Proposal “DCG-Operations-July-2024“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group Operations July
One-time payment: 5112 DASH (122781 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 5112 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-06-09 / 2024-07-09 (added on 2024-06-11)
Votes: 527 Yes / 28 No / 1 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Core Group June 25th Funding Proposals

DCG is submitting 2 funding proposals for the budget cycle that pays out  June 25th:
1) DCG Operations: 5,112 Dash per month (currently in month 1/3)
2) DCG Supplemental proposal: TBD on amount.

What does this specific proposal fund?

This proposal funds Dash Core Group's ongoing operating costs - this includes compensation, legal and infrastructure costs.  This is a single month proposal that will cover operating costs for July 2024.

Why is this not multi-month?

The emission reduces by 7% every year, this year it will happen next month, so in the interest of simplicity we are going to make a 1 month proposal now, and a 3 month proposal next month.

What is the proposal funding?

As of June 1st, 2024, DCG has 21 paid staff at full time/close to full time associated with the project and 3 part time contributors. In addition, we have 2 volunteers who have decided to work for no compensation and 2 people who have decided to work at minimal compensation. The amount of developers we currently have is given below.

We estimate that our projected run-rate for June for compensation will be around $160,000 and around $8,000 for infrastructure. With this current proposal, we are asking for total funding of $132,886 per month. While this is less than our run rate, often the supplemental that we also post makes up for the difference.

What does DCG's current structure look like?

DCG has evolved to primarily be a tech focused organization that can be grouped into 2 main parts, technology and technology support.


  • CTO Samuel Westrich - quantumexplorer (making this proposal)

  • Lead C++ Software Engineer
  • Lead C++ Software Engineer
  • Senior C++ Software Engineer
  • Senior C++ Software Engineer (moved to GroveDB)
  • C++ Software Engineer
Mobile (no change):
  • Lead Android Software Engineer and Principal Developer
  • Sr. Android Software Engineer
  • Android Software Engineer (Part time)
  • Sr. iOS Software Engineer
Platform Consensus (no change):
  • Sr. Go Software Engineer
Platform Protocol (no change):
  • Lead Rust/JS Software Engineer
  • Senior Rust Software Engineer
  • Rust/JS Software Engineer 
Platform Database (GroveDB)
  • Senior Rust Software Engineer
  • Senior Rust Software Engineer (moved from Core)
Platform JS-SDK
  • Sr. Rust/JS Software Engineer (Left Project)
Research (no change):
  • Lead Tech Research Engineer
  • Tech Research Engineer
Technology Support:

Communication / Business Development / Marketing (no change):
  • Business Development Manager (very part time (1h/week) )
Documentation (no change):
  • Lead Technical Content Developer
Human Resources (no change):
  • HR Specialist
  • Lead Infrastructure Engineer
  • Infrastructure Engineer (new hire)
  • Web Developer
Project Management (no change):
  • Lead SM / Project Manager
  • SM / Project Manager (part time)
Product (no change):
  • Head of Product
Quality Assurance (no change):
  • QA Engineer
Tech Support (no change):
  • Lead Support Engineer
  • Support Engineer

If you have any questions, please direct them to @quantumexplorer at dashcentral to ensure we are notified of your request.
Requested funding is as follows for the June budget cycles:
  • 5,111.00 Dash for core team compensation per month ($132,886 USD @ $26.00 per Dash)
  • 1.00 Dash proposal reimbursement 
Total: 5,112 Dash per month

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-5 points,2 months ago
Cut off the issue of coins! 12,222,222 coins is enough!
This is a magical and monetary number!
It is vital to stop producing crap and sales will stop!
Only a radical and bold decision can revive the DASH coin, which is struggling in its death throes.
Since February 27, 2023, the value of DASH has fallen almost 10 times.
0.00319 BTC DASH has depreciated to 0.000366 BUT THIS IS NOT THE LIMIT OF THE FALL!!!
It's time to think with your head and not your butt.
2 points,2 months ago
Voting yes, cheers!
1 point,2 months ago
Yes from me.