Proposal “DCG-SUPPLEMENTAL-SEPT-24“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group September Supplemental Funding Proposal
One-time payment: 315 DASH (12343 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 315 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-09-08 / 2024-10-08 (added on 2024-09-11)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 503 Yes / 56 No / 9 Abstain

Proposal description

What does this specific proposal fund?

DCG expenses break-even between a price of 27 and 30$. This proposal aims to make sure that our reserves don't get too much smaller with a current price around 24$.

How did Evolution start go?

Evo activation was a resounding success, the chain continues to work as intended with only one known current issue which will be fixed on next version. All is good on that front and we will be shipping version 1.3 in a little over a week on or before the 23rd of September.

How long will DCG last at this level of Funding?

We are just barely underwater, but with very little reserves left.
If this supplemental passes and the price remains around 24$ we will not need to make any structural changes till November. If the price goes up by just a few dollars DCG will be in a much better situation. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to quantumexplorer at dashcentral.

Requested funding is as follows for the September 24th superblock:
  • 314 Dash ($7,536.00 USD @ $24 per Dash)
  •     1 Dash Proposal fee reimbursement
Total:   315  Dash

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,3 months ago
Amazing success with the Evolution release!

The market reacted with enthusiasm and Dash's price went to the moon!




Keep paying DCG, and you will end into the dark pit.

1 point,3 months ago
Do you have a masternode?
1 point,3 months ago
Of course I have no masternode.

I don't want to be part of an institution that consists of such stupid persons.

I am a member of the Dash community though because I hold 1.5 Dash.

And I am also a voter, because a masternode gave me his vote, and I vote with it.
-1 point,3 months ago
Ok, so why are you posting here? If you don't agree with masternodes, how our community does things ("institution of stupid persons", well, you're here, so what does that make you? Stop being stupid, by your own admission, and stop posting here), then stop posting. You are spreading fud and inaccurate statements.

Who gave you there vote? I would have them defend their decision to give a troll a vote in our organization.
2 points,3 months ago
I am in dash since 2016!
What is your Dash birth date, stupid newbie?

I am in Dash in order to FORCE the stupid to vote the numbers.
0 points,3 months ago
How long you've been in Dash is irrelevant.

Its about your position and who supports you. Only masternode owners (and I guess people like you who were "given a vote", but you're not allowed to hide who gave it to you) are allowed to post here.

This is to prevent spam and trolls. Refusing to agree to this highly indicates that you're a spammer, and a troll. How do you respond?

But to answer the question, I've been in Dash since 2015. So, maybe you don't know the meaning of the words you use, or you're projecting (i.e. YOU are the "stupid newbie"). Your choice.

Reading YOUR poll (yes, I said YOUR poll because that was a STUPID point from you), I can't help but feel its the latter.

Lookie here, Dash works the way it is just fine so you should stop trying to change it to fit your selfish and personal agenda. You've been trying for what, 8 years now to change Dash to your vision, and you haven't succeeded yet. Why are you trying so hard?

Not only does trying the same thing over and over again (i.e. trying to change Dash) without success make your efforts wasted, but continuing to do so when you've already failed makes you either stupid or a paid troll. Again, TAKE YOUR PICK WHICH ONE.

Finally, you did NOT answer the question. Who gave you their vote? Which masternode?

**Do understand something**, you are talking to a masternode owner in the place designed for MASTERNODE OWNERS ONLY to discuss our business. Not answering questions is NOT an option and is inappropriate. In short, STOP IT. Show some respect, you are at best an errand boy here (ostensibly representing a true MNO, pursuant to your answering the question below).

I ask you again, Who gave you their vote? I would have them defend their decision to give a troll a vote in our organization.
2 points,3 months ago
They are asking me "why are you doing this?". Why you still stay here in Dash and insist of asking the people to vote the numbers.

Obviously the Dash Core Group, but also the Dash community are possesed by daemons, and they refuse to vote the numbers since 8 years now.

So why am I doint this, why I dont leave the Dash community and search for another community where its core group is not demonical?

Well, for two reasons:

The first reason is that there is no community worldwide where voting the numbers is allowed. The whole humanity is possessed and constantly refuses to vote numbers SINCE THE BEGINING OF HUMAN HISTORY. The pythagorians were BURNED ALIVE for trying to vote the numbers.

The second reason is that I am doing this as an example. In case someone really wants to drive his/her community through the benevolant road of voting the numbers , throufg this universal wisdom, he can do this no matter what the deamonical core group decides.

"Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote the number of the beast, for it is the number of a human."
2 points,3 months ago
So, despite the daemons that are still controling the Dash Core Group, you CAN vote the numbers now, therealDashman21, and you are THE FIRST ONE IN HUMAN HISTORY who is allowed to do it.

Dont you feel proud about that?
0 points,3 months ago
You cannot go further until you answer this question:

Finally, you did NOT answer the question. Who gave you their vote? Which masternode?
0 points,3 months ago
I think I have no reason to reveal that.
0 points,3 months ago
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white vote with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it."
0 points,3 months ago
But I can prove that I have a masternode vote.

He can follow a zero knowledge protocol.

I have ask the dashcentral admins to implement such a protocol for the people who own a masternode vote but refuse to reveal which to the dashcentral admins.

But the dashcentral coders dont want to do that.
0 points,3 months ago
Let's try this again:

Finally, you did NOT answer the question. Who gave you their vote? Which masternode?
0 points,3 months ago
I think I have no reason to reveal that.
0 points,3 months ago
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white vote with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it."
1 point,3 months ago
It must be the great new website they have that extols the wonders of Platform and web3!


Or is it the amazing integration they did with Bison Wallet... one click setup, one click CoinJoin and Crowdnode staking! No MICA licensing needed and fully decentralized!


What have we got?

Same untouched shitty website with a generic slogan used by multiple payment companies and ZERO mentions of the word "web3".

Bison Wallet, RPC setup required, no mixing, no staking. And usernames? - forget it. Work with other projects to make "digital cash" ubiquitous.. fuck that, got too much pride.

I suppose they could do all this if they had an even bigger budget. Maybe they could submit a supplemental supplemental and then bodge it up, again.
-1 point,3 months ago
Do you have a masternode?
0 points,3 months ago
Yes and my forum profile confirms this.
-1 point,3 months ago
Of course I have no masternode.

I don't want to be part of an institution that consists of such stupid persons.

I am a member of the Dash community though because I hold one and a half Dash.

And I am also a voter, because a masternode gave me his vote, and I vote with it.
1 point,3 months ago
Ooops....wrong...This question was for GrandMasterDash, please ignore the above answer.
-1 point,3 months ago
Into the dark pit losers! Into the abyss!

A vortex of pure thought in space
The final goal in the evolution race
Come a long way from neanderthal man
I am here to teach you all I can
1 point,4 months ago
Somebody in the Discord asked why there is a discrepancy of 670 Dash between:
and from the Credit Pool Balance here:

And btw, why so many empty +0.0 deposit transactions in the block explorer? is this a bug
1 point,4 months ago
OpReturns are also used when paying for proposals, this basically means that around 670 Dash was used to pay for proposals.
1 point,4 months ago
Were you refering to the burned proposal fees?
A difference of 670 Dash seems impossibly low, given the fee was 5 Dash for many years, right?
This would equal to only 134 past proposals with a burned fee of 5 Dash.

Would you mind taking a look into why so many empty +0.0 deposit transactions in the op_return address?
Why does it even need to have an outputindex if its 0.0 anyway, and the entire input was consumed as tx fees?
Does it make any sense beyond bloating data in the chain?
2 points,4 months ago
Robby, have you seen this page? I think you may like it alot!
2 points,4 months ago seems to only be seeing transactions after 2021 for op_return. Which is why 670 Dash.

When you see "+0.0 deposit transactions in the op_return address" those are user based transactions trying to encode data in the op_return.
1 point,3 months ago
Thanks for clarifying.
3 points,4 months ago
8th of September 2023 :

My own quotes :

''I will be voting NO on this decision proposal to raise the Treasury to 20% so that DCG can claim higher budget from the Treasury (backed by masternode whales) and can thereby avoid having to re-organize DCG to better cope with changing market conditions (bear markets) and make better estimates for their future releases.''

''Higher Treasury --> Higher amounts of requested budget funding from DCG (who are initiating this, because they running out of reserves) --> More sell pressure when all those developers convert their received dash (their salary) to fiat, or when DCG converts it for them.''

21st of September 2023 : proposal to increase the Dash Treasury to 20% passes

Between October 2023-September 2024 :

* Increased sell pressure throughout the year
* Endless monthly DCG Supplemental Budget proposals, on top of DCG already significantly increased amount request for funding through their regular DCG Operations budget proposals.
* Decreased number of participants creating budget proposals to the Dash Treasury, from outside Dash eco-system. Instead (as i already expected) it is mostly just budget proposals from existing Dash entities operating and competing for Treasury funding
* No re-organisation in DCG to better cope with changing market conditions, instead just far more relying on the DCG Supplemental budget proposals, with no real strategy or plan behind it, other then to just wait untill DCG runs out of funding and then do another desperate request for funding and if that fails start firing 1 or 2 devs.

I stopped supporting DCG Supplemental budget proposals after the Dash Treasury increased to 20% and DCG still continued these supplemental budget proposal requests, which were initially intended for only a few months and only for building a war chest, so that DCG could increase their devs numbers even more and could provide some backup for certain DCG dev positions.

That felt very much out of touch to me with the ongoing bear market and why the Dash Treasury was increased to 20% in the first place. After a few months, when the DCG Supplemental budget proposals kept emerging and the Platform delays kept occurring, it became clear to me that the increase of the Dash Treasury to 20% failed its purpose, later confirmed with the increased sell pressure, decreased participants and the lack of re-organisation within DCG.
I did support and will continue to support the DCG Operations budget proposals.

11th of September 2024 (this budget proposal)

''We are just barely underwater, but with very little reserves left. If this supplemental passes and the price remains around 24$ we will not need to make any structural changes till November. If the price goes up by just a few dollars DCG will be in a much better situation.''

It feels to me we are now close to coming full circle, with regards to September 2023 and September 2024.

I warned DCG way before September 2023 about the risk of running out of funding, due to low Dash price and MNO's getting dissatisfied due to the constant Platform delays and also mentioned that DCG better have a plan, when that day arrived. That plan turned out to be the 20% increase of the Dash Treasury.

I am once again warning DCG they run the risk of running out of funding (even with the increased amount on their Operations budget proposals & their Supplemental proposals), and that they better have a plan for when that day comes. I hope it will be a much better plan, then their last plan.

Seriously : get DCG reorganised to cope better with this bear marketg, keep the public Dash Roadmap updated so it reflects the devs roadmap, understand why this thread on the dash forum ( is a pinned thread, got 46K views, consists of 14 pages and has 274 replies in it.
0 points,3 months ago
At the end of the day, no amount of begging and pleading with the market is going to change or reverse the price decline. And you have no right to pretend like you're some prophet. The fact is, you DON'T KNOW WHY the price is low and AREN'T INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT.

You only wish to ascribe blame when you don't even know what's wrong. The price of Dash is BEING MANIPULATED BY EXTERNAL THIRD PARTIES, **THERE IS NOTHING THAT DCG CAN DO ABOUT THAT!**

Price manipulation is NOT market forces. What needs to be done is an accurate and honest assessment of the current landscape and mitigation efforts to make these price attacks less powerful and effective.

You seem to be of the opinion that "the price is low because DCG failed at this or that", that is preposterous and stupid. You are deliberately ignoring all the FUD (which has to come from SOMEWHERE, you NEVER ASK WHERE, BECAUSE THAT WOULD LEAD YOU TO CONCLUDE THAT DCG CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, which would take the wind out of your sails).

DCG doesn't need to "reorganize". How will that even help? "You need to fire people before the price recovers" has to be about THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER READ on here, and I've had several 300+ comment arguments with grandmasterdash on various proposals.

This idea that we can "cut our way to a higher price" is COMPLETELY STUPID AND YOU SHOULD STOP MAKING THIS ARGUMENT WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

When our price was $1600, was DCG "more lean and efficient and well organized" then?

If not, THEN WHY ON EARTH do you think that has ANY BEARING NOW???

That question is NOT rhetorical and I request an actual answer to it.
0 points,3 months ago
I can't prove it _yet_ but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to hear that DCG are voting to pay themselves. I think the voting results of these supplemental proposals look suspicious and it just so happens that DCG have the most to gain.

I think it's possible the small market cap of dash might be hindering law enforcement investigations, but we shall see.

In any event, the ever decreasing price of dash is simply down to no outside interest. I see little reason for the price to pick up, although there seems to be a lot of resistance around the $20 mark.

Unfortunately, DCG appear to be impotent at escaping poor habits. They doubled the treasury size, increase MNO rewards, and they repeatedly come to the treasury with cup in hand. IMO, the only way out of this is for the price of dash to fall further until they have no other options than do things differently. DCG is currently not ready to step out of their comfort zone and work drastically different, they appear too comfortable with a slow death. So be it.
-1 point,3 months ago
Btw, this is called GASLIGHTING and is a form of CONCERN TROLLING.

"Oh well, if you destroy your core team, stop releasing new developments, MAYBE we'll think about giving you some relief on the price."

That is EMOTIONAL TORTURE! You have NO RIGHT to represent this form of concern trolling and idiotic gaslighting here in our network. Just like the Israelis say, "We'll stop bombing you if you give us your land."

(??) You can't do that, you're not allowed to steal other peoples' land through violence, and you're definitely not allowed to kill innocent civilians to do so either.

In the same way, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to attack DCG (recommending they "reorganize" "shutdown" or whatever, instead of ACTUALLY solving the problem. Because you don't want to actually take action--action like courting high net worth individuals to invest in Dash--you only want to ascribe blame, WHICH IS TROLLING!!!!), and no right to represent this idiotic and stupid line of reasoning.

Do better, you are a MNO and you DISGRACE YOURSELF with your blatant unsubstantiated and stupid claims ("We need to destroy Dash to *save* Dash"...STFU!)
0 points,3 months ago
>"Oh well, if you destroy your core team, stop releasing new developments, MAYBE we'll think about giving you some relief on the price."

It is not about destroy the Dash Core Team.

0 points,3 months ago
Because into the Dash Core Team, government agents reside, they control the Dash protocol and intentionally lead Dash into destruction.

3 points,4 months ago
its no longer a bear market, but sadly 95% of projects have turned into bear projects

after our price is eventually going to hit $10 you know the great purification has begun
Sam should better plan for that, because you know what? its coming

in these tough and dark times DCG needs the support of us all, and i give my vote
4 points,4 months ago
Something else to consider in these lousy times would be the coding of a new (not-to-harden) Spork for the creation of an Emergency Fund.
When enabled (TRUE) according to previous authorization and approval by the Masternode Network,
it would generate and transfer in the Superblock the difference between Max Budget Size and the sum of all other approved proposals, so that the entire funds of the Superblock would be generated and the unused portion generated as well, and transfered to such an Emergency Fund.
Whenever price would significantly improve, a new MNO vote could easily mandate the turning off of such a Spork.

Selling and using funds of such an Emergency Fund by DCG could be restricted for certain defined conditions, but if the market continues to severely deteriorate, it could help us not having to sacrifice and lay off good talents, who may never come back.

Right now, hundreds of Dash each month are lost, because QE needs to consider all other proposals, many of which usually fail to be approved and therefore lots of potential coins are lost forever (i.e. not generated).

$10 is coming, at latest after BTC is going to nosedive down to $22K, take care guys.
1 point,4 months ago
You do know DCG are the owners of the dash "protocol"? Do you seriously think the people in control are going to implement anything that works against them?

There is two options, either completely de-fund DCG or let them die of a slow death. The PO is much too stubborn to accept the former.
2 points,4 months ago
How would generating unallocated Superblock funds on behalf of an Emergency Fund "work against them" ??
(provided the Masternodes approve it)

If anything, it would spare us from such well-meant proposals like the recent dcg-supp-extra-no-mica,
and potentially all supplemental proposals as well.
-1 point,4 months ago
Well, you said "Selling and using funds of such an Emergency Fund by DCG could be restricted for certain defined conditions". I'm assuming DCG will code those conditions and not include conditions that work against themselves.
-1 point,3 months ago
Do you have a masternode?