Proposal “DCG-SUPPLEMENTAL-MAR25-1“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group: Supplemental March
One-time payment: 492 DASH (11708 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 492 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2025-03-09 / 2025-04-08 (added on 2025-03-14)
Votes: 558 Yes / 45 No / 8 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Core Group March 22nd Funding Proposals

DCG is submitting 2 funding proposals for the budget cycle that pays out March 22nd:
1) DCG Operations: 5,147 Dash per month (currently in month 3/3)
2) DCG Supplemental proposal: 492

Why make this proposal when so many other proposals are out there?

Dash Core Group have been very consistent about requesting around 5500 Dash for the last year and a half. Staff compensation is around 3000 Dash and 62k USD per month (with about 21 full time contributors) and another 4k USD per month on infrastructure to maintain Testnet, Devnets, and some smaller expenditures such as licenses. We have a small buffer that we were able to create when the price of Dash recently rose to 50+ USD. At a price of 22.5$ without a supplemental this buffer would only last a few months. With this supplemental we can last much longer without needing to lay off critical staff.

Wen 2.0 / Tokens ?

Most features are in testing except the marketplace which should take about 2 weeks to finish, then a few more days to test, right now it's looking like 2.0 will be release in the first week of April.

If you have any questions, please direct them to @quantumexplorer at dashcentral to ensure we are notified of your request.
Requested funding is as follows for the January budget cycles:
  • 491 Dash for additional core team compensation ($11,047.50 USD @ $22.50 per Dash)
  • 1 Dash proposal reimbursement 
Total: 492 Dash

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,3 days ago
Hello @QuantumExplorer, I will be voting yes for this proposal.

However, I had a question that's unrelated to this proposal. Who and why is promoting a "privacy overhaul"? Shouldn't major changes like this be put forward to the network first? There's almost no discussion in the community about WHY we're changing or adding to the protocol? And why use Monero stuff? CT is Monero tech through-and-through, but Monero's privacy has been shown to not be effective, so why are we copying them, with no feedback or vote from the community?

This is what the treasury and proposals are for. It appears the enemies of Dash are attempting a "no-proposal attack", i.e. instead of flooding the network with proposals, they push critical changes WITHOUT them. The community was designed to have a process for feedback and polling stakeholders for this very reason and I think that we should follow the proper procedure in adding something as large as CT to Dash.
1 point,2 days ago
The discussion is on the dash-privacy channel on Discord.
1 point,2 days ago
Furthermore: "a DAO vote will determine adoption, followed by funding and wallet integration"
(From here:
2 points,2 days ago
Yeah that's what I don't like. You guys are not giving the community any time to discuss this or provide feedback, you're just assuming it will go through and should be done, which is a "power move". Using a power move on the Dash DAO indicates that you, and your group, see us as an enemy to be conquered, not partners to be worked with. Which doesn't bode well for your proposal or position in the network.
0 points,2 days ago
Another issue is that you are assuming that Dash's privacy is not functional to the point where CT would be "an upgrade". But adding CT adds a considerable attack surface to Dash, namely relying on encryption for privacy. Encryption which can easily be broken and no one will know, like what has happened several times for Monero, now. Your article doesn't address the flaws in Monero, or the fact that Monero is moving away from its current privacy tech due to those flaws and implementing something new.

Where is the justification for this? Where is the community consensus that this needs to happen AT ALL? You guys are putting the cart before the horse and assuming the conclusion (this is a logical fallacy less commonly known as "begging the question") without putting it to the community on whether or not we EVEN WANT THIS. Skipping this important first step is a red-flag and indicates that something untoward is afoot.

Please, tell me where I'm wrong.
1 point,2 days ago
Indeed. Excellent points.
0 points,2 days ago
I believe the discussion should be in public, not decided on in private. Joel, who is in control of the discord IIRC, has permabanned me from participating in any dash discords (I documented this unjust banning when it happened several years ago), which prevents me from providing any feedback. There may also be others who have been affected by this banning. And seeing as how Joel is providing some 30% of the funds for this proposal, that represents a conflict of interest.
-2 points,8 days ago
Yes. In fact an enthusiastic yes.
