditional communities - To penetrate the traditional communities saving industry, worth over $2 billion dollars.
The principal component of the platform is the Dash Africa website, a sophisticated and effective means of educating, informing, and communicating with, a growing Dash community in Africa.

Completion Milestones

Conventional milestones are inapplicable as the proposal is largely funded retrospectively, i.e. payment made for work already completed. The Dash Africa website is visible proof thereof, already highly professional, regularly updated.

The effectiveness of the Dash Africa platform is exemplified by these significant completed project milestones:
  • Professionally designed branding and logos.
  • The Dash Africa website posts on average 3 fresh, edited blog items per week (over the last 6 months).
  • The #Dash4Nigeria project, recently funded by proposal, which trains and equips Dash Ambassadors to promote Dash to others.  (@rotc)
  • Poverty alleviation, road trips and education projects, funded in Ghana.  (@cryptolib)
  • The launch and continuation of the Dash Leopards Soccer project.
  • Search Engine Optimization - we're #1
Other scope components under development are, in no particular order:
  • Penetration of traditional African financial systems, to introduce Dash as a modern tradition.
  • Harnessing of soccer, the continent’s most powerful single interest, as a means of promoting Dash awareness.
  • Expansion of an African network of Dash ambassadors to personally teach others about Dash.
  • Multilingual extension to include the many Francophone countries of Africa, as Dash Africa is presently only Anglophone.
  • Continued editing, writing and design services for the teams across Africa.
Much of the scope has been achieved or is under development, but at considerable personal costs of time and money: project sustainability requires repayment of these costs.

Progress Reporting

Dash Africa is results orientated and well-equipped to produce monthly Progress Reports for the Dash MNO’s as included in future monthly proposals.

Core Team and Principal Skills

The various components of Dash Africa, or the initiatives which it supports, are the product of a group of some 15 members around the core of:
  • Slottle Addams  -  Team Leader
  • Tom Rogers  -  Editor and Content Production
  • Clive Ritchie - London based Graphic Design and Image Consultant
  • John Reed  - Community champion and activist
  • Nathanial Luz (@rotc) - Nigeria - Dash Ambassadors program
  • Ricardo Phillips - Dash Leopards Soccer


Proposal Fee -  5 Dash
Dash Waterfront Office - 10 Dash
Road Trip + Vehicle Branding - 10 Dash
Continued funding of Dash Leopards Soccer - 10 Dash
Ambassadors Program - 10 Dash
Development/Maintenance of Dash Africa website -  8 Dash
Journalism - 2 Dash
Promotion of Dash into traditional communities - 2 Dash
Management Fee - 5 Dash
Contingency Allowance - 10 Dash

TOTAL                                72 Dash

Funding duration:  3 months, 24 Dash per month

Once again - Much of this work is done already!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch April 25th 2018 Report on
Dash Africa by DashingDude
0 points,7 years ago
Hoping for continued good things from this proposal. Keep up the good work, happy to see your meetups in action (via the videos on your website).
0 points,7 years ago
An open letter to Masternode Owners

I’m writing to you and the community as a whole. I understand that many of you bought into Dash because you see it as a potential winner in the crypto space and that you can earn a steady income from running a node. The budget system is great, only as a business person, you don’t see the value of some of the apparently wasteful things that have been supported in the past, and you are going to do your darndest to put a stop to it! I appreciate that. Many of the things Dash has done don’t make economic sense. I keep hearing about the Rate of Income, and that we’re not seeing sufficient returns on some of the proposals. Unfortunately, I don’t think you understand what you signed on for. Please let me explain.

The cryptocurrency movement started by the unknown Satoshi Nakamoto, is a declaration of war against the incumbent banking system. There is no sweeter way of saying it. Of course nobody wants actual war, or any type of violence, however the incumbent system has utterly failed the people of the world in so many ways, and are undoubtedly the cause and source of all the wars around the world; the proof of which would be far too long a book to write here. This war can only be won Gandhi style, Martin Luther King Jr. style. We must win the hearts and minds of the world. We must grab as big a foothold in countries who have been decimated by bad governments and bankers. What you signed on for here is not a “business” that runs a balance sheet and must show profit. You signed on to a war.

If you have not noticed yet, The IMF’s Christine Lagarde had declared the need to “control cryptocurrencies”. The good news is that they can not, ultimately, control them. They can however block fiat access which would be a huge slowdown in adoption. You see, when Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin, he knew he already won the war. However, there are still battles to go through. They will not change the ultimate outcome, but they can cause a LOT of misery; probably even death, as it’s obvious that those in power will do anything to keep it. It does NOT have to go this way if we play the game of Chess well. They’re on the defense. Lets keep them there!

So what do we need to get us through these battles as unscathed and solid as possible? We need two things. We need to win hearts and minds of the people of the world and we need to get footholds in large areas where people use cryptos in daily life, not fiat. For this, Dash is the best tool, but the crypto community as a whole needs to band together to make this work! And because of our budget, Dash is in the best position to lead this charge.

If you have not noticed, the media is fully controlled by the governments today. There is no more freedom of the press anymore, except for small independent groups and individuals. Today’s mainstream media is pulled by the very same strings; not left, not right, none of that is even real. Who in America that isn’t brainwashed or mentally ill, really hates blacks, whites, browns yellows and purples? You really think “white” people care what color skin another person has? I’ll tell you, not any more than a black or brown or purple person is likely to hate a white or other color person. No, it’s a tool to divide and conquer. Birth control, abortion, wages, race; it’s all fodder to keep the people incensed and impudent. Nothing changes no matter who is in charge.

By supporting projects like The Free Thought Project, Ben Swann, and the crypto show (and their humanitarian aid arm) and more, we develop a relationship and allies. Our funding can empower free media, and in return we can expect that they will tell the truth about crypto. This is the absolutely best way to win hearts and minds in my opinion because even the most average of humans in the United States feels manipulated and that something isn’t right in the media, even if they can’t put their finger on it. If we can increase the reach of Truth in Media or any other such project, it will be the best tool we can hope for in this war.

Also, the importance of what we do in Venezuela and other South American countries, plus what we do for many countries in Africa cannot be under estimated. These are Dash’s and crypto’s foot holds. There is so much potential in Africa and South America, and digital currencies will free that potential. If you don’t know by now, you should know that it is corrupt banking or lack thereof that keeps the people in these parts of the world from participating economically in the world. If we get a real economy working in these parts of the world, these countries or areas have no debt, no love of western banking. They will be whole heartedly crypto. And nobody will be able to change that.

Either we win, or we drag this out forever, until the corrupt institutions of the world find a way to co-opt everything the crypto community have been trying to build. We look at the bottom line for what Ben Swann’s rate of return cost per click was, or we back media because it represents freedom as does cryptocurrency. We build a trust relationship with hard working young people in Africa, who are grass rooting their country and soon catapulting it to the top of the food chain, or we leave them and their potential high and dry because pictures aren’t enough proof, there “could” be waste in how they are functioning, or god forbit they “take us” for a dash or two. I don’t even think they’d ever even do that, they’re full of so much zest for building an economy in their homeland, but the narrow-minded fear we seem to have is starting to become irrational.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this letter to you, the Dash community is a request to support and vote for all the African, Venezuelan, Benn Swann, Truth in Media proposals because we NEED these people to win! Thank you so much for reading this and I apologize for posting this everywhere, but that is my intention.
0 points,7 years ago
@DashingDude has continuously demonstrated his commitment to this community, and this proposal is a good idea. Wish you luck!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks!! Your comment saved me from the profanity of the trolls!
0 points,7 years ago
Please excuse the trolling below. It seems to be happening on a lot of other proposals too.
0 points,7 years ago
This proposal has got so much potential for the network. I hope to see it pass. @dashingdude go get it done man.
0 points,7 years ago
Good guy. Known community member. Demonstrated progress. Voting yes!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Dude! Muchly. This project has already gone warp-mode. Stay posted to see our new Waterfront Offices. This is like, a miracle.
0 points,7 years ago
@DashingDude, after reading some news, I wanted to suggest the next idea.
You are opening an office in South Africa, and in this news:

The Bitpesa payment processor, the most important on the African continent that uses Bitcoin, they will open an office.
It could be interesting that you can get a meeting with Elizabeth Rosiello, the company's CEO and introduce her to the Dash network, and the Dash advances in Africa.
If Bitpesa used the Dash network, it would save many commissions and I'm sure they do not know our potential.
I think it is important that your efforts in Dash go through to have a meeting with Bitpesa, with which we could have synergies.

Let's see what other colleagues say.
0 points,7 years ago
I contacted you on Discord. I'd be glad to meet Elizabeth Rosiello... does anybody know how to get me an introduction?
1 point,7 years ago
I think that when you talk about Dash, you should always put the focus as a payment system, with the example of Paypal and a platform that can give its users the opportunity to do international business, both within the African continent and export.
Thanks for your proposal, you have my support.
0 points,7 years ago
Vote yes for fellow capoeirista :) Other proposal details good too.
0 points,7 years ago
I'd go even further and distribute small amounts of dash for free in poor countries as a stepping stone to (a small) global basic income.
-1 point,7 years ago
It's a great project and it's got my YES, Africa must be carried along in this revolution.
0 points,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
Acceptable budget. More marketing online is probably than offline but this is okay for the time being.. You have my support.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks dude! This is not my first proposal, and it won't be my last. The team that has formed around Dash Africa is quite remarkable - so please keep watching what we do on the ground!
1 point,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
Wow guys... thank-you so much for the surprise. I only posted this an hour ago, and already I have Yes votes.
-1 point,7 years ago
Would the guy who just gave me 8 No votes care to comment? Be nice.
0 points,7 years ago
Don't spam your own proposal..
-3 points,7 years ago
@dashingdude you have mentioned other members efforts in your proposal

Could you clarify your proposals connection to theirs?
0 points,7 years ago
Sure... I'm guessing that you are talking about my friends from Nigeria and Ghana? We all collaborate, under the loose term "Dash Africa". And they've had proposals approved for their countries. I would like to do similarly in South Africa, which has the biggest economy on the continent. I also run the Dash Africa website, which is where we all post our progress. So no formal connection... we just collaborate.