Proposal “DCD_RPC-Web-Proxy-and-Explorer_2024-Q4“ (Active)Back

Monthly amount: 1 DASH (58 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-10-28 / 2025-01-26 (added on 2024-10-27)
Final voting deadline: in 15 days
Votes: 98 Yes / 203 No / 11 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 435 Yes votes to become funded.
External information:
Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):
gobject vote-many a37d6839af45bffc5e151e6931efbd387a5dd97477f8cd7ee7917eac075b7182 funding yes

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Proposal description

This was created by mistake. It is superseded by DCD_RPC-Web-Proxy-Explorer_2024-Q4-fixed.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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