Proposal “DCD-JS-SDK-platform-support“ (Active)Back

Title:DCD JS SDK platform support
Monthly amount: 200 DASH (7975 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-12-27 / 2025-03-28 (added on 2025-01-12)
Final voting deadline: in 1 month
Votes: 266 Yes / 114 No / 33 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 156 Yes votes to become funded.
External information:
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Proposal description

I'm submitting two proposals:

  1. DCD JS SDK platform support (this one) - 200 DASH/month for 3 months
  2. DCD general development - 200 DASH/month for 3 months
I have several ideas for how I can add value in Dash, but I want to work on whatever the network wants me to prioritize.

I am confident I can make good progress on adding Platform support to our Dash SDK.

If the network would like me to work on this please vote for DCD JS SDK platform support (this one).

If the network would like to defer to my judgement please vote on DCD general development.

I am happy to have both pass, in which case I can allocate close to full-time and/or build a reserve which I can draw on when the network needs my support with anything.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,15 hours ago
Gotta get on this SDK thing even if there will be two. In my eyes, this is a back up plan in case DCG runs into problems that take an extra quarter.
Hopefully DCG can also glean insight from some of the work??
NOTE: DCG will have a more secure and integrated SDK that will link into platform better, I know this but the SDK is needed so badly for developers to interact with platform and we have interest in using Dash Platform now. Let’s feed that interest now!
4 points,1 day ago
I’m a government agent. And I’m a real person (yes, it’s possible).
And of course I’m voting yes!
2 points,15 hours ago
Please get the FED to buy up DASH till the price is at 30k, I mean, that won’t take a drop in a bucket compared to how much they’re printing off our backs!
1 point,18 hours ago
Yes from me.
3 points,1 day ago
Strong yes. Good luck!
3 points,4 days ago
I am supporting both your proposals, good luck !
-6 points,5 days ago
Who are you trying to convince here?

Dont you understand that the Dash is OCCUPIED by government agents?


leave this place asap.
-5 points,2 days ago
Having said that, let me clarify my personal opinion on your project.

Both Dash Platform AND Javascript language sucks.

You only tiny hope, WASM.
-4 points,2 days ago
You are writing code for MONEY, so formaly verificating your code and reproducable builting your code is essentiual and crutial.

The Platform is disctributed through the docker, and Javascript is not a language that can be formally verified.

Stop being an amateur, stop misleading the remaing honest voters here (because the majority is the government agents)